
第253期:Label-free Cancer Cell Classification via Time-stretch Imaging with Optical Data Compression
  报告题目:&Label-free Cancer Cell Classification via Time-stretch Imaging with Optical Data Compression&  报告人:&Prof. Bahram Jalali (UCLA, Fellows of IEEE, OSA, APS and SPIE)&  时间:&日 (星期四) 上午: 9:30&&  地点:&中国科学院半导体研究所图书馆101会议室&&& Abstract: Real-time instruments that acquire large data sets are needed for detection and classification of outliers. A new class of high throughput real-time instruments based on the photonic time-stretch has led to the discovery of optical rogue waves, detection of rare cancer cells, and the highest analog-to-digital conversion performance ever achieved. As an imaging flow-through microscope, the technology is in clinical testing for blood screening. While highly useful for collecting large data sets, the instrument’s ultrahigh throughput also creates a big data problem. The system produces a large volume of data in a short time equivalent to several 4K movies per second. Such a data fire hose places a burden on data acquisition, storage, and processing operations and calls for technologies that compress images in optical domain and in real-time. An example of this, based on warped stretch transformation and non-uniform Fourier domain sampling has recently been reported. The talk will provide an overview of the time-stretch microscope with real-time optical image compression, and application of this technology in label-free classification of cancer cell lines in blood via machine learning.&&& Biography: (硅基拉曼激光器发明人,近五年发表自然及其子刊论文12篇)&&& Prof. Jalali is the Northrop-Grumman Endowed Chair and Professor of Electrical Engineering at UCLA with joint appointments in Biomedical Engineering, California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) and Department of Surgery at the UCLA School of Medicine. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Columbia University in 1989 and was with Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey until 2002 before joining UCLA. He is a Fellow of IEEE, the Optical Society of America (OSA), the American Physical Society (APS) and SPIE. He is the recipient of the R.W. Wood Prize from Optical Society of America for the invention and demonstration of the first Silicon Laser, the Aron Kressel Award of the IEEE Photonics Society, the Achievement Medal from IET for his contributions to field of instrumentation for cancer detection, and the Distinguished Engineering Achievement Award from the Engineers Council. In 2005 he was elected into the Scientific American Top 50, and received the BrideGate 20 Award in 2001 for his entrepreneurial accomplishments and contributions to Southern California economy. 
北京市海淀区清华东路甲35号 北京912信箱 (100083)
& 专家人才
