
在windows 8下安装vm10.0.0+mac os 10.9遇到问题记录如下:
一、由于之前我装的vm9+mac os 10.7;
二、准备安装mac os 10.9,把vm9换成vm10;网上找很多mac os10.9 安装不了或安装报错;最后找
& & & &1、 的vm10的mac os补丁文件
2、OSXMavericks2的mac os 10.9 的iso文件
问题一:vmware tools 安装不了
& & & & & & &网上找的 tools-windwos 安装不来;文件如下图:
& &后网上找一资料后 如下安装:
& 开启xp虚拟机 提示安装vmware-tools,安装如下:
安装mac os 10.9的vmware-tools
(1)在虚拟机上挂载VMware Tools for Mac[Mac_OSX_VMware_Tools(darwin310).iso]。
& & & & 点击菜单VM,选择可移动设备--&CD/DVD--&设置,点击浏览按钮,选择Mac_OSX_VMware_Tools(darwin300).iso,插入ISO镜像,在Mac工具栏上点击“前往”--&“电脑”,就能看到刚才载入的VMware Tools光盘了,双击光盘可以看到“Install VMware Tools”,双击开始安装--&输入密码--&继续开始安装。
& & & & 注意:安装完成后不要立即重启,等安装完显卡驱动后一并重启,否则可能会出现花屏情况导致进步了桌面。
& & & & 在Safari中访问:/c076gu14v7,下载VMware显卡驱动。或者先下载软件包,然后用UltraISO制作成ISO文件挂到虚拟机的光驱中来安装。
& & & & 下载完后,调出下载器,提示打不开软件包不能安装,点击“好”,打开“系统偏好设置”--&“安全性与隐私”,修改安全性设置,点击“锁”进行修改,选择“允许来自任何来源”,点击“锁”防止再次更改,再次安装VMware显卡驱动,点击“继续”,安装完毕后,提示需要重启Mac,在重启前把安全性设置复原。提示VMware Tools安装退出了重启,点击“好”,把VMware Tools重新安装一遍,重启系统后,明显感觉界面操作流畅了,设置显示器分辨率,大功告成了,可以黑苹果了
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(1)(1)(2)(1)(1)(2)(2)(4)(1)(4)(2)(2)(1)(1)(1)(1)(2)(1)(2)(2)(2)(1)(2)AAPL: 152.54
Wednesday, November 26,
pm PT (01:17 am ET)
Following up on its "Get a Jump on Black Friday" sale launched, U.S. electronics retail chain Best Buy on Thursday added Apple's latest iPad Air 2 to the list with deep $100 discounts on all models, putting the starting price at only $399.99 for a 16GB Wi-Fi only version.
After being teased on Wednesday, Best Buy's Black Friday iPad Air 2 sale is now live, as can be seen in our , with 16GB Wi-Fi models in all three colors going , while the same capacity with cellular LTE .
While Best Buy plans to keep its sale running throughout the day, stock is not guaranteed, especially at such low prices. Update 7am: Best Buy's stock of WiFi models is already beginning to sell out, and those in stock are not guaranteed to deliver until Dec 10th unless you pay another $16-$30 for expedited shipping. Couple that with roughly $30+ tax collected on each sale and your net price may be higher than purchasing from some alternative resellers, like MacMall, which is selling
on orders shipped outside (CA, CO, GA, IL, MN, NC, NY, TN, and WI).
Wi-Fi versions of Apple's iPad Air 2 are priced as follows: - $100 savings - $100 savings - $100 savings - $100 savings - $100 savings - $100 savings - $100 savings - $100 savings - $100 savings
Versions supporting LTE are also on sale at $100 off retail: - $100 savings - $100 savings - $100 savings - $100 savings - $100 savings - $100 savings - $100 savings - $100 savings - $100 savings
As mentioned , Best Buy is also lopping $75 off all iPad mini 3 models and up to $200 off iPad mini 2.
Other Apple products on sale include: - $200 savings - $150 savings - $150 savings - $200 savings - $15 savings - $90 savings - $100 savings with new contract - $100 savings with new contract - $50 savings
Best Buy's Black Friday doorbuster sale runs all day online, while customers can visit brick-and-mortar outlets on Thursday starting 5 p.m. until 1 a.m. on Friday, local time. Stores will again reopen at 8 a.m. for continued Black Friday sales.
SAVE $310.00
SAVE $250.00
SAVE $250.00
SAVE $50.00
SAVE $250.00
SAVE $40.00
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