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"F2048 Bad unit format"
F2048 Bad unit format
Last posting was on
I installed your new Advantage component for Delphi XE2.
I use Windows7 prof. 64bit, Delphi XE2, Advantage for DelphiXE2 64.
When I compile my Testprogram on 32-bit everything ok.
When I try 64-bit Windows I get the error:
[DCC Fatal Error] TestADS64.DPR(20): F2048 Bad unit format:
'DataADS.DCU' - Expected version: 23.0, Windows Unicode(x64) Found
version: 23.0, Windows Unicode(x86)
What went wrong?
Hi Johan (or Frans),
& When I try 64-bit Windows I get the error:
& [DCC Fatal Error] TestADS64.DPR(20): F2048 Bad unit format:
& 'DataADS.DCU' - Expected version: 23.0, Windows Unicode(x64) Found
& version: 23.0, Windows Unicode(x86)
It looks like you're trying to link in the 32-bit .DCU files instead of
the 64-bit .DCU files...
& Regards,
Bob Swart Training & Consultancy () Forever Loyal to Delphi
Chairman Delphi Development Network (DDN) powered by SDN - www.sdn.nl
Reseller: Delphi & Embarcadero RAD Studio + Advantage Database Server
/eBob42 LinkedIn: /in/drbob42
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Delphi控件:delphi - Dcu file not found - Stack Overflow
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J it only takes a minute:
i have a problem compiling my Delphi code.
I have 3 classes, XmlFileManager (concrete), XmlNodeManager (abstract), XmlEnpManager (child of XmlNodeManager and concrete).
Below, a little of definition class code:
unit XmlFileM
xmldom, XMLIntf, msxmldom, XMLDoc, SysUtils, DateUtils, Classes, Dialogs,
XmlNodeManager, XmlEnpM
TXmlFileManager = class
unit XmlNodeM
xmldom, XMLIntf, msxmldom, XMLDoc, SysUtils, DateUtils, Classes, Dialogs,
TXmlNodeManager = class
unit XmlEnpM
xmldom, XMLIntf, msxmldom, XMLDoc, SysUtils, DateUtils, Classes, Dialogs,
TXmlEnpManager = class (TXmlNodeManager)
In the XmlNodeManager and XmlEnpManager, not recognize TXmlFileManager class. An whe i compile, the compilation fails with message:
[dcc32 Fatal Error] SiGAS.dpr(23): F1026 File not found:
In the past, the XmlFileManager was called XmlManager.
Any ideas ?.
Main in 'forms\Main.pas' {Principal},
Globals in 'units\Globals.pas',
CrearProyectoForm in 'forms\CrearProyectoForm.pas' {NuevoProyecto},
Validadores in 'units\Validadores.pas',
IdiomaClass in 'units\IdiomaClass.pas',
IdiomaCastellanoClass in 'units\IdiomaCastellanoClass.pas',
ExcelFileManagerClass in 'units\ExcelFileManagerClass.pas',
SeleccionarIdioma in 'forms\SeleccionarIdioma.pas' {SelectLang},
EnpView in 'forms\EnpView.pas' {ENP},
EnpViewGeneric in 'forms\EnpViewGeneric.pas' {EnpGeneric},
EnpViewAdd in 'forms\EnpViewAdd.pas' {EnpAdd},
EnpViewAddAfter in 'forms\EnpViewAddAfter.pas' {EnpAddAfter},
EnpViewEdit in 'forms\EnpViewEdit.pas' {EnpEdit},
EnpInicial in 'forms\EnpInicial.pas' {ENPViewInicial},
XmlFileManager in 'units\XmlFileManager.pas',
XmlNodeManager in 'units\XmlNodeManager.pas',
XmlEnpManager in 'units\XmlEnpManager.pas';
Your main source file, SiGAS.dpr, still has it listed as XmlManager, so...
Open your *.dpr file (it is just Delphi code) and fix the unit name in the uses clause, then rebuild.
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Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabledDelphi: Missing Dcu - Stack Overflow
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J it only takes a minute:
[DCC Fatal Error] Unit1.pas(7): F1026 File not found: 'MyBitBtn.dcu'
Unit1 is a VCL Form for test purposes.
I have installed a design time package which contains a custom component that derived from TBitBtn. I can load the MyBitBtn in the Delphi IDE, load up the custom images I coded in design time and it seems like it works fine, at least visually. I get the above compile time error when I try to compile the test project.
I have a package group that has one design time package and one run time package. Design time package registers the component and Runtime package inherits the TBitBtn and has the custom code in it. The design time package contains the RunTime DCP file in the requires section.
The moment I insert the custom button on the test form, IDE creates the USES clause for MyBitBtn file. And that file apparently can't be found. Shouldn't that be part of the package installed?
Most probable you did not set 'Unit output directory' option in your runtime package, so package .dcu' I usually set it to $(BDSCOMMONDIR)\Dcp and have no problems.
Generally, the .dcu's of a runtime package should be available via global IDE library path if you want your package to be available to any project:
You should either use one of the existing paths or add your own.
The design part works, but for run time, the compiler must be able to find the dcu.
You can do that either...
By adding the dcu folder to the library path of the IDE.
By adding the dcu folder to the search path of the project.
Or by adding the dcu explicitly to the project.
I would choose the first option. Since it's an installed component, you would want it to be available for any project, so setting the library path makes the most sense.
define the path where this dcu is stored in system environment. And dont forget to include it in Delphi env paths.
Go to ZEOS files, open packages, choose your version(DelphiXE10/Delphi7 ...) then go to the Win 32 file, open it and open Debug folder. Copy every thing, go to Program Files, Embarcadero, Studio, 17.0, lib, Win 32, Debug and paste, do the same in every win32 folder... Hope it helps :)
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