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  【导语】英语网为大家整理了英语面试口语900句:关于医药代表职务(About the Job of a Medical Representative),大家参考、交流,希望对大家有所帮助。更多内容尽在英语网。
  Lesson 47 关于医药代表职务(About the Job of a Medical Representative)
  850.Can you tell me why you would like to work as a medical representative with us?
  851. I like this kind of work, and your company is one of the most famous pharmaceutical corporations in the world.
  852.Having worked as a paediatrician in the OPD for two years,I want to apply for this position for a change.
  853.Well, I enjoy working in different places and meeting new people. That will widen my experience in the work.
  854.What kind of antipyretic do you usually prescribe to chil-dren who have got high fever?
  855.Asprin, Anti-Phen Syrup, Snalets-FR as well as some mixture fixed by our own hospital.
  856.What kind of antibiotics do you usually prescribe to chil-dren?
  857.We usually use Amoxicillin Syrup and Amoxicillin Oral Sus-pension BP. They have less side-effect than Tabellae Ery-thromycini Ethylsuccinatis.
  858.What could you do for our company if I hire you?
  859.Having worked in the Children's Hospital for two years. I know thoroughly the pharmacology and dosage of various kinds of medicine. I am also familiar with the organizations of hospitals in our country.Could I get the position,it would not be very difficult for me to put forward a plan to promote selling of your medicine.
  860.Do you mind going on business trip?
  861.Definitely not.I enjoy travelling.
  Dialogue A
  (I=Interviewer 主试人 A=Applicant 申请人)
  I:Good morning. Have your seat please.Was it difficult getting here?
  A:Not really.I have prepared for that.
  I:May I have your name,please?
  A: My name is Ming Liu.
  I:Are you married?
  A:No, sir.I'm still single.
  I: Do you live with your family?
  A:No, I rent a flat with one friend.
  I: What university did you graduate from?
  A:I graduated from Shanghai Medical University.
  I:Well,Mr Liu, can you tell me why you would like to work as a medical representative with us?
  A:I like this kind of work,and your company is one of the most famous pharmaceutical corporations in the world. Having worked as a paediatrician in the OPD for two years, I want to apply for this position for a change.
  I: What kind of antipyretic do you usually prescribe to children who have got high fever?
  A:Asprin,Anti-Phen Syrup,Snaplets-FR as well as some mixture fixed by our own hospital.
  I:What about antibiotics?
  A: We usually use Amoxycillin Syrup and Amoxicillin Oral Sus-pension BP.They have less sideeffect than Tabellae Ery-thromycini Ethylsuccinatis.
  I:What could you do for our company if I hire you?
  A: Having worked in the Children's Hospital for two years, I know thoroughly the pharmacology and dosage of various kinds of medicine.I am also familiar with the organizations of hospitals in our country.Could I get the position, it would not be very difficult for me to put forward a plan to promote selling of your medicine.
  I:Don't you think it a pity for you to leave your present hospital?
  A:It is a pity to some extent. I have learned much in this hospital.But I would like to try a different kind of life.I prefer to be on the ball. By the way, could you tell me something about insurance and things like that?
  I:Every incumbent in our company enjoys life insurance, unemployment insurance and a decent pension after serving for 20years here. Our employees also enjoy free medical service.
  A:I see.
  I:Do you mind going on business trip?
  A:Definitely not.I enjoy travelling.
  I:Well,the next thing I must do is to take up your reference.
  A:Take up my references?
  I:Yes,it's a rule of the firm.What I mean is this:we always ask your present employer for a report on your work.
  A:Do all firm do that?
  I: Oh,yes,it's normal business practice. Now I see from your application form that Mr. He is your present leader.
  A:Yes,he is.
  I:Then I'll ask him to give you a reference. I'll write to you within a day or two.
  A:I shall look forward to hearing from you.Good-bye.
  Notes 注释
  1.Have your seat,please.
  2.medical representative
  3.I have prepared for that.
  4.It's a pity to some extent.
  5.But I would like to try a different kind of life. I prefer to be on the ball.
  6.& Insurance and things like that?
  7.Every incumbent in our company enjoys life insurance, unemployment insurance and a decent pension after serving for 20years here.
  我们公司的每一位职员都享受人身保险、失业保险。为本公司工作了20 年以上的职员还享受一份丰厚的养老金。
  8.Take up my references?
  9.Yes, it's a rule of the firm.
  10.What I mean is this :&
  11.Oh,yes,it's a normal business practice.
  12.Then I'll ask him to give you a reference.
  13.Could I get the position&
  如果我能得到这一职位,&&这句为倒装结构,等于 If I could get the position&
  Words and Expressions
  representative n.代表,代理人
  pharmaceutical a.医药的
  corporation n.法人,股份有限公司
  paediatrician n.儿科医生
  OPD:Out Patient Deparment 门诊部
  antipyretic n.退烧药,解热剂
  prescribe v.开处方
  syrup n.糖浆
  promote v.促进,提高
  prefer v.宁愿
  insurance n.保险
  antibiotic n.抗菌素, 抗生素
  side-effect n.副作用
  pharmacology n.药理学,药物学
  dosage n.剂量,用量
  incumbent n.任职者
  pension n.年金,养老金
化学品/农药残留物检测系统 - Chemical/pesti  外界污染源勘测仪器 - Detection of foreign c  实验室设备和传感器 - Laboratory e  射线杀菌和巴氏杀菌消毒技术 - Irradiation sterilization and paste  超高温杀菌设备 - Over-temperature ste  冷冻速冻设备 - Freezing and dee  超临界萃取设备 - Over-critical   膜分离设备 - Velum   分子蒸馏设备 - Molecule di  无菌(真空)包装设备 - Vacuum  化学品分析仪器 - C  食品成分分析仪器 - C  过滤设备 - F  食品预处理设备 - Food p  湿度控制仪器 - Humidi  食品配料分析仪器 - I  污染控制设备 - Polluti  离析器 - S  饮业清洁设备 - C  温度纪录仪器 - Temperature  检测设备 - T  废物处理设备 - Wast  水质量分析和控制设备 - Water quality analysis a  气相/液相色谱仪 - Gas/Liquid chromatogram apparatus.  溶剂 - S  餐饮业厨房用地板 - Kitchen f  手套 - G  清洁剂 - C  试纸、试剂 - Test paper and reagent.  审核和认证服务 - Auditi  数据库和软件服务 - Databanks and software   实验室食品分析服务 - Food analysis  咨询服务 - C  食品质量控制管理服务 - Food quality control  食品安全管理服务 - Food safety  食品卫生管理服务 - Food hygiene  HACCP和BRC培训服务 - HACCP & BRC  微生物检测和认证服务 - Microbiology testing and ide  专家咨询服务 - Regulat  食品安全保障技术 - Food safety   生物工程技术 - Biology engineering technology.}


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