&&& 曾德文教授:男,1992年硕士毕业于中南大学有色冶金系并留校任教。1999年5月至2002年8月在德国佛赖贝格工业大学无机化学研究所学习和工作,完成了德国国家科学基金(DFG)等多项课题,获理学博士学位。然后受德国教育与科技部(BMBF)资助在佛赖贝格工业大学能源工程与化工研究所进行博士后工作,2003年11月回国,任湖南大学化学化工学院教授,博士生导师。2008年入选中科院青海盐湖研究所国内“百人计划”研究员,2010年兼任中南大学化学化工学院“升华学者”特聘教授,博士生导师,国际纯粹与应用化学联盟(IUPAC)溶解度平衡数据委员会(SSED)委员。主攻方向: 无机盐溶液热力学与相平衡,无机储能材料设计。已获中国专利授权7项,撰写德文专著一部。2006年因提出严正预测与评估高溶解性的盐水体系溶解度实验数据的新方法而获得国际纯粹与应用化学联盟溶解度平衡数据委员会(SSED)授予的奖,为该奖自1988年设立以来第一位来自亚洲的获奖者。参与组织13届IUPAC溶解度现象国际会议(13th ISSP, Dublin),被邀请在12th ISSP Freiberg和14 th ISSP Leoben作大会报告,为14th ISSP国际会议大会共同主席。目前正承担该国际委员会(SSED)的数据评估项目(项目成果将由美国标准局免费出版)2项、主持国家863高科技项目、国家973基础研究项目各1项,国家自然科学基金项目2项。近年在Pure Appl. Chem, J. Chem. Eng. Data, CALPHAD, Fluid Phase Equilibria, J. Chem. Thermodynamics, Hydrometallurgy, Freiberg Forschungshefte, J. Phys. Chem.A, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data,J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., Monatshefte fuer Chemie, Thermochimica Acta, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.等国际杂志上发表论文40余篇。
&&& 我们的工作,通过测量、模拟和关联各种电解质溶液的化学热力学性质,从而准确预测高溶解性或难溶盐水体系的溶解度相平衡行为。为达到这些目的,我们研究溶液结构的变化规律,开发分子热力学模型,评估热力学模型的预测能力,测定混合电解质溶液的热力学性质。这些工作,有利于我们加深对电解质体系盐水相互作用的理解。其应用范围包括湿法冶金、盐化工过程以及相变储能材料的开发。
1.& 溶解度数据评估
&&& 通过严正的数据评估,推荐数套“最准确”的热力学数据供全世界使用,提出了通过评判饱和溶液的饱和蒸汽压和溶解度数据热力学一致性的来评判溶解度数据准确性的新方法,获IUPAC Franzosini Award 奖。论文发表在J Phys Chem Ref Data,J Chem Eng Data, Fruid Phase Equilibrium,Monatsh Chem等杂志上。
2.& 室温相变储能材料相图设计
&&& 研究高溶解性的盐水体系的热力学特性,选择和修正热力学模型,对一系列的多元盐水体系进行相图预测和实验验证,设计出新型室温相变储能材料,并把它们推向工程应用。
&&& 在德国Merck公司和中国科技部863和973项目的支持下,通过对BET热力学模型的修正,首次从理论上预测了逾20个硝酸盐水体系相图,找到了一批室温相变储能新材料,获得中国授权专利6项,相关成果发表在Calphad, J. Chem. Thermodyn. J Therm Anal Calorim等杂志上。
3.& 盐湖资源利用中相关相图研究
&&& 针对盐湖资源利用中所涉及的体系相平衡行为的复杂性,积极开展复杂盐湖卤水体系溶液化学和相化学的基础研究,为盐湖资源的高效综合利用提供理论依据。研究内容包括 1)高温盐水溶液组分活度和溶解度的实验研究;2)针对高溶解性的多温多元盐水体系,开发出新型的热力学模型,用以预测它们的相图,初步的研究结果发表在J Sol Chem, Hydrometallurgy, J Chem Thermodyn,J. Chem. Eng. Data, CALPHAD上。
4.& 络合物体系溶液化学
&&& 重金属氯化物盐水体系由于阳离子与氯阴离子和水分子的竞争配位而体现出众多的特异性质,如,向一定浓度的CuCl2或ZnCl2水溶液中加入一定量的碱金属氯化物盐反而会使溶液中水的活度升高,对诸类现象的深刻理解是开发新型氯化冶金新工艺的基础。为此我们开展了重金属氯化物溶液的紫外光谱和量子化学计算,深刻认识该类溶液的局域结构特征和溶剂分子与阴离子的竞争配位规律,以此为基础开发化学反应热力学模型,描述和预测氯化物体系的性质。结构计算发表在J Phys Chem A,Fluid Phase Equilibria上。
5.& 湿法冶金体系中相平衡现象
&&& 钙镁结晶现象广泛存在于湿法冶金的各过程,其结疤危害工业操作条件,在产品中的结晶严重影响产品质量。我们的工作,通过对CaSO4-(Cu,Ni,Co,Mn,Zn,Mg)SO4 -H2SO4-H2O)等体系开展系统深入的溶液化学及相化学研究,确立在宽广的温度范围(25-100 oC)内描述和预测钙镁结晶行为的热力学模型及其参数,找到在多元工业体系中钙溶解度最低的洼区,以此为基础提出抑制湿法冶金过程钙结晶的新方法,开发出环保地除钙新技术。研究结果发表在《中国科学》,Pure & Applied Chem., Ind Eng Chem Res上。
1) Franzosini Award (2006年),国际纯粹与应用化学联盟(IUPAC)溶解度平衡数据委员会(SSED)授予。
1.T. Mioduski, C. Gumiński, and D. Zeng*, IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 94. Rare Earth Metal Iodides and Bromides in Water and Aqueous Systems. Part 1. Iodides, Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 41, 12);
(63 pages)
2.W. Wang, D. Zeng*, X. Yin, Q. Chen, Prediction and Measurement of Gypsum Solubility in the Systems CaSO4+HMSO4+ H2SO4+H2O(HM=Cu,Zn,Ni,Mn) at 298.15 K, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., dx.doi.org/10.1021/ie201721ml
3.L. Guo, B. Sun, D. Zeng*, Y. Yao, H. Han, Isopiestic Measurement and Solubility Evaluation of the Ternary System LiCl-SrCl2-H2O at 298.15 K, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 57 (7.
