this.childList=new arraylist linkedlist<AbstracFile>();是什么意思

WebView Demo
we created our first simple app.
Let's now build a somewhat more sophisticated Android project.
We shall put two buttons on the screen, and then have the buttons load particular web addresses into new screens when they are pressed. This is more advanced than our first simple project because now we must manage more than one button on the screen, and because in the
project we displayed a webpage using the default web browser built into the system, but in this project we shall display the content of web addresses in a basic browser that we shall create and manage ourselves programatically
using the Android
Although all of these steps are fairly rudimentary, completing them will already teach us a lot about how to build Android applications. In this one example we shall gain experience in how to
Create an Android Studio project
Use Android Studio to debug and correct errors
Define string and color resources in external files
Lay out a basic user interface in XML
Add a click listener and associated event handling to the interface
Use an Intent to launch a new Activity
Add new Java and XML files to a project
Use the manifest file
Leverage Android lifecycle management for multitasking
Use and control objects of the WebView class
Compile and test an Android application on an emulator or device
In short, when we finish this project we will have already touched on many basics of
Android development.
So let's get started!
Creating the Project in Android Studio
Following the general procedure in
either choose Start a new Android Studio project from the Android Studio homepage, or from the Android Studio interface choose File > New > New Project.
Fill out the fields in the resulting screens as follows,
Application Name:
Company Domain:&
Package Name:
Project Location: &ProjectPath&
Target Devices: Phone and T Min SDK
Add an Activity:
Empty Activity
Activity Name:
MainActivity (check the Generate Layout File box)
Layout Name:
where your namespace should be substituted for &YourNamespace&
(com.lightcone in my case) and &ProjectPath& is the path to the directory where you will store this Android Studio Project (/home/guidry/StudioProjects/ in my case).
A project WebViewDemo should now appear in the left panel (project panel) of the Android Studio interface, as
in the figure below. (Note: choose Android in the drop-down menu at the top of the project panel if it is not already chosen.)
If it is not already open, open the file in the main editing
window, as illustrated in the following figure:
We see that Android Studio has generated automatically a stub for the MainActivity class:
package &YourNamespace&.
import android.os.B
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
This is a short segment of code, but it already does a lot. We (through our loyal sidekick Android Studio) have now:
Inserted some imports with class definitions that will be required.
Subclassed (extended) the Android class
so that our new class MainActivity inherits all of its properties and methods.
Overriden (replaced) the
method that was inherited from AppCompatActivity with our own custom definition of the method, which begins by invoking onCreate of the superclass but then adds more (with still more to be added later).
The @Override is an annotation used to mark methods that override a method declaration in a superclass. Its use is optional but compilers produce an error if a method annotated with @Override does not actually override a method in a superclass, so it provides a useful automatic consistency check.
Retrieved the
savedInstanceState, which contains initialization information, including the
information saved by Android if our app has already been running and is being brought back to the foreground. This complex task is handled automatically by A a Bundle is a way to store "bundles" of information as name-value pairs. A more extensive discussion of how this is done in Android may be found
in the project
and in the general discussion under
Invoked the
method that MainActivity inherits from AppCompatActivity
to "inflate" (instantiate from the XML) the UI (User Interface) view associated with the file res/layout/activity_main.xml---the stub of which was created automatically when the project was created)---that defines the layout of our app's initial screen. The integer R.layout.activity_main
is Android's ID for the resource that will be supplied from res/layout/activity_main.xml at compile time.
Before proceeding, if the import commands at the top of this file are folded up in the AS code listing, click the + sign to their left to expand them.
If you have chosen to use
for your projects (I recommend it strongly!), now would be a good time to commit this project to version control so that from this point
onward your changes can be tracked and stored by the version control system.
Adding OnClickListener
Let us now modify this stub so that it can do some useful things. First, since we
are going to add button widgets to the page
for which we will need to listen for and process click events, we have the
class implement the
interface by modifying the first line defining the class to read
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements OnClickListener {
In the AS display the word "OnClickListener" turns red, indicating a compile error. If you click with the mouse on the word and execute Alt-Enter from the keyboard, a popup suggesting possible fixes should appear, as in the following figure.
