i will belongi will stay with youu

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Remember Me
When Birthday wakes up, it's to a pounding headache, a cramp in his shoulder, and the uncanny sense that someone is glaring at him from across the room.
(See the end of the work for .)
When Birthday wakes up, it's to a pounding headache, a cramp in his shoulder, and the uncanny sense that someone is glaring at him from across the room.
“Should've known,” he says, opening one eye and squinting at Ratio. “Ugh. I feel like shit.”
“I can't imagine why,” Ratio says dryly. There's something else in his voice – the pitch isn't quite right, but Birthday's head is still all fuzzy, he must've gotten hit really hard.
“I'll get you some water,” Ratio says. “Don't try to sit up.”
Birthday waits until he's gone, then sits up. The room spins for a minute, but then his head starts to clear, and he rubs ineffectively at his shoulder while he waits for Ratio to come back.
What he should do, he thinks, is have Ratio give him another back massage, but immediately following risking his life on a case probably isn't the best time to ask a favor of Ratio.
Ratio raises an eyebrow at him when he returns, and sets the glass of water down at Birthday's bedside. “You're as good at following directions as ever.”
Birthday grins, though it feels a bit like a grimace. “Hey, what's the worst that could happen?”
Ratio gives him a dark look, and doesn't respond.
The sun is coming up outside Birthday's bedroom window. He remembers tracking their target all day, being bored out of his mind outside that office building, then splitting up with Ratio when Murasaki had called about another case. Thinking that things were finally getting interesting when he'd followed the guy to the shipyard – and then, of course, the twins had showed up, the ones Nice was supposed to have dealt with, and things went to shit pretty fast.
“I was out for a while, huh?”
“Three and a half hours,” Ratio says, swallowing.
“Man.” Birthday scowls, leaning back against his pillows. Ratio must've gotten extra ones from somewhere, he normally sleeps with just one. “Fucking Armor Minimum. I thought those guys moved to Brazil, or something.”
“They've been freelancing, evidently,” Ratio says. “Their shoulder plates have the same weak spots. Nice and I made short work of them.”
“Lucky you,” Birthday says. “I got a building dropped on me.”
“Yes, you should probably refrain from insulting your opponents' mothers when you're outnumbered. Just a thought.”
“You're no fun,” Birthday sighs. “You should've at least woken me up to watch you take them down. Remember how they used to make fun of you?”
Ratio blinks. “Of course,” he says. “Is that why you went after them? Instead of waiting for me?”
“They were dicks to me too, you know,” Birthday says. “It's not always about you.” Now that he thinks about it, that's probably exactly why he tried to take them on with no backup, but Ratio doesn't need to know about that.
“They were dicks to you because of me,” Ratio points out. “They probably would've liked you, otherwise.”
Birthday feels uneasy, like there's something important he's missing from this conversation. Part of him knows Ratio is right, that he could've been pretty popular at the Academy if he hadn't been hanging around Ratio all the time. It's something Ratio had brought up once or twice, back then. But Birthday had never seen the point of that argument.
“Whatever,” he says. “I got kicked out anyways, so it doesn't matter. And now you've handed their asses to them, so everything worked out just fine.” He stretches his arms over his head, wincing only slightly. “Also I didn't get crushed to death, which is a plus.”
Ratio looks at the carpet.
“I don't think we should split up anymore,” he says, after a moment. “Taking that call from Murasaki was a poor choice on my part.”
“Excuse you,” Birthday snorts. “I'm not that easy to get rid of, come on. They just got a lucky shot in.”
“Your Minimum was a very bad match for theirs,” Ratio says severely. “And it's not just that. We're clearly stronger together, we've done more with our powers combined than separately on multiple occasions.”
“Hey, if you want me to protect you, all you gotta do is ask.” Birthday swings his legs over the side of the bed and smirks up into Ratio's impassive expression. “Were you seriously worried?”
“You're impossible,” Ratio says.
“Are you blushing?” Birthday knocks his knee against Ratio's hip, trying to get him to make eye contact. It's been a while since they were close like this, in the dark and the quiet, with nothing to disturb them except the morning light creeping into the stillness. Ratio lets his guard down so seldom since they've been out of the Academy, but Birthday's always wondered.
“I'm just tired,” Ratio mumbles. “It was a long night.”
“Dummy. You should've slept.” He pokes Ratio's ankle with his toe. “Hey.”
