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A unique way of learning languages
Chris Parker started to study Mandarin in 2006. He has worked as a translator and simultaneous interpreter between Chinese and English, and has taught interpretation in the UK and in Beijing. Through his Youtube channel, () his website
() and his Facebook page () he is making it his mission to demystify Chinese and make it easier to learn.
It is possible to “think in a foreign language” without “translating?”
Learning and speaking Chinese for more than 8 years has given me plenty of time to think about the process of how I and other people learn foreign languages. One of the things I have become aware of is to what extent “learning naturally by immersing yourself in a language” works. Is it possible to speak a foreign language “naturally” rather than having to consciously “translate” from your native language? This article is my answer to this question.
My own language study background
I have had a mixed background with languages. When I was at school I took every opportunity I could to study French, Spanish and Russian, but it wasn’t until I decided to study Chinese at university that I really studied a language intensively for a long period of time. I have also spent a couple of years in China, and my work has also included translation and training as a simultaneous interpreter from Chinese to English. I have gone through long language learning processes myself.
Understanding how you learn to speak a language
When you start learning a foreign language, everything appears completely new to you, except the words that you might recognise from your own language or other languages you have learned. Your brain has to get used to a completely new set of sounds, a new vocabulary, and new ways of putting sentences together. You have to try hard to pick out words from the stream of information that you don’t understand.
The process of learning to speak a foreign language is similar. At the beginning, you might learn some simple phrases which you will have to pull out of your brain when you want to talk, or you might have practised certain types of sentences or grammar patterns, which you have to think about and form slowly. In comparison with your native tongue, the foreign language seems very unnatural, and it is not the thing you “think of first.” Students will often ask, “How do you say …. in X language?” which shows how much they are falling back on their native language, “to make things make sense” or “as a place to start from.”
In fact, there is nothing wrong with this. I believe is that it is fine to include English, or your native language in language courses, or to use it as a reference. That’s what I did when I designed my own beginner’s Chinese course – Survive in Chinese. Of course, the courses which claim to teach you “the way a child learns” using just pictures and no translations also work, but I have always found it quicker at the beginning to learn through contrast with my native language, and sometimes from translations. After all, as adults, we have already learned a language once before, and I believe it is completely possible to use this to our advantage.
Sometimes, “translating” can cut short the path to “speaking”
When I was learning Chinese, I didn’t just take English as a reference, I bought a handful of books designed for Chinese people to study English, which had English texts translated in full into Chinese. This way, I had the two languages side by side, and I built on my basic ability to express the ideas I could express in English in Chinese. Much later, when I trained as an interpreter, “translating” became a skill that I had to master, as accurately as possible, and part of my job. But there was a potential problem: was I “really learning to speak Chinese?” or was I just getting better at “translating English in my head?”
The process from “translating in your head” to “speaking more naturally” is one that most language learners have to go through. Even if you are not consciously thinking from your native language, you are still affected by the “interference” it causes when you are speaking a foreign language.
Let me give you a few examples of this at the beginner level. An English speaker learning Chinese who wants to ask “Can I have a class of water?” might come up with “我可以有一杯水吗,” which is an attempt to translate the English sentence extremely literally, and is wrong in Chinese. A correct way to put it might be “能给我一杯水吗?” Likewise, if an English speaker wanted to say “Do you have my watch?” in Chinese, he might think it was “你有我的手表吗?” which is an attempt to force English into Chinese. A natural way to ask the question could be “我的手表在你那边吗?” Another funny example is that for almost two years I thought the phrase for blow your nose in Chinese was “吹鼻子” which is a literal translation that makes no sense in Chinese. Later I found out it should be “擤鼻子.” Either people had been too reluctant to correct me all that time or I had just completely confused them!
It is not just words that English speakers sometimes try to “force” into Chinese, but also grammatical concepts. Because English has rigid tenses, learners can sometimes try to make Chinese grammar “work more like English grammar,” for example by adding “了” every time they think something has happened in the past or “将会” or something similar when they think something is happening in the future, which can create very unnatural or “grammar textbook” sounding Chinese. Part of the learning process is breaking away from very rigid “textbook” structures when you are speaking and trying to get a “feel” for the language as it is really used.
So, given these kind of differences, how did I breach the gap to speaking “natural Chinese?”
Getting more “input” and learning to spot your own mistakes
Even though trying to speak a lot of Chinese and doing a lot of translation gave me a great way to get started and I think it also cut down the time it took me to get fluent, there was still something that was missing: a lot of input and exposure to the language. Worse still, even if I was speaking “unnatural Chinese,” I didn’t necessarily know it at first. That’s why I started to expose myself to a lot of Chinese – watching TV series, listening to the radio, watching the news, reading novels, and just paying attention to other people when they spoke in conversations. Also, when I was learning interpreting, I also listened to hours of speeches in Chinese on loads of different topics, which taught me a formal style of how to speak and a lot of vocabulary.
