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TICC256x器件是一款完整的BR/EDR/LEHCI 解决方案,此解决方案减轻了设计工作并可实现快速上市。 基于 TI 的第七代内核,器件实现了已经证明的解决方案,此解决方案支持4.0 双模式 (BR/EDR/LE)协议。
TI 的电源管理硬件和软件算法大大节省了所有广泛使用的BR/EDR/LE模式运行的能耗。
当与一个 MCU 器件耦合时,这个 HCI 器件为以下应用提供业界最佳的 RF 性能:
借助于传输功率和接收敏感度,相对于其它只支持 BLE 的解决方案,这个解决方案提供大约 2 倍的业界最佳范围。 TI 提供的一款无版权软件堆栈被与 TI MSP430 和 Stellaris MCU 预先集成在一起。 TI 的合作伙伴 Stonestreet One 也通过 MFi 解决方案和其它 MCU 提供此堆栈 ()。 目前支持的一些配置包括:
串行端口配置 (SPP)
高级音频分配配置 (A2DP)
几个 BLE 配置(根据支持的 MCU,这些配置会发生变化)
除了软件,这个解决方案包含一个使用低 BOM 成本的参考设计。 与用于的 TI 无线平台解决方案有关的更多信息,请参阅 TI 无线连接维基 (Wiki) 网站 (/connectivitywiki)。
显示了 CC256x 系列产品成员。
单片蓝牙 Smart Ready解决方案集成了基本速率 (BR) / 增强型数据速率 (EDR) / 低功耗 (LE)并且与蓝牙 4.0 技术规范(直到 HCI 层)兼容
BR/EDR 特性包括:
分散网:同时具有 3 个微微网,1 个作为主控网和 2 个作为受控网
在同一个或者不同微微网上具有多达 2 个 同步面向 (SCO) 连接
支持所有语音编码-连续可变斜率增量调制 (CVSD),A 规则,μ 规则和透明传输(未编码)
LE 特性包括:
支持多达 6 个同步连接
针对 LE 的独立缓冲可实现大量多重连接而又不会影响 BR/EDR 性能。
包括针对 BR/EDR 和 LE 的内置共存和优先级处理
单端50ΩRF 接口
封装尺寸:76 引脚,0.6mm 焊球间距,8.10mm x 7.83mm多行四方扁平无引线 (mrQFN) 封装
业界最佳的(RF) 性能(TX 电源,RX 灵敏度,阻断)
类 1.5" TX 功率高达 +12dBm
内部温度检测和补偿以确保温度范围内 RF 性能的最小变化,而无需外部校准
已改进的 AFH 算法,最大程度地缩短了采用时间
提供更长的范围,包括 2 倍于其它只支持 BLE 解决方案的范围
H4 UART 上的标准 HCI,最大速率 4Mbps
完全可编程数字 PCM-I2S 编解码器接口
【供应】:一级代理,提供全套技术服务,电话:【供应】:电池保护芯片,原装一级代理。需求联系:【供应】:全新原装,特价供应中。【供应】:全新原装,现货供应,特价,可提供技术支持和样品支持。【供应】:全新原装,现货供应,特价,可提供技术支持和样品支持。【供应】:特价供应中,欢迎联系:【供应】:全新原装,特价供应【供应】:TICC256x器件是一款完整的BR/EDR/LEHCI 解决方案,此解决方案减轻了设计工作并可实现快速上市。 基于 TI 的第七代内核,器件实现了已经证明的解决方案,此解决方案支持4.0 双模式 (BR/EDR/LE)协议【供应】: TICC256x器件是一款完整的BR/EDR/LEHCI 解决方案,此解决方案减轻了设计工作并可实现快速上市。 基于 TI 的第七代内核,器件实现了已经证明的解决方案,此解决方案支持4.0 双模式 (BR/EDR/LE)协议。【供应】:bq5105x是一个高效率无线电源接收器LI-ION/LI-POL用于便携式应用的电池充电控制器。 bq5105x器件提供了高效率的AC/ DC电源转换,集成了数字控制器与齐V1.1通信协议和所有必要的控制算法所需的高效,安全的锂离子电池和锂聚合物电池充电器必须遵守。
&免责声明:(1)以上所展示的信息由企业自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责,五金商机网对此不承担任何保证责任。我们原则上建议您优先选择“信易通”会员合作! (2)同时我们郑重提醒各位买/卖家,交易前请详细核实对方身份,切勿随意打款或发货,谨防上当受骗。如发现虚假信息,请向本网举报。&CC2500发送数据时,硬件仿真一直停在while (!(TI_CC_GDO0_PxIN&TI_CC_GDO0_PIN)); - 硬件, 射频和私有技术 - 无线连接 - 德州仪器在线技术支持社区
CC2500发送数据时,硬件仿真一直停在while (!(TI_CC_GDO0_PxIN&TI_CC_GDO0_PIN));
<input type="hidden" id="hGroupID" value="24"
现在,我在用&a href=&.cn/product/cn/MSP430F2013& target=&extwin&>MSP430F2013&/a>控制2.4GHZ &a href=&.cn/product/cn/CC2500& target=&extwin&>CC2500&/a>的收发,在调试时,SPI可以与&a href=&.cn/product/cn/CC2500& target=&extwin&>CC2500&/a>通信,但在发送时,硬件仿真就一直停在了&&while (!(TI_CC_GDO0_PxIN&TI_CC_GDO0_PIN));// Wait GDO0 to go hi -& sync TX&#39;ed/&这句话上,一直没找到原因,不知道是我的&a href=&.cn/product/cn/CC2500& target=&extwin&>CC2500&/a>寄存器错误还是其他什么原因,我提供一下部分程序,希望能为我指点一下:&/p>
&p>//*********************************CC2500RF引脚定义***********************************//&br>#define TI_CC_GDO0_PxOUT & & & &P2OUT//GDO0--P2.6&br>#define TI_CC_GDO0_PxIN & & & & & &P2IN&br>#define TI_CC_GDO0_PxREN & & & &P2REN&br>#define TI_CC_GDO0_PxDIR & & & & P2DIR&br>#define TI_CC_GDO0_PxSEL & & & &P2SEL&br>#define TI_CC_GDO0_PxIE & & & & & &P2IE&&br>#define TI_CC_GDO0_PxIES & & & & P2IES&br>#define TI_CC_GDO0_PxIFG & & & & P2IFG&br>#define TI_CC_GDO0_PIN & & & & & & 0x40&/p>