“I was waiting for you to wake up,” Ratio says. “If you'd stayed unconscious any longer, I was going to take you to the hospital.”
“You were worried,” Birthday realizes. “Wow. I'm kind of offended that you think I'd let myself get taken out by those clowns.”
“Birthday,” Ratio says.
“I've been in way worse scrapes than this, remember the time with the Fire Minimum? Or that girl with the Thunder Minimum? Or that time in school when that visiting professor accidentally blew up the left wing of the – ”
“Birthday,” Ratio says again. “You don't have to remind me. I remember, probably better than you do.”
Birthday will give him that one. It sucks to be a genius with abandonment issues. “Why won't you look at me?” he asks, kicking him again. “I'm fine.”
Ratio murmurs something under his breath that sounds like, “Are you?”
Birthday flicks him on the forehead, right over his eyepatch. “Take it off,” he says confidently. “Find out for yourself.”
Ratio meets his gaze, finally, and Birthday's a little thrown to notice that his uncovered eye is misty, red like he's been rubbing at it.
He says, “No.”
“Oh, for fuck's sake. Don't be such a wuss.” Birthday reaches up to tug the eyepatch aside, and Ratio grabs his wrist. “Seriously?”
“You don't understand,” Ratio says. “When I take it off, I – I can still see it.” His fingers tremble against Birthday's arm. “Apparently I'm not that easy to get rid of, either.”
“You never told me that,” Birthday says quietly. He knew his illness was a time bomb, he's always known that, but to think that Ratio's known it all along...
“It could just be residual glimpses that I'm seeing,” Ratio says defensively. “I never look for long.”
“It's not,” Birthday says, too surprised to remember to lie.
Ratio lets go of his wrist. “I know.”
“Huh.” This...changes things. Birthday cocks his head, studies Ratio intently. “I have a weird question.”
Ratio narrows his eyes. “Go on.”
“It's about Sonnets of the Moon. There was a big reveal in the last episode, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.”
Ratio heaves a sigh. “You and your soap operas. Fine, I'm listening.”
“So Hisao, the Archduke who's pretending to be a teacher, realized he was into Jessica at the beginning of the season. But Jessica thinks he's a teacher, right? So he thought if he told her, it'd totally fuck up their friendship and she'd hate him. Because she's supposed to get married to the billionaire's son who's enemies with the Archduke.”
“But in the last episode, Misa told her the truth about Hisao, that he's really the Archduke and it's his destiny to take back the kingdom from the billionaire and his son. And Jessica already knew. She knew the whole time! Can you believe that?”
“Quite a twist,” Ratio says evenly.
“So what gives? She's totally in love with Hisao, right?”
“That seems likely.”
Birthday grins. “I think she's gonna break her engagement with the billionaire's son and get with the Archduke instead. Maybe she'll leave him at the alter.”
“Unless she and the Archduke are actually brother and sister. Didn't that happen in your last soap opera?”
“I can't believe you remember that,” Birthday laughs. “Do you want to start dating?”
Ratio stares at him, his visible eye widening.
“I promise we're not secretly related,” Birthday adds with a wink. “If that helps.”
A long silence passes between them, and Birthday starts to wonder if he's maybe misread this entire situation, but then Ratio says, “I can't believe you made me Jessica.”
“Hey, come on. Jessica's a total babe, and you're easy on the eyes,” Birthday protests.
Ratio's mouth quirks in a small smile. “We might as well,” he says. “I doubt anyone would notice anything different.”
“Exactly. See, this is a great idea.” Birthday punches him in the arm. “You should've said something sooner. We even had a sleepover and everything.”
“Did we?” Ratio raises his eyebrows. “I think sleepovers involve sleeping, in some regard.”
“We're gonna have to correct your misconceptions about sleepovers,” Birthday says delightedly. He scoots closer to the edge of the bed and leers up at Ratio. “It's not like when we were at the Academy, and kept our hands to ourselves.”
Ratio snorts. “You can't be r I used to have to pry you off of me in the middle of the night. You have very cold feet, just so you're aware. It's probably a circulation issue.”
“Quit pointing out my flaws, that's a terrible way to treat the person you like,” Birthday chastises. He grabs the edge of Ratio's jacket and tugs. “We have a few hours before Koneko puts us to work, I think. I can give you a quick sleepover tutorial in the meantime.”
“I pulled you out of a collapsed building four hours ago,” Ratio says, extricating himself from Birthday's grasp and stepping backwards. “Your depravity will have to wait.”
