
Fake Plastic Trees chords by Radiohead, added: October 31st, 2001
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Strumming pattern:
e----------------------| (only strum for the D chord)
A---x-x----x-----------| (for the D chord, don't play this string...)
E--don't play----------|
Start strumming A for the intro, come in with
Her green plastic watering can
For her fake chinese rubber plant
In the fake plastic earth
That she bought from a rubber man
In a town full of rubber plans
To get rid of itself
It wears her out..
It wears her out..
It wears her out..
It wears her out
She lives with a broken man
A cracked polystyrene man
Who just crumbles and burns
He used to do surgery
For girls in the eighties
But gravity always wins
And it wears him out..
It wears him out..
It wears him out..
It weeeeeaaaars
She looks like the real thing
She tastes like the real thing
My fake plastic love
But I can't help the feeling
I could blow through the ceiling
If I just turn and run
And it wears me out
It wears me out
It wears me out
It wears me out
And if I could be who you wanted
If I could be who you wanted
All the time..
All the time..
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微信中即看即买,直接用微信支付,快捷又安全Hark, a vagrant: 400
Ahoy there!
Allow me to write a bit here!
But first, the image above speaks the truth.
, and Walker books in the UK!
It is my second picture book, and its a lot of fun.
I hope you'll pick it up!
Well, if you've been around here long enough, you know that this website just updates at random and at this point, not often like many comics you probably read online.
I've been doing Hark! A Vagrant for almost nine years, which is crazy to me.
And the longer I've done it, the longer it takes to make a comic.
I know they look off the cuff, people reviewing my books make a point of saying so!
But it's a lot of work for this gal, a full time job when it's going at a rate that you'd probably like to see.
Lots of days reading and writing and trying to come up with things, lots of ideas you've spent days on thrown in the garbage can.
And when you're done, another blank page.
Hark! is always in the back of my head when I'm working on anything else, and I find myself wracked with guilt for not keeping the updates coming, I have one foot here and one foot there.
This push and pull, I have to accept, makes anything I'm working on suffer.
And I've been trying to figure out a solution to this!
Something better than slow work all around.
Because if I'm honest, I'm scared that if I leave this site alone too long, I'll lose something very precious to me.
I've worked a long time to bring you here, and you've been good to come here and read my comics and support my work.
I feel that we have built a relationship, my readers and I, it's very important to me, and I never want to put it in peril.
So what to do?
Right now I'm working on a tv show pitch, kids book ideas, and my own graphic novel.
I don't know what will come together in the end for the first two, and I've been down the tv road before, it's a lot of time for something that might not happen and that you can't really talk about (sorry!).
But maybe it will work out!
You have to try right?
But the main thing is the graphic novel, which is a memoir of my time in the oil sands, years ago.
You may have seen the sketch that launched it,
Or the few comics on this site that are memoir-ish that don't really fit with the rest of the things on here and I should probably get rid of.
It's a very different story from anything in Hark! A Vagrant, and a different mind set to work on.
And I need to give that mindset some time and concentration in order to do a good job.
So, I'm going to do that.
Hark! will have some updates in the fall, that's the plan!
And I'm going to take the summer to sink my teeth into this, because it's been slow progress, and I need to do it.
It's the first time I've taken on a comic project that wasn't this website and the books that come out of it.
I'm nervous about it.
Maybe I will welcome the break from the other book for a while by the fall, and have the right kind of energy to come back to this.
Maybe that's a good system to use, a few months on this, a few months on that, dedicated time instead of trying to pull in every direction all the time.
It's an idea, anyway.
Something has to change, so, fingers crossed.
I always write way too much instead of being short and sweet.
If you made it all the way down here, bless you my child, bless you.
