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你可能喜欢大学体验英语综合教程3课后答案|英语教案-Unit 3 How many? 第五课时
一 、 英语教案-Unit 3 How many? 第五课时【课题】Unit 3&&& How many?& 【教学重点】学习英文数字16-20。 【教学难点&】16-20英文数字的认读。 【教具准备】 1.1-20的数字图片和单词卡 2.写有和为20 以内的算式卡 3.跳绳、皮球、毽子等 4.教材相配套的教学课件 【教学过程&】 (一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1.教师播放“One, two, three, four, five”歌曲的录音带,让学生跟随录音一起唱。 2.复习数字1-15 1)报数:教师让学生从1-15按顺序用英文报数,如果前一个学生报到15了,那么下一个学生就要从1再开始。 2)游戏:叫号。教师把写有one —fifteen的单词卡发给学生,教师随意说数字,谁拿着相应的单词卡,谁就站起来并大声读出该单词。 3.操练句型How many … can you see? I can see…和How many… do you have? I have…(使用15以内的数字) (二)呈现新课 (Presentation) 1.教师将1-15的数字卡贴在黑板上,用其中的两张组成一个算式,在两张数字卡的中间写上“+”号,其和为15以内,让学生去计算,如Ten and five is fifteen. 2.让学生两人一组,一个学生摆算式,另一个学生用英文说出结果。 3.教师出示算式卡,如Nine and seven,让学生快速说出两数之和,并请最先说出答案的学生将算式用数字形式写在黑板上,在单词卡中找到相应的单词贴在和的位置上。 4.教师在出示算式时,拿出一个和超过15-20以内的算式,如10+6=?让学生回答。也许学生会用中文说出答案,也可能有的学生能用英文说出。教师应表扬用英文说出的学生,并出示相应的单词卡,教读sixteen。 5.用同样的方法, 学习数词seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty。 6.播放动画,学生跟读单词。 7.教师出示1-20的单词卡,让学生认读。教师要注意及时纠正学生的错误发音。 8.教师拿出事先准备的跳绳和皮球,让学生上台根据指令做相应的动作。可根据跳绳和皮球的数量,请相应的学生进行比赛。看谁最先完成指令,如:jump 16times. Bounce 20 times. 9.让学生自己说指令(也可为中文,但数字要说英文)并请其他学生按指令做出相应的动作。 (三)趣味操练 (Practice) 游戏1& 听指令拨数 教师准备好几个计数器(数学课上用的那种),每两个小组共同使用一个。游戏规则:两个小组各选派一名学生参加比赛,参加比赛的学生要听到对方小组同学说出20以内的数字后,马上在计数器上拨出该数字。结果正确的学生可以加一分。错误的不加分。然后再选派第2名学生继续比赛,直到每个学生都被轮到一遍。最后看哪个小组得分最多,哪个小组就获胜。 此游戏还可让被选的学生在计数器上拨出数字,让对方小组的同学马上说出英文。说对的加分,没说对的不加分。 游戏2& 猜算式 教师拿出事先准备好的纸条,向学生展示写有和的英文数字,让学生猜另一面的算式。猜对的可为本组赢一分或得到一张贴纸(本游戏可将英语学习同数学知识联系起来) 游戏3& 找邻居 教师让全班学生依次报数,然后用汉语说一个数,如“18”则18号学生应立即起来并用英语报数“eighteen”,然后前面一号(17号)和后面一号(19号)就要相继站起来,用英语说“seventeen”和“nineteen”。这个游戏也可以分组竞赛,教师可将学生按左右分成两组,一组报单数,另一组报双数,在教师说一个数(如“11”)后,某一组中的11号学生应首先站起来用英语说“eleven”另一组中其后面一号(12号)的学生要紧接着站起来,用英语说“twelve”,不能迅速站起来或是说错了的要扣分,最后扣分最少的组为优胜。 游戏4 将英文数字拖到相应的火车车厢 教师播放B Let’s learn动画, 进入趣味操练, 可先带领学生一起听一听1-20单词的声音, 再将打乱顺序的数词拖动到相应的火车车厢. 然后可请学生上台亲自操作, 拖数字. 利用动画中的记时器,看看谁拖得最快, 最熟练. 教师应及时奖励表现好的学生. (四)扩展性活动(Add-activities) Headwork (动脑筋) How old are they? Tom, Tim, Mary and Ann are brothers and sisters. I don’t know how old each of them(他们中的每一个)is. I only know, one is 18, and one is 15. One of(…其中之一)the boys is 16, and one of the girls is 17. I also know, Tom is older than(比…年龄大)Mary, but Ann isn’t. Answer the questions: 1. How old is Ann? 2. How old is Tom? 3. How old is Tim? 4. How old is Mary? (答案:1. Ann is 15. 2. Tom is 18. 3. Tim is 16. 4. Mary is 17.)【板书设计&】&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Unit Three&& How many?&&探究活动跳房子 【探究内容】跳房子 【活动目的】在活动中复习数字11-20的英文表达。 【活动形式】以小组为单位的个人活动 【活动过程&】 1)教师带领学生到户外找一块空地。 2)教师在地上画几个小房子(如图),让学生分小组进行游戏。 3)每个小组的第一个学生手中拿着一个包儿,把包投向小房子的格中,并大声读出包儿所在的格子中的数字,然后按照格中数字的顺序单脚或双脚跳进小房子去捡那个包儿。在跳的过程中要大声读出每个格中的数字。 4)然后,下一个学生继续游戏。找朋友 探究内容:找朋友 游戏目的:辨别字母的大小写
方法步骤: 游戏时,主持人给每个人戴上一个头饰,参加活动的同学只能看到别人头饰上的字母,看不到自己头饰上的字母。然后,播放“Find a friend歌曲,大家围成一圈,边走边唱边找,随着歌曲,找到自己的朋友后,停下来两人一起做动作,看看谁先找到自己的朋友(即戴有同一个字母大小写头饰的同学站到一起),谁就是胜利者。
活动意义:这个游戏有一定难度,要通过别人的头饰,判断自己头上的字母是什么,才能找到朋友,从而锻炼学生掌握字母的熟练程度和分析能力。 玩纸牌 练数字 探究内容:玩纸牌,练数字 活动目的:练习1-15的数字表达及反应能力。 活动形式:两人一组 活动过程&: (1)让每对同桌学生准备几张纸牌,将所学的英文数字分别写在不同的纸牌上。
(3)摸完后, 一名同学说出并出示一个英文数字,则另一位同学要从自己的牌中找出相邻的数字,同时要大声读出。 (4)如此反复,先出完者为胜。二 、 综合英语一课后练习翻译答案75综一上册课后翻译Lesson one一、课文中的词或词组。1.I have run out of food, I must go to buy some. 2.Since you have said so, you should put them into practice. 3.It takes at least two hours to get there by bus. 4.Although we failed, at least we tried our best. 5.You should speak louder so that everyone can hear you.6.How long has it taken you to write that article? 7.You seem to be very sad, tell us what has happened so that we may help you.8.We should keep our classroom clean. 9.We may ask xiao wang to help us, who seems to have a lot of time. 10.My brother will come to Beijing next week, he must get the most out of his stay here.二、用本课动词句型。1. You are the person whom I am looking for. 2. The book isn?t mine, it?s John?s. 3. They are always the best friends. 4. Beijing is a beautiful city. 5. That seems to be the best choice.Lesson two一、用课文词组。1. Once upon a time there was a king who liked horses very much. 2. The poor child didn?t know what to do, so he went to ask a favor of the Prince. 3. He is so wicked that I don?t believe in him at all. 4. My englsih is poor so I have to work hard at it. 5. I am afraid to start out so early. 6. He adds some words to the vocabulary list from time to time. 7. She said that she could pay for these children?s education. 8. Because of the low salary he can?t pay for the rent. 9. Can you translate this sentence into English? 10. I stared at the car until it was out of sight.二、用本课动词句型。1. The cake tastes delicious. 2. That music sounds beautiful. 3. She appeared to be weak after she was sick. 4. It gets darker and darker. 5. This task seems to be more difficult than we expected.