Birthday pouts, but then Ratio walks around to the other side of the bed and hangs his jacket on the corner post. “I mean it,” he says sternly, pulling back the blankets and climbing in. “No messing around.”
“You're killing me,” Birthday groans, collapsing down onto the mattress. “You've been playing hard to get for like, a decade, you know.”
“One more night won't kill you,” Ratio says.
“You don't know that. I might literally combust.”
“Your Minimum is very developed, I doubt that will happen,” Ratio tells him. “Be quiet, I'd like to rest.”
“This is a terrible first date,” Birthday grumbles. “Jessica would never treat Hisao like this.”
“Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not that kind of girl,” Ratio says. He rolls onto his back and looks sideways at Birthday, extending his arm warily. “Promise you'll behave.”
Birthday considers this. “Do I have to promise?”
Bummer. Ratio takes promises pretty seriously. “Fine,” Birthday sighs, rolling his shoulders forward dejectedly. “But tomorrow night, all bets are off.”
“We'll see,” Ratio says, tugging Birthday gently against him. He must be right about their days back in the Academy, because it does feel familiar, leaning his head on the lean lines of Ratio's chest, the shape his arm folds into to wrap around Ratio's torso.
“Thanks for bringing me home,” he remembers to say, yawning.
“I'll always bring you home,” Ratio says.
“I promise.”
“Promise to always get in bed with me, too?”
Ratio turns his head so that his lips are against Birthday's hair. “Shut up, Birthday.”
Birthday hides his smile in Ratio's shirt, and makes a mental note to send a thank-you note to the Okamoto twins in prison.
Maybe even a thank-you note with pictures, if Ratio will let him get away with it.
don't look at me i don't know how this happened
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谈到谁也不是谁的谁,想到了这首歌,网易里找不到,如果你能打开,就能找到这首歌。献给咖啡,以及喜欢思考的朋友!I will not give up my own selfJust to be with youI will not be glad just to doWhat I'm told to doI'm not meant to be your propertyNo, I belong to meIf I want to reach for the starsYou can't hold me backI want to take chancesFar off from the beaten trackDon't force me to be what I can't beI belong to meIf you try to tame meI will not obeyI'd rather leave you aloneIf you try to change meI must break awayTo be what I am on my ownI'm freezing, I'm burningI live without compromiseI'm growing, I'm learningI'm ready to pay the priceI know it's not easy to be freeBut I belong to meI hate to be burdenedWith duties that I despiseYou know I can't standTo be watched by a thousand eyesI flee from the crowd in agonyI just belong to meIf you want to keep meDon't hold me so tightI can't give my life for your loveIf you want to break meI'll not even fightI'll just fly away like a doveI'm here when you need meI live and I die with youI'll share all your troublesI'll laugh and I'll cry with youYou can blame me and bless meBut you cannot possess me'Cause I belong to meTo me!找到了视频,请欣赏,看看你的感觉,多么亢奋,就像我们在歌唱祖国的那个心情吧!
blogTitle:'I belong to me (歌词 -- English version)',
blogAbstract:'(This song is from the 1992 Austrian musical: \' Elizabeth\". It was sung by Suzan Erens during the concerts in&Vienna.)&谈到谁也不是谁的谁,想到了这首歌,网易里找不到,如果你能打开,就能找到这首歌。献给咖啡,以及喜欢思考的朋友!',
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中英翻唱:《选择》英文版You belong to me, I belong
《选择》英文版You belong to me, I belong to you
M: Looking in your eyes, I see your smile.
W: Looking in your eyes, I see my dream.
M: Nothing can stop us,
W: We're heart to heart,
C: Never to be .
W: I'm so glad to find you, I will never lose you.
M: I will stay here with you, through all good and bad times.
C: We will have each other, no matter how far we're apart...
C: You belong to me, I belong to you.... oh....
W: I'll love you with my heart,
and never.
M: I will think about you, all my days and all nights.
C: We will be together cause our love will be forever.
C: You belong to me, I
C: You will always be my love...
C: You belong to me, I
C: You will always be my love...