OnClickListener is an Android interface, the most likely problem is just that we have not imported the appropriate
Android classes and indeed the
two options for quick fixes indicate that we should import android.view.View or
android.content.DialogInterface. The first choice is the appropriate one in this context. We can insert it manually, but Android Studio will do it for us:
clicking on the first choice, we see that AS automatically inserts a new import statement
import android.view.V
(If the import statements are folded up,
click the + beside them to expand them), and OnClickListener is converted to View.OnClickListener.
But now a new compile error appears, indicated by a wavy red line under the entire line containing View.OnClickListener and a red lightbulb above the line. Clicking on the line to give focus and executing Alt-Enter gives the popup with suggested fixes shown in the following figure.
The choice that we want is "Implement methods", which will implement a method that is required by OnClickListener.
Select that and the following window should appear:
The choice onClick(v:View):void is the method required (a good thing, since it is the only option).
Select it and click OK. Android Studio will add some more code, and now the errors should disappear, indicating that the project has compiled successfully. The code now reads
package &YourNamespace&.
import android.os.B
import android.view.V
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
public void onClick(View v) {
where the added code is indicated in red.
This compiles with no error messages because
a stub for the method onClick(View v) has been
inserted that satisfies the formal requirements for the OnClickListener interface.
However the added onClick method does not do anything yet and we still must
add the code appropriate to our goals.
in Java is a reference type similar to, but not the same as, a class.
An interface cannot contain any method bodies, only constants, nested types, and method signatures (methods without bodies). An interface ca it can only be
implemented (by classes), or
extended (by other interfaces).
An abstract method is one that is declared without an implementation (with the expectation that the implementation will be supplied by something else). If a class contains abstract methods, it itself must be declared abstract.
All methods of an interface are implicitly
When a class implements an interface, it must provide a method body for each of the methods declared in the interface, or the class must be declared abstract. Notice that these were the two quick-fix options suggested above by Android Studio:
add the unimplemented method onClick(View v), or
declare the class MainActivity abstract
for the error introduced when we implemented the OnClickListener interface.
Android Studio Is Only a Faithful Servant
Obviously AS has been very helpful in laying out the basic initial structure of our class, but it has only done what a good programmer would have done by a manual analysis.
When "implements OnClickListener" was added it was necessary to import the Android classes defining this interface, and since an interface in Java generally requires that certain methods be implemented (even if only as stubs), we had to add those required methods.
In this case, if we had consulted the Android documentation by going to the
and putting "OnClickListener" in the search field we would have gotten two options:
Choosing the first we get documentation for the interface
So we must import android.view.View.OnClickListener.
we find on the same page that this interface has the single
public abstract void
Thus, by the general rules for Java
interfaces, we must provide an implementation of this method if we employ the interface View.OnClickListener (or we must declare the class abstract).
All that Android Studio has done is carry out this sequence of programmer deductions rather automatically.
Layout of the User Interface
Now we wish to
Lay out a page containing some button widgets,
Define event
handlers for the buttons, and
some actions when the buttons are clicked.
First let's define some string and color resources that will be needed. Open the file strings.xml under res/values and
edit it to read
&string name="app_name"&WebViewDemo&/string&
&string name="button1_label"&Chili Recipe&/string&
&string name="button2_label"&NOAA Tropical Satellite&/string&
Then open the file colors.xml and edit it to read
as follows:
&?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&
&color name="colorPrimary"&#3F51B5&/color&
&color name="colorPrimaryDark"&#303F9F&/color&
&color name="colorAccent"&#FF4081&/color&
&color name="background"&#fffcfcf2&/color&
where the numbers are hexadecimal (hex) numbers specifying colors.
In Android, 32-bit colors with alpha-opacity are specified by a sequence #AARRGGBB where
AA is a hexadecimal (hex) number defining the alpha-opacity,
RR is a hex number defining the amount of red,
GG is a hex number defining the amount of green, and
BB is a hex number defining the amount of blue.
