登陆admin |路由器设置密码设置包括两个方面的内容:分别是192.168.0.1路由器的管理密码的设置与修改;路由器无...
本文将介绍在使用Windows XP系统来配置web管理登陆页面地址是192.168.0.1的路由器时,遇到192.168.0.1登录页面打不开的解...
本文解决的问题:用Windows 8的计算机设置路由器时,遇到路由器的192.168.0.1web管理登陆页面打不开。非Windows 8系统...
本文介绍了192.168.0.1手机登陆设置界面的方法;很多用户在安装、设置无线路由器的时候,由于没有电脑,于是想用手机来设...输入192.168.1.1然后账号 admin进不去解决办法
首先说每个路由的账号和密码不一样,然后再说就是进入路由的IP 也就是说192.168.1.1或者是192.168.0.1 及其它条件都不同
  接下来 首先大家要查看 配置路由之前前,要对用来管理路由器的电脑进行网络属性的配置
&&&&& 首先说每个路由的账号和密码不一样,然后再说就是进入路由的IP 也就是说或者是 及其它条件都不同
  接下来 首先大家要查看 配置路由之前前,要对用来管理路由器的电脑进行网络属性的配置
  b).在命令行中输入&ping然后回车,若显示&Reply from则说明电脑与路由器已连通了:
  c).若显示其他信息,譬如&Request timed out&则表示电脑与路由器的连接有其他问题,请继续参看接下去的内容。
  下面就拿一个最常用的路由为例吧 大家来演示一下路由器 TPLINK的设置 希望能有耐心看
  图6 打开桌面的Internet Explorer
  注:tplink的路由器默认IP基本都是192.168.1.1 密码基本都是admin
  图7 进入路由器界面
  图8 选择设置向导
  图9 下一步
  这里选择adsl虚拟拨号,我们大多都是选择它的, 其他的静态那是专线用户选择的, 我们这里不做详细介绍,知道 宽带用户,铁通,网通等虚拟拨号用户,选择它就行了,然后下一步请看图片10
  图10 下一步
  图11 下一步
  图12 网络参数
  好了到了,这里路由器里的配置一切都设置好了,现在我们只有重起路由器就OK了.点系统工具,重起路由器,几秒钟后 就好了, 请看图片13
  图13 重起路由器
  如果不清楚当地的DNS地址,也可以将首选的DNS设置为192.168.1.1 也就是网关了,备用的无须填写.
  好,现在继续上面的 我们需要将这台PC的 DNS地址给设置上,方法就不多说了, 打开网上邻居 属性 本地连接 属性 TCP/IP协议属性,请看图片14为当地电信DNS地址.图片15,DNS为网关地址
  图14 当地电信DNS地址
  图15 DNS为网关地址
  注:上面图片14设置的是当地电信DNS地址,朋友们 需要根据自己当地电信DNS地址去设置。的全部内容就向你介绍到这里,希望对你了解和掌握路由器设置有所帮助。 现在什么都离不开互联网那么说设置路由器也是必修课之一,如果大家记不住的话,可以通过微薄保存这篇文章,也可以加入到收藏夹中
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路由器设置详解及进入路由器的方法January 21st, 2015
Posted by admin
IP address is the address of some home-use broadband router, it’s mainly the default value of a variety of D-Link and Netgear model routers. And you can change it using the network router management console at any time. is a private IPv4 network address. Home-use router can use it to set up the default gateway. In this router, you can access its management console through a web browser at If routers or any computer of any brand on the local network get some problem, you can use this address or similar private IPv4 address(eg, to solve it. It is suggested that any IP address on the network, only one piece of equipment to use, in order to avoid address conflicts.
Why can’t I get access to
Do you want to get access to your router? If yes, please identify whether your computer’s gateway is The step is open CMD and type: ipconfig/all, or use this command: ping -t. If the gateway address is and it still can’t display the login window, perhaps it’s because the network port is not specified or there is a firewall.
The ping command is a commonly used DOS command and it is used to detect whether the network is connected and the network speed is fast or not.
While in wireless router setup process we often use the ping command. If your router address is, click ‘Run’ (or use the key combination win + r) and enter CMD and then hit OK. Then enter ping, if the result returns timeout, it illustrates the network is disconnected or losing packages, it also means your computer can not connect to the router.
Here may be the reasons:
1, The router IP address is not, or you’ve mistaken it with 192.168.o.1.
2, The router has been shut down, and unable to be connected.
3, ICMP packet filtering is set up in the router (like firewall settings).
If you can receive some bytes, it means your network is connected, and you may be able to connect to a wireless router, the step is to enter in your browser to try.
Wireless router has become increasingly popular, most people using laptop or cell phone hopes to connect to the Internet directly using WIFI, it’s more convenient and saving network traffic. However, many new to wireless routers do not know how to use a wireless router. Although there are manual books, but they are too brief instructions and really need to spend some time to get understood of how to use a wireless router.
Below we share with you how to set up a wireless router with an example of the most common TP Link wireless router.
1, Wireless Router parameter settings
Use a network cable to connect computer with the wireless router, of course, it can also be directly connected using wireless search, but for a newbie I recommend to use your network cable to connect to it directly. Once connected, open a browser, enter in the address bar to enter the wireless router’s setup screen, the default login user name and password are usually ‘admin’, you can refer to the instructions in manual(the simplest way is to take a look at the shell of your router, there’s always an instruction) .
After successful logged into the interface, the Setup Wizard will automatically pop up by default. Select Setup Wizard, then a window of instructions will pop up, you can set the basic parameters of the router through the wizard, or you can just click ‘Next’. Then you can set up your router step by step using the Setup Wizard. Select internet way, usually ADSL users will choose the first PPPoE, if you are using a different network service providers, select the following two according to the actual situation, if you do not know how to choose, choose the automatic option to facilitate the novice to operate, after finished selecting, click Next. Enter your account and password you get from your network service provider, after your finish this, click Next.
2, After the setup is complete, restart wireless router
Next is the wireless settings. Set the SSID name, which by default is your router model, this is
the device name when you are search the network, you can change it according to your own preferences and easy to recognize. The rest part can be based on the system default setting options, there’s no need to change, but in the network security settings you must set a password to prevent network rubbing. After setting, click Next. At this point, you’ve done the wireless router settings. Reboot the router and then you can connect it to the Internet with wireless access.
In general, as long as familiar with the steps described above, you have learned how to use a wireless router. At this point, wireless router settings have been completed, the next thing to do of course is to open your wireless device, search WIFI wireless signal and your computer can be directly connected to the Internet.
3, Search wireless signals to connect to the Internet
This step is about some brief wireless search process. Enable your wireless card, search WIFI signal, find your wireless router SSID name, double-click to connect. It will display ‘Getting WIFI information to connect to a wireless router’, then enter the password you set before. It then displays connecting, after waiting for a while, you are connected to the Internet.
What to do if I don’t know password? A case list below will tell you the solution, it is very simple, just reset the router on the line. password reset:
Usually if we encounter password failure, the first step is have to reset the router settings. Use a toothpick or a needle against the hole on the back of the router, unplug the power of your router at the same time, then connect the network cable connected to the external network to WLAN port on the router, connect your computer to the LAN port on top of the router. router settings:
After the preparation work, we now enter ‘’ (each router has its original IP and they are not same according to above instructions) on your computer’s browser. Then press enter, enter the user name and password, the initial user name is usually admin, initial password is usually admin too(different routers are not the same), then click login, click Next, and now have all the router’s settings completed, and the rest is to restart the router.
January 20th, 2015
Posted by admin is the default IP of many routers set by router factories, so while we are configuring a wireless router setting and our PC, we need to set them on the same network. For example, I set my PC’s IP as, subnet mask of, the default gateway is Then we can go to router’s setup interface to make our network working smoothly.
Wireless router setup
Through the above settings, we can log into the router to configure the detailed settings, first double-click browser, enter the IP address in the address bar, then we will see the router’s configuration interface. Usually it’s not required to verify the username and password by default if it’s the first time to configure. But some routers require username and authentication, such as D-Link’s products, the default user name is Admin, the default password is blank. We can read product’s manual book for default username and password if the product needs authentication.
The next step, click ‘Setup Wizard’ option, then we enter the router’s configuration wizard interface. This page will display a Configuration Wizard welcome screen, we can click Next to proceed with the configuration directly. Then there is an option of interface internet access interface in which we can make specific choices based on our own internet providers, for example, many providers offer ADSL, CABLE and MODEM.
If your network is CABLE then you can choose the first option, if your network is ADSL we can choose the second one. Here we assume that you are using ADSL lines, then we select the second item, click Next to continue the configuration.
Next, we also need to choose what kind of dial-up approach. In USA, many telecom companies provide static IPs, and there are also many companies are still using PPPoE dial-up way to manage their network.
so here we choose the first item, and then click Next. Click Next will require users to fill in some information, PPPoE dial-up users will have a validation process, we need the information that telecom company provides to us to input into the box. Then click Next, after you’ve filled out the necessary information, the router will let you select the IP address type, most users are using carriers automatically assigned IP address, then we finish the configuration.
So basically it’s the step by step of configuring our wireless router with ip address,
most time our broadband router configuration wizard will automatically configure the settings, experienced users can also manually configure the broadband router according to their needs, we recommend you manually configure the broadband router according to its product manual.使用Windows 7的电脑配置无线路由器时,遇到路由器的192.168.0.1web管理地址打不开的解决办法,本文将先介绍因为192.168.0.1登陆页面打不开的原因,然后再给出了对应的解决办法。 路由器的192.168...
使用Windows 7的电脑配置无线路由器时,遇到路由器的192.168.0.1web管理地址打不开的解决办法,本文将先介绍因为192.168.0.1登陆页面打不开的原因,然后再给...
在浏览器中输入:时,提示需要输入登录密码(管理员密码),但是我不知道管理员密码是多少,这种情况下应该怎么办? 首先说明以下,TP-Link TL-H29...
无线路由器默认设置地址是:或者192.168.1.1 ;常见的默认用户名和密码也是admin;那么怎么把默认的地址修改成自己想要的IP地址呢?下面就教大家...
问:打不开进不去怎么办 答:打不开,进不去相信很多人都遇到过,刚买回电脑,为电脑置上网时要进入路由器,在浏览器中输...}



