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social perceptions是什么意思
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social perceptionssocial perceptions 双语例句1. 1. This paper made an investigation on Dangjia village in Hancheng county of Shaanxi province by distributing questionnaires combined with resident interview, applied some software like EXCEL and SPSS to do mathematical statistics of the data collected, did an analysis of the residents'perceptions on tourism development in the village and the attitudinal differentiations, discussed the factors influencing their perceptions, and applied tourism developmental phased theory and social commute theory to analyze the status of the tourism development in Dangjia Village.&&&&本文以陕西韩城党家村为例,采用问卷调查和现场访谈相结合的方式,运用EXCEL、SPSS等软件对调查结果进行数理统计,分析了居民对当地旅游开发的感知态度及差异,探讨了有关居民旅游感知的影响因素;并运用旅游发展阶段理论、社会交换理论等分析了党家村旅游开发的现状,认为目前党家村的旅游开发处于良好的状态,当地居民对旅游开发和旅游者持欢迎态度,处于融洽阶段。2. 2. All these things are not scientifically valid, but they're social perceptions.&&&&所有这一切都在科学上都是无效的,但却是社会认识。3. 3. All these things are not scientifically valid, but they`re social perceptions.&&&&这些观点在科学上是没有证据的,只是社会认知而已。4. These results indicate that such perceptions are social constructs, based on hearsay and prejudice.&&&&这样的结果表明,这些看法是建立在道听涂说和先入之见基础上的一些社会观念。5. An analysis of symbolic land right points to the inequality of land right and the underlying social perceptions in Chinese history.&&&&象征地权的分析,令我们思考中国历史上不公平的地权结构及其社会观念。6. Space is also a social product, a complex construction based on values that reflect the meanings related to social practices and perceptions.&&&&空间也是一种社会的产物,一个以反映社会实践和感知相关意义的价值体系为基础的复杂构架。7. Result TB affected all predicted domains of QOL, including general health perceptions, somatic sensation, psychological health, physical function, social function, and social stigmatization.&&&&结果结核病影响所有预测领域的生存质量,包括总体健康感觉、躯体感觉、心理健康、躯体功能、角色功能和社会功能;8. 911查询·英语单词大全8. Social life is beset with disparities between others'perceptions of us and our reality.&&&&社会生活充满了别人对我们的看法和我们的实情之间的差距。9. Research on Social Impacts of 2008 Qingdao Olympic Sailing Regatta & Based on Residents'Perceptions&&&&2008年青岛奥帆赛的社会影响研究&基于目的地居民感知的视角10. The different between the operation situation of enterprises and the views of social values lead to different perceptions of corporate social responsibility performance.&&&&企业的生产经营状况和经营者的社会价值观不同导致企业对社会责任绩效的不同认识。11. The reluctance towards veganism has been less about the medical proof of its effectiveness, and more about social perceptions.&&&&&&人们不情愿转向纯素食,不单是缺乏对素食效果医学证明的了解,更多地是由于社会观念。12. This aspect blurs aesthetic, social, romantic and sexual perceptions.&&&&&&这相位模糊了美感、社交、爱情及性的认知能力。13. 13. Hair traits and associated medical and social implications influence our perceptions of each other and ourselves.&&&&&&头发的特征和它在医学及社会交际上的隐含意义影响着我们对他人和自我的认知。14. Media conceptions like information quest motivation, perceptions of media Cost and benefits, social utility motivation and content diversity will have influence on the younger generation.&&&&&&而子辈的信息寻求动机、媒介利弊观、社会功利动机和内容多元等媒介观念会对子辈媒介素养有影响。15. 15. Through analyzing tattooed women`s body experiences, this study seeks to probe into the way in which gender rules shape, construct and influence women`s body practices. This raises some questions: Are they aware of the gender rules? Are they empowered by their tattooing? In order to realize the participants` perceptions and their social interaction, this study conducted twelve in-depth interviews. Initially, six tattooed women were interviewed, and then six tattooed men were added for comparison. Moreover, the sizes and locations of tattoos were also taken into account.&&&&&&摘要 本研究从刺青女性之身体经验著手,针对性别规则如何形塑并影响刺青女性之身体实践、女性自己是否察觉性别规则的作用,以及女性能否从刺青中得到赋权的力量三个方向进行分析。d了解研究对象之亲身感受以及与他人之互动过程,研究采取深度访谈法,先访谈六位刺青女性,之后d求对照又加访六位刺青男性;此外,为考量不同刺青型态可能影响其社会互动模式,因此,两组访谈对象刺青位置之明显与否皆具有一定之人数。16. 16. The other study - " myth of the social volcano: perceptions of inequality and Distributive Injustice in contemporary China " - was prepared by Martin Whyte of Harvard University.&&&&&&另一项研究由哈佛大学的社会学家怀默霆主持,题目为“社会‘活火山’的神话:对当代中国不平等和分配不均的认知”。17. The other study - " myth of the social volcano: perceptions of inequality and Distributive Injustice in contemporary China " - was prepared by Martin Whyte of Harvard University.&&&&&&另一项研究由哈佛大学的社会学家怀默霆主持,题目为“社会‘活火山’的神话:对当代中国不平等和分配不均的认知”。social perceptions 单语例句1. The index serves as an indicator of spending intentions over a particular period by examining consumer perceptions about current and anticipated social and economic conditions.social perceptions是什么意思,social perceptions在线翻译,social perceptions什么意思,social perceptions的意思,social perceptions的翻译,social perceptions的解释,social perceptions的发音,social perceptions的同义词,social perceptions的反义词,social perceptions的例句,social perceptions的相关词组,social perceptions意思是什么,social perceptions怎么翻译,单词social perceptions是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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