三、语法练习翻译1. exceuse me, where are women?s shoes sold? 2. Finally we decided to meet at Peter and Helen?s house. 3. where has Mary gone? She has gone to the dentist?s. 4. How far is it from here to the library? It?s about 10 minutes? trip. 5. Have you read today?s newspaper? Any news? 6. Please put your coat on the coat stand in the hall. 7. we feel tired after a day?s work. 8. There will be a Beethoven?s Piano Concert this afternoon.Lesson three用课文词组。1. People may have a good view of the city from the tower. 2. He made friends with may young farmers when he worked in the country.3. At that time, that family was too poor to send their children to school. 4. I won?t take part in that party because I feel uncomfortable when I saty with those people. 5. Students stood up in turn to ask the spokesoman question. 6. Her question was so stupid that everyone laughed at her. 7. I advised him not to ask help from that person. 8. this book is very famous and it has been translated into many languages. 9. More than one hundred people took part in the dinner party in honor of the old professor. 10. His students regard him as their friends.11. After the book came out, he found it full of mistakes.二、用本课动词句型。1. Can you take care of the baby for me when I am not in? 2. Yesterday I called him, but he wasn?t in. 3. This shop is at the corner of the street. 4. Betty is in front of me in the picture. 5. Now it is 5:30, and he has been up.三、语法练习翻译1. I can lend you as many books as you want. 2. he is as clever as his younger brother, but he doesn?t work as hard as his brother does.3. He speaks English as well as Englishman does. 4. It is the largest library I have ever visited. 5. Money is important, but there is something more important than money in the world. 6. He believes that his mother is the best one in the world. 7. The sooner it is done, the better it will be . 8. The more times I read the article, the better I understand it.Lesson four用课文词组。1. I saw her sitting in the corner, staring at that girl. 2. Can you tell me where I should get off the bus? 3. There was a good film lastnight, but I wan?t able to go to see it. 4. He used to walk to work. 5. Let us clear those rubbish away from the attic. 6. One must look for the meaning of words when he runs into the words he doesn?t know in reading. 7. Wait a minute, I have a couple of questions to ask you. 8. Yesterday I ran into a friend whom I havn?t seen for many years. 9. I have no idea whether she will come or not. 10. There old red-army soldiers made an enormous contribution to our national revolution. 11. Yesterday he spent a whole afternoon working on the computer.二、用本课动词句型。1. The concert has begun. 2. Her son is crying. 3. The little boy has lied. 4. My father has never smoked. 5. We all breathe, drink and eat.Lesson five用课文词组。1. He was rushed to the local hospital because of his heart disease. 2. Policeman wanted to ask him some questions after he had come to. 3. His help enables me to catch my plane when I reached the airport. 4. English enables us to talk with many people who can?t speak chinese. 5. He listened to the speech carefully, occasionally he wrote several words on the note book. 6. The little boy didn?t dare to go out, he held his mother?s hands tightly. 7. It?s not too late to inform farmers that storm will come. 8. we all thought that the important letter had disappeared. It turned out that it had been kept in the safe. 9. Your younger sister is crying. What has happened to her? 10. He is too busy to pay attention to this matter. 11. Finally, what happened to the knid-hearted old man in that film?二、用本课动词句型。1. she is reading silently. 2. Susan swims very well. 3. They are quarelling again. 4. He dreives fast. 5. The young man has drunk too much.Lesson six.一、用课文词组。1. You are out of your mind to make friends with this king of person. 2. Stealing is regarded as a bad thing. 3. What decision did you make for this matter. 4. These priciples doesn?t apply to the children who are under six years old. 5. He often quarrels with his wife over their son?s education. 6. These names are arranged in alphabetical order. 7. He said that money has been divided up equally by some companies. 8. what is your plan based on. 9. These workers should be paid according to how much they have done. 10. I?ll be busy from next Monday to Friday. 11. English study begins with ABC. 12. I have never heard of this person. 13. The students laughed because of those silly mistakes they had made. 14. He is looking for a better job.二、用本课动词句型。1. That person stood up, and left. 2. He is an excellent participant, who never gives up. 3. He threw away his old shirt. 4. I turned on my radio. 5. French visitors have arrived in Beijing since Monday. 