&p>#define TI_CC_GDO1_PxOUT & & & &P1OUT//GDO1 SOMI--P1.7&br>#define TI_CC_GDO1_PxIN & & & & & & P1IN&br>#define TI_CC_GDO1_PxDIR & & & & &P1DIR&br>#define TI_CC_GDO1_PIN & & & & & & & 0x80&/p>
&p>extern void writeRFSettings(void);&br>extern void RFSendPacket(char *txBuffer, char size);&br>extern char RFReceivePacket(char *rxBuffer, char *length);&/p>
&p>#include &RFID.h&&/p>
&p>char txBuffer[4]={0x55;0xAA;0x55;0xAA};&br>char rxBuffer[4];&/p>
&p>void main (void)&br>{ &br> WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop WDT&br> &br> CLOCK_Init(); //时钟初始化&br> IO_Init(); //I/O初始化&br>TI_CC_SPISetup(); //SPI端口初始化&br>TI_CC_PowerUpResetCC2500(); //复位&a href=&.cn/product/cn/CC2500& target=&extwin&>CC2500&/a>&br>writeRFSettings(); //写RF配置寄存器&br>TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(PATABLE, paTable); //Write PATABLE 0dbm POWER&/p>
&p>TI_CC_GDO0_PxREN & & &=~ &TI_CC_GDO0_PIN;&br>TI_CC_GDO0_PxDIR & & &&=~ &TI_CC_GDO0_PIN;&/p>
&p>&br> while(1)&br>{&br> /WDTCTL = WDT_ARST_1000; // 开看门狗防止发送死机&br> RFSendPacket(txBuffer, 4); // Send value over RF&br>WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop WDT&br> } &br>}&/p>
&p>//*********************************&a href=&.cn/product/cn/CC2500& target=&extwin&>CC2500&/a>发送函数***********************************//&/p>
&p>void RFSendPacket(char *txBuffer, char size)&/p>
&p>{&br> //TI_CC_SPIStrobe(SIDLE);&br> //TI_CC_SPIStrobe(SFTX); //clear txBuffer&br> TI_CC_SPIWriteBurstReg(TXFIFO, txBuffer, size); // Write TX data&br> TI_CC_SPIStrobe(STX); // Change state to TX, initiating&/p>
&p>while (!(TI_CC_GDO0_PxIN&TI_CC_GDO0_PIN));// Wait GDO0 to go hi -& sync TX&#39;ed//、、、、、硬件仿真时就停在这儿了&/p>
&p>if(TI_CC_GDO0_PxIN&TI_CC_GDO0_PIN) & P1OUT ^=0X02;&br> while (TI_CC_GDO0_PxIN&TI_CC_GDO0_PIN);// Wait GDO0 to clear -& end of pkt//&br>}&/p>
&p>还有想问一下,如果操作&a href=&.cn/product/cn/CC2500& target=&extwin&>CC2500&/a>工作的话,需配置好哪些基础寄存器,比如同步字的寄存器,发送包长度等等一些重要的,麻烦各位了,谢谢!!&/p>&div style=&clear:&>&/div>" />
CC2500发送数据时,硬件仿真一直停在while (!(TI_CC_GDO0_PxIN&TI_CC_GDO0_PIN));
All Replies
现在,我在用控制2.4GHZ 的收发,在调试时,SPI可以与通信,但在发送时,硬件仿真就一直停在了&&while (!(TI_CC_GDO0_PxIN&TI_CC_GDO0_PIN));// Wait GDO0 to go hi -& sync TX&#39;ed/&这句话上,一直没找到原因,不知道是我的寄存器错误还是其他什么原因,我提供一下部分程序,希望能为我指点一下:
//*********************************CC2500RF引脚定义***********************************//#define TI_CC_GDO0_PxOUT & & & &P2OUT//GDO0--P2.6#define TI_CC_GDO0_PxIN & & & & & &P2IN#define TI_CC_GDO0_PxREN & & & &P2REN#define TI_CC_GDO0_PxDIR & & & & P2DIR#define TI_CC_GDO0_PxSEL & & & &P2SEL#define TI_CC_GDO0_PxIE & & & & & &P2IE&#define TI_CC_GDO0_PxIES & & & & P2IES#define TI_CC_GDO0_PxIFG & & & & P2IFG#define TI_CC_GDO0_PIN & & & & & & 0x40