The hex numbers range from 00 to ff (that is, 0-255 decimal), with 00 meaning no contribution for the component and ff meaning full contribution. For example, opaque black would be specified by #ff000000 (full opacity, but no RGB colors).
It is also possible to define
24-bit color (#RRGGBB),
16-bit color with alpha-opacity
and 12-bit color (#RGB).
Finally, the
class has a few colors predefined as static constants (for example,
You can also edit these XML and Java files manually using a text editor if you choose, by navigating to the appropriate directories in the directory tree of your workspace on your disk that corresponds to the project tree in Android Studio. Be very careful with editing XML however, as it requires exact syntax and form or it will generate an error message when you try to compile. For example, any whitespace before the first XML line may generate an error message.
We are now ready to lay out the opening screen of our app. Open res > layout and double-click on activity_main.xml to open it. In the Design view, set the theme to Holo Light.
Then edit the file in the Text view
&?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&
&RelativeLayout xmlns:android="/apk/res/android"
android:layout_marginTop="56dp" /&
android:layout_alignParentStart="true" /&
In this file
parent element is a layout manager that lays out its children according to their relative positions or their position in relation to the parent container.
The wrap_content attributes attempt to wrap children into a minimal space while the
fill_parent attributes attempt to fill the parent container with the children.
It is strongly advised to specify layout height and width in terms of these constants rather than in
absolute terms, since then Android can adapt the display to devices with different screen sizes.
The "@" constructions refer to variables defined in the resource files.
@string/var1 refers to the string variable var1 in the file strings.xml, @color/var2 refers to the color variable var2 in the file colors.xml,
@dimen/activity_vertical_margin refers to a length variable activity_vertical_margin
defined in the file dimens.xml. It is best practice to define such variables in external files rather than to hardwire values into the layout files, since this makes maintenance and updates easier.
The android:id="@+id/label1 constructions define labels for elements that will be referenced from the Java code.
The attribute background specifies a background color, and padding and marginTop define padding and margins, respectively.
It is not generally best practice to override Android themes and styles by defining explicitly a color for objects like the background without careful consideration of how that affects the overall layout. Here we do it to illustrate how layout options can be overriden in rare cases where it is necessary.
The units for sizes and distances used in this layout are discussed in the following box, and a
more complete discussion of XML attributes may be found in the
A comprehensive list of XML attributes in Android may be found at
Notice the size units dp, sp in these layout elements.
Generally in Android
layout sizes can be specified in
pixels (px),
millimeters (mm),
inches (in),
points (pt), which are equal to
1/72 of an inch,
density-independent pixels (dp or dip), or
scale-independent pixels (sp).
It is good practice to use sp for font sizes and dip for other user interface sizes rather than absolute units like inches or pixels, since then your interface will
scale better on different devices with different screen resolutions.
We now should have an opening screen laid out that will display
two buttons.
Execute the program on an
Click on the Run button (right-pointing green triangle) in the toolbar.
Choose an emulator or a connected device, if prompted to do so.
For example, the following prompt asks to choose among one of two emulators and a Huawei Nexus 6P phone attached to the computer by USB
Choose and click OK.
You should see on the emulator or device a screen like that
shown below (which is a screenshot from a Huawei Nexus 6P phone),
where the strings displayed as
titles and button labels were those defined in strings.xml, and the background
color was defined in colors.xml.
You can easily take screenshots from emulators or actual devices in your own development using Android Studio.
Instructions are given in the Appendix
Using Intents to Launch New Activities
This is now a user interface with a label and two buttons, but it doesn't do anything except
that the buttons may change color momentarily to indicate that they have been
clicked by the mouse on the emulator
(or pressed by a finger on an actual device).
Now we shall add event handlers to cause actions to be
taken when the buttons are clicked.
When each button is clicked, we wish to
launch a new screen (that will replace the original screen) on which we are
going to do something. As we discussed in
the standard way to do that is to launch an
the corresponding screen defined by a new Java class.