6. She is taking care of her father who is sick. 7. Susan is not getting on well with her classmtes. 8. We will get off the bus at the next stop.三、语法练习翻译1. Robert speaks too fast to be understood by other people. 2. The train is traveling at the speed of 120 miles per hour. 3. The earth revolves around the sun. 4. We spend our summer holidays at the beach every summer. 5. What are you doing now? I am reading a book writen by Dickens. 6. Children grow quickly so that they need to get much sleep. 7. Bacon, the English writer, said “knowledge is power.” 8. They are rich now, but they always quarrel with each other over money. 9. t?s getting dark, let?s hurry up.10. The world?s climate is changing. It?s getting warmer and warmer.Lesson Seven一、用课文词组。1. He went out of the room, turned around and waited for his wife. 2. The students seem to be afraid of the new teacher. 3. we don?t have much time, we can?t wait any longer. 4. He struggled to his feet and went away without saying a word. 5. Being abroad, he often dreamed of his hometown-that stream, the house of his family and vegetable field, etc. 6. When he was a small boy, he dreamed of becoming a pilot. Finally he became a footballer. 7. Yangtze is the longest river in china and it flows into the East Ocean.8. I?m afraid that you will forget me soon. 9. I?m afraid of being alone at home. 10. The president has recovered and started working now.二、用本课动词句型。1. I don?t like him. 2. He is examining his homework. 3. The young man has found a good job. 4. Mondy can not bring us happiness and love. 5. My mother has closed all the windows.三、语法练习翻译1. When he went out, it was snowing. 2. I got up early and went to bed late when I was in middle school. 3. My grandfather was studying in the college when the war broke out. 4. China lost Hong Kong more than 100 years ago. Hongkong returened to the homeland in 1997. 5. He didn?t believe me when I told him the news. He thought that I was kidding him. 6. How did you break your leg? I fell off the bike when I was hurrying to work. 7. What were you doing between 8-9 yesterday? I wam talking to my friend over the phone. 8. I saw him when I was walking after supper.Lesson Eight一、用课文词组。1. Don?t be nervous, draw a deep breath. 2. It?s rude to point at people when one speaks in some countries. 3. My father was assigned to work in the northwest after his graduation from university. 4. I looked out of the window and caught sight of a quickly passing train. 5. He broken into laughter when he heard of the joke. 6. Typewriter has given way to computer. 7. You have nothing to do, please stay for dinner. 8. Gradually the noise died away. 9. He continued to play the violin as if nothing has happened. 10. My friend has spoken of you several times.二、用本课动词句型。1. The chairman announced that the meeting be over. 2. We hope that you may accept the present. 3. In the past people believed that the earth was flat. 4. That young man admitted that he was wrong. 5. He said that this computer was very useful.三、语法练习翻译1. Please wait for me , I will be back in a minute. 2. Hurry up, the film starts at 7. 3. Do you think that he is going to pass the exam?4. Are you free tonight? I am going to invite you to have dinner with me. 5. Once that you begin to study English carefully, you will find that it is not so easy. 6. This family is going to set up a school with this amount of money in the village. 7. If you work hard, you will succeed. 8. We will not start out until everyone is here. 9. I will call you as soon as I arrive in Shanghai. 10. What is our country going to be in 2010?Lesson Nine一、用课文词组。1. It is said that a famous film star committed suicide last week. 2. In the long term, the answer to the problem lies in modern science and technology. 3. I came across a classmate of middle school on the way home. 4. Although we are friends, deep down I don?t like him. 5. He won the Nobel Prize for Peace because of his contribution towards the peace of the world. 6. Nowadays everyone in our country is striving for a happy and bright future. 7. I don?t want to give away the dog because someone gave it to me as a gift. 8. At the beginning of the new term, the teacher asked us to set our goals and work hard to achieve them. 9. We can not take advantage of him as he is rich. 10. He made great contributions towards our education. 11. He died of exhaustion at young age.二、用本课动词句型。1. she asked me why I was late. 2. we are discussing when we will start out. 3. he doesn?t know what he will learn next. 4. she can not remember where she left her key. 5. I am thinking how to control this machine.三、语法练习翻译1. There have been many changes since I came here. 2. I haven?t heard of him for a long time. 3. He hasn?t said a word since this morning. 4. Have you heard from your parents recently? 