4. Q. Zhou, D. Zeng*, W. Voigt, Thermodynamic Modeling of Salt-water Systems up to Saturation Concentrations Based on Solute Speciation: CuCl2–MCln–H2O at 298 K (M = Li, Mg, Ca), Fluid Phase Equilibria, 322-323 (.
5. X. Yin, Q. Chen, D. Zeng*, W. Wang, Phase Diagram of the System KNO3 + LiNO3 + Mg(NO3)2 + H2O, CALPHAD, 35 (2.
6. C. Gumiński, H. Voigt, D. Zeng, Solubility of Rare Earth Metal Bromides and Iodides in Aqueous Systems, Monatsh. Chem., 142 (8.
7. H. Yi, F. Xia, Q. Zhou, D. Zeng*, [CuCl3]- and [CuCl4]2- Hydration in Concentrated Aqueous Solution: a Density Functional Theory and Ab Inition Study, J. Phys. Chem., 115 (-4426.
8. H. Gamsjaeger, M. C. F. Magalh?es, E. K?nigsberger, K. Sawada, B. R. Churagulov, P. Schmidt, D. Zeng, IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 92. Metal Carbonates. Part 1. Solubility and Related Thermodynamic Quantities of Cadmium(II) Carbonate in Aqueous Systems, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 11);
(26 pages)
9.X. Yuan, W. Sun, Y. Chung, H. Xu, S. Liu, Y. Du, P. Nash, D. Zeng, Heat contents of the intermetallics V3Ge and V5Ge3 and thermodynamic modeling of the Ge-V system, Thermochimica Acta, 513 (5.
10. O. Dong, D. Zeng*, H. Zhou, H. Han, X. Yin, Y. Du. Phase change materials in the ternary system NH4Cl-CaCl2+H2O, CALPHAD, 35 (5.
11.D. Zeng*, W. Wang, Solubility phenomena involving CaSO4 in hydrometallurgical process concerning heavy metals, Pure and Applied Chemistry, 83 (-1061.
12.H. Ouyang, D. Zeng*, H. Zhou, H. Han, Y. Yao, Solubility of the ternary system LiCl+NH4Cl+H2O, J. Chem. Eng. Data., 56 (-1104.
13. 尹霞,吴玉双,李琴香,曾德文*, 王成.& LiNO3-KNO3-H2O三元体系相平衡研究. 无机化学学报,26(1) (.
14.王文磊,曾德文*,杜勇,陈启元.重金属湿法冶金过程中钙镁结晶的工业现状及相关相图研究进展.中国科学:化学,40(9) (-1242.
15.D. Zeng*, Z. Wu, Y. Yao, H. Han, Isopiestic Determination of Water Activity on the System LiNO3+KNO3+H2O at 273.1 and 298.1 K, J. Solution Chem., 39 (-1376.
16.B. Li, D. Zeng*, X. Yin, Q. Chen, Theroretical Prediction and Experimental Determination of Room-temperature Phase Change Materials Using Hydrated Salts as Agents. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 100 (3.
17.F. Xia, H. Yi, D. Zeng*, Hydrates of Cu2+ and CuCl+ in Dilute Aqueous Solution: a Density Functional Theory and Polarized Continuum Model Investigation, J. Phys. Chem. A 114 (-8416.
18.F. Xia, H. Yi, D. Zeng*, Hydrates of Copper Dichloride in Aqueous Solution: A Density Functional Theory and Polarized Continuum Model Investigation, Polarized Continuum Model Investigation, J. Phys. Chem. A 113 (-14038.