#define TI_CC_GDO1_PxOUT & & & &P1OUT//GDO1 SOMI--P1.7#define TI_CC_GDO1_PxIN & & & & & & P1IN#define TI_CC_GDO1_PxDIR & & & & &P1DIR#define TI_CC_GDO1_PIN & & & & & & & 0x80
extern void writeRFSettings(void);extern void RFSendPacket(char *txBuffer, char size);extern char RFReceivePacket(char *rxBuffer, char *length);
#include &RFID.h&
char txBuffer[4]={0x55;0xAA;0x55;0xAA};char rxBuffer[4];
void main (void){
CLOCK_Init(); //时钟初始化 IO_Init(); //I/O初始化TI_CC_SPISetup(); //SPI端口初始化TI_CC_PowerUpResetCC2500(); //复位writeRFSettings(); //写RF配置寄存器TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(PATABLE, paTable); //Write PATABLE 0dbm POWER
while(1){ /WDTCTL = WDT_ARST_1000; // 开看门狗防止发送死机 RFSendPacket(txBuffer, 4); // Send value over RFWDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop WDT } }
void RFSendPacket(char *txBuffer, char size)
{ //TI_CC_SPIStrobe(SIDLE); //TI_CC_SPIStrobe(SFTX); //clear txBuffer TI_CC_SPIWriteBurstReg(TXFIFO, txBuffer, size); // Write TX data TI_CC_SPIStrobe(STX); // Change state to TX, initiating
while (!(TI_CC_GDO0_PxIN&TI_CC_GDO0_PIN));// Wait GDO0 to go hi -& sync TX&#39;ed//、、、、、硬件仿真时就停在这儿了
if(TI_CC_GDO0_PxIN&TI_CC_GDO0_PIN) & P1OUT ^=0X02; while (TI_CC_GDO0_PxIN&TI_CC_GDO0_PIN);// Wait GDO0 to clear -& end of pkt//}
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uint8_t MRFI_Transmit(mrfiPacket_t * pPacket, uint8_t txType){#ifdef NWK_PLL&&& bspIState_#endif& uint8_t ccaR& uint8_t returnValue = MRFI_TX_RESULT_SUCCESS;& /* radio must be awake to transmit */& MRFI_ASSERT( mrfiRadioState != MRFI_RADIO_STATE_OFF );& /* Turn off reciever. We can ignore/drop incoming packets during transmit. */& Mrfi_RxModeOff();& MRFI_PrepareToTx( pPacket );& /* ------------------------------------------------------------------&& *&&& Immediate transmit&& *&& ---------------------&& */& if (txType == MRFI_TX_TYPE_FORCED)& {//#ifdef NWK_PLL//&&& BSP_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION(s);//#endif//&&& MRFI_CompleteTxPrep( pPacket );#ifdef NWK_PLL&&& do&&& {&&& BSP_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION(s);&&&&& if( stx_active == false ) // if the channel was changed&&&&& {&&&&&&& BSP_EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION(s);&&&&&&& Mrfi_RxModeOff();&&&&&&&&&&& // turn off the radio&&&&&&& MRFI_PrepareToTx( pPacket ); // setup transmission again&&&&&&& // restart the loop&&&&& }&&& MRFI_CompleteTxPrep( pPacket );&&& } while( 0 );#endif&&& /* Issue the TX strobe. */&&& mrfiSpiCmdStrobe( STX );#ifdef NWK_PLL&&& BSP_EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION(s);#endif&&& /* Wait for transmit to complete */&&& Mrfi_DelayUsecLong( MRFI_MAX_TRANSMIT_TIME_us / 