5. I have worked in the factory since I graduated from middle school. 6. No one has visited us since we bought the dog. 7. She was never been late. 8. I have written eight letters since this moring. 9. The tree has been there for 100 years. 10. I have never seen that man.Lesson Ten一、用课文词组。1. I want you to repeat your answer once more. 2. He promised to keep in touch with me before he left. 3. He dressed up as Father Christmas and delivered gifts to children on the New Year?s party. 4. Being a classmate, you should help him instead of laughing at him. 5. Anderson was born into a poor family and ended up as one of the greatest writers in his time. 6. He followed his father?s footsteps and became a lawyer. 7. It turned out that he was the person whom we were looking for. 8. After we heard of the news, we couldn?t help worrying about him. 9. The goal in his life is to improve the human life. 10. One of our favorite pastimes in china is playing table-tennis. 11. He doesn?t like this film at all. 12. she is clever and beautiful, Above all, she is king-hearted. 13. The girl students are as clever as boy students in the class.二、用本课动词句型。1. He forgot to phone me. 2. I hope that I can pass the final examination. 3. My father deicded to visit his old friend. 4. I can not afford to buy that expensive coat. 5. We are planning to travel in France this winter.三、语法练习翻译1. Why don?t you let this child to take a rest? She has been playing the piano for four hours. 3. He has been watching TV after supper.4. I have been looking for my pen everywhere, but I haven?t found it. 5. Why havn?t you answered the phone? The telephone has been ringing for several minutes. 6. The boy has eaten seven ice-creams. 7. I have been working for him for ten years, but he has never smiled at me. 8. I have known it for a long time. 9. we have been walking for twenty miles. 10. he has been the manager of the company since 1989.Lesson eleven一、用课文词组。1. He cleared his throat and said:“go on, please!” 2. They settled down and waited for the result. 3. He narrowed his eyes andresponded in a singsong voice. 4. We in turn shook hands with the friend who was going to leave. 5. To leave or stay, it?s up to you.6. Tears came out of his eyes after he had read the letter. 7. It is not friendly to laugh at other?s short-comings. 8. You could tell from his face that he knew he was wrong. 9. You should admit if you are wrong, don?t try to cover it up. 10. He tried his best to resist his anger, as to avoid fighting with others. 11. she burst out laughing when she heard it and that started the others off. 12. In order to let the meanig of the sentence sink in, I repeated it twice.二、用本课动词句型。1. She likes swimming. 2. I remember seeing the person several years before. 3. Have you finished reading those books? 4. He is thinking about studying abroad. 5. He said that the computer was very useful to him.三、语法练习翻译1. He told me that he had sold the house. 2. we had hardly got home when it rained. 3. Last month, John left the company that he had worked for ten years. 4. He had studied English for five years before he went to the United States. 5. I had thought to have a holiday, but my company didn?t agree. 6. I had not known that he had joined the army until he wrote to me. 7. By the time we arrived at the hospital, the doctor told us that he had already left. 8. I thought you had already finished your homework. 9. Although they had been invited to the party, they still didn?t turn up. 10. I didn?t go to see the film yesterday as I had seen it before. Lesson twelve一、用课文词组。1. I didn?t go back home until the eve of the Spring Festival. 2. Yesterday, I happened to run across the secretary of the manager and he told me that his company needs a guard in his early twenties. 3. He offered to teach in Tibet after his graduation from his university.4. Should I call him to ask whether he has any problem? 5. I don?t think it is the problem for them to complete this project before the rain season. 6. Once you make a promise, you should keep it. 7. Suzhou is well-known for its beautiful gardens. 8. He is faced with a difficult choice: to go into business or go to study abroad. 9. The Bible has been passed on from father to son for several generations.10. Teachers shouldn?t be prejudiced against any student at all. 11. We are faced with many problems in our work. To achieve our goal, we must try hard to solve these question.二、用本课动词句型。1. The doctor advised me to have a good rest. 2. My wife warn me to shot the window. 3. That old man teaches his grandson to read.4. The teacher encourages that boy to try again. 5. The police asked that drunk man to leave. 6. Xiao li?s parents hope him to get home earlier. 7. The French government invites the delegation of Chinese teachers to visit France. 