19.T. Mioduski, C. Gumiski, D. Zeng*, IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 87. Rare Earth Metal Chlorides in Water and Aqueous Systems. Part 3. Heavy Lanthanides (Gd-Lu), J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 38 (11.
20.T. Mioduski, C. Gumiski, D. Zeng*, IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 87. Rare Earth Metal Chlorides in Water and Aqueous Systems. Part 2. Light Lanthanides (Ce-Eu), J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 38 (2.
21.尹霞,万艳鹏,李碧海,曾德文*, 高溶解性盐水体系热力学模型预测能力的比较研究I: 二元体系,化学学报,66 (-1826.
22.D. Zeng*, W. Xue, W. Voigt, X. Yin, Thermodynamic Study of the System LiCl-CaCl2-H2O, J. Chem. Thermodynamics, 40 (-1165.
23.T. Mioduski, C. Gumiski, D. Zeng*, IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 14. Rare Earth Metal Chlorides in Water and Aqueous Systems. Part 1. Scandium Group (Sc, Y, La), J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 37 (-1853.
24.D. Zeng*, J. Ming, W. Voigt, Thermodynamic Study of the System LiCl-LiNO3-H2O, J. Chem. Thermodynamics, 40 (9.
25.明键伟, 徐文芳, 曾德文*, 三元体系LiCl-LiNO3-H2O 273.15 K和323.15 K等温溶解度的测定, 无机化学学报, 22(5) (6.
26.D. Zeng*, H. Liu, Q. Chen, Simulation and Prediction of Solubility Phase Diagram for the Separation of MgCl2 from LiCl Brine Using HCl as a Salting-out Agent, Hydrometallurgy, 89 (.
27. D. Zeng*, H. Zhou, W. Voigt, Thermodynamic Consistency of the Solubility and Vapor Pressure of a Binary Saturated Salt + Water System. II. CaCl2 + H2O, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 253 (.
28. D. Zeng*, J. Zhou, Thermodynamic Consistency of the Solubility and Vapor Pressure of a Binary Saturated Salt + Water System. I. LiCl + H2O, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 51 (1.
29.D. Zeng*, M. Born, K. Wambach, Pyrolysis of EVA and its Application in Recycling of Photovoltaic Modules, Journal of Environment Science, 16 (3.
30.D. Zeng*, C. Fang, S. Chen, Phase Diagram Prediction of the Heat Storage Systems Mn(NO3)2- M(NO3)n-H2O (M=Ca, Mg and Li) with Modified BET-Model, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 14 (-1198.
31.W. Voigt, K. Dittrich, D. Zeng, Ion Coordination and Thermodynamic Modelling of Molten Salt Hydrate Mixtures, in the book: “Thermodynamic Properties of Complex Fluid Mixtures”, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, ISBN 3-527-04, p241-267.
32.D. Zeng*, W. Voigt, Phase Diagram Calculation of Molten Hydrates Using the Modified BET Equation, C ALPHAD, 27 (1.
33.D. Zeng*, Thermodynamische Modellierung von Salz-Wasser-Systemen von der L?sung bis zur Salzschmelze, Shaker Verlag, ISBN: 3-, (in German), 2003。
34.W.Voigt,; D. Zeng, Solid-liquid Equilibria in Mixtures of Molten Salt Hydrates for the Design of Heat Storage Materials, Pure and Applied Chemistry, 74 (-1920.
35.W. Voigt, K. Rudolf, D. Zeng, High-Throughput-Techniken in der Kristallisationsforschung, Moderne Methoden zur Untersuchung von L?se- und& Kristallisations prozessen, Freiberg Forschungshefte, (2.