I helped her pull the two fighting boys apart.我帮她把两个打架的男孩拉开。
I like to keep my work apart from my family.我不喜欢让家里人插手我的工作。
adv.(=for ever)永远;总是
Teacher is powerful in a child's eyes forever.老师在孩子们的心中永远是强者。
You can't depend on your parents forever.你不能永远依赖你父母。
------分隔线----------------------------From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"You Belong with Me" is a song performed by American singer-songwriter . The song was co-written by Swift and
and produced by
with Swift's aid. It was released on April 18, 2009, by
as the third single from Swift's second studio album,
(2008). Swift was inspired to write "You Belong with Me" after overhearing a male friend of hers arguing with his girlfriend
she continued to develop a story line afterward. The song contains many pop music elements and its lyrics have Swift desiring an out-of-reach .
The song won Favorite song at , and received nominations for the Grammy Awards for , , and . "You Belong with Me" enjoyed commer it became a top ten hit in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States. In the United States, the song became Swift's highest-charting single on the
at the time and has become Swift's third best-selling single. It managed to gain the largest crossover radio audience since 's "" did in 2000. The single was certified
(RIAA). The song is one of the , with worldwide sales of more than 5.1 million units (according to the ).
The song's accompanying music video was directed by . The video featured Swift portraying two characters, a nerd (the protagonist and narrator) and a popular girl (the antagonist and girlfriend), while American actor
portrayed the male lead. The video's plot centers on the protagonist secretively loving the male lead, although he has a girlfriend. The video won the
at the , but during Swift's acceptance speech, rapper
interrupted, protesting in support of . The incident caused a reaction in the media, with most people coming to Swift's defense. The song was performed live at numerous venues, including the 2009–10 , where it was the opening number. It was covered by various artists, including
and , and parodied by .
Swift became inspired to write "You Belong with Me" after she overheard a male friend of hers speaking to his girlfriend through a phone call. He acted defensive as his girlfriend yelled at him, and said to her, "No, baby...I had to get off the phone really quickly... I tried to call you right back... Of course I love you. More than anything! Baby, I’m so sorry." Out of the sympathy she felt towards him in the situation, Swift developed a concept for a song. In a writing session with co-writer , Swift explained the situation along with her idea and conceived the song's opening line, "You’re on the phone with your girlfriend / she’s upset / she's going off about something that you said." Together, they developed a story line, which described Swift being in love with the male friend and her having the desire for him to break up with his current girlfriend for her. Swift described the song's concept as "basically about wanting someone who is with this girl who doesn't appreciate him at all. Basically like '-itis.' You like this guy who you have known for your whole life, and you know him better than she does but somehow the popular girl gets the guy every time." Swift recalled, "It was really fun for us to write the line, 'She wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts'." "You Belong with Me" was first released as a
from Fearless on November 4, 2008, as part of Countdown to Fearless, an exclus the song was then released as the third single from Fearless on April 18, 2009.
Taylor Swift's "You Belong with Me" portrays many pop music elements.
Problems playing this file? See .
"You Belong with Me" is a
song with a length of three minutes and 52 seconds. According to Kate Kiefer of , it is "a straight-up pop song." The song is set in
and has a moderate tempo of 130 . It is written in the key of
and Swift's vocals spans a little below two octaves, from F#3 to C#5. Swift hints at her country music background in the banjo-inflected introduction of the song. Leah Greenblatt of
felt Swift's vocals were light and twangy while the melody was "lilting". It follows the
F? –C?–G?-B. The
consists of clucking
electric guitars.
The lyrics to "You Belong with Me" alternate between , where she speaks of herself, a male friend whom she has an unrequited crush on, and his girlfriend. Greenblatt described Swift's role as a storyteller, the song being a
set to music, which describes concerning about love and boys "just [being] very hard to catch". Craig Rosen of
believes "You Belong with Me"'s plot is "confessional" and regards scenarios themed with high school, while Swift "is the girl next door who's had her heart broken and takes refuge in music". Lucy Davies of the
noted, "Swift deals in the prosaic imagery of high school boys". In one , Swift contrasts herself with her friend's girlfriend and states, "She wears high heels, I wear sneakers / She's cheer captain, I'm on the bleachers", which Davies interpreted as the song's protagonist feeling envy towards cheerleaders, in particular, the one dating her male friend. In the choruses, Swift attempts "to persuade some boy to come to his senses and submit to her everygirl charms".
Swift performing "You Belong with Me" at rehearsals for the .