8. The students of middle school are not allowed to smoke in China.三、语法练习翻译1. He is elected class president. 2. This hospital was built many years ago, and it is being repaired now. 3. Dr. Ling is praised and loved by her patients for her excellent work. 4. Something is wrong with the lift. It should be repaired immediately. 5. Twentyhouses were damaged in this flood. 6. He was brought up by his uncle. 7. Don?t you know you are not allowed to smoke in the library?8. It must be settled seriously. 9. He decides to translate all the stories by Dickens into Chinese. 10. Anderson is regarded as not only the prince of story, but also a great writer.Lesson Thirteen一、用课文词组。1. He lost one leg in an accident, but his wife loved him just the same. 2. A distant relative came to see me when I was about to go out.3. He charged me twenty yuan for the service. 4. If you have an problem to ask me, please go ahead. 5. It is dangerous to put the medicine within children?s reach. 6. The monitor insisted on telling every classmate the truth. 7. He was convinced that herememberd every word and wanted to take the exam. 8. Take the money with you in case something will happen unexpectedly. 9. I want you to pay me in hundred-dollar bills. 10. Finally, the teacher was convinced that children should have a rest. 11. Tell me why you need this kind of medicine, otherwise, I won?t give it to you.二、用本课动词句型。1. People don?t understand the rich young man?s joining in the army. 2. Young people don?t like their parents? opening their letters. 3. I admire him admitting his mistakes in public. 4. I remember ihm saying he is a doctor. 5. She prevented my telling the secret to her friends.三、语法练习翻译1. where can I but the book that you are talking about? 2. The child whom she takes care of is a ten-year-old boy. 3. I will never forget the day when I first met Prof. Yang. 4. He is the only one that I am not willing to work with. 5. Certainly that is the thing we are proud of. 6. There are several reasons why we can?t do it. 7. The white House is the place where the president of the UnitedStates lives and works. 8. I don?t like the way he talks to me. 9. Last summer he went to see the family that he had lived with when he was working in the countryside. 10. The house LuXun once lived in Beijing is a museum now.Lesson Fourteen一、用课文词组。1. This book costs me ten yuan. 2. He turned to the manager and growled “but our jobs are at stake.” 3. Tell me about it in detail and let me work out who is right and who is wrong. 4. At that time computer was a new thing, I bought one at a higher price. 5. The president was shot in head and died on the spot. 6. Buying this old bike cost me about one hundred and fifty yuan. 7. Whatever we do, we should carry out our duties. 8. At first, no one could work out the secret message left by the dead person. 9. After hanging up, I began to know that I had forgot to ask him about it. 10. He knew neither English nor Chinese. 11. He went back home in time for the international news on TV., 12. The manager will come back next week, you might just as well leave things to the secreatary.二、用本课动词句型。1. I believe him honest. 2. This coat may keep you warm. 3. The little boy makes his grandpa and grandma?s life happier. 4. That teacher taught the lesson more interesting. 5. When the police came, they found that old man dead.三、语法练习翻译1. Frank Smith, who happens to be my cousin, is in charge of this office. 2. The summer Palace, which was the royal garden before, is my most favorite park. 3. That matter happened in 1978, when I was a baby. 4. Bill hurried to the hospital, where his wife met him soon. 5. Henry devoted himself bravely, whose life goal was to make contribution towards the happiness of othres. 6. I didn?t go to the British Museum when I was in London, which was a regrettable fact.Lesson fifteen一、用课文词组。1. He succeeded on the first try. 2. I miss you very much and I ofthen think of you. 3. If you break law again, you will get into trouble. 4. Being abroad, every day they read nespaper to keep up with the internal situation. 5. we all think he is innocent ofmurder. 6. The two companies made a deal after a long discussion. 7. In that village, there are still some people who can?t afford to buy television set. 8. Reading inm bed does harm to your eyes. 9. You?d better cite an example to prove your opinion. 10. The problem of a country always exerts an influence in the whole world. 11. In that year, he not only set up a school in his hometown, but also offered his help to peope in blooded area. 12. Consumers are often led to buy things they don?t need.二、用本课动词句型。1. we all call him Frank. 2. He proved himself a good driver. 3. The students consider him a good teacher.