
&&& NSOperation *invocation = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(downloadImage) object:nil];
&& [invocation start];
&&& NSOperationQueue *queque = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
&&& [queque addOperation:invocation];
&&& [queque addOperation:invocation];
&&& [queque addOperation:invocation];
&&& [queque addOperation:invocation];
&&& NSOperation *block = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^{
&&&&&&& NSLog(@&%@&,[NSThread currentThread]);
&&& //把操作放到队列
&&& [queue addOperation:block];
&&& [queue addOperation:block];
&&& [queue addOperation:block];
[queue addOperationWithBlock:^{
&&&&&&& NSLog(@&111&);
NSBlockOperation *block = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^{
&&&&&&& NSLog(@&%@&,[NSThread currentThread]);
&&& [block addExecutionBlock:^{
&&&&&&& NSLog(@&%@&, [NSThread currentThread]);
- (void)connectWithThread{
&&& NSOperationQueue *queue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
&&& [queue addOperationWithBlock:^{
&&&&&&& NSLog(@&耗时操作&);
&&&&&&& [[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^{
&&&&&&&&&&& NSLog(@&更新UI&);
&&&&&&& }];
如果要做线程间通信,可以使用[NSOpration mainQueue]拿到主队列,往主队列添加操作(更新UI)
self.queue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 2;
self.queue.suspended = YES;
self.queue.operationCount == 0
&&& [self.queue cancelAllOperations];
&&&[op2 addDependency:op1];
&& &将任务(block)添加到队列(串行/并行(全局)),指定任务的方法(同步/异步)
&& &拿到dispatch_get_main_queue()线程间通讯
&& &NSOpration无法做到,一次性执行,,延迟执行,调度组
&& &将操作(异步执行)添加到队列(并发/全局)
&& &[NSOprationQueue mainQueue]任务添加到主队列,就会在主线程执行
&& &提供了一些GCD不好实现的,最大并发数
&& &暂停,继续——挂起
&& &取消所有任务
&& &依赖关系
& GCD也可以实现复杂的多线程应用,主要是建立个个线程时间的依赖关系这类的情况,但是需要自己实现相比NSOperation要复杂。
2. 从异步操作之间的事务性,顺序行,依赖关系。GCD需要自己写更多的代码来实现,而NSOperationQueue已经内建了这些支持
3. 如果异步操作的过程需要更多的被交互和UI呈现出来,NSOperationQueue会是一个更好的选择。底层代码中,任务之间不太互相依赖,而需要更高的并发能力,GCD则更有优势
主题 : 如何立即cancel当前正在运行的NSOperation
级别: 骑士
可可豆: 1626 CB
威望: 1626 点
在线时间: 198(时)
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假设一个操作NSOperation *theOp添加到NSOperationQueue *queue中去,并且开始运行,如何立即取消这个操作呢?[queue cancelAllOperations];和[theOp cancel];都不能立即取消啊好像,有什么办法吗?[queue cancelAllOperations];的作用好像是让那些还没运行的NSOperation被取消,正在运行的NSOperation就没办法了。[theOp cancel];的作用好像是在这个操作没执行之前会被取消,正在执行也不起作用。
级别: 侠客
可可豆: 435 CB
威望: 335 点
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威望: 771 点
在线时间: 199(时)
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你的main函数中需要提供出口 可以将你的任务分段,类似。虽然我也觉得比较土,但是还不知道有什么好方案a();if (_isCancel)b();if (_isCancel)c();
级别: 新手上路
可可豆: 6 CB
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cancel&& 不是只有在未执行之前 有效么 NSoperation执行了 也有效?&&
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扫一扫 浏览移动版多线程 NSOperation
多线程 NSOperation
一. & &NSThread 可以实现多线程编程,但是需要我们去管理线程的生命周期,还要考虑线程同步,加锁问题。造成一些性能上的开销。我们可以配合使用NSOperation 和NSOperationQueue 实现多线程编程。
& & 1.先将执行的操作封装到一个NSOperation对象中
& & 2.然后将NSOperation对象添加到NSOperationQueue中
& & 3.系统会自动将NSOperation封装的操作放到一条新线程中执行
& & (1)NSInvocationOperation
& & (2)NSBlockOperation
& & (3)自定义子类继承NSOperation,实现内部相应的方法
& & &(1)NSInvocationOperation
& & NSInvocationOperation *operation = [[[NSInvocationOperation
& & [operation start];&
& & &(2)NSBlockOperation&
& & &NSBlockOperation *operation = [NSBlockOperation
blockOperationWithBlock:^() {& &&
& & [operation
start];& //开始执行任务 & 这里还是在当前线程同步执行操作,并没有异步执行
NSBlockOperation *operation = [NSBlockOperation
blockOperationWithBlock:^() {