Let's first create the basic stub
for the new class, leaving some details to be filled in later, and then define the
event handlers that open the new screen.
Right click on app/java/&YourNamespace&.webviewdemo in the AS project pane and select New > Java Class. In the resulting
popup window, give the new class the name Webscreen,
and click OK.
This should create
a new file Edit this file so that it has the content
package &YourNamespace&.
import android.os.B
import android.webkit.WebV
import android.util.L
public class Webscreen extends Activity {
public static final String URL = "";
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
(Several imports have been added and a String variable URL has been defined that
we will need shortly.)
In R.layout.webscreen the word "webscreen" will turn red, indicating a compile error.
The R. notation indicates that this is a resource that Java expects Android to supply at compile time and it is missing.
Indeed, clicking on the red word with the mouse and then executing Alt-Enter will generate a popup indicating that we need to create a layout resource file called webscreen.xml.
The full notation R.layout.webscreen indicates that it expects this resource to reside in a file res/layout/webscreen.xml (see the box below), which of course has not been created yet.
At compilation, each XML resource file is compiled into a
The resource is loaded by calling
callback, which is called by the Android framework at
see the lifecycle diagram in
The reference layoutResID to your layout resource is passed as an argument to setContentView in the form R.layout.layout_file_name, where layout_file_name is the name of the file
(without extension) that you have placed
in res/layout containing the layout specification.
For a more extensive discussion, see the Android
So this problem can be fixed
by adding a file webscreen.xml that will define the layout of the new screen:
Right-click on res/layout and
select New > XML > Layout XML File.
In the resulting popup window
choose a layout file name webscreen (no .xml AS will supply it) and a
LinearLayout for the XML root tag.
Click Finish.
The resulting file
(webscreen.xml) reads
&?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&
&LinearLayout xmlns:android="/apk/res/android"
and you should
find that the error indicated for
has disappeared because now the
resource webscreen.xml (which is supplied as
R.layout.webscreen by Android at compilation) is defined.
Event Handlers
Now we add event listeners and edit the onClick method of to
add the corresponding event handlers so that the file reads
package &YourNamespace&.
import android.os.B
import android.view.V
import android.content.I
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Add Click listeners for all buttons
View firstButton = findViewById(;
View secondButton = findViewById(;
// Process the button click events
public void onClick(View v) {
Intent j = new Intent(this, Webscreen.class);
Intent k = new Intent(this, Webscreen.class);
where the added and modified lines are indicated in red and you must replace &YourNamespace& with your namespace.
A number of important things are happening in this compact segment of code:
The Views corresponding to the two buttons are sorted out by using the
method of Activity so that ClickListeners can be assigned to them.
The arguments are references to the id values assigned to widgets in the XML layout files using the @+id construction.
For example, in the above code references the Button with attribute android:id="@+id/button1" in the layout file for the initial screen
The View v argument of the onClick(View v)
callback allows the button that was
pressed to be determined by the switch statement on v.getId().
When the correct button has been identified, a new Intent is instantiated corresponding to the new class (Webscreen) to be launched and the
corresponding activity is initiated using the
method that Activity inherits from
Context is an abstract class implemented at Android system level that provides an interface to
global information about an application environment. One common use of Context is to
broadcast and receive Intents and launch Activities.
The putExtra method of Intent
passes values of variables from the launching class to the class launched by the intent, as
described in the following box.
The putExtra method of the Intent class is a way to pass variables to the class that will be launched by the intent.
case the value of a string corresponding to a web address (the first argument of putExtra)
is communicated by assigning
its value to a string variable defined in the class launched by the intent (the second argument),
but variables of other types may be
passed in this way also.
See the various overloaded versions of
documented under the class
Note that the variable name in the putExtra arguments must have a package prefix (e.g., &YourNamespace&.myClass rather than myClass).