三、语法练习翻译1. No one knew what was in his mind. 2. Do you know whether he will come or mot tomorrow. 3. People don?t understand why he leaves his home. 4. Let children do whatever they want to. 5. I don?t know where he is. 6. He explained to children how computer works and what it can do. 7. Besides what you told me, I know nothing about it. 8. What they need is not money, but understanging.9. can you tell me where I can buy the road map of this city? 10. I don?t remember when I first met that person.Lesson sixteen一、用课文词组。1. Am I supposed to bring the textbook? 2. He got off work at 7:00 . 3. He lost his balance and fell of the bike, one of his legs was broken. 4. A liver was successfully transplanted into his chest within one hour. 5. He suffered from an incurable disease. 6.Students sent firve hundred yuan to the flooded village in care of the Red Cross. 7. For the first time in his life, he said “NO” to his boss.8. Don?t le the string go , otherwise you will fall down. 9. He held out his hand, but the lady refused to shake hands with him. 10. She can?t bring herself to accept the fact. 11. I will take this course this term . 12. After the flood, the government tried hard to ease people?s suffering.二、用本课动词句型。1. My father took a newspaper from the shelf. 2. He put one hand on my shoulder. 3. she covered the sleeping baby with a blanket.4. That young man carried a briefcase under his arm. 5. These naughty children threw stones to the car.三、语法练习翻译1. It was the srong will, unwilling to die, that drove him on. 2. This film is not as interesting as I expected. 3. When I say something, I mean it. 4. I have never seen such a diligent person. 5. I often hear of complains made by husbands that thire wives spend more money than they earn. 6. He had hardly turned on TV when the power was cut. 7. We had already completed ten projects by the end of last year. 8. Thirty years have passed, I can still remember what he said that day. 9. DO you remember where we have parked our car? 10. After having collapsed in the pavement, the old man was rushed to a hospital.综合英语一课后练习翻译答案75_综合英语一综一下册课后翻译Lesson one一、用课文词组。1. I don?t know how to break the news to him. 2. There was a fire in a hospital last night. No one was killed. 3. The cinema is not so far from here as you have imagined. 4. After he explained it to me in details. I began to recognize that I was wrong. 5. This house has belonged to the family of Gates from more than a hundred years. 6. This football star has broken away from the previous club and is planning to join another one. 7. Anyone without a ticket will be stopped. 8. The president hopes that in the many long years to come, the relationship between the two countries will be improved. 9. We should look into the future, and not always live in the past.10. The news that he died of heart disease made us startled. 11. I was reading the text when the teacher asked me to stop to translate two sentences.二、用本课动词句型。1. He felt the ladder shaking. 2. I saw John going into the classroom. 3. I saw him taking away the book. 4. Did you hear my mother going downstairs? 5. The children let me tell the story again.三、语法练习翻译1. What are you doing? You should go to bed now. 2. He changed his name, thinking that by doing so no one would discover what he had done before. 3. There should be no problem with this watch, for I have checked several times. 4. shall I post the letter for you.5. when I was your age, wherever there was a football match, I would sit before the TV set watching for a couple of hours. 6. Don?t worry, I will come to see you every day. 7. If I were you, I wouldn?t have bought this coat, it?s too expensive. 8. Would you let me use your computer for a while. 9. where shall we meet tomorrow? 10. what shall I say? I am so happy.Lesson two一、用课文词组。1. The little dog seems to understand the master?s will. 2. He gazed at the photo for a long time, recalling the past years. 3. Thought the general manager knew he would meet a lot of difficulties, he started his work with a will. 4. Suddenly an idea struck me- why not beep him now? 5. This newspaper devoted two pages to describing the funeral of the princess. 6. The chinese government urged the United Nations to solve this problem peacefully. 7. Since she was not content with her present English level. She enrolled her name in evening clases. 8. We should put away our disagreemets and work hard for our common goal. 9. Boys in the middle school are forbidden to wear long hair in this country. 10. The doctor was convinced that It was unnecessary for her to lose weight.二、用本课动词句型。1. we tried every means to keep him talking. 2. the joke made me laughing. 3. I semlt something burning. 4. I heard my parenmts quarreling in the bde-room. 5. the old man is watching the children playing football.