Sean Dooley of
labeled "You Belong with Me" as one of the "best songs on Fearless", while Johnny Davis of
believed some parts of the song "may needle British ears", although he felt that it was better than single releases by pop singer . Lucy Davies of the BBC was not impressed by the song's theme being similar to those of other songs on Fearless or on her eponymous debut album, . She opined that "You Belong with Me"'s "lyrical palette has few colours [...] and it's repetitive". Jonathan Keefe of
said, "'You Belong with Me' isn't her best-written song by a long shot, but it's hard to fault its construction."
commented, "It's hard not to be won over by the guilelessness".
A Times Editor review from
also described it as sounding similar to other hits: "She hankers for a boy who either doesn't love her back or wants to ditch this small town." Josh Love of
thought "preternatural wisdom and inclusiveness" shined through the lyrics and theme of "You Belong with Me"; Love also mentioned that it was one of Fearless' "great songs". The same magazine later ranked the song at number 10 on its annual
critics' poll. Leah Greenblatt of Entertainment Weekly said Swift's vocals fit the song's melody and instrumentation, which, according to her, is "slick" and "radio-friendly".
recommended for readers to download "You Belong with Me", and Jeniffer Webb, also , predicted that the song would reach different age groups. Webb said, "It continues the artist's tradition of having a little something for everyone, so it's no wonder she has such a large fanbase."
At the , "You Belong with Me" received nominations for three awards. The song received a nomination for the
but lost to ' "" (2008), for the
but lost to 's "" (2008), and for the
but lost to Knowles' "" (2009). "You Belong with Me" won Favorite Song at the 2010
and was nominated for Song of the Year at the , but lost to 's "" (2009). Although "You Belong with Me" did not receive an award for any of the nominations it received at the 52nd Grammy Awards, Swift did win album of the year for Fearless, which the song was a part of.
Driven by non-country radio airplay, "You Belong With Me" established the largest crossover radio audience since 's ".
Upon its release as a promotional single, on the week ending November 22, 2008, "You Belong with Me" debuted at number twelve on the
due to sales of 172,000 digital downloads, tying her with the
for most top twenty debuts in 2008, a record
the song fell from the Billboard Hot 100 in the following week. Following its single release, the song re-entered the Billboard Hot 100 at number eighty-seven on the week ending May 16, 2009. "You Belong with Me" moved to number three on the Billboard Hot 100 on the week ending August 15, 2009, thus making the song Swift's second highest-charting effort, surpassing her previous second best-charting effort "", which peaked at number four in January 2009. Driven by non-country radio airplay, the song established the largest crossover radio audience since 's "" (2000). The following week, it peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot 100, being blocked at the top spot by 's "". The song is one of thirteen songs from Fearless charted within the top forty of the Billboard Hot 100, breaking the record for the most top forty entries from a single album. The single was
for shipments exceeding four million copies. As of November 2014, "You Belong with Me" has sold 4.5 million copies in the United States.
"You Belong With Me" became Swift's first song to reach
summit with 117 million all-format audience impressions. It also became the first country crossover single to rule Radio Songs since Billboard began incorporating Nielsen BDS-monitored data in 1990. It stayed at number one for two consecutive weeks. On , the single debuted at number thirty-two. On the week-ending June 13, 2009, it jumped from number thirteen to ten in the chart, scoring Swift's eight consecutive top ten hit. "You Belong With Me" became Swift's fourth number one song on Billboard Hot Country Songs after it reached the summit on the week-ending August 22, 2009. It stayed on the top for two weeks and fell at number six afterwards. The single charted in Billboard Hot Country Songs for a total of twenty weeks. On , it debuted at number forty. It jumped at number twenty six of the following week and on its fifth week, on the week-ending July 25, 2009, it entered the top ten at number ten. It reached its peak at number two of the week-ending September 5, 2009 and held from the top spot by 's
for five weeks. It also reach the top spot on
for fourteen weeks while reaching number two in .
In , "You Belong with Me" entered at number eighty-four. It jumped at the top ten at number nine and peaked at number three for three non-consecutive weeks. It charted in Canada for forty-five weeks. It also reached number one on Canadian Country Radio after only eleven weeks at radio. It was also certified double platinum by
for sales of 160,000 digital downloads.
"You Belong with Me" debuted at number ninety-nine on the week ending July 18, 2009, in . It reached its peak in United Kingdom at number thirty on the week ending September 26, 2009. In , it peaked at number twelve and spent a total of six weeks on the chart. In mainland Europe, "You Belong with Me" peaked at number sixty-one on the
Chart, number eleven in
(Flanders), and number thirty-two in . "You Belong with Me" experienced similar commercial outcomes throughout the rest of E it became a top forty hit in
(Wallonia) and a top fifty hit in .