-your friend, Kate
Good comic shops that have taught me a thing or two:
All content (c) Kate Beatoninstant-structures-mod-ism
[1.10.X/1.9.X/1.8.X/1.7.10 Forge][over 850 Structures] Instant Structures Mod (ISM) by MaggiCraft
Instant Structures Mod ISM by MaggiCraft
Instant Structures Mod ISM by MaggiCraft
ISM contains 510 structures
Structure Wiki
small, large
Insane Structures
Different Genres
Download ISM
Scan Structures
Futuristic Villa
Large Villa
1,301,581 Views, 4,109 today
637,733 Downloads, 1,661 today
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What does the Instant structures Mod (ISM) by MaggiCraft?
(short: ISM) you can choose one of 510 and place them with just a few click in your Minecraft world. The structures sizes range between a few 100 blocks and . Placing larger structures accordingly takes longer. Structures are divided in themes and are easily accessible through a wiki. The structures of the Instant Structures Mod (ISM) are quite detailed, published structures are listed in the sub-side Structures.
Furthermore you can
your own structures and place them as many times as you like. You can
your saved structures with your friends or even with the entire Minecraft community ISM is available for Minecraft Versions 1.7.10 and 1.8. To install ISM you need Minecraft Forge.
The Instant Structures Mod is coded by MaggiCraft (Marc) and contains structures from other players.
Here is a is list of people who created structures for the Instant Structures Mod. It may not always be up to date, you can read a more current list on . It also shows
As already mentioned you can
with the Instant Structures Mod and share them with other players.
You can send your scanned structures with this contact form on .
If you like to report a bug you can use this contact form on .
general contact:
I have to proof that I am allowed to use all structures: (click on the picture to enlarge it)
The official Instant Structures Mod forum threads and websites are:
primary forum thread on
secondary forum thread on
Note: Showing last 25 of 148 logs.
-new: added 150 brand new structures-overworked: disabled the &fast place& function except for ISMfor Minecraft 1.7.10. It causes a crashin Minecraft vanilla-fixed: removed broken structures-fixed: list of all structures doesn?t show the last structues-fixed: can not set the maximum quantity of blocksfor the fast place function-fixed: ISM detects if aversion is bootleg faultily-overworked: removedmore source code ande resources of theconstruction kit because it doeasn?t work properly-overworked: removed construction kit recipe
-new: added 178 structures-new: background images-fixed: can not open genre window from structure window-fixed: can not open creator window from structure window-fixed: genre contains &*&-fixed: structure dimension was displayed too large
-fixed: ISM doesn't place all blocks of any structures-new: ISM updated for Minecraft 1.10.2
-new: published ISM for Minecraft 1.10-fixed: ISM crashed while placing a structure that is 255 blocks width, height or length.-fixed: ISM crashed while placing a structure that contains 256 different blocks
update for the ISM versions for Minecraft 1.8, 1.9 and 1.9.4-new: the dialoges of the scanning tool are highlighted with colors-new: chat message after placing a structure-new: added the performance improvements of the last update for Minecraft 1.9.4 to other versions-new: increased the performance of placing a structure slightly-fixed: blocks like doors or beds drops as an item after placing them-fixed: the dimension of a structure was shown wrong in the reader and placer window-fixed: missing spaces in the reader and placer window-fixed: smaller bugs
-new: Updated ISM for Minecraft 1.9.4-new: ISM places large structures 300% faster-new: ISM places structures more reliable-fixed: Minecraft crashes after placing a huge structure and enter the world immediately-fixed: list of creators shows to high number of structures-fixed: list of genres shows to high number of structures-fixed: list of genres and creators wrong formatting-fixed: exception was thrown after click on the same menu entry twice-overworked: general code improvements
-new: 12 structures-improved: tool to detect bugs faster-improved: cannot scan structures under some circumstances -improved: a bug that crashes ISM -overwork: translation
-update for all ISM versions-added tools to fix bugs faster-smaller bug fixes-overworked the whole code-work around for some bugs that were caused by Minecraft-added tools to &downgrade& ISM faster for old Minecraft versions
