
初三英语作文 《我已经不再是一个小孩了》 描写生活中克服困难的事 80词以上 快
I don't do anything,do not study hard,let parents worried.But now,I study very hard,also do some housework at home.Help parents do everything in one's power of some things,my grades are slowly improving.I think I have changed,I will no longer be a little naive child.I want to thank mom and dad's cultivation.我以前不作任何事,不努力学习,让父母很担忧.但现在我力学习,在家还会做一些家务.帮爸爸妈妈一些力所能及的事情,我的成绩也在慢慢的提高.我觉得我变了,我不再是一个什么都不懂的幼稚的小孩子了.
  I have a beautiful and hard-working mother.
  Mother's hair is inclined bang, long curly hair, ear lobe greatly, there is a hole! Estimation is wear earrings. Mother fine eyes, small nose, mouth, small and exquisite.
  My mother also boast. When mother bought new clothes will say to us: &beautiful?& We occasionally glance at replied &general& she didn't say anything, because she had already familiar.
  My mother some bad temper, she very fierce when the mood is bad, remember the last time I ask her: well mom this thesis how to write ah, she is very fierce of say: cannot go as documents by yourself, &I don't know, go away!& I think mother like a &bitch&, I was so sad.
  Although fierce, but my mother attaches great importance to my study. Me exam, my mother will be hanging from the contented smile on his face, even will reward me, I got bad, mother will carefully explain my wrong topic, until I understand, I suddenly felt very guilty and ashamed.
  I said that mom is very industrious beginning? Said I'll give you about my mother how industrious: my mother bear the all the housework every day. My mother want to go to work, she also try to do the housework. My mother do the housework wholeheartedly, not half-hearted.
  This is my mom, though a bit rude at ordinary times, but, I know my mother's heart is very love me.
  妈妈的发型是斜刘海,长长的卷发,耳垂大大的,还有一个洞呢!估计是戴耳环时弄的。妈妈眉清目秀,不大不小的鼻子 ,嘴巴小巧玲珑。
  I have a very kind mother.
  She has short black hair, dark hair, mixed with a few strands of white hair. With the eye excessive, so collapse collapse of the bridge of the nose with a pair of red frame glasses shelves. A mouth any mathematical smart answer can say it. Is a little short. In the eyes of others, she is not beautiful, but she is very beautiful in my heart is very tall.
  One evening when I came home from school, raining hard. Fellow students parents to meet, the remaining few students in the classroom. Mother arrived in a hurry to work from the unit at this moment, I'm glad to hide in under the umbrella of mother, we together with home. The rain under the bigger, but the rain do not pour me, good magic umbrella. My mother looked up and saw mom has more than half of wet body, the original mother always umbrella to stay on my side. I quickly pushed the mother's hand to her side, heavy rain shower to me immediately, and mom umbrella to stay on my side. At this time my face don't desire is tears or rain.
  Another time, we are mother and daughter go out to play, I play is widely accidentally broke his leg. Mother immediately lowered himself to carry me to the hospital, I look at her thin, small body, said: &I can own hobbled walk, don't back.& But mom does not agree, said: &not line, if broken, limping along can aggravate the condition.& So her back all the way back and take me to the hospital.
  This is my good mother, a very kind mother very love my mother.
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  an old man is sitting in the wheelchair,and a dog is serving  him with milk and food.Ironically,it is the dog that takes the responsibility to  attend the old man.We cannot help wonderinhg where the old man’s grown up  children are.It is they not the dog who should take good care of their old father.  The implied meaning of the picture is really provoking.It is quite true that  in our society there are some grown-up children who treat their old parents badly.When their old parents are too old to take care of themselves,they often view  them as a “burden” of their family life.They refuse either to support their  aging parents financially or to look after them.No doubt,this immoral behavior  of these grown-up children’s should be subject to social condemnation.  To respect the old has long been a traditional virtue of the Chinese people.  We should always bear in mind that we are much indebted to our parents in that  they not only gave us life but have done much to bringing us up.It is against conscience to escape from the responsibility to take care of our parents.Rather,  we should pay back for the love and care of our parents by making their later  years happy and enjoyable.o(∩_∩)o 记得采纳哦,感激不尽.★★★★★请及时给予好评或采纳,&(*^__^*)
  The man I respect most is my mother, my favorite person is my mother, is the mother gave me life, taught me to be the truth, my mother gave me selfless love, let me grow.
  My mother with a thick head of hair, round face, my mother's face like a red apple. Curved eyebrows, bright eyes, red lips, of medium height, very slim, about 30 years old, my mother is wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. My mother looks very beautiful, gentle, natural and graceful, has the compassion, careful, have what good things to me first.
  One day, my mother and I at the gore silk on the way home saw a grandpa in selling small fish, I hurriedly ran over and saw the ground with a variety of aquarium, fish tank are: the parrot fish, guppy, golden dragon fish, fish, etc. I said: &mom, let's buy a few small fish.& Mother said: &well, buy a few?& I say: &buy six fish!& We bought six guppy, careful, happily back home with the fish.
  Mother brush the fish tank clean, then I will gently put little fish in the fish tank, little fish into the fish tank, is happy to swim in the water, the mother said: &after that let you to raise a few small fish!& I say: &ha ha, good!& I know this is mom in training me, patience, love of animals, in the future be a useful person in society.
  Mother brought me a wonderful life, I have good good study, day day up and thanked my mother's support, there is only a mother good, have mama of children like a treasure.
  Mom this year early forties, but the years wind and frost in the walls deep wrinkles on her face.
  Mother is a national cadre. Brother six, outside the public is not rich, she didn't went to high school, in the county at the age of seventeen when the workers in a factory. Mother work very well, is evaluated many times the model workers. While working, learning, she also passed the adult self-taught examination. Afterwards, mother glory was employed as an official cadres.
  Mother frail since childhood, have been sick, life is very hard. At that time, the father in the villages and towns as the leadership, the work is very busy, poor transportation condition, and far from home. My mother to take care of the elder sister in elementary school, but also help the grandparents and maternal grandparents do some housework, your job and take off. My mother said to me: &work and life, although a little tired, life is very full.&
  Over the years, mom finally got rid of the disease, but her life is not easy. Dad work transferred to another county, my sister and I go to school in taiyuan, the old age at home are big. She ran in taiyuan to return home to see the old man, take care of my sister and I, ordinary life in lishi also arrange dad. So we have to ask for leave, serve the whole family. Every time I saw my mother running here and there, ah! My mother is very hard!
  Last winter vacation, mom didn't come to meet me, I really don't know what happened? Later dad told me, my mother had a small surgery. Dad and I hurried back to lishi, along the way my heart is going to to jump out. When I took my testimonials in her mother's bed, his eyes full of tears burst out of all of a sudden, I don't know what want to say to your mother! Mother looked at me, fell in tears, hold me tight in your arms, with her hands stroked my hardworking.
  My mother is diligent and kind. I love my mother!
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