2)中科院知识创新重要研究方向项目(): 高效储热控热微纳结构的设计和优化, 70 万。
3)国际纯粹与应用化学联盟IUPAC项目Project No. -500:中科院近3年来引进海外高层次人才253名
  据悉,该活动周旨在通过邀请海外优秀青年科技人才集中访问中科院的有关研究所并进行学术交流,与海外人才建立起交流密切的联络机制,向海外人才介绍中国和中科院的人才政策与举措,以搭建长期合作与双向选择的平台。(记者 孙自法)
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&有机化学专业
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Ph.D.& &&Professor
Resume & Research Interests
1987北京师范大学 理学学士
1990北京师范大学 理学硕士
中科院化学所 &历任副研究员,研究员,博士生导师
1987/7: B.S., Beijing Normal University
1990/7: M.S., Beijing Normal University
1995/2: Ph. D, Institute of Chemistry, CAS
: Graduate School, CAS, Associate
: Postdoc, Ghent University
2002: Postdoc, &University of Washington
at& Seattle
2003-Present, Institute of Chemistry, CAS,
Research Professor
&OOrganic Reaction
in Environmental Benign Media
Selected Publications
lWang, Y.; Liu,
L.*; Zhang, T.; Zhong, N.-J.; Wang, D.; Chen, Y.-J.*“ Diastereo- and
Enantioselective [3 + 2] Cycloaddition Reaction of Morita−Baylis−Hillman
Carbonates of Isatins with NPhenylmaleimide Catalyzed by Me-DuPhos”,
J. Org. Chem. 2012, 77, 4143
lXiao-Pu Fu,
Dong Wang,
Yong-Jun Chen
and Chao-Jun Li*,
“On water”-promoted direct alkynylation of isatins catalyzed by NHC–silver
complexes for the efficient synthesis of& 3-hydroxy-3-ethynylindolin-2-
ones, Green Chem.
2011, 13, 549.
Yuliang Liu,
and Yongjun Chen,
“In(III)-Catalyzed tandem reaction of chromone-derived Morita–Baylis–Hillman
alcohols with amines”,
Org. Biomol. Chem.,
2011, 9, 253-256
lZhen Qiao, Zahid
Shafiq, Li Liu,* Zheng-Bao Yu, Qi-Yu Zheng, Dong Wang, and Yong-Jun
Chen.* “An Organocatalytic,
and Highly Enantioselective Nucleophilic Substitution of Cyclic Morita–Baylis–Hillman
Alcohols with Indoles”,
Chem. Int. Ed.
lLiang Cheng, Li
Liu,*, Dong Wang, and Yong-Jun Chen*, “Highly Enantioselective and
of 2-Oxindoles”, Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 3874.
lChun-Ling Gu,
Li Liu,* Dong Wang, and Yong-Jun Chen*, “Tunable and Highly Regio- and
Diastereoselective Vinylogous Mannich-Type Reaction of Dioxinone-Derived
Silyl Dienolate”, J. Org. Chem. 2009, 74, 5754.
lLiang Cheng, Li
Liu,* Han Jia, Dong Wang, and Yong-Jun Chen*,
“Enantioselective Organocatalytic anti-Mannich-Type Reaction of N-Unprotected
3-Substituted 2-Oxindoles with Aromatic N-Ts Aldimines”, J. Org.
Chem. 2009, 74, 4650.
lYu-Liang Liu, Li
Liu,* Yi-Lin Wang, Yu-Chun Han, Dong Wang, Yong-Jun Chen, “Calix[n]arene
sulfonic acids bearing pendant aliphatic chains as recyclable
surfactant-type Br&nsted acid catalysts for allylic alkylation with allyl
alcohols in water”,
Green Chem. 2008,
·Zahid Shafiq,
Li Liu,* Zhe Liu, Dong Wang, Yong-Jun Chen,* “A Highly
AgOTf-Catalyzed Nucleophilic Substitution of the Baylis-Hillman Acetates
with Indoles”, Org. Lett. 2007, 9, 2525
·Yan-Chao Wu, Li
Liu,* Yu-Liang Liu, Dong Wang, Yong-Jun Chen,* “TFA-Mediated Tandem
Friedel-Crafts Alkylation/Cyclization/Hydrogen Transfer Process for the
Synthesis of Flavylium Compounds”, J. Org. Chem. 2007,
·Li Liu, Dong Wang
, “&On-water& for Green Chemistry” in Handbook of Green Chemistry,
Volume 5: Reactions in Water, Chapter 7, Eds Chao-Jun. Li, Wiley-VCH, 2010.


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