什么是三段式作文老师让写三段式作文 老师不知道的趣事作文是什么

开头4:关爱是一盏明灯,照亮了人们前进的道路;关爱是一艘小船,把人们带到爱的彼岸;关爱是一把火,温暖了人们的心。随着关爱的脚步,我轻轻地打开记忆的闸门。 结尾1:这件事虽小,但却给我留下了深刻的印象,一支水笔凝聚着我和小宜之间真挚的友谊。
重点诠释 :
注意:要学会使用过渡词。过渡词犹如“桥梁”和“粘合剂 ”。恰当地使用过渡词可避免结构松散,层次分明,表意不清等弊端,使文章条理清楚,文字连贯流畅。常用的过渡词有:
递进型: also, (and)besides, what’s more, moreover, furthermore, in addition, even, what’s worse, worse still, to make matters worse, for the worse, not only,,but also等;
解释型:that is (to say), in other words, or, namely, if fact, in reality, as a matter of fact等;
转折型:however, but, yet, nevertheless, instead, on the contrary,on the other hand 等;
列举型:firstly,,secondly,,finally, on the one hand, on the other hand, for one thing, for another 等
举例型:for example, for instance, such as, that is, like, take,, for example等;
因果型:because (of), since, now that, thanks to, thus, therefore, as a result (consequence),so,, that, so that等;
让步型:though, although, in spite of, despite 等;
顺序型:first,,next,,and then,,finally, first,,then,,after that,,finally 等;
并列型:and, both,,and, or, either,,or, as well as, 等
时间型:afterwards, soon, later, the moment/ immediately/ on doing, hardly,,when, no sooner,,than 等
总结型:in a word, to sum up, in short, on the whole, in conclusion 等{关爱初中三段式作文}.见解型:in my opinion, personally speaking, as far as I am concerned,I’m sure 等
条件型:if, as long as, so long as, on condition that , unless 等
写作典例 :
英汉词典 新华字典
(字) 18000(英语)
20000 (汉语) 10000
价格 52元 11元
特点 大量例子,用法说明,适合初学者 中国最常用的汉语字典
1. 词数:80左右;
2.参考词汇:推荐 英汉词典The English-Chinese Dictionary (ECE);
新华字典 Xinhua Dictionary (XD)
Dear Steve,
分析:此篇书面表达属于实物说明文,其篇章结构可按三段式进行写作。本文的第一段,可用直接的叙述“I’m so pleased to learn that you and your classmates are learning Chinese”.正文即可作为第二段,其主要内容是对两本词典的一些介绍。结束语即可作为第三段。应将两本词典的特点表达准确,以便加拿大笔友 Steve作出合理选择。表达时,文章的基本时态可考虑用一般现在时。
Dear Steve,
I’m so pleased to learn that you and your classmates are learning
I’d like to recommend the following two dictionaries.The English-Chinese Dictionary is really a good one for beginners. It has 18,000 English words and 20,000 Chinese words, besides plenty of examples, it has many notes telling you how to use a word. Xinhua Dictionary is the most popular Chinese dictionary, and it has a vocabulary fo 10,000 words. It may also be useful to some advanced learners of Chinese. Of the two, ECD is more expensive. It costs 52 yuan,and XD costs 11 yuan.
Please let me know if you want me to buy one for you.
Li Yue记事作文在三段式结构中的安排关爱初中三段式作文篇三
( 1)、有哪位小朋友知道三段式结构中主体段需要放什么东西?
( 2)、材料是什么呢?是生活中所发生的事情。
( 3)、既然是写事情,有哪位聪明的小朋友知道,写事情时必
( 4)、恩,看来精品班的同学果然是不错,非常的聪明。刚才{关爱初中三段式作文}.小朋友所说的呢就是记事的四要素:时间、地点、人物、事件。
一、 三段式作文的结构安排
Reduce Waste on Campus
There has been a discussion recently about waste on campus. It is obvious that a great loss of precious resources, such as water and electricity have been caused by waste. Additionally, our waste adds our parents and society a burden. So it is high time that we took actions to reduce the waste on campus.
First of all, we should stop wasting water when we bath, or clean faces, or wash clothes and dishes. The reason is that there is a great shortage of water in the word. Secondly, we should be economical. That is to say, when go shopping, we should buy only what we really need. Thirdly, we should turn off the light when we leave dorms or classrooms so as to save electricity as much as possible.
In fact, more than three ways can be adopted. As for me, the cultivation of good habit of thrift is most important for all of us. All in all, every college student should join in the efforts to combat the waste on campus.
3. 问题解决型模板三(2000年1月)
How to Succeed in a Job Interview?
① Nowadays, there is a growing concern on the interview at job market. ② It is obvious/certain that the interview is indispensable for getting a job. ③ However, some people have not realized the importance of the interview.
④ It will cause many serious results if a candidate ignore the importance of the interview. ⑤ First of all, the interviewer know about the candidates in an interview. ⑥ Secondly, the interviewee can get necessary information directly. ⑦. Finally, excellent performance in an interview will enable the interviewee to secure a job.