NSLog(@"执行第一次操作,线程:%@",[NSThread currentThread]);
& & }];& & //初始化一个NSBlockOperation
& & [operation
NSLog(@"又执行了一个新的操作,线程:%@",[NSThread currentThread]);
& & [operation
NSLog(@"又执行了一个新的操作,线程:%@",[NSThread currentThread]);
& & [operation
NSLog(@"又执行了一个新的操作,线程:%@",[NSThread currentThread]);
& & }];& & //通过addExecutionBlock:方法添加了新的操作,一共封装了4个操作
& & [operation start];&
& & 结果:又执行了一个新操作,线程:&NSThread 0x7121d50&{name = (null),num = 1}
又执行了一个新操作,线程:&NSThread 0x7421ed0&{name = (null),num = 5}
执行第一次操作,线程:&NSThread 0x742de50&{name = (null),num = 3}
又执行了一个新操作,线程:&NSThread 0x7157bf0&{name = (null),num
& &(3)NSOperation的其他用法
& & &operation开始执行之后,默认会一直执行到操作完成,我们也可以调用cancel方法中途取消操作。
& & [operation
cancel]; &//取消操作
& & 操作完成之后的操作:
& & 如果想在一个NSOperation执行完成之后做一些事情,就调用NSOperation的setCompletionBlock方法来设置想做的事情
& & &&operation.completionBlock = ^(){&
NSLog(@"执行完毕"); &//当operation封装的操作执行完毕后,就会回调执行Block的内容
& &(4)自定义NSOperation,重写main方法
& & DownloadOperation.h
#import &Foundation/Foundation.h&
@protocol DownloadOperationDelegate;
@interface DownloadOperation :
@property(nonatomic,copy)NSString *imageU
id &DownloadOperationDelegate&
-(id)initWithUrl:(NSString *)url delegate:(id&DownloadOperationDelegate&)
@protocol DownloadOperationDelegate &NSObject&
-(void)downloadFinishWithImage:(UIImage *)
& &DownloadOperation.m
#import "DownloadOperation.h"
@implementation DownloadOperation
@synthesize delegate =
@synthesize imageUrl =
-(id)initWithUrl:(NSString *)url delegate:(id&DownloadOperationDelegate&)delegate{
if (self = [super
self.imageUrl =
self.delegate =
& & return
& & [super
& & [_imageUrl
& & //新建一个自动释放池,如果是异步执行操作,那么将无法访问到主线程的自动释放池
& & @autoreleasepool { &
& & 默认一个NSOperation开始执行之后,会一直执行到任务结束。
& & NSOperation &提供一个cancel方法,可以取消当前的操作。
& & 如果是自定义NSOperation的话,需要手动处理这个取消事件。比如一旦调用了cancel方法,应该马上终止main方法的执行,并及时回收一些资源。
& & 处理取消事件的具体做法是:在main中定期的调用isCancelled方法监测操作是否已经被取消,也就是说是否调用了cancel方法,如果返回YES,表示已取消,则立即让main方法返回。
& & 以下地方可能需要调用isCancelled方法:
& & & & (1)在执行任何实际的工作之前,也就是说在main方法的开头。因为取消可能发生在任何时候,甚至在operation执行之前。
& & & &(2) 执行了一段耗时的操作之后也需要监测操作是否已经被取消。
& & //新建一个自动释放池,如果是异步执行操作,那么将无法访问到主线程的自动释放池
& & @autoreleasepool { &
& & & & if (self.isCancelled)
NSData *imageData = [NSData
if (self.isCancelled) {
& & & & & & url =
& & & & & & imageData =
& & & & & &
UIImage *image = [UIImage
if (self.isCancelled) {
& & & & & & image =
& & & & & &
if ([self.delegate
respondsToSelector:@selector(downloadFinishWithImage:)]) {
& & & & & & [(NSObject *)self.delegate
withObject:image waitUntilDone:NO]; &
&& & & & & &
TA的最新馆藏NSOperation - NSHipster
Written by
July 14th, 2014
In life, there&s always work to be done. Every day brings with it a steady stream of tasks and chores to fill the working hours of our existence.
Yet, no matter how burdened one&s personal ToDo list becomes, it pales in comparison to the workload of an iOS app, of which millions of computations are expected, all while managing to draw a frame every 16 milliseconds.
Productivity is, as in life as it is in programming, a matter of scheduling and prioritizing and multi-tasking work in order to keep up appearances.
The secret to making apps snappy is to offload as much unnecessary work to the background as possible, and in this respect, the modern Cocoa developer has two options:
and . This article will primarily focus on the latter, though it&s important to note that the two are quite complementary (more on that later).
