
@lihaosheng作为一个经常在家做饭的男人我说几个我碰到的情况1 普通电饭锅 可以少放点水因为米浆基本没有澎出2 高压电饭锅 靠减压阀排除气体减压(很糟糕)煮到一半 大量澎出米浆,,要放很多水3 高压电饭锅 保压 压力超过会断电(13年10月换的那个)比普通电饭锅 放的水还要少4 有些米比较黏糯,适当水可以多一点点5 据说二季稻的大米比较受水。 (我没觉得差多少)所以,,,慢慢试吧3-5次就试出来了知乎上朋友Kai Wang的答案:对常见留言进行回复1. 这样洗米营养会洗掉吗?会的,但不会全部洗掉。好吃的米饭能让你多吃菜,可以从菜中补取这部分的损失。2. 你照片拍的好好,你的锅好贵。 多谢各位赞美,我是搬运来的,图是原博主的图,文是原博主的文,我仅仅是翻译。我和你们一样对原博主怀有崇高的敬意。-------------------------------------我爸妈都是分割线--------------------------------------------谢邀。记得五年前刚出国的时候不会做饭,临走时我妈握着我的手,再三叮嘱,“记住,一指节”。自己尝试了几次以后,发现并不靠谱,只得加2/3指节的水,方得奇效。慢慢会做饭了以后,也便不再依赖手指了,而我的疑问跟题主的一样,就是三杯米和一杯米当然应该用的水量不一样。一年前回家我才明白为什么祖传指节奇术失效,对比我妈和我的手指长度,发现我第一指节比她的长好多。现在其实大多数家里都用电饭锅来煮饭了,而电饭锅上的刻度就是为了解决谁应该加多少的问题。一般来说上面都会标上1 cup, 1 1/2 cup之类的符号。实际操作的话就是如果你倒进1 cup米,你的水就应该加到1 cup那条线那里。这个cup应该是电饭锅自带的那个杯子的cup。这是一个大概的线,实际应该加多少应该根据自身喜好和米的种类来。譬如说long-grain和short-grain显然是不一样的,wild rice用水可以更少。不过烧个一两次应该也就明白了。当然,这只是最家庭的做法,如果还想进一步学怎么把米饭做到完美,我曾经收藏过一个关于怎么做米饭的博文。Japanese Cooking 101, Lesson 2: Prep and Cook A Great Bowl of Japanese Rice文章大概的意思是,一份好的(日式)米饭,不应该是“蓬”的,也不应该支离破碎,而是应该粒粒分明,并且稍微有点粘度。我觉得这还是挺符合中国人对米饭的要求的。很有借鉴价值。他用的是staub生铁锅。量好米,放进筛,筛下垫盆。调节自来水,让冷水细缓冲入米中。用手指在米中“温柔”得穿梭。水会变混,像牛奶一样。Run cold water from the tap at a fairly slow stream into the sieve/bowl. Rub the rice grainsgentlybetween your fingers. The water will turn very milky and opaque.把筛提出。千万不要把米浸泡在洗米水中,不然这些水会被米吸收,导致最后口感不净。请把这些洗米水倒掉。Lift the sieve out of the bowl. It’s important to not let the rice sit in that milky water, otherwise it will be re-absorbed into the grains and the cooked rice will not taste as clean as we want it to be. Discard the water in the bowl.重复冲水,手指拌米,筛干,倒去浑水的步骤,直到洗米水变得足够透明。不要太用力搓米,不然会把米粒搓断。Repeat the fill with clean water -& rub grains gently -& drain away the cloudy water steps, until the water in the bowl is pretty clear. (Don’t rub the grains together too hard or you may break them up, which is not the idea.)基本上重复4-5此以后,就差不多这么(下图)干净了。这就行了。如果你用的是vialone rice那么你可能需要多洗几遍。(不同的米表面含粉量会影响洗米次数)This about as clear as it should be. With most Japanese rice these days you only need to do the above 3 steps about 4-5 times, but if you’re using another rice such as vialone, you may need a couple more rinse cycles as it were.还想刚才一样,把洗米水倒掉。把筛架在盆上,让米粒静置15-30分钟。Drain the water away from the rice once again. Suspend the sieve over the bowl to let the rest of the water drain away from the rice, forat least 15 minutes. 30 minutes is ideal. (You use the bowl under the sieve to catch any dripping water, but if you have a sieve with legs you can just leave it in the sink.)以米饭比水1:1.1的量放入锅中。如果你的米已经放了一年多了,你要多加点水。应为刚才晾干米的过程中米损失了些水分,现在我们把米浸泡30-60分钟。这样水分可以充分浸透米粒,在煮的过程中,也会受热比较均匀。Put the rice and 410ml (1 3/4 U.S. cups) of water in the pot.This about 1.1 times the rice in volume. Note: If you have rice that’s been around for more than a year, add a bit more water (around 420ml) to compensate for the rice drying out. Leave the rice to saok forat least 30 minutes, 1 hour is ideal. Soaking the rice ensures that the moisture penetrates each grain, so that they cook evenly and thoroughly in a relatively short time without getting mushy or leaving a hard uncooked center.Some notes for the soaking stepYou can soak the rice for longer, up to a half-day or so. If you’re cooking rice for dinner, you can rinse the rice in the morning and cook it when you get home (or set the timer on your cooker accordingly). If you are cooking rice for a bento you’re going to be packing in the morning, rinse the rice and set it to soak at night.When the weather is very hot, it’s safest to soak the rice in the refrigerator, but othersise room temerature is fine.If you are in a big hurry you can skip or shorten the soaking time, but it will affect the texture of the rice. If you just don’t have time to soak the rice, add a tiny bit more water.If you have a rice cooker, put the drained rice in the bowl and add water up to the 2-cup level.If you have a high-end rice cookeryou just need to switch it on, since the cook cycles on these have the soaking time already built in. If you have a less expensive cooker that starts cooking the rice as soon as you switch it on, add some soaking time by setting a timer for 1 hour or more.)If you’re lucky enough to have new-harvest rice, you can shorten the soaking time to 15 minutes.