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大学生英语演讲稿:From Walls to Bridges
kira86 于发布 l 已有人阅读
英语演讲稿 3分钟 以运动健康快乐 为题
Sports make people haelthy and happyAll over the world people enjoy sports.Sports help to keep people healthy and happy,and to live longer.Sports change with the seasons.People play different games in winter and summer.Swimming is fun in warm weather,but skating is good in winter.Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them.Football,for example,has spread around the world.Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers.Some sports or games go back thou-sands of years,like running or jumping.Chinese wushu,for example,has a very long history.But basketball and volleyball are rather new.People are inventing new sports or games all the time.Water-skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.People from different countries may not be able to understand each other,but after a game together they often become good friends.Sports help to train a person~s character.One learns to fight hard but fight fair,to win without pride and to lose with grace.运动健康快乐全世界的人都喜欢运动.运动使人健康,快乐而且长寿.运动项目随季节而有所变化.人们在冬季和夏季做不同的运动.夏天游泳其乐无穷,冬天滑雪快乐无比.有些运动非常有意思,任何地方的人都喜欢.比如说,足球就风靡全球.游泳流行于居住在世界各国海边河边的人中间.有些运动可追溯到古代,像跑步跳高等.再比如中国武术就历史悠久.但是篮球排球却是新项目.人们一直在发明新的运动项目或比赛.滑水是运动家庭中最新的成员之一.来自不同国家的人或许相互不能明白对方的语言,但是一场比赛过后,他们往往会成为好朋友.运动可磨炼人的性格.一个人能学会奋力拼搏,公平竞争,胜不骄,败不馁.
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> 英语演讲稿:From Walls to Bridges
英语演讲稿:From Walls to Bridges
&&& i'm studying in a city famous for its walls. all visitors to my city are amazed by the imposing sight of the city walls, silhouetted by the setting sun with gold and shining lines. with old, cracked bricks patched with lichen, the walls are weather-beaten guards, standing still for centuries in protecting the city.&&& our ancestors liked to build walls. they built walls in beijing, xi'an, nanjing and many other cities, and they built the great wall, which snakes through half of our country. they built walls to ward off enemies and evil spirits. this tradition has been maintained to this day as we still have many parks and schools walled off from the public. i grew up at the foot of the city walls, and i've loved them since my childhood. for a long time, walls were one of the most natural things in the world.&&& my perception, however, changed after a hiking trip to the eastern suburbs, a scenic area of my city. my classmates and i were walking with some international students. as we walked out of the city, we found ourselves flanked by taller and taller trees, which formed a huge canopy above our heads. suddenly an international student asked me, “where is the entrance to the eastern suburbs?”&&& “we're already in the eastern suburbs,” i replied.&&& he seemed taken aback, “i thought you chinese have walls for everything.” his remark set off a heated debate. at one point, he likened our walled cities to “jails,” while i insisted that the eastern suburbs were one of the many places in china that had no walls.&&& that debate had no winners, but i did learn a lot from this international student. for instance, he told me that universities like oxford and cambridge were not the campuses were just part of the cities. i have to admit that we do have many walls in china, and as we are developing our country, we must carefully examine them, whether they are physical or intangible. we will keep some walls but tear down those that impede china's development.&&& let me give you an example.&&& a year ago, when i was working on a term paper, i needed a book on business law and found a copy in the law school library. however, the librarian turned down my request with a cold shoulder, saying, “you can't borrow this book, you are not a student here.” in the end, i had to spend 200 meanwhile, the copy in law school was gathering dust on the shelf.&来源地址:/yanjianggao/yingyuyanjianggao/2174.htm共2页,当前第1页
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“ I love learning English Hello,everyone!I am very happy to make a speech here.Today the topic of my speech is 'I love learning English '.Everyone knows English is very important ,and is used widely in the world.has become the most common language on Internet and international language for communication.But for myself,I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness but also because of my loving it.Learning English makes me happy and brings me great pleasure .Everyday I listen to the English tapes,speak it with my classmates,read the interesting stories ,write some sentences,short articles and so on.I love English classes,because the English teacher can make the classes lively and interesting.I love English,it gives me a beautiful dream,I hope to travel in the world one day.I can make friends with many people from different contries.I know,Rome was not built in a day.I believe as long as I learn English very well,I can realize my dream one day.Thank you!” 译文:"我喜欢学英语大家好!我很高兴在这里演讲.今天我演讲的题目是‘我爱学英语'.每个人都知道英语是非常重要的,并且是世界上广泛使用的语言.已经成为互联网上最常见的语言和交流国际语言.但对我而言,我学英语不仅仅因为它的重要性以及它的实用性,还因为我爱它.学习英语让我快乐,给我带来了很多乐趣.我每天听英语磁带,和同学们说英语,阅读有趣的故事,写一些句子,短的文章等等.我喜欢英语课,因为英语老师能把课上得生动有趣.我爱英语,它给了我一个美丽的梦,我希望有一天能去世界旅行.我可以结交多许多来自不同的国家朋友.我知道,罗马不是一天建成的.我相信只要我学好英语,有一天我就能实现我的梦想.”
1. Lessons of failure
2. Mental health of college
3. Value Every Minute
4. NeverNever Give
5. Yesterday, Today and
6. The Smile behind the
7. I can handle
it& (自信)
8. A Mistake I will Never
RepeatThe greatest pain in
9. The Power of a Smile / Smile
and the world smiles with you.(微笑的力量)
10. It's necessary to say “NO”
11. The meaning of life
12. The Importance of Keeping
Optimistic& (积极的意义)
13. From Walls to
14. East and West have
15. To serve, not to be
served& (服务别人)/ It is better to
give than to receive.
16. Experience is the best
17. Rome was not built in a
18. Corporation and competition
in college
19. If I could start my college
life again (校园生活)
20. When dreams come
21. The true meaning of
22. The greatest invention in
23. Opportunities are only for
the prepared minds& (机会留给有准备的头脑)
24. The road to
25. Finding Me-time is
26. To make your voice
heard&& / How to Sell Yourself
27. Dreams VS
28. If I had a magic
wish& / If I had a time machine
29. When I close my
eyes& (当我闭上眼睛…)
30. Learn to walk before you
can run &/ Look before you
31. In life, it is attitude
that matters most.
32. My Definition of
33. A person who has influenced
34. The importance of
35. The rich cultural diversity
36. Dreams CAN come
true.&& (信念)
37. Knowing the Consequences of
38. Responsibility is a Badge
of Honor for Youth
39. A good beginning is half of
40. Nature Is Our Mother / We
Are a NormalMember of the Big
Family of Nature容易上火的


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