1000,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& MRFI_MAX_TRANSMIT_TIME_us % 1000,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& mrfi_TxImmediateDone );&&& /* Clear the interrupt flag */&&& MRFI_CLEAR_SYNC_PIN_INT_FLAG();& }& else& {&&& /* ------------------------------------------------------------------&&&& *&&& CCA transmit&&&& *&& ---------------&&&& */&&& MRFI_ASSERT( txType == MRFI_TX_TYPE_CCA );&&& /* set number of CCA retries */&&& ccaRetries = MRFI_CCA_RETRIES;&&& /* For CCA algorithm, we need to know the transition from the RX state to&&&& * the TX state. There is no need for SYNC signal in this logic. So we&&&& * can re-configure the GDO_0 output from the radio to be PA_PD signal&&&& * instead of the SYNC signal.&&&& * Since both SYNC and PA_PD are used as falling edge interrupts, we&&&& * don&#39;t need to reconfigure the MCU input.&&&& */&&& MRFI_CONFIG_GDO0_AS_PAPD_SIGNAL();&&& /* ===============================================================================&&&& *&&& Main Loop&&&& *& =============&&&& */&&& for (;;)&&& {&&&&& /* Radio must be in RX mode for CCA to happen.&&&&&& * Otherwise it will transmit without CCA happening.&&&&&& */&&&&& /* Can not use the Mrfi_RxModeOn() function here since it turns on the&&&&&& * Rx interrupt, which we don&#39;t want in this case.&&&&&& */&&&&& mrfiSpiCmdStrobe( SRX );&&&&& /* wait for the rssi to be valid. */#ifdef MRFI_TIMER_ALWAYS_ACTIVE&&&&& MRFI_WaitTimeoutUsec(MRFI_RSSI_VALID_DELAY_US, Mrfi_ValidateRSSI);#else // MRFI_TIMER_ALWAYS_ACTIVE&&&&& MRFI_RSSI_VALID_WAIT();#endif // MRFI_TIMER_ALWAYS_ACTIVE#ifdef NWK_PLL&&&&&&& BSP_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION(s);&&&&&&& if( stx_active == false ) // if the channel was changed&&&&&&& {&&&&&&&&& BSP_EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION(s);&&&&&&&&& Mrfi_RxModeOff();&&&&&&&&&&& // turn off the radio&&&&&&&&& MRFI_PrepareToTx( pPacket ); // setup transmission again&&&&&&&&& // restart the cca loop&&&&&&& }&&&&& MRFI_CompleteTxPrep( pPacket );#endif&&&&& /*&&&&&& *& Clear the PA_PD pin interrupt flag.& This flag, not the interrupt itself,&&&&&& *& is used to capture the transition that indicates a transmit was started.&&&&&& *& The pin level cannot be used to indicate transmit success as timing may&&&&&& *& prevent the transition from being detected.& The interrupt latch captures&&&&&& *& the event regardless of timing.&&&&&& */&&&&& MRFI_CLEAR_PAPD_PIN_INT_FLAG();&&&&& /* Issue the TX strobe. */&&&&& mrfiSpiCmdStrobe( STX );#ifdef NWK_PLL&&&&& BSP_EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION(s);#endif&&&&& /* Delay long enough for the PA_PD signal to indicate a&&&&&& * successful transmit. This is the 250 XOSC periods&&&&&& * (9.6 us for a 26 MHz crystal) See section 19.6 of 2500 datasheet.&&&&&& * Found out that we need a delay of atleast 20 us on