"You Belong with Me" was a success in Australia and New Zealand. On the week ending May 24, 2009, the song entered in
at number fifty. On the week ending July 5, 2009, the song reached its peak at number five, a position it maintained on for three non-consecutive weeks. "You Belong with Me" was placed at number eighty-eight on the decade-end Austrian Singles Chart. It was certified double platinum by the
for shipments exceeding 140,000 copies. On the week ending May 25, 2009, "You Belong with Me" debuted at number twenty-eight in
and, after two weeks of ascended positions, it peaked at number five. The single was certified platinum by the
for shipments exceeding 15,000 copies.
Swift portrays the , a popular, brunette , in the music video for "You Belong with Me"
"You Belong with Me"'s accompanying music video was directed by . In the video, Swift portrays both the
and , which she respectively described as "the nerd, who is pining away for this guy that she can't have" and "the popular girl." Swift described the popular girl's persona as "horrible and scary and intimidating and perfect". Her love interest is portrayed by A Swift met Till while acting on the set of
in April 2008. She later asked him to act in the video, as she was intrigued by his "cool look", embodying a "dreamy guy". In regards to his acting on the video, Swift said, "He's absolutely perfect for the part and really fun to be around, too." According to her, the video's plot is "charming"; she also said that, "the whole video, I'm just sitting there pining away, wishing I could be in her position." In regards to the video's conclusion, White explained that Swift "becomes who she really is", while Swift thought it was a happy ending. Swift commented, "One of my favorite things about this video is that there wasn't a standard performance scene. This video was pretty much all story line and I'm narrating it in the moment, basically narrating while all this is happening around me."
The video was shot in two days in
and . On the first day of filming, Swift used a
in order for both Swift, as the protagonist and antagonist, to appear in one shot. In a scene where she appeared dancing, White replaced Swift's routine with a
she recalled, "It was some of the most fun I'd had in a long time, just freaking out and doing the dumbest moves." On the second day, they first filmed a prom scene and, lastly, the football game, both being filmed at . The school supplied many students as extras, including football players, band members, cheerleaders and students. The final prom scene used the school's decorations for its real prom the next night. When filming for a touchdown, Till was unable to catch the ball, furthering the length of the shoot. "You put a lot of good solid effort in it and it looks good", Swift stated about filming.
The video commences with Till arguing with his girlfriend through a phone call. As soon as Swift, as the protagonist, notices, they begin to communicate by holding up signs through their bedroom windows. Till closes his curtains, and Swift holds up a sign saying, "I love you". As the song's chorus approaches, Swift starts to sing and dance in front of a mirror, changing to different clothing multiple times. Afterward, Swift is sitting in a bench while reading a book. Till arrives and the two converse. Then, Swift, as the antagonist, arrives in a red convertible car and T Swift, the antagonist, kisses him and gives a hostile look towards the protagonist. Suddenly, she is seen cheerleading at a football game while Swift's other persona is in the bleachers, performing in the school band. After scoring the winning touchdown, Till moves toward his girlfriend and finds her flirting with a teammate, resulting in a heated argument which results in their breakup. Meanwhile, Swift, the protagonist stares in amazement. Back in their bedroom windows, they again communicate through signs, Till asked Swift, the protagonist, if she was attending prom and she responded, "no, studying". Swift, however, notices Till has a dejected expression as he leaves and changes her mind. Shortly after, Swift is seen entering prom with a white dress, no longer looking like a nerd, while all her peers stare in amazement. When Till spots her, he walks towards her and Swift, the antagonist in a red dress, attempts to impede him, but he ignores her. Ending the video, Till and Swift reveal folded signs saying "I love you" and kiss. To date, the video has over 640 million views on YouTube.
Swift with her
at the 2009 MTV Music Video Awards.
The video premiered on May 2, 2009, on . Chris Ryan of MTV commented, "'You Belong With Me' was a teen rom-com wrapped up in a music video, wherein Taylor plays two roles. See Dooley
believed Swift worked "doubly hard", playing two roles. A Times Editor review from The St. Petersburg Times compared the large glasses Swift wore to those of . Michael Deacon of
felt the video suited the song, "in that they’re equally sappy and dull".