三、语法练习翻译1. If you had told me earlier, I might have helped you solve the problem. 2. it?s already eight o?clock, and he must have left home. 3. that old man couldn?t have seen someone walking into the victim?s room, for he was a blind. 4. could I use your telephone? No problem, you can use it anytime you like. 5. they must be dancing in the youth club now. 6. You needn?t have watered those roses. It?s raining soon. 7. The room is so clean, and someone must have come and cleaned it yesterday evening. 8. I told him to turn left but he turned right. He might have misunderstood you.Lesson three一、用课文词组。1. This policy doesn?t mean to harm upon the interests of the common people. 2. Everyone knows what rose stands for. 3. Leave him a message in case he forgets to return the files to the secretary. 4. The reporter wanted to trip the president up by some clever questions. 5. I have come upon this word several times. 6. the fire sent people rushing out of the building one after another. 7. it?s already four o?clock, but nobody has turned up. 8. I hate to see young people hang around the street. 9. The president wanted to know who was in charge of this department. 10. He stood up and made his way to the gate. 11. Learning her son had an accident, Peter?s mother rushed to the hospital at flying speed.二、用本课动词句型。1. You must have your hair cut. 2. I have to have my camera repaired. 3. I have heard the song sung in English. 4. After he returned home, he found the house cleaned. 5. I want the work done quickly.三、语法练习翻译1. Baby needs to be taken good care of. 2. it?s a pity to give up the opportunity. 3. it?s dangerous for children to play in the street. 4. He promised not to come again. 5. I don?t mean to hurt you.Lesson four一、用课文词组。1. He always cleans up the office before hi leaves. 2. three weeks had passed by before I received his first letter. 3. he walked back and forth in the room, thinking about the problem. 4. I wouldn?t have time to explain to you at length, but for the sake of your safety, please leave this city as soon as possible. 5. he is hard of hearing now, and no longer goes to the theater. 6. how can you yell at an old man like that. 7. you should be ashamed of what you did just now. 8. he told his children to stay away from dangerous electrical things. 9. He made up his mind to prove that Mary?s viewpoint could not hold water. 10. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn?t persuade him. 11. we should not look down upon a person for what his parents have done. 12. that sum of money only brought desaster for this family.二、用本课动词句型。1. I showed her the report of the accident in the newspaper. 2. he didn?t tell me his address. 3. could you lend me your bike for a day or two. 4. David sends Tela?s parents Christmas card every years.5. My father gave me a dictionary on my birthday.三、语法练习翻译1. they allow people to put bike there, but don?t allow us to park cars. 2. the bus conductor asked me to show him my ticket, and I couldn?t find it, so he asked me to buy another one. 3. they sent many policemen there to prevent the football fans from making troubles. 4. I am glad to hear you will be able to come at weekend, don?t forget to bring the book with you. 5. we stopped to buy some gasoline for one time and asked the way for another. 6. I tried to go upstairs quietly, but they were woken up. 7. he kept us waiting for a whole day, he?s gone too far. 8. He witnessed a few boys robbing the bank. 9. please tell him I will be glad to discuss the question with him at anytime. 10. we can hear her singing every morning.Lesson five一、用课文词组。1. it?s understandable that girls want to be in good shape. 2. he decided to settle down in his hometown after returning from abroad.3. I remembered locking the door last night, it?s strange that I found it open this morning. 4. if you go on eating like this, losing weight is out of the question. 5. they showed deep concern for the contry?s future at that time. 6. she didn?t have the heart to break the bad news to her daughter. 7. from then on, he gave me great help in manyu aspects. 8. I get bigger by the day, so he suggested that I go jogging for half an hour every morning. 9. the government is committed to devoting major efforts to developing educational undertaking. 10. I think we ?d better have the house repaired before the rainy season.二、用本课动词句型。1. I told the news to everyone in the room. 2. Mother bought a new shirt for me. 3. My parents sold the house to a stranger. 4. Could you lend your dictionary to me for a moment. 5. The teacher gave a pencil to each child.三、语法练习翻译1. it is impossible to rebuild that tower. 2. it is the only way to deal with people like him. 3. I always have a lot of housework to do at weekends. 