This should now compile, but if we launch it on the emulator or device and press one of the buttons we get an
error popup:
Checking the logcat file (see
we find the source of the problem immediately:
06-12 22:57:11.302 I/ActivityManager(59):Starting activity:Intent { cmp=com.lightcone.webviewdemo/.Webscreen (has extras)}
06-12 22:57:11.302 D/AndroidRuntime(399):Shutting down VM
06-12 22:57:11.302 W/dalvikvm(399): threadid=1:thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x)
06-12 22:57:11.342 E/AndroidRuntime(399):FATAL EXCEPTION: main
06-12 22:57:11.342 E/AndroidRuntime(399):android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: Unable to find explicit activity class
have you declared this activity in your AndroidManifest.xml?
This is because Android requires that all activities must be declared in the
AndroidManifest.xml file.
To fix it,
Open app/manifests/AndroidManifest.xml and
Add an appropriate &activity&&/activity& tag
within the &application&&/application& tag
so that the manifest file now reads
&?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&
&manifest xmlns:android="/apk/res/android"
&activity android:name=".MainActivity"&
&action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /&
&category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /&
&activity android:name=".Webscreen" android:label="Web"& &/activity&
where the added line is highlighted in red.
If the app is executed now, clicking on the first button loads a new
blank screen, hitting the return button on the phone takes us back to the
first screen, and clicking on the second button again loads a new blank screen.
We are getting close!
Now we just need to add content to these blank screens.
Adding WebViews
First, let's check that the variables are being passed by the putExtra command
to the new activities launched with the intent.
Edit the file so
that it reads
package &YourNamespace&.
import android.os.B
import android.webkit.WebV
import android.util.L
public class Webscreen extends Activity {
public static final String URL = "";
private static final String TAG = "Class Webscreen";
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
String turl = getIntent().getStringExtra(URL);
Log.i(TAG, "URL = "+turl);
The getIntent().getStringExtra(URL) now assigns the string variable passed using
putExtra, and the Log.i allows us to check whether the variable is being passed
The method
of the Activity class returns the Intent that started the activity.
The method
of the Intent class takes a String argument corresponding to a variable passed to the Intent using putExtra() and returns its String value. Thus the net effect of the chained expression
String turl = getIntent().getStringExtra(URL);
is to use the getIntent() method of Webscreen (which it inherits from its superclass Activity) to return the Intent that launched Webscreen, and then to use the getStringExtra method of that Intent
to return the String corresponding to the variable URL that was passed to the Intent using the Intent method putExtra(), and finally assign it to the local String variable turl.
Executing the app in the emulator after these changes and clicking the
two buttons successively we find in the logcat output
06-12 23:40:19.131 I/ActivityManager(59):Starting activity: Intent { cmp=com.lightcone.webviewdemo/.Webscreen (has extras)}
06-12 23:40:19.231 I/WebscreenClass(501): URL=
06-12 23:40:19.521 I/ActivityManager(59): Displayed activity com.lightcone.webviewdemo/.Webscreen: 354 ms (total 354 ms)
06-12 23:40:22.071 W/KeyCharacterMap(501): No keyboard for id 0
06-12 23:40:22.071 W/KeyCharacterMap(501): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
06-12 23:40:23.361 I/ActivityManager(59): Starting activity: Intent{ cmp=com.lightcone.webviewdemo/.Webscreen (has extras)}
06-12 23:40:23.441 I/WebscreenClass(501): URL=
Thus, the web addresses are indeed being passed to the Webscreen instance.
Now finally, let us embed a
in the screen generated by the Webscreen
object so that we can display these web addresses as web pages.
Add code to so that it reads
package &YourNamespace&.
import android.os.B
import android.webkit.WebV
import android.util.L
public class Webscreen extends Activity {
public static final String URL = "";
private static final String TAG = "WebscreenClass";
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
String turl = getIntent().getStringExtra(URL);
Log.i(TAG, " URL = "+turl);
WebView webview = new WebView(this);
// Simplest usage: No exception thrown for page-load error
This should compile, but when we try to execute in the emulator we find that
the buttons attempt to load webpages but we get error messages in both cases
that the webpage is not available.