⑧ In spite of all these, there are still many ways for an interviewee to adopt. ⑨ First of all, the interviewee must demonstrate his aptitudes and skills
for the job. ⑩.In addition, the interviewee ought to be honest about his personal details. ⑾.Thirdly, the interviewee should act as properly as possible. ⑿.Only in this way can he succeed in an interview. 2. 为什么有些人在该说“不”的时候不说“不”;? 3. 该说“不”时不说“不”的坏处。??
Don’t Hesitate to Say “No”
It is believed that we should directly say “No” on many occasions. The truth is deep and profound./The truth of it is self-evident. As we know, when we cannot offer help, we should tell the truth to others. Consequently, we should not hesitate to say “No”.{关爱初中三段式作文}.A case in point is the daily behavior of us. This is close to suggest that it is always not easy to say “No”. It is true that people often prefer to say “Yes” for fear of hurting others. Moreover/In addition, many people think that refusal usually means inability.
All mentioned above tells us that it is hard for us to say “No” when we need to. As a matter of fact, others will misunderstand our situation when we lie by saying “Yes”. There is no denying that we will really hurt them when we fail to help them in the end. In short, everybody should learn to say “No” directly.
It Pays to Be Honest
It is believed that many dishonesties, such as cheating, overcharging, fake commodities, etc. ruin our normal life, and they maintain that being honest is not only beneficial to others but also to oneself. The truth is deep and profound. As we know, if one is honest, other people will deeply respect him or her, and are willing to make friends with him or her. In addition, being honest can make people’s life easier and more harmonious.
There are numerous examples supporting the argument. A case in point is that Singapore which is a society of trustworthiness and integrity has a comparatively low criminal rate. This is close to suggest that honesty can make our society more stable, and all people can live a peaceful life there. For another example, buyers usually like to make a deal with the dealers they trust. Moreover, the dealer, such as Tongrentang Herbal Medicine Shop which runs business honestly is more likely survive the fierce market competition.
All mentioned above tell us that it is high time that we took action to fight against dishonesty. But one thing we have to notice is that sometimes we need white lies to comfort the patients who have suffered serious illness. In short, we should let the dishonesty have no place to stay in our society.
庐山烟雨浙江潮, (一){关爱初中三段式作文}.未到千般恨难消。
(二) 庭院不知人去尽,
南方熏风吹来。花枝繁茂,一枝斜出,诗情画意。 赏花的人去那儿了……是觅食、避疫,还是亡故,空留下
今月曾经照古人。 那超越时间和方所的空灵,扫荡了一切尘念计执。人生的河流,相继远去,迁流变汰中洗却的是我执和贫念,留下的是亘古不变的山川月华。
他们的灵魂在那儿栖息! 天地无言,时光如流。唯那横遍十文,穿越三际的空灵能透露些许消休,欲诉说生命的本源。
1 三段式作文法
1. 第一段开门见山,提出要解决的问题或观点,或者把时间,地点,人物和主要事件及时点出。
2. 第二段要摆出事实或提出论据,或者把事情发展的经过详细写出来。
3. 最后一段,得出结论或理由。
注意:要学会使用过渡词。过渡词犹如“桥梁”和“粘合剂 ”。恰当地使用过渡词可避免结构松散,层次分明,表意不清等弊端,使文章条理清楚,文字连贯流畅。
递进型: also, (and)besides, what’s more, moreover, furthermore, in addition, even, what’s worse, worse still, to make matters worse, for the worse,
not only ,,but also等;
解释型:that is (to say), in other words, or,namely, if fact, in reality, as a matter of fact等; 转折型:however, but, yet, nevertheless, instead, on the coutrary,on the other hand 等;
列举型:firstly,,secondly,,finally, on the one hand, on the other hand, for one thing, for another
举例型:for example, for instance, such as, that is, like, take,, for example等;
因果型:because (of), since, now that, thanks to, thus, therefore, as a result
(consequence),so,, that,
so that等;
让步型:though, although, in spite of, despite 等;
顺序型:first,,next,,and then,,finally, first,,then,,after that,,finally 等;
并列型:and, both,,and, or, either,,or, as well as,
时间型:afterwards, soon, later, the moment/ immediately/ on doing, hardly,,when, no sooner,,
总结型:in a word, to sum up, in short, on the whole, in conclusion 等
见解型:in my opinion, personally speaking, as far as I am concerned,I’m sure 等 条件型:if, as long as, so long as, on condition that , unless 等
(字) 18000(英语)
20000 (汉语) 10000
特点 大量例子,用法说明,适合初学者 中国最常用的汉语字典
2.参考词汇:推荐 英汉词典The English-Chinese Dictionary (ECE); 新华字典 Xinhua Dictionary (XD)
Dear Steve,
分析:此篇书面表达属于实物说明文,其篇章结构可按三段式进行写作。本文的第一段,可用直接的叙述“I’m so pleased to learn that you and your classmates are learning Chinese”.正文即可作为第二段,其主要内容是对两本词典的一些介绍。结束语即可作为第三段。应将两本词典的特点表达准确,以便加拿大笔友Steve作出合理选择。表达时,文章的基本时态可考虑用一般现在时。
Dear Steve,
I’m so pleased to learn that you and your classmates are learning Chinese.
