
Dear Friend***Can I Trust You?今天一个鸟人给我发过来邮件,让我帮他,我正在和他联系,大家说这是什么>Dear Friend***Can I Trust You?>>My name is Muhammed Azeem a merchant in Dubai,in the U.A.E.I have been>diagnosed with Esophageal cancer.It has defiled all forms of medical>treatment and right now i have only about a few months to live.According>to medical experts,i have not particularly lived my life so well as i>never really cared for anyone (not even myself) but my business.Though i>am very rich,i was never generous,I was always hostile to people and>only focused on my business as that was the only thing i cared for.But>now i regret all this as i now know that there is more to life than just>wanting to have or make all the money in the world.>>I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul so,i want you to act>as my Beneficiary who will help me contact the security finance company on>my behalf to discuss the terms and condition of getting my cash>consignment i deposit with them out from their custody and also helping me>to dispatch it to the charity organizations.I have $26,000,000 (twenty>six million dollars) in their possession.I have also decided that if you>help me,you will be entitled to 30% of the money.Kindly get back to me>with trust and sincerity that you will help me on this regards.Here is my>personal email box:muhammedazeem_merchant@yahoo.co.jp>>God be with you.>My Dearest Brother>Mr Muhammed Azeem我已经和他联系上了,奇怪的是我他给我发的第一封邮件却被删除了,我没有删,这是不是一个黑客团伙,抑或作案集团?呵呵~练练英语,这帮子家伙真的很卖命的,很真诚的天天发邮件给我,也不知道他们是不是也在东八区时间~好了,不说废话了,有没有人有类似经历,或者相关的报道?
额.LZ ,好像你跟我一样~系统都自动标为垃圾邮箱~我还以为大馅饼呢~唉,贪欲果然是原罪!主 题:Dear Friend***Can I Trust You?[举报垃圾邮件]此邮件被系统自动标记为垃圾邮件,7天后将会被自动删除.[取消垃圾邮件标记] 主题:Dear Friend***Can I Trust You?时 间:日(星期六) 08:50 发件人:"Muhammed Azeem" [添加到通讯录] [查看邮件往来] [拒收] [邀请] 收件人:(无) Dear Friend***Can I Trust You?My name is Muhammed Azeem a merchant in Dubai,in the U.A.E.I have beendiagnosed with Esophageal cancer.It has defiled all forms of medical treatmentand right now i have only about a few months to live.According to medicalexperts,i have not particularly lived my life so well as i never really caredfor anyone (not even myself) but my business.Though i am very rich,i wasnevergenerous,i was always hostile to people and only focused on my business asthatwas the only thing i cared for.But now i regret all this as i now know thatthere is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money in theworld.I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul so,i want you to act as myBeneficiary who will help me contact the security finance company on my behalfto discuss the terms and condition of getting my cash consignment i depositwiththem out from their custody and also helping me to dispatch it to the charityorganizations.I have $26,000,000 (twenty six million dollars) in theirpossession.I have also decided that if you help me,you will be entitled to30%of the money.Kindly get back to me with trust and sincerity that you will help me on thisGod be with you.Muhammed Azeem翻译如下:亲爱的朋友***我能相信你吗?我的名字是穆罕默德Azeem商人在迪拜,阿联酋我一直在 确诊为食道癌.它玷污一切形式的医疗待遇 而现在我只是约数个月的生命.据医疗 专家,我有我的生活没有什么特别生活这么好,因为我从来没有真正关心 任何人(即使是我自己),但我的生意.虽然我很富有,我是 从来没有 慷慨的,我总是敌视人民,为我的业务只集中 这 是我唯一的照顾.但现在这一切我感到遗憾,因为我现在知道 还有更多的生活比只是想在拥有或使所有的钱 世界.我想上帝是仁慈的,以我和接受我的灵魂,所以我要你做我的 受益人谁还会帮我联系上我的名义担保金融公司 讨论的条款和寄售我把我的现金存款条件 与 他们从他们的监护权,也帮助我派遣到慈善事业 组织.我有26,000,000元(二千六点○○○万美元),其 占有.我还决定,如果你帮我,你将有权 30% 的钱.请回来,为我的信任和诚恳,你会帮助我在这 上帝与你同在.穆罕默德Azeem
战网帐号调查 发件人:网易战网客服团队 &.cn&
间:日(星期天) 中午11:25& &收件人: XXXXX&&该邮件可能包含危害您银行卡、网络帐户或其他虚拟财产安全的内容,建议您不要轻信。举报垃圾邮件你好:经过玩家举报,我们审查发现此账号于-在游戏内使用了未经授权的第三方程序.此行为已经违反&游戏管理规则&根据《战网使用条款》、《魔兽世界中文版使用条款》、《游戏管理规则》,我们将会永久冻结此帐户.对上述处理措施有异议请登陆:[url][/url]网易战网客服团队从发件人来看 是网易没错。但是最后这个[url][/url]却是很奇怪!和正常的战网网址比多了个“i”而且进去就叫我输入战网帐号...另外我已经是玩了N年的老玩家了,什么都看淡了,除了用了LIU 3没用什么其他非法软件。我的游戏帐号也能上。
[quote][tid=5649884]Topic[/pid] [b]Post by evil ( 15:03):[/b]战网帐号调查 发件人:网易战网客服团队 &.cn&
间:日(星期天.......[/quote][@evil]如果你输了那就是真二逼了[url=/store/apps/details?id=gov.pianzong.androidnga&472824FFBA99ACE9C68EBABECACffff]----sent from my Sony Ericsson LT26ii,Android 4.0.4[/url]
[b]Reply to [pid=]Reply[/pid] Post by jolinbest ( 15:05)[/b]为什么发件邮箱没有问题是网易的。难道这个也可以改吗?
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by evil ( 15:07):[/b]为什么发件邮箱没有问题是网易的。难道这个也可以改吗?[/quote]现在有个什么转发还是代发什么的,反正很操蛋的一个功能前一阵我还收到了我自己发给自己的诈骗信
战网官方邮箱貌似是battle.net,反正不是你收到那个什么.cn就对了[url=/store/apps/details?id=gov.pianzong.androidnga]----sent from my samsung GT-I9008L,Android 2.2.2[/url]
以后大家在YY打战场 叫别人组你的时候切记别随便报出自己的战网帐号啊!切记!还有我的战网是个6位的QQ帐号,可能也是太招摇了。。。
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by hy12-10-21 15:16):[/b]战网官方邮箱貌似是battle.net,反正不是你收到那个什么.cn就对了[url=/store/apps/details?id=gov.pianzong.androidnga]----sent from my samsung GT-I9008L,Android 2.2.2[/url][/quote]国服战网还真是用这个邮箱的…… [img]./mon_/7_6.jpg[/img]
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by azazhs ( 16:09):[/b]国服战网还真是用这个邮箱的…… [img]./mon_/7_6.jpg[/img][/quote]卤煮 你那个发件人肯定就跟这个一样
是属于代发 转发
实际发件人 是后面那个
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by -10-21 16:23):[/b]卤煮 你那个发件人肯定就跟这个一样
是属于代发 转发
实际发件人 是后面那个[/quote]不过这是真战网的邮箱,下面那个代发的是网易的邮箱。自己查一下就知道了。
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by azazhs ( 16:34):[/b]不过这是真战网的邮箱,下面那个代发的是网易的邮箱。自己查一下就知道了。[/quote]网易邮箱怎么了


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