There could be many reasons (like
the network being down) for such messages but in this case the explanation is
quite basic:
we have not yet done one final thing that is required for an
Android application that tries to access the internet.
It must be given
explicit permission to do so, and this is done by adding to the
AndroidManifest.xml file a permission line (which must be within the manifest tag and outside the application tag)
&uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /&
so that the AndroidManifest.xml file now reads
&?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&
&manifest xmlns:android="/apk/res/android"
&uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /&
&activity android:name=".MainActivity"&
&action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /&
&category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /&
&activity android:name=".Webscreen" android:label="Web"& &/activity&
Now execution in the emulator or on a device gives the left figure below for a click on
the first button and the right figure below for a click on the second button. (The left image is a screen shot from a Nexus 6P phone running Android 6.0 and the right image is a screen shot
from a Galaxy Nexus phone running Android 4.2.)
So our application
is indeed loading and displaying---under our complete programming control---arbitrary
webpages using an extension of the WebView class.
Each time WebViewDemo has been run on an emulator or device the project has been installed on that
emulator or device as an app.
If you look in the apps folder (open by pressing the circle with 6 dots in it near the bottom of the homescreen),
there should now be an icon labeled WebViewDemo, and you can launch the app by pressing that icon (and it will remain on the device unless uninstalled).
By default, when a project is created in Android Studio a
file called ic_launcher.png that corresponds to a stock Android image (see the green bugroid icon for WebView Demo in the above figure) is placed in all res/mipmap/ic_launcher.png directories corresponding to images to be used for devices of different screen resolution, and an attribute of the form android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher"
is inserted in the AndroidManifest.xml file:
&activity android:name=".MainActivity"&
This causes the project to use the image in the ic_launcher.png file as the app icon (at a resolution appropriate for the device).
Your app can be customized by replacing the default icon in the following way.
In Android Studio with the project open, select File > New > Image Asset.
In the resulting popup window,
Choose Launcher Icons in the first field and select Image for the asset type.
In the Path field that then appears, navigate to an image in PNG, JPEG, or GIF (PNG preferred) format stored on your computer and select it. This image should now appear at different sizes corresponding to different device resolutions in the window.
Use the tools in the window to crop, scale, etc. as desired.
Change the name in the Name field from the default ic_launcher to something new.
For, example, in the following I have substituted a picture of your humble servant, and renamed the icon ic_launcher_mwg.
Warning: the icon image name can contain only lowercase a-z, the numbers 0-9, or underscores. Anything else will generate errors. If icons are put with an invalid name, they may have to be removed manually from the subdirectories of
/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ on your file system.
Click Next, which will give a summary page.
Click Finish if you are satisfied.
Go to the AndroidManifest.xml file and change the name of the icon from ic_launcher to the new name (ic_launcher_mwg in the preceding example).
Now if the app is installed again and you look in the app drawer, you should see that the icon associated with the app has changed to the new one:
Admittedly my picture is hardly improvement over the default green bugroid, but this example shows the general procedure to replace the default icon. (You can switch back to the default icon by changing the icon attribute in AndroidManifest.xml back to ic_launch.)
Use of customized icons is optional for development but you will certainly want to do this if you intend to release your app for others to use. There are some tricks of the trade associated with effective icon design for small screens.
If you decide to make a custom icon, consult the Android icon design guidelines in the
document for guidance.
The complete project for the application described above is archived at the
Instructions for installing
it in Android Studio may be found in .
1. By default the WebView class implements a view with an embedded webpage that provides no browser-like widgets, does not enable JavaScript, and ignores web page errors (this is the mode in which we employed it).
to the embedded webview for WebViewDemo some of the customizations such as error handling, settings, and progress notification that are discussed in the
2. Use the documentation of the
classes to modify WebViewDemo so that zoom controls are built into the displayed webpage.
Use the procedure outlined in the box above to replace the default launcher icon for this project with a custom icon of your choice.}


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