update for Minecraft 1.9-new: ISM has a new tool to detect errors. This tool helps me (the developer) to fix bugs much faster-new: ISM for Minecraft 1.9 place structures as fast as the other versions-new: ISM for Minecraft 1.9 stores almost 100 new combinations of blocks and meta more efficient and can rotate them-fixed: minecraft crashed after trying to scan a structures - this bug was caused by minecraft.-fixed: improved english translation-overworked: the process of placing and removing the bounding box-overworked: the way ISM handles object-overworked: ISM exceptions-removed: two structures and replaced them-some performance improvements
-added 20 new structures to the 1.9 version-added 40 new structures to the 1.7.10 version
-added 40 new structures
-updated ISM for Minecraft Forge 1.9
-improved: 1.7.10 item textures doesn't work-improved: blocks with meta data weren't placed correctly-improved: scanner window doesn't open correctly if a user used an older version of ISM before (and vice versa)-improved: warning notices were displayed after starting minecraft-overworked: ISM scans structures faster-overworked: ISM stores around 270 combinations of blocks and meta data more efficient
-new: added 25 new structures-new: added more crafting recipes-improved: in some cases ISM stopped adding NBT information to blocks-improved: in some cases ISM throws an exception when adding blocks like doors, beds and double plants-improved: issues with the update window-overworked: ISM places around 120 combinations of blocks and meta data in the correct direction-overworked: ISM loads structure items differently-new: added 25 new structures
* -new: option to deactivate the feature to drop items when survival or hardcore mode is activated * -new: added crafting recipes of the construction kit and the reader item * -new: added 50 new crafting recipes * -improved: translations of some captions and crafting recipe descriptions * -improved: reader window doesn't show information about all structures shortly after it was opened * -overworked: limited the amount of structures that were preloaded when the reader window is opened * -new: option to deactivate the feature to drop items when survival or hardcore mode is activated * -new: added crafting recipes of the construction kit and the reader item * -new: added 50 new crafting recipes * -improved: translations of some captions and crafting recipe descriptions * -improved: reader window doesn't show information about all structures shortly after it was opened * -overworked: limited the amount of structures that were preloaded when the reader window is opened
* -new: added 50 crafting recipes * -new: added crafting table with a size of 9x9 * -new: added crafting recipes to structure wiki * -new: added crafting recipe for large crafting table * -improved: can not place the first structure that is selected automatically by the reader window @MFReader
* -new: place structures and reader window display the depth of structures * -improved: reader window does not display the scan structures tutorial button * -improved: missing text of a textbox in the reader window * -overworked: releases resource earlier * -overworked: stores some kinds of following blocks more efficient: * -lit_redstone_ore, fence, air, flowing_water
-new: read the latest changes of ISM when the update window opens-fixed: can not scan structure under some circumstances-improved: can not place structures deeper by using the reader tool @MFReader-overworked: stores some kinds of following blocks more efficient:
-double_stone_slab, double_stone_slab2, tnt, obsidian, log2, portal, pumpkin, lit_pumpkin
-new: updated German translation for the latest structures-new: saves NBT data of beacon, brewing stand, chests, command block, comparator, dispenser, dropper, flower pot, furnace, hopper, jukebox, note block, sign and skull-improved: replaced sand with sandstone and gravel with stone on the lowest level of structures
-therefore sand and gravel doesn't fall down-improved: removed unnecessary blocks from all structures-improved: counted all blocks of all structures again-improved: uses smaller expression for the same amount of blocks-improved: can not place blocks on top of the BlockArea blocks-overworked: opens the read window much faster when many structure files are stored in the /minecraft/mods/ism/str-folder-overworked: memory consumption is broken down more quickly after a structure has been placed
-new: place beds, tall flowers and doors-new: Portuguese and therefore Brazilian translation-improved: an error by creating a new creator with url-improved: structure and creator name weren't not displayed completely on the reader window after selecting a new structure-improved: can not placed sand, water and blocks that provide light correctly-improved: ISM used item names that could caused crashes in other mods and weren't accordant to the item name convention