4. Please be quiet, I have something important to say. 5. you are the first to tell me the news. 6. it is morecomfortable to stay at home watching TV than go to to the cinema to see a film. 7. Many people who failed to enter a university are studying on their own. 8. It is unusual to be so cool here in June.Lesson six.一、用课文词组。1. They had thought themselves as the best parents in the world. 2. could you say it in another way? The children did not quite understand you. 3. You need about two hours to go there by bike. 4. Please see to it that the children go to bed before 9 o?clock. 5. Do you know how much our company paid as a result of your incompetence? 6. the two countries maintained a close contact with each other in times of crisis. 7. what would you do with these books? 8. Our explanation will only make him more angry. 9. He had gone through many difficulties before he achieved success. 10. After grying several times, the young man finally succeeded in flying across the Altantic.二、用本课动词句型。1. she promised us that she would surely come. 2. I have reminded him that we will meet at 8:00 in the evening. 3. He told me that he had passed all the end-term examinations. 4. My father often tells me that knowledge is power. 5. Her parents couldn?t convince her that her decision was wrong.三、语法练习翻译1. Both he and his wife are from Britain. 2. He lowered his head so that she couldn?t see his eyes. 3. Don?t make noise while others are reading . 4. I neither know him nor do I want to . 5. There was a traffic jam on the way, otherwise I would have arrived an hour before.三 、 财智丽五大课程综合简介财 智 丽公司名:财智丽实业 品牌名:财智丽人 财智丽实业(上海)有限公司广州分公司 《财智丽》标志性符号LOGO财智丽LOGO源起,艺术大师波提切利的绘图作品-?——《维纳斯的诞生》。海神托起爱神时,风神来送信花神来送喜,月亮女神和狩猎女神是她的化身,六神合一,为当代女神——财智丽--女神《维纳斯的诞生》《财智丽》女性智慧工程(内修工程,又称软件工程)智慧工程是一站式、全方位立体打造女人生命工程的第一项工程,由国内外各领域的知名专家,分别从女性的商业智慧、女性情感智慧、女性育子智慧、女性美丽智慧和女性健康智慧这五大智慧体系,建立高端女性智慧教育培训,从而提升高端女性素质,让其学会用女性智慧去掌控自己的命运,并推动高端女性事业发展。让女人集财富、智慧、美丽于一身公司地址:广州市番禺区市桥平康路207号兴业大厦802室 传真热线:020—财 智 丽刘一秒中国中小企业协会 副会长思八达企业发展(上海)有限公司董事长一位智慧型企业的实践者一位智慧生活方式的引领者一位把生命交给智慧的人 公司名:财智丽实业 品牌名:财智丽人 财智丽实业(上海)有限公司广州分公司 女性事业智慧 如何用女人天性飞翔事业!《商业智慧》1、2、3、4、5、6、女人如何化解压力平衡身心? 女性领袖三大命脉是什么? 女人如何获得家庭和事业的独特幸福? 女人处理危机的独到秘诀是什么? 女人获得财富的核心通道是什么? 女人在商场上如何发挥自身的优势?让女人集财富、智慧、美丽于一身公司地址:广州市番禺区市桥平康路207号兴业大厦802室 传真热线:020—财 智 丽女性情感智慧 公司名:财智丽实业 品牌名:财智丽人 财智丽实业(上海)有限公司广州分公司如何用宇宙能量升华情感彼尚(美国 )Bijan Anjomi (USA)彼尚现年68岁,伊郎人,现居住美国。他在人生的各个方面都轻松的获得成功。健康:他荣获三次世界先生冠军,分别是93、94及2003年。22年发来没有生过一次病,健康状况令医生惊叹,从未见过如此无暇的健康。财富:他是一名成功的商人,轻轻松松获得几百亿资产。关系:他的爱情和家庭关系以及所有的关系,都十分的轻松愉快。灵性:内心深处充满及大的喜悦,和平与条件的爱。他是14本书的作者,书被翻译成各国语言在全世界发行。(奇迹30本)中文版首次大陆发行便成为热销书箱被广为传诵。1997年出版“Absolutely Effortless Prosperity”一书,很快便一纸风行,并被翻译成多国字文字出版,追随者及学员蜂拥而至。彼尚研修并带领奇迹课程(A Course in Miracles)长达九年,前总统布什、里根、加州州长施瓦辛格、莉芙泰勒、约翰屈伏塔等等。政商名人都曾经上他的课程,并且强力推荐他的工作坊。《情感智慧》1、 平衡男女能量,就会获得内在的和平。2、 完整的人和一半的人。3、 用柔和的方式,轻松的方法来解决纠缠的问题。4、 享受真实的爱,拥弃虚拟的性。5、 如改善你的婚姻,把爱和理解带到婚姻。6、 告别内疚和羞耻,让夫妻生活更甜蜜。让女人集财富、智慧、美丽于一身公司地址:广州市番禺区市桥平康路207号兴业大厦802室 传真热线:020—财 智 丽母亲智慧 公司名:财智丽实业 品牌名:财智丽人 财智丽实业(上海)有限公司广州分公司如何用意念让孩子无限显现!李阳——终生致力于“在中国普及英语、向世界传播汉语”的伟大事业全球著名教育品牌“李阳疯狂英语”、“李阳疯狂汉语”、“李阳疯狂家教”的创使人。中国中央直属机关青联委员、广州市青联常委全球著名英语教育专家、英语口语魔术师、中高考辅导专家爱国主义演讲家、英语成功学励志导师、中国教育慈善家2008年北京奥运会志愿者英语口语培训总教练2008年北京奥运会火炬手、2002年世界杯形象大使中国体育总局国家队运动队英语总教练全国“关心下一代”工作委员会“关爱成长行动”形象大使北京市政府英语顾问、团中央《青年文稿》杂志形象大使全国一百多所大学、五百所重点中学的名誉校长和英语顾问全国一百多座城市的荣誉市民和顾问打造国际家庭、国际孩子的倡导者《育子智慧》1、 培养好习惯是确保孩子成功唯一关键。2、 如果 培养孩子的独立自主能力和国际领导力。3、 有效沟通是快乐、幸福家庭的基础。4、 让孩子成为家庭有价值的一员。5、 如何和孩子建立亲密的关系。6、 如何激发孩子伟大的梦想?让女人集财富、智慧、美丽于一身公司地址:广州市番禺区市桥平康路207号兴业大厦802室 传真热线:020—财 智 丽女性魅力智慧 公司名:财智丽实业 品牌名:财智丽人 财智丽实业(上海)有限公司广州分公司如何用通灵生发魅力 张晓梅全国政协委员、《中国美容时尚报》出版人全国工商联美容化妆品业商会副会长中国香料香精化妆品协会副理事长首都文明礼义推广大使、全国妇联女性教育指定专家获得有美容、化妆、美发、造型色彩五大门类的国际资深机构文凭之后又进修美国NLP心灵成长和神经言语学是全国唯一擅长女性魅力综合教育的最权威专家晓梅的博客被称为“中国第一美丽时尚”博客在新浪、腾讯、搜狐等博客总点击最过亿有“中国修炼魅力第一人”的美誉《美丽智慧》1、 完成人生最完美和全面的一次魅力塑造,提升和飞跃。2、 魅力源自何处,魅力的核心在素是什么?3、 远离魅力女人的低质行为。4、 好容貌决定女人的生活质地。5、 色彩是装饰还是生活本质。6、 女人心灵成长与人生的八个层段。让女人集财富、智慧、美丽于一身公司地址:广州市番禺区市桥平康路207号兴业大厦802室 传真热线:020—财 智 丽女性健康智慧 公司名:财智丽实业 品牌名:财智丽人 财智丽实业(上海)有限公司广州分公司如何用独道激活女性生命力大夫道人王成亚中国道家养生协会 会长北京市道教协会 副会长北京房山真武庙 住持北京道家养生院 院长担任多家政企单位顾问,为领导人传授养生之道指点人生之迷惑。03年创立国内首家道家养生院在道家医学、识人智慧、风水智慧、养生智慧等领域,造指精深,自成体系,参与主编《中华道教大辞典》、《中国宫观文化》、《药王寿养集》、《医道寿养集》等大部头典集。现于清华、北大、复旦等学府教授传统文化及养生相关课程。《健康智慧》1、 揭示女性的生命规律及女性衰老的密码。2、 传授及练习有助女性健康塑--形的养生功法。3、 在日常衣食住行性中养生,保持容颜。4、 揭示和谐夫妻阴阳养生的秘密,平衡人体何尔蒙,构建和谐家庭。5、 女性延缓衰老的养生终极密码。让女人集财富、智慧、美丽于一身公司地址:广州市番禺区市桥平康路207号兴业大厦802室 传真热线:020—财 智 丽 公司名:财智丽实业 品牌名:财智丽人 财智丽实业(上海)有限公司广州分公司纲领:让女人集财富、智慧、美丽于一身! 实现财智丽人的三大立体工程:一、女性智慧工程:1、 女性事业智慧——如何用女人天性飞翔事业!2、 女性情感智慧——如何用宇宙能量升华感情!3、 母亲智慧——如何用意念让孩子无限显现!4、 女性魅力智慧——如何用通灵生发魅力!5、 女性健康智慧——如何用独道激活女性生命力!二、女性规划工程:——个人C——文章窝——I系统——个人建立自我系统三、女性服饰工程:以规划工程理论为依托,实现五化:从头到脚一体化省心省钱一价化无忧无虑专家化轻松悠闲一站化相知相伴个性化让女人集财富、智慧、美丽于一身公司地址:广州市番禺区市桥平康路207号兴业大厦802室 传真热线:020— 财 智 丽公司名:财智丽实业 品牌名:财智丽人 财智丽实业(上海)有限公司广州分公司让女人集财富、智慧、美丽于一身公司地址:广州市番禺区市桥平康路207号兴业大厦802室传真热线:020—}


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