NSOperation represents a single unit of work. It&s an abstract class that offers
a useful, thread-safe structure for modeling state, priority, dependencies, and management.
For situations where it doesn&t make sense to build out a custom NSOperation subclass, Foundation provides the concrete implementations
Examples of tasks that lend themselves well to NSOperation include , image resizing, text processing, or any other repeatable, structured, long-running task that produces associated state or data.
But simply wrapping computation into an object doesn&t do much without a little oversight. That&s where NSOperationQueue comes in:
NSOperationQueue regulates the concurrent execution of operations. It acts as a priority queue, such that operations are executed in a roughly
manner, with higher-priority (NSOperation.queuePriority) ones getting to jump ahead of lower-priority ones. NSOperationQueue can also limit the maximum number of concurrent operations to be executed at any given moment, using the maxConcurrentOperationCount property.
NSOperationQueue itself is backed by a Grand Central Dispatch queue, though that&s a private implementation detail.
To kick off an NSOperation, either call start, or add it to an NSOperationQueue, to have it start once it reaches the front of the queue. Since so much of the benefit of NSOperation is derived from NSOperationQueue, it&s almost always preferable to add an operation to a queue rather than invoke start directly.
NSOperation encodes a rather elegant state machine to describe the execution of an operation:
ready → executing → finished
In lieu of an explicit state property, state is determined implicitly by KVO notifications on those keypaths. When an operation is ready to be executed, it sends a KVO notification for the ready keypath, whose corresponding property would then return true.
Each property must be mutually exclusive from one another in order to encode a consistent state:
ready: Returns true to indicate that the operation is ready to execute, or false if there are still unfinished initialization steps on which it is dependent.
executing: Returns true if the operation is currently working on its task, or false otherwise.
finished Returns true if the operation&s task finished execution successfully, or if the operation was cancelled. An NSOperationQueue does not dequeue an operation until finished changes to true, so it is critical to implement this correctly in subclasses to avoid deadlock.
It is often useful to cancel operations early to prevent needless work from being performed, whether due to a failure in a dependent operation or explicit cancellation by the user.
Similar to execution state, NSOperation communicates cancellation through KVO on the cancelled keypath. When an operation is cancelled, it should clean up any internal details and arrive in an appropriate final state as quickly as possible. Specifically, the values for both cancelled and finished need to become true, and executing needs to become false.
One thing to watch out for are the spelling peculiarities of the word &cancel&. Although spelling varies across dialects, when it comes to NSOperation:
cancel: use one L for the function (verb)
cancelled: use two L&s for the property (adjective)
All operations may not be equally important. Setting the queuePriority property will promote or defer an operation in an NSOperationQueue according to the following rankings:
public enum NSOperationQueuePriority : Int {
case VeryLow
case Normal
case VeryHigh
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NSOperationQueuePriority) {
NSOperationQueuePriorityVeryLow = -8L,
NSOperationQueuePriorityLow = -4L,
NSOperationQueuePriorityNormal = 0,
NSOperationQueuePriorityHigh = 4,
NSOperationQueuePriorityVeryHigh = 8
Quality of Service
Quality of Service is a new concept in iOS 8 & OS X Yosemite that creates consistent, high-level semantics for scheduling system resources. APIs were introduced for both
and NSOperation that use this abstraction.
For NSOperation, the threadPriority property has been deprecated in favor of this new qualityOfService property. (And good riddance—threadPriority was too unwieldy to be anything but a liability to most developers.)
Service levels establish the system-wide priority of an operation in terms of how much CPU, network, and disk resources are allocated. A higher quality of service means that more resources will be provided to perform an operation&s work more quickly.
QoS appears to use the
under the hood.
The following enumerated values are used to denote the nature and urgency of an operation. Applications are encouraged to select the most appropriate value for operations in order to ensure a great user experience:
@available(iOS 8.0, OSX 10.10, *)
public enum NSQualityOfService : Int {
case UserInteractive
case UserInitiated
case Utility
case Background
case Default
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NSQualityOfService) {
NSQualityOfServiceUserInteractive = 0x21,
NSQualityOfServiceUserInitiated = 0x19,
NSQualityOfServiceUtility = 0x11,
NSQualityOfServiceBackground = 0x09,
NSQualityOfServiceDefault = -1
} NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_10, 8_0);
.UserInteractive:UserInteractive QoS is used for work directly involved in providing an interactive UI such as processing events or drawing to the screen.
.UserInitiated: UserInitiated QoS is used for performing work that has been explicitly requested by the user and for which results must be immediately presented in order to allow for further user interaction.
For example, loading an email after a user has selected it in a message list.
.Utility: Utility QoS is used for performing work which the user is unlikely to be immediately waiting for the results.