-item names are now smaller-improved: add decimal mark to detail view on a structure-overworked: places some kinds of blocks faster-overworked: improvements in reading blocks to place-overworked: darker background in the update window
-new: structures are placed in a new structure file format &.str&. It stores structures more efficient therefore files are smaller and new structures are more detailed-new: errors triggered by ISM are write down to a file. Thereby error can be easily fixed.-improved: a potential bug that blocks aren't placed-improved: placed some kinds of blocks twice at the same position-improved: a potential bug that didn't placed structures correctly-improved and overworked the way different blocks are placed and scanned:
-standing banner, wall_banner, vine, skull, piston_extendsion, piston_head, lit_furnace, cocoa, water, tripwire, brewing_stand, carrots, dirt, dragon_egg, daylight_detector_inverted, farmland, fire, flower_pot, tallgrass, hopper, iron_door, jukebox, lava, lever, wooden_button, leaves, leaves2, mob_spawner, nether_wart, sapling, double_plant, portal, potatoes, melon_stem, pumpkin_stem, double_stone_slab2, redstone_wire, snow_layer, double_stone_slab, reeds, command block-improved: representation of dates-overworked: warning notice of missing texture no longer appears in the game outpute when starting Minecraft-overworked: item textures are in a resolution of 512 circle aroung items is now orange
-added 10 new structures
-new file format to save structures more efficiently. Now structures files are more than 5 times smaller.release Beta for Minecraft 1.8.8
++Update for Minecraft 1.8.8++I have a small announcement. The deals with the updates of Minecraft and the resulting expense for the modding community apart.There new (larger) Minecraft versions are published repeatedly. That's a good thing for the community and a curse for every modder.Minecraft 1.7.10 was released exactly 1 1/2 years ago, and 1.8 a few months later. Minecraft 1.7.10 is therefore a very long time is no longer the latest version. Nevertheless, the ISM Version 1.7.10 makes 50% of the downloads for Minecraft. In other modders will be similar!50% - 1.7.1050% - 1.8There is always a lot of work to keep both versions up to date. It is programmed something new in version 1.8 and it must then porting for 1.7.10.The Minecraft code of each release is fundamentally different from all others. This makes porting more difficult. It is a tedious task that involves many difficulties. So one must ensure that the same changes are made in two versions. The functioning of the mods to be checked in both versions.After that, both versions must be compiled and uploaded.Now Forge for Minecraft 1.8.8 has been released. I was then repeatedly written, urged to publish ISM for Minecraft 1.8.8. Luckily 1.8.8 only &few& changes. This is porting easier, a bit faster and less error prone to 1.8 version.Now 3 versions must be compiled and uploaded.In a few, the download numbers perhaps following masses will look:50% - 1.7.1040% - 1.810% - 1.8.8Minecraft 1.9 will also be released soon. Minecraft 1.9 will contain not only bug fixes, but also add new content (as you will be aware). Therefore also an incredible number of changes in the source code will be. Names of classes, interfaces, and methods will be changed to hundreds. Many modders will have to invest many nights into it to find the method name of the 1.8 matching the 1.9 version.I had tried my Star Wars Mod from 1.7.10 to upgrade to 1.8. Mojang had all methods and class name changed, which are required to bring a new dimension (the Nether or the End is one dimension) to create. For me, that was then called out again, how to create a new dimension for Minecraft 1.8. Hours of useless work. Ultimately, it meant that I lost the joy of programming for my Star Wars Mod.One reason why some mods will not be further developed.If Minecraft 1.9 will have to provide up to 4 versions modders. Time in the new content and far-reaching improvements could be developed.Perhaps the download numbers of ISM will look this way:35% - 1.7.1020% - 1.825% - 1.8.820% - 1.9Marc Schmidt (aka Maggi Craft)The developer of Instant Structures Mod (ISM)
15 new structures
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Game Version: Minecraft 1.7.10
avrona said
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Well you can make nutshell videos with those physics...
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hi and welcome
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