什么是order flow什么意思w

【原创视频】来自纽约的交易大神教你如何玩转Order Flow,伦敦交易员微信公众号文章 - 澳微帮
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好吧,我先承认,本文题目有点标题党,本视频系列会教给大家一些专业的Order Flow实用小窍门(内外盘通用),但肯定不会有 让你看完就能玩转order book的效果....在上一次的《【WeChat】专业交易交流群里的一些精华讨论摘选【二】》过后,很多刚入行的朋友私信我想多了解一些文中匿名代号为‘G神’的交易大佬的操作模式。现在福利来了,以下是他发布在YouTube上的一系列Order Flow的教程,我现在把它压制成微信的视频格式了(但是不清楚)。欲获取原画质链接请访问他的YouTube专栏: /watch?v=IeRjGhwn16w欲获取上一期的专业交流群聊天记录精华整理,请直接在后台回复关键字 ‘聊天记录’ 。另外,考虑到关注伦敦交易员公众号的朋友可能大多数都不一定对G说的东西感兴趣 (no offence but the truth),出于阅读率的考虑,我也在最后另外附了一个高盛交易员Anton的演讲段子(《揭露交易的真相》中英字幕),虽然很久之前我把Anton的视频压制到国内把他无意中捧火了,很多人都来私信询问Anton的培训课程,但我在此还是声明一下,我当时发送视频的时候真的不知道他有出来开培训班。另外,Anton自从高盛离职后边成为了一名坚定的投行黑,非交易员的朋友如果觉得他的观点有偏见,你是对的。关于我们自己,我及我身边熟悉的同行朋友(包括这次录视频的‘G’)都没有出来开班讲课的动机和想法,也没有发产品募集外部资金的打算, 希望大家不要再来询问此事了,多谢诸位~ 平时推文章做视频都是自己业余爱好性质的玩票,不是我的主业,不会用它来作为搞所谓‘培训’的资源。由于微信只允许上传3则视频,欲获取所有视频的下载链接及其他相关电子资源的朋友,可直接回复你的邮箱地址,争取伦敦时间次日24点为大家发送一次。吐槽一下腾讯视频的画质,我上传的高清画质结果被腾讯视频给阉成了带码的,而且经本人测试,这两则腾讯视频在部分机型上貌似出不了声音。如果大家想看原画质的视频,国外的朋友请直接访问G的YouTube专栏;Arthor Chan :/watch?v=R-PqaXNng88国内的朋友直接回复个邮箱,晚上回去发云盘链接。Arthur Chan 7 - Trading ZN before news (ZN - 新闻交易,手机没有声音的朋友建议电脑观看)Arthur Chan 6 - ZB and chinese A shares (ZB 和 中国A股,手机没有声音的朋友建议电脑观看)高盛交易员Anton 的经典演讲段子:《揭露交易的真相》(标题党)欲获取上一期的专业交流群聊天记录精华整理,请直接在后台回复关键字 ‘聊天记录’ 。由于微信只允许上传3则视频,欲获取所有视频的下载链接及其他相关电子资源的朋友,可直接回复你的邮箱地址,争取伦敦时间次日24点为大家发送一次。转载请标注微信公众号:伦敦交易员 ID:LondonFinance 多谢赏脸长按此二维码关注伦敦交易员的新鲜事儿~个人微信:FinanceUnion
伦敦金融城不大,却包罗世间万象.作为一名爱写字的伦敦交易民工,我会坚持在工作之余为大家精心准备有料、有趣的实用干货,亦或是有深度、有态度的金融'内功'文章.由于人在海外,此公众号由国内朋友代为开通,... 您的【关注和订阅】是作者不断前行的动力
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JSF 2.2: Use Faces Flow
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We will consider the uses of Faces Flow in this tutorial. For basic information about Faces Flow, you can take a look at
I used the following tools and technologies in the sample application that I have developed for this tutorial:
JSF version 2.2
GlassFish version 4.0
JDK version 1.7
Maven version 3.0.5
The sample application has customer and order flows. The customer flow records the customer's name, surname and address. The order flow records the product, price and invoice address of the order.
1. Project directory structure
2. Project dependencies
3. Customer.java
public class Customer implements Serializable {
public Flow defineFlow(@FlowBuilderParameter FlowBuilder flowBuilder) {
String flowId = &customer&;
flowBuilder.id(&&, flowId);
flowBuilder.viewNode(flowId, &/& + flowId + &/& + flowId + &.xhtml&).markAsStartNode();
return flowBuilder.getFlow();
Customer class is a Java class that configures a flow with the same name. The only method this class has returns the
class. What needs to be done primarily in the method is to define flow identity. Then, start the node and the return node is defined for flow.
4. order-flow.xml
&flow-definition id=&order&&
&flow-return id=&returnFromOrderFlow&&
The preceding flow configuration file is a Faces configuration file that includes a
element. If the XML configuration file is used in order to configure a flow, this file must be titled flowName-flow.xml.
Please pay attention to this file, which configures a flow named &order& and is located within the flow directory of the same name.
First of all, in the configuration file, flow identity must be defined by using the ID attribute of the flow-definition element. Under this element, there must be a
element that also defines the return point for the flow.
5. CustomerBean.java - OrderBean.java
public class CustomerBean implements Serializable {
public CustomerBean() {
System.out.println(&CustomerBean has been created...&);
public String getName() {
return this.getClass().getSimpleName();
public String getReturnValue() {
return &/index&;
public class OrderBean implements Serializable {
public OrderBean() {
System.out.println(&OrderBean has been created...&);
public String getName() {
return this.getClass().getSimpleName();
public String getReturnValue() {
return &/index&;
FlowScoped is a CDI scope. A class that has
annotation is taken into account within the flow scope that is specified in the run time.
A bean is activated when you enter the flow and deactivated when you exit the flow.
The method named
, which both beans have, returns the value of the returned node.&
6. index.xhtml
Faces Flow tutorial&/h1&
&h:form prependId=&false&&
&p&Click Customer to register your customer information and enter the customer flow.&/p&
&h:commandButton value=&Customer& action=&customer&/&
&p&Click Order to register your order information and enter the order flow.&/p&
&h:commandButton value=&Order& action=&order&/&
Please note that the flows named &customer& and &order& are called by &
& arguments in which commandButton components are passed to action attributes.
These two arguments specify the call action of relevant flows.
7. order.xhtml
&h:form prependId=&false&&
&h:panelGrid columns=&3& cellpadding=&2& cellspacing=&2&&
&h:outputLabel for=&product& value=&Product: &/&
id=&product& value=&#{flowScope.product}& required=&true& maxlength=&20&/&
&h:message for=&product&/&
&h:outputLabel for=&price& value=&Price: &/&
&h:inputText id=&price& value=&#{flowScope.price}& required=&true&&
&f:convertNumber pattern=&#,##0.00&/&
&h:message for=&price&/&
&h:commandButton value=&next& action=&orderA& /&
&h:commandButton immediate=&true& action=&returnFromOrderFlow& value=&Exit Flow&/&
The new EL object
obtains the current flow data and maps the flow data for
. The object is also introduced as a local storage for flows.
8. Demo application
In the next article, we will consider flow calls and how flows pass parameters to each other.&
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(Note: Opinions expressed in this article and its replies are the opinions of their respective authors and not those of DZone, Inc.)
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order flow processing是什么意思
中文翻译订单流处理:&&&&n. 1.次序,顺序;整齐;(社会)秩序,治安;状况,常 ...:&&&&vi. 1.流,流动。 2.(血液等)流通,循环。 3. ...:&&&&vi. 〔口语〕排队走,列队行进 〔procession ...
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