At the , the video won the . During Swift's acceptance speech, rapper
interrupted Swift, grabbing the microphone and stating, "Yo Taylor, I'm really happy for you and I'ma let you finish, but Beyoncé [Knowles] had one of the best videos of all time", regarding her video for "". According to Jayson Rodriguez of , Knowles "looked on from the crowd, stunned". Later in the evening, during her acceptance speech for winning the , Knowles told about her first experience winning her first Video Music Award with
and how much it meant to her. She then called Swift from backstage to complete her acceptance speech. Numerous critics, celebrities, and fans criticized West's actions, including the President of the United States, , who called West a "jackass". At first, West made no effort in contacting Swift, but he later issued an apology, which Swift accepted. The video was nominated for Video of the Year at the 45th Academy of Country Music Awards. At the 2010 , the video received nominations for the CMT Music Award for "Video of the Year" and "Female Video of the Year", but lost to 's "" and 's "", respectively. The video was nominated for the
and the , but lost to ' video for "" and 's video for "" at the , respectively.
Swift performing "You Belong with Me" during the
Swift's first televised performance of "You Belong with Me" was at a free outdoor concert on May 29, 2009, broadcast by . Following promotion for the song, she performed it on , Studio 330 Sessions, at the 2009 , at the 2009 , and at the 2009 , in the summer of 2009. Swift performed "You Belong with Me" at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards on September 13, 2009, the same day in which Kanye West interrupted her acceptance speech. She began the performance in a , dressed in a brown trench coat and black beanie, and continued it in a subway, taking off the trench coat and revealing a red cocktail dress. Once the subway docked at a stop, Swift completed the performance atop a yellow taxi cab. Swift later performed the song on
and . In the fall of 2009 and winter of 2009 through 2010, Swift commenced promotion for "You Belong with Me" countries outside of the United S she performed the song on the United Kingdom channel , the Australian charity concert Sydney , and the Japanese talk show The Sukkiri Morning Show.
Swift performed a medley, which included "You Belong with Me" at the . Wearing casual white blouse and black skinny jeans, Swift performed "" and then announced, "Its a fairly tale and an honor to share the stage with ". Following, the two performed a cover of 's "" (1976). Swift then grabbed her acoustic guitar for the third and final part in her medley, jumping into a twangy version of "You Belong with Me". Nicks stood back, tapping her tambourine and nodding, every so often stepping up to the microphone to sing with Swift. Eric Ditzian of MTV News was disappointed at Swift's and Nicks' harmonies, but said the two "made for a compelling twosome". The performance followed much backlash in regards to Swift's off key singing, which caused , CEO of Big Machine Records, to issue a statement defending the performance.
"You Belong with Me" is performed as the opening number on all 2009 and 2010 dates of Swift's first headlining tour, the . Before Swift or the dancers entered the stage, a video played on
it showed various celebrities, including , , ,
and Swift herself, sharing their definitions of the word "fearless". Following the video's completion, the band and backup dancers appeared, dressed in yellow cheerleading uniforms. Swift, dressed in a white marching band uniform, then emerges from the bottom of the stage and commences singing. Swift roams around the stage singing and backup dancers perform cheerleading routines while projections of cheerleaders are shown on the stage. Midway through the performance, the backup dancers removed Swift's marching band uniform to reveal a sp she is then handed a rhinestoned acoustic guitar and finishes the performance. Craig Rosen of The Hollywood Reporter believed Swift's performance of "You Belong with Me", coupled with the performance of "", at the May 22, 2009, concert in Los Angeles at the
made the show a success. The song is also performed on the
and . "You Belong with Me" also was performed on
in several venues in place of "You Are in Love".[]
In November 2009, American rock singer
covered "You Belong with Me" for a digital single release. James Christopher Monger of
said the cover was infused "with the same karaoke glee that fueled previous installments". Bill Lamb
described the composition as a "folksy almost
sound" and "a bit more country than Taylor Swift's original". According to Mikael Wood of , the cover's instrumentatio he claimed it was an "online success". Jonathan Keefe of
described the cover's arrangement as "fantastic" and, to him, it "emphasized the terrific melody and structure that are the song's real selling points". After hearing Walker's cover, Swift posted via her official Twitter account, "I'm losing my MIND listening to it! Blown away."
for consoles features "You Belong with Me" as one of sixty-five songs from "mainstream acts".
entitled "TMZ" was included on 's studio album
(2011). A music video for the parody, directed by , was filmed in October 2010, and was included on the album's DVD. The music video was released on "Weird Al"'s
on June 24, 2011.