This work may have been requested by the user or initiated automatically, does not prevent the user from further interaction, often operates at user-visible timescales and may have its progress indicated to the user by a non-modal progress indicator.
This work will run in an energy-efficient manner, in deference to higher QoS work when resources are constrained.
For example, periodic content updates or bulk file operations such as media import.
.Background: Background QoS is used for work that is not user initiated or visible.
In general, a user is unaware that this work is even happening and it will run in the most efficient manner while giving the most deference to higher QoS work.
For example, pre-fetching content, search indexing, backups, and syncing of data with external systems.
.Default: Default QoS indicates the absence of QoS information.
Whenever possible QoS information will be inferred from other sources.
If such inference is not possible, a QoS between UserInitiated and Utility will be used.
let backgroundOperation = NSOperation()
backgroundOperation.queuePriority = .Low
backgroundOperation.qualityOfService = .Background
let operationQueue = NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()
NSOperation *backgroundOperation = [[NSOperation alloc] init];
backgroundOperation.queuePriority = NSOperationQueuePriorityLow;
backgroundOperation.qualityOfService = NSOperationQualityOfServiceBackground;
[[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperation:backgroundOperation];
Asynchronous Operations
Another change in iOS 8 / OS X Yosemite is the deprecation of the concurrent property in favor of the new asynchronous property.
Originally, the concurrent property was used to distinguish between operations that performed all of their work in a single main method, and those that managed their own state while executing asynchronously. This property was also used to determine whether NSOperationQueue would execute a method in a separate thread. After NSOperationQueue was changed to run on an internal dispatch queue rather than manage threads directly, this aspect of the property was ignored. The new asynchronous property clears away the semantic cobwebs of concurrent, and is now the sole determination of whether an NSOperation should execute synchronously in main, or asynchronously.
Depending on the complexity of an application, it may make sense to divide up large tasks into a series of composable sub-tasks. This can be done with NSOperation dependencies.
For example, to describe the process of downloading and resizing an image from a server, one might divide up networking into one operation, and resizing into another (perhaps to reuse the networking operation to download other resources, or also use the resizing operation for images already cached in memory). However, since an image can&t be resized until it&s downloaded, then the networking operation is a dependency of the resizing operation, and must be finished before the resizing operation can be started.
Expressed in code:
let networkingOperation: NSOperation = ...
let resizingOperation: NSOperation = ...
let operationQueue = NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()
operationQueue.addOperations([networkingOperation, resizingOperation], waitUntilFinished: false)
NSOperation *networkingOperation = ...
NSOperation *resizingOperation = ...
[resizingOperation addDependency:networkingOperation];
NSOperationQueue *operationQueue = [NSOperationQueue mainQueue];
[operationQueue addOperation:networkingOperation];
[operationQueue addOperation:resizingOperation];
An operation will not be started until all of its dependencies return true for finished.
Make sure not to accidentally create a dependency cycle, such that A depends on B, and B depends on A, for example. This will create deadlock and sadness.
When an NSOperation finishes, it will execute its completionBlock exactly once. This provides a really nice way to customize the behavior of an operation when used in a model or view controller.
let operation = NSOperation()
operation.completionBlock = {
NSOperation *operation = ...;
operation.completionBlock = ^{
[[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperation:operation];
For example, you could set a completion block on a network operation to do something with the response data from the server once it&s finished loading.
NSOperation remains an essential tool in an iOS or OS X developer&s bag of tricks. Whereas GCD is ideal for in-line asynchronous processing, NSOperation provides a more comprehensive, object-oriented model of computation for encapsulating all of the data around structured, repeatable tasks in an application.
Developers should use the highest level of abstraction possible for any given problem, and for scheduling consistent, repeated work, that abstraction is NSOperation. Other times, it makes more sense to sprinkle in some GCD (including within an NSOperation subclass implementation).
When to Use Grand Central Dispatch
Dispatch queues, groups, semaphores, sources, and barriers comprise an essential set of concurrency primitives, on top of which all of the system frameworks are built.
For one-off computation, or simply speeding up an existing method, it will often be more convenient to use a lightweight GCD dispatch than employ NSOperation.
When to Use NSOperation
NSOperation can be scheduled with a set of dependencies at a particular queue priority and quality of service. Unlike a block scheduled on a GCD queue, an NSOperation can be cancelled and have its operational state queried. And by subclassing, NSOperation can associate the result of its work on itself for future reference.
Just remember: NSOperation and Grand Central Dispatch are not mutually exclusive. Creative and effective use of both are key to developing robust and performant iOS or OS X applications.
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This article uses Swift version 2.0 and was last reviewed on September 15, 2015.
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() is a writer and developer from the Rustbelt.
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XCTestCase /XCTestExpectation / measureBlock()
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