Slowly, when I was speaking myself, I started to realise that there were things that I had been hearing that had been saying wrong. I started to realise “what sounded weird” and how I might be able to express things more authentically. I also heard some things that I had been pronouncing wrong, and some tones which I had not been getting right. In short: I got a much better “feel for the language” and learnt to correct myself.
The journey from “translating” to “speaking naturally”
Without actually starting to “translate the language first” when I was speaking, I would never have produced these errors, and without listening to the language for hours over a very long period of time, I would never have realised “what it was supposed to be like” and been able to correct the errors. This process will carry on for me, as I continue to learn new things. I still remind myself that I have been speaking English for more than 20 years, and I have only spoken Chinese for eight or so. Of course my English is going to be stronger and more dominant.
So, to go back to my original question, I think it is completely possible to learn a language “naturally, without translation,” but that might not be the quickest way in. To me, it is a process that you will benefit from much more later, but don’ the process of naturalising yourself is an amazing journey. It might even open up your mind or change your life. It will take time, but why would you want to cut that journey short?
yo?ng wa?iyu? si?ka?o da?n bu? to?ngguo? mu?yu? fa?nyi? yo?uke?ne?ng ma
“ 用 外语 思考 ” 但 不 通过 母语 “ 翻译 ” , 有可能 吗 ?
wo? xue? Zho?ngwe?n yi?ji?ng nia?n duo? le qi?jia?n wo? hua? le he?n duo? shi?jia?n si?ka?o wo?men jiu?ji?ng 我学 中文 已经8年多了,期间,我花了很多时间思考我们究竟 shi? ru?he? xue?xi? wa?iyu? de qi?zho?ng wo? zhu?yi? da?o yi? ge? we?nti? ji? to?ngguo? chu?yu? mo?u ge? 是 如何 学习 外语 的 。 其中 , 我 注意 到 一 个 问题 , 即 “ 通过 处于 某 个 yu?ya?n hua?nji?ng zho?ng e?r zi?ra?n xi? de? de xia?oguo? zi?ra?n di? shuo? wa?iyu? e?r fe?i ke?yi? di?
语言 环境 中 而自然习得”的 效果 。“自然”地 说 外语而非刻意地 to?ngguo? mu?yu? fa?nyi? yo?uke?ne?ng ma zhe? pia?n we?nzha?ng jiu?shi? wo? dui? zhe?ge we?nti? de hui?da? 通过母语“翻译”,有可能吗?这篇 文章 就是我对这个问题的回答
wo? xue? wa?iyu? de ji?ngli?
我 学 外语 的 经历
wo? ce?ngji?ng xue? guo? he?n duo?zho?ngyu?ya?n zho?ngxue? shi? jiu? xue?xi? le Fa?yu? Xi?ba?nya?yu? E?yu?
我 曾经 学 过 很 多种语言 , 中学 时 就 学习 了 法语 、 西班牙语 、 俄语
da?n ha?ishi za?i da?xue? jue?di?ng zhua?n xiu? Zho?ngwe?n zhua?nye? yi?ho?u wo? ca?i ka?ishi? cha?ng shi?jia?n
,但还是在大学决定专修中文 专业以后,我才开始长时间
she?nru? di? xue?xi? yi? me?n wa?iyu? wo? za?i Zho?ngguo? she?nghuo? guo? lia?ng nia?n shi?jia?n e?rqie? wo?
深入地学习一门外语。我在中国 生活过两年时间,而且我
de go?ngzuo? ye? she?ji? guo? bi?yi? ko?uyi? he? Zho?ng Yi?ng to?ngshe?ngchua?nyi? xu?nlia?n suo?yi? wo? zi?ji?
的 工作 也涉及过笔译、口译和 中英 同声传译 训练。所以我自己
ji?ngli? guo? bi?jia?o cha?ngqi? de yu?ya?n xue?xi? guo?che?ng
经历 过 比较 长期 的 语言 学习 过程 。
lia?ojie? wo?men xue?shuo? wa?iyu? de guo?che?ng
了解 我们 学说 外语 的 过程
da?ng ni? ka?ishi? xue? yi? me?n wa?iyu? de shi?hou yi?qie? do?u shi? qua?nxi?n de ni? de da?na?o ya?o
当 你 开始 学 一 门 外语 的 时候 , 一切 都 是 全新 的 。 你 的 大脑 要
shi?yi?ng yi?ta?o qua?nxi?n de fa?yi?n ci?hui? he? za?oju? de fa?ngshi? co?ngbu? li?jie? de xi?nxi? liu? zho?ng
适应 一套 全新 的 发音 、 词汇 和 造句 的 方式 , 从不 理解 的 信息 流 中
tia?o chu? shu?xi? de ci?yu? ye? he?n fe?ili?
挑 出 熟悉 的 词语 也 很 费力 。
xue?shuo? yi? me?nwa?i yu? ye? shi? yi? ge? le?isi? de guo?che?ng ga?ng ka?ishi? xue? da?o yi?xie? jia?nda?n de
学说 一 门外 语 也 是 一 个 类似 的 过程 。 刚 开始 学 到 一些 简单 的
dua?nyu? shuo?hua? shi? ni? xu?ya?o za?i na?oha?i li? so?uxu?n zhe?xie? dua?nyu? xue? da?o yi?xie? ju?xi?ng huo?
短语 , 说话 时 你 需要 在 脑海 里 搜寻 这些 短语 。 学 到 一些 句型 或
yu?fa? xi?ngshi? shi? ni? ke?ne?ng xu?ya?o ma?nma?n di? si?ka?o ca?ine?ng shi?yo?ng xia?ng dui?yu? mu?yu?
语法 形式 时 , 你 可能 需要 慢慢 地 思考 才能 使用 。 相 对于 母语
e?rya?n ni? de wa?iyu? xia?nde he?n bu?zi?ra?n bi?ng bu?shi? ni? ne?ng di?yi?shi?jia?n xia?ngda?o de 而言 , 你 的 外语 显得 很 不自然 , 并 不是 你 能 “ 第一时间 想到 的 ”。 xue?sheng ji?ngcha?ng hui? we?n zhe?ge do?ngxi yo?ng yu? ze?nme shuo? zhe? bia?omi?ng xue?sheng
学生 经常会问,“这个东西用X语怎么说?”这表明 学生 /annotate 1/9
4/15/2014 Chinese Text Annotation – MandarinSpot fe?icha?ng yi?la?i mu?yu? de jie?shi? yi? mu?yu? zuo?we?i chu?fa?dia?n
非常 依赖母语的解释,以母语 作为 “ 出发点。”
shi?shi?sha?ng zhe? bi?ng me?ishe?nme cuo? wo? ge?re?n re?nwe?i chu?ji? wa?iyu? ke?che?ng ke?yi? yo?ng Yi?ngyu?
事实上 , 这 并 没什么 错 。 我 个人 认为 初级 外语 课程 可以 用 英语
huo?zhe? xue?sheng de mu?yu? zuo?we?i yi?zho?ng ca?nka?o wo? ka?ifa? de chu?ji? Ha?nyu? ke?che?ng
或者 学生 的母语作为 一种 参考。我开发的初级汉语 课程 “Survivein
ye? shi? zhe?ya?ng she?ji? de da?ngra?n mo?uxie? ke?che?ng shi?yo?ng e?rto?ng xue?xi? mu?yu? de Chinese” 也 是 这样 设计 的 。 当然 , 某些 课程 使用 “ 儿童 学习 母语 的
fa?ngfa? ji?n yo?u tu?pia?n e?r bu? ti?go?ng fa?nyi? zhe?ya?ng de ke?che?ng ye? yo?uxia?o da?nshi? wo? zo?ng 方法 ”, 仅 有 图片 而 不 提供 翻译 。 这样 的 课程 也 有效 , 但是 我 总 jue?de ga?ng ka?ishi? xue? de shi?hou ba? wa?iyu? ge?n zi?ji? de mu?yu? dui?bi? huo?zhe? xue?xi? bie?ren de 觉得 刚 开始 学 的 时候 , 把 外语 跟 自己 的 母语 对比 或者 学习 别人 的
fa?nyi? shi? yi? ge? ge?ng kua?i de xue?xi? fa?ngfa? bi?ji?ng wo?men xia?oshi?hou do?u xue? guo? mu?yu?
翻译 是 一 个 更 快 的 学习 方法 。 毕竟 , 我们 小时候 都 学 过 母语 ,
wo?men wa?nqua?n ke?yi? cho?ngfe?n li?yo?ng ci?qia?n de xue?xi? ji?ngli? we?i yi?ho?u de wa?iyu? xue?xi? ti?go?ng fa?ngfa?
我们 完全 可以 充分 利用此前的学习经历为以后的外语学习提供方法 。
yo?ushi?hou fa?nyi? ke?yi? shi? zi?ra?n shuo?hua