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算法分析的题目 急 求助~~~
来源: |人气:303 ℃|时间: 03:26:20
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The young and very promising cryptographer Odd Even has implemented the security module of a large system with thousands of users, which is now in use in his company. The cryptographic keys are created from the product of two primes, and are believed to be secure because there is no known method for factoring such a product effectively. What Odd Even did not think of, was that both factors in a key should be large, not just their product. It is now possible that some of the users of the system have weak keys. In a desperate attempt not to be fired, Odd Even secretly goes through all the users keys, to check if they are strong enough. He uses his very poweful Atari, and is especially careful when checking his boss' key. InputThe input consists of no more than 20 test cases. Each test case is a line with the integers 4 ≤ K ≤ 10100 and 2 ≤ L ≤ 106 ≤ K is the key itself, a product of two primes. L is the wanted minimum size of the factors in the key. The input set is terminated by a case where K = 0 and L = 0. OutputFor each number K, if one of its factors are strictly less than the required L, your program should output "BAD p", where p is the smallest factor in K. Otherwise, it should output "GOOD". Cases should be separated by a line-break. Sample Input143 10143 20667 20667 302573 302573 400 0Sample OutputGOODBAD 11GOODBAD 23GOODBAD 31#include&iostream&using&int isPrime(int n){//测试一个数是否素数&for(int i=2;i&n;i++){&if(n%i==0) return 0;&}&return 1;}int main(){&int a[20][2],n,k,l,&cin&&k&&l;&for(n=0;(k!=0||l!=0)&&n&20;n++){&& a[n][0]=k;&& a[n][1]=l;& cin&&k&&l;&&}&for(k=0;k&n;k++){&&flag=1;&&for(l=2;l&a[k][1];l++){&&if(isPrime(l)&&a[k][0]%l==0){&&&printf("BAD %dn",l);&&&flag=0;&&&&&}&&}&&if(flag) printf("GOODn");&}&return 0;}
哇啊啊 感激不尽啊 能帮我翻译下嘛
输入不超过20组数字,每一组由k和l组成如果k的最小素数不比l小,输出GOOG否则输出BAD和这个最小素数& 注:素数也叫质数


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