I’d like to recommend the following two dictionaries.The English-Chinese Dictionary is really a good one for beginners. It has 18,000 English words and 20,000 Chinese words, besides plenty of examples, it has many notes telling you how to use a word. Xinhua Dictionary is the most popular Chinese dictionary, and it has a vocabulary fo 10,000 words. It may also be useful to some advanced learners of Chinese. Of the two, ECD is more expensive. It costs 52 yuan,and XD costs 11 yuan. 新华字典
Please let me know if you want me to buy one for you.
1) 人们以为淡水是取之不尽的
2) 实际上淡水是非常紧张的
3) 人类应该怎样办
Global Shortage of Fresh Water
Many people believe that the world’s supply of fresh water will never be used up. They think that fresh water comes from such a variety of sources that it is always sufficient for use. Such an opinion leads to a shocking waste of water.
As a matter of fact, the earth is short of fresh water. Furthermore, with the rapid growth of the world population, the rising demand for water by industry, and the serious pollution of our surroundings, the world is facing the ganger of running out of fresh water. Actually, in some big cities, fresh water can not meet the daily needs.
Therefore, to find new ways to save water is an urgent task. First, we should pass strict laws to control any waste of water. Second, scientists must work even harder to purify sea water, and try to find substitute to reduce the use of fresh water.
2.词数: 120左右.
Dear Editor:{关爱初中三段式作文}.I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about whether students retake classes after failing the college entrance examination.
Yours truly,
Dear Editor,
I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about whether students retake classes after failing the college entrance examination.
Opinions are various on the question. Many students are against the idea of retaking classes. They think it unfair for the students who take the exam for the first time. Besides, it also adds the family burden. So many of them suffer mental pressure as well as economic problems. Others think that it can be done because through one more year of hard study, they can make better preparations and may get a chance to enter their ideal universities. After all, the kind of university they enter, an important turning point in life, will directly affect their future employment.
However, I think, this depends on different situations. If one student has no chance to be admitted to one university, maybe he can choose to retake classes.
Yours truly,
现象 1.根据最近调查,约25%的大学生打零工
注意: 1.词数:120左右。文章的开头已为你写好。
2.参考词汇: 调查
According to a recent survey,__________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
According to a recent survey, about 25 percent of college students have a part-time job.During summer vacation, this figure will increase to 72 percent. College students are working as tutors, waiters or salesmen.
Why do they want part-time jobs?First,they want to earn money to help cover the increasingly higher college tuition. Second, they hope to be economically independent and buy whatever they want. Third,
In my opinion, by doing part-time jobs, college students can gain some society experience and broaden their outlook. What’s more, part-time jobs can provide them with a valuable chance/opportunity to know the outside world. So it’s of great significance for college students to do part-time jobs.
4.最近,网上展开一场关于“教科书是否要循环使用”的辩论。假如你是Li Hua,请你向报社写信谈谈你自己的一些想法。要点如下:
has been the order of the day. This does demonstrate the theory —— nothing is more valuable than XX。
, as a result, your dreams will turns out that all your plan falls through. No one can deny another fact that
.You don't have to look very far to find out the truth, in respect that we
1、XX的第一个优点 2、支持XX的做法 3、不支持XX的做法
4、XX的第二个优点 5、举例证明优点二 6、说明XX优点三的影响 说明原因型模块 (二)
. Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social protects?
For one thing, .For another, . What is more, To solve the problem is not easy at all, but is worth trying. We should do something such as to improve the present situation, and I do believe everything will be better in the future.
Some people believe (argue, recognize, But . As for me, I agree to the former/latter idea. There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all, . More Most .
In summary,
。或From above, we can predict that 预测
the opinion that. While others point out thatAs far as I am concerned, the former/latter opinion holds more weight. For one 据3
. As a college student, I am supposed to 心
。或From above, we can predict that 预测
。Some people are of the view that.
As far as I am concerned, the former/latter notion is preferable in many senses. The reasons are obvious. First of . . Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest. That is,
A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that
。As a college student, I am supposed to / 或者选择( From above, we can predict that 。)
Nowadays, there is a hot debate over (the issue that)___作文题目______. There are both advantages and disadvantages in __题目议题_____. It’s said that there are several advantages as follows. Firstly, ___优点一______.
And secondly ___优点二_____.
Just As a popular saying goes, &every coin has two sides&, __讨论议题______ is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. Firstly , ___缺点一______. In addition,
To sum up, we should try to make best use of
the advantages of __讨论议题____, and reduce the disadvantages. Currently, there is a hot debate over (the issue that)__作文题目_______ . We must take some measures to solve this problem.
As we know that there are many steps to solve this problem. First of all, __途径一______. In addition, ___途径二_____.
Above all, to solve the problem of ___作文题目______, we should find a number of ways and try our best. I believe we can have a better life in the near future.(I believe we can solve this problem in the near future.)这也是一种关爱关爱初中三段式作文篇八


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