and&&&&&& * 25 us on
to see the PA_PD signal change.&&&&&& */&&&&& Mrfi_DelayUsec(25);&&&&& /* PA_PD signal goes from HIGH to LOW when going from RX state.&&&&&& * This transition is trapped as a falling edge interrupt flag&&&&&& * to indicate that CCA passed and the transmit has started.&&&&&& */&&&&& if (MRFI_PAPD_INT_FLAG_IS_SET())&&&&& {&&&&&&& /* ------------------------------------------------------------------&&&&&&& *&&& Clear Channel Assessment passed.&&&&&&& *&& ----------------------------------&&&&&&& */&&&&&&& /* Clear the PA_PD int flag */&&&&&&& MRFI_CLEAR_PAPD_PIN_INT_FLAG();&&&&&&& Mrfi_DelayUsecLong( MRFI_MAX_TRANSMIT_TIME_us / 1000,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& MRFI_MAX_TRANSMIT_TIME_us % 1000,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& mrfi_TxCCADone );&&&&&&& /* transmit done, break */&&&&&&&&&&&& }&&&&& else&&&&& {&&&&&&& /* ------------------------------------------------------------------&&&&&&&& *&&& Clear Channel Assessment failed.&&&&&&&& *&& ----------------------------------&&&&&&&& */&&&&&&& /* Turn off radio and save some power during backoff */&&&&&&& /* NOTE: Can&#39;t use Mrfi_RxModeOff() - since it tries to update the&&&&&&&& * sync signal status which we are not using during the TX operation.&&&&&&&& */&&&&&&& MRFI_STROBE_IDLE_AND_WAIT();&&&&&&& /* flush the receive FIFO of any residual data */&&&&&&& mrfiSpiCmdStrobe( SFRX );&&&&&&& /* Retry ? */&&&&&&& if (ccaRetries != 0)&&&&&&& {#ifdef MRFI_TIMER_ALWAYS_ACTIVE&&&&&&&&& stx_active =#endif&&&&&&&&& /* delay for a random number of backoffs */&&&&&&&&& Mrfi_RandomBackoffDelay();&&&&&&&&& MRFI_PrepareToTx( pPacket ); // setup transmission again&&&&&&&&& /* decrement CCA retries before loop continues */&&&&&&&&& ccaRetries--;&&&&&&& }&&&&&&& else /* No CCA retries are left, abort */&&&&&&& {&&&&&&&&& /* set return value for failed transmit and break */&&&&&&&&& returnValue = MRFI_TX_RESULT_FAILED;&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& }&&&&& } /* CCA Failed */&&& } /* CCA loop */& }/* txType is CCA */& /* Done with TX. Clean up time... */& /* Radio is already in IDLE state */#ifdef NWK_PLL& stx_active =& // Packet transmitted, regardless of packet type, remove reference.& sTxTimeStampAddr = NULL;#endif& /*&& * Flush the transmit FIFO.& It must be flushed so that&& * the next transmit can start with a clean slate.&& */& mrfiSpiCmdStrobe( SFTX );& /* Restore GDO_0 to be SYNC signal */& MRFI_CONFIG_GDO0_AS_SYNC_SIGNAL();& /* If the radio was in RX state when transmit was attempted,&& * put it back to Rx On state.&& */& if(mrfiRadioState == MRFI_RADIO_STATE_RX)& {&&& Mrfi_RxModeOn();& }& return( returnValue );}
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