US digital download
"You Belong with Me" (Album Version) – 3:52
2-Track CD single
"You Belong with Me" (Album Version) – 3:52
"" (Stripped) – 3:54
AUS / EU Promo single
"You Belong with Me" (Radio Mix) – 3:54
2-Track CD single 2
"You Belong with Me" (Album Version) – 3:52
"You Belong with Me" (Radio Mix) – 3:54
US digital Pop Mix
"You Belong with Me" (Pop Mix) – 3:47
Chart (2009)
Australia ()
Belgium ( Flanders)
Belgium ( Wallonia)
Denmark ()
Netherlands ()
Hungary ()
Ireland ()
New Zealand ()
Slovakia ()
UK Singles ()
Chart (2009)
Australia ()
New Zealand ()
UK Singles ()
Chart (2010)
Decade-end chart (2000s)
Order of precedence
Preceded by
August 22 – 29, 2009
Succeeded by
Preceded by
October 31, 2009 – January 23, 2010
Succeeded by
Preceded by
October 3 – 10, 2009
Succeeded by
Since May 2013 RIAA certifications for digital singles include on-demand audio and/or video song streams in addition to downloads.
Kiefer, Kate (June 4, 2009). . . Paste Media Group LLC 2010.
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Richards, Chris (November 11, 2008). . The Washington Post.
Rosen, Craig (May 26, 2009). . . Global Media 2010.
Davies, Lucy (March 9, 2009). . . BBC 2010.
Dooley, Sean. . . The New York Times Company 2010.
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. Radioscope. Recording Industry Association of New Zealand. Archived from
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"On the Set Behind the Scenes 'You Belong with Me'". Taylor Swift: On the Set. 20:45 minutes in. .
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Deacon, Michael (September 14, 2009). . The Daily Telegraph.
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Kaufman, Gil (September 15, 2009). . MTV News. Viacom 2010.
Vena, Jocelyn (October 14, 2009). . MTV News. Viacom 2010.
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on July 23, .
. . . May 29, .
. CMT. Viacom 2010.
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. The New Musical Express. . March 2, .
Wilkinson, A Jocelyn Vena (September 13, 2009). . MTV News. Viacom 2010.
Vena, Jocelyn (September 15, 2009). . MTV News. Viacom 2010.
. MTV News. Viacom. November 8, .
. . . August 21, .
. CMT. Viacom 2010.
Ditzian, Eric (January 31, 2010). . MTV News. Viacom 2010.
Montgomery, James (February 3, 2010). . MTV News. Viacom 2010.
Vena, Jocelyn (February 3, 2010). . MTV News. Viacom 2010.
Vena, Jocelyn (August 28, 2009). . MTV News. Viacom 2010.
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Herrero, Javier (March 19, 2011). . La Rioja (in Spanish).
Str?ter, Andreas (March 13, 2011). .
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Lamb, Bill (November 12, 2009). . . The New York Times Company 2010.
Wood, Mikael (February 26, 2010). . Billboard. Nielsen Business Media, Inc 2010.
Keefe, Jonathan (February 12, 2010). .
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Reilly, Dan (October 16, 2009). . .
Graff, Gary (June 1, 2011). . Billboard. Nielsen Business Media, Inc 2011.
. Coed Magazine. Coed Media Group. October 6, .
. YouTube. June 24, .
" (in Dutch). .
" (in French). .
for Taylor Swift.
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" (in Hungarian). . Magyar Hanglemezkiadók Sz?vetsége.
". . Retrieved January 12, 2012.
" (in Slovak). Hitparáda – Radio Top 100 Oficiálna. IFPI Czech Republic. Note: insert 200941 into search.
for Taylor Swift.
for Taylor Swift.
for Taylor Swift.
for Taylor Swift.
for Taylor Swift.
. .au. Australian Recording Industry Association 2010.
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on March 12, .
. RIANZ.org.nz. Recording Industry Association of New Zealand. Archived from
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(PDF). . The Official Charts Company. p. 4 2010.
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. . Enter You Belong with Me in the field Keywords. Select Title in the field Search by. Select single in the field By Format. Select Silver in the field By Award. Click Search
. . If necessary, click Advanced, then click Format, then select Single, then click SEARCH
. . May 9, 2013. Archived from
on May 22, .
music video on
of 's TMZ at
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