
请帮我 批阅 一下这几道选择题,谢谢
请帮我 批阅 一下这几道选择题,谢谢
1. Jane’s worried she won’t be able to __C__ her paper on time.
A. turn off B. turn down C. turn in D. turn on
2. When I saw my little boy crying bitterly over the death of his pet dog, I could hardly __B__ my tears.
A. hold down B. hold up
C. hold back D. hold on
3. I hope that we’ll _A_ our neighbors after we move away.
A. keep in touch with B. keep up with
C. keep well with D. catch up with
4. Before people knew how to make and use metals, engineering constructions were __C__ built of wood or stone.
A. greatly B. hardly C. mostly D. scarcely
5. It was thought that he had committed the crime, but there wasn’t __B__ evidence against him.
A. good B. sufficient C. steady D. proof
6. It was a good car, and __C___, the price was reasonable.
A. because B. therefore C. moreover D. however
7. What are we going to __不会__ the food left over from the party?
A. deal in B. cope on C. cope in D. do with
8. If you look out of the window on the left side of the bus, you’ll see that we’re now __B__ the Tower of London.
A. arriving B. approaching C. getting D. going
9. From the radar screen air controllers _A_ each plane by their different call sign, speed and altitude.
A. see B. spot C. catch D. identify
10. Helen is pretty, of gracefully __C__ build, with blue eyes.
A. skinny B. fat C. slim D. thin
11. The director wanted to hear all the __D__ for and against the proposal before he made a decision.
A. decisions B. argumentations C. fights D. arguments
12. The girl walked steadily north, pausing __B_ to check her direction.
A. now and than B. every now and than
C. now and then D. then and now
13. As a sailing ship has a _C_, so we must have definite goal in my life.
A. goal B. destiny C. destination D. wish
14. A half hour _C__ before the manager returned to the meeting hall, where the staff members had gathered.
A. goes by B. went by C. went off D. goes away
15. It’ll only be a _C_ visit because we recently haven’t much time.
A. long B. timely C. brief D. informal
16. Words cannot __B__ how grateful we are for his timely help.
A. carry B. convey C. pass D. extend
17. Successful businessmen today are likely to be young, aggressive, and well-educated._C_, they are willing to take risks to achieve success.
A. At first B. First of all
C. Above all D. All in all
18. People who __D__ litter in the streets should be fined heavily.
A. get B. remove C. leave D. discard
19. The former lake bed is now a _C_ plain producing good crops of wheat.
A. barren B. profile C. fertile D. futile
20. The kidnappers ( 绑架的匪徒)_C_ the boy into the car and drove off.
A. thrusted B. shrew C. thrust D. throu
2)HOLD BACK有阻止,抑制的意思 HOLD UP有阻挡的意思,一般是指受外力影响。
7)What are we going to do with 句型,怎么/如何对待…… deal in经营 cope on/in 对待,处理(比较擅长,善于做的事情)
9)identify 鉴别,识别 其他的选项没有“区分,辨别”这种意思
12)如果B选项every now and than是every now and then 那就要选B了
14)B选项是指时间逝去 但C是指事物的消失,变质,爆炸
相关问答:请大家帮我做一下这几道题,这是三年级寒假作业上的,帮我妹妹哦! 谢谢!!!
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