浸泡米的时间可长可短,最长一天也没问题,但是如果天气比较热,你就放冰箱里泡。如果不是很热的天,室温就可以了。如果你不泡,这回影响米的质感。但是如果实在来不及的话,就多加点水吧。如果你用电饭锅,要看你电饭锅是不是“高级”。不管怎么样,请根据电饭锅说明来吧,有的电饭锅自带侵泡,你就不需要自己再泡了。如果你用的是新米,只需要泡15分钟就好。So we’ve soaked our rice. For this lesson we’ll be using asmall yet hefty cast-iron pot. You can use these instructions as-is if you are using a donabe (a pottery pot for cooking rice) or a tetsugama (an iron rice cooking pot). If you want to use afrying panto cook the rice, please followthe instructions on this page. The most important thing that all methods share is alid that sits quite securely on the cooking container.And of course, if you’re using a rice cooker you can just set it and let it do its thing.这次咱们用的是铸铁锅,因为盖子比较严丝合缝。如果你用电饭锅,就把一切都交给它吧。So we’ve now soaked our rice. Put the pot on the hob overmedium heat on the low side. If you’re using gas, the flame should be about this big in relation to the size of the pot. (For electric or IH, set the heat to a tick below medium.)用中小火加热。Now at this point, you can do as my mother advises:Set a kitchen timer for 12 minutes and forget about it until the timer goes off.This actually works pretty well. But if you want to fuss a bit over the pot and see how it progresses….煮12分钟。请无视其他主妇的唠叨。Let the pot heat. Do not open the lid. You should hear the pot start to boil. Eventually you should see steam coming out of the edges of the lid. (The photo doesn’t show this too well to be honest, but in person you’ll see it.)你会听见锅里面水滚的声音,最终会看见有蒸汽从盖缘漏出。(staub不是号称不损失水分的么?)Lower the heat a little bit more so it’s a bit stronger than a bare simmer, and set the timer for 7 minutes. (Actually if you just let it be, the boil time + simmer time does add up to around 12-13 minutes. Mother knows best!)这时候把火关小一点,让煮饭的水达到刚好沸腾,少量气泡上涌的状态,然后再煮7分钟。通过声音来调节,请不要打开锅盖。At thist point you really shouldn’t open the lid but if you must, take a peak. You should see that the water is gone, the rice looks shiny, and there are little steam holes all over the surface. You may see a few bubbles.7分钟完了以后,还是不要打开锅盖,如果你一定要打开看看,当我没说。Put the lid back on as quick as you can! Turn the heat off, andlet it rest for 10 to 20 minutes.关火,让米饭在锅中再呆个10-20分钟。Open the lid - your rice should look like this: perfectly cooked, the surface dotted with little steam holes. There should be no excess moisture left in the pan, but if there is, put the lid back on and put the heat up to high for 20 seconds. Note that this may brown the bottom of the rice a bit.开盖了了,Tada!!!(如下图)Stir up your rice with a rice paddle. Use the paddle to turn up the rice away from the sides and the bottom. The stirring-up process helps any remaining excess moisture to evaporate, so the rice grains don’t have a chance to get mushy. (Tip: this stirring-up is especially important if you are using a rice cooker and using the keep-warm function. If you don’t stir up the rice the bottom parts get rather water logged.)用米勺搅动一下米,把锅边缘和底部的米脱离开来。这样在米中多余的水蒸气可以散发出去,米就不会烂。这一步对于电饭锅来说尤其重要。Take a small bit of the rice. Note the texture, the color, the flavor…it should be very much like that microwave-packet rice. Grains separate, sticki sticking well together
and a very clean flavor.拿起一小撮米,仔细yy一下。你会发现米粒分明,但是他们能够略微黏在一起;轻轻挤压后会发现他们抱得更紧了;口感应该很纯净。And there you have it - a perfectly cooked bowl of Japanese rice…恭喜你,读完了。
Das Rennen ist gelaufen.生米煮成熟饭
Rennen意味:比赛,跑步。z.B. Autorennen汽车赛,Pferderennen赛马
ist gelaufen表示状态,已完成跑步。


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