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A framework for constructing recognizers, compilers,
and translators from grammatical descriptions containing
Java, C#, C++, or Python actions.
c3p0 is an easy-to-use library for augmenting traditional (DriverManager-based) JDBC drivers with JNDI-bindable DataSources,
including DataSources that implement Connection and Statement Pooling, as described by the jdbc3 spec and jdbc2 std extension.
Code generation library with shaded ASM dependecies
H2 Database Engine
Async Http Client library purpose is to allow Java applications to easily execute HTTP requests and
asynchronously process the HTTP responses.
BeanUtils provides an easy-to-use but flexible wrapper around reflection and introspection.
The codec package contains simple encoder and decoders for
various formats such as Base64 and Hexadecimal.
In addition to these
widely used encoders and decoders, the codec package also maintains a
collection of phonetic encoding utilities.
Types that extend and augment the Java Collections Framework.
Commons-Email aims to provide an API for sending email. It is built on top of
the JavaMail API, which it aims to simplify.
The FileUpload component provides a simple yet flexible means of adding support for multipart
file upload functionality to servlets and web applications.
Commons-IO contains utility classes, stream implementations, file filters, file comparators and endian classes.
Commons Lang, a package of Java utility classes for the
classes that are in java.lang's hierarchy, or are considered to be so
standard as to justify existence in java.lang.
Commons Logging is a thin adapter allowing configurable bridging to other,
well known logging systems.
dom4j: the flexible XML framework for Java
Javassist (JAVA programming ASSISTant) makes Java bytecode manipulation
It is a class library for editing bytecodes in Java.
The JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework is used by the JavaMail(TM) API to manage MIME data
The javax.inject API
Jaxen is a universal Java XPath engine.
Date and time library to replace JDK date handling
JUnit is a regression testing framework written by Erich Gamma and Kent Beck.
It is used by the developer who implements unit tests in Java.
Apache Log4j 1.2
MySQL java connector
This is the ehcache core module. Pair it with other modules for added
Simple java library for transforming an Object to another Object.
jsr107cache is a place for the evolving JCACHE API so that code can be written to the spec before final release.
OVal is a pragmatic and extensible validation framework for any kind of Java objects (not only JavaBeans).
Constraints can be declared with annotations (@NotNull, @MaxLength), POJOs or XML.
Custom constraints can be expressed as custom Java classes or by using scripting languages such as JavaScript, Groovy, BeanShell, OGNL or MVEL.
Besides field/property validation OVal implements Programming by Contract features by utilizing AspectJ based aspects. This for example allows runtime validation of method arguments.
A regular expression library for Java
Servlet 2.5 Specification
The Bouncy Castle Crypto package is a Java implementation of cryptographic algorithms. This jar contains JCE provider and lightweight API for the Bouncy Castle Cryptography APIs for JDK 1.5.
Groovy: A powerful, dynamic language for the JVM
'Flexible' or 'fluent' assertions for testing
Hibernate Entity Manager
Hibernate's Bean Validation (JSR-303) reference implementation.
Hibernate definition of the Java Persistence 2.0 (JSR 317) API.
The Java Transaction 1.1 API classes
Mock objects library for java
The Netty project is an effort to provide an asynchronous event-driven
network application framework and tools for rapid development of
maintainable high performance and high scalability protocol servers and
In other words, Netty is a NIO client server framework which
enables quick and easy development of network applications such as protocol
servers and clients. It greatly simplifies and streamlines network
programming such as TCP and UDP socket server.
The slf4j API
The slf4j log4j-12 binding
YAML 1.1 parser and emitter for Java
最近半年最热Maven Group
最近一年最热Maven GroupMaven Repository: >> play-json_2.11 >>
>> play-json_2.11
LicenseApache 2.0CategoriesTagsUsed ByVersionRepositoryUsagesDate2.5.x(Oct, 2016)(Sep, 2016)(Sep, 2016)(Aug, 2016)(Aug, 2016)(Jun, 2016)(Apr, 2016)(Apr, 2016)(Mar, 2016)(Mar, 2016)(Feb, 2016)(Feb, 2016)(Jan, 2016)(Oct, 2015)2.4.x(Jun, 2016)(Jun, 2016)(Dec, 2015)(Dec, 2015)(Nov, 2015)(Sep, 2015)(Jul, 2015)(Jun, 2015)(Aug, 2014)(Aug, 2014)(Aug, 2014)(Aug, 2014)(Aug, 2014)(Aug, 2014)(Aug, 2014)(Aug, 2014)(Aug, 2014)(Aug, 2014)(Aug, 2014)(Aug, 2014)(Aug, 2014)(Aug, 2014)(Aug, 2014)(Aug, 2014)(Aug, 2014)(Aug, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(May, 2015)(May, 2015)(May, 2015)(May, 2015)(May, 2015)(Apr, 2015)(Mar, 2015)(Dec, 2014)(Aug, 2014)2.3.x(Aug, 2015)(May, 2015)(Dec, 2014)(Dec, 2014)(Nov, 2014)(Dec, 2014)(Feb, 2015)(Nov, 2014)(Nov, 2014)(Nov, 2014)(Dec, 2014)(Nov, 2014)(Nov, 2014)(Dec, 2014)(Nov, 2014)(Nov, 2014)(Mar, 2015)(Mar, 2015)(Mar, 2015)(Feb, 2015)(Feb, 2015)(Feb, 2015)(Feb, 2015)(Feb, 2015)(Nov, 2014)(Dec, 2014)(Oct, 2014)(Oct, 2014)(Sep, 2014)(Aug, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014)(Jul, 2014) 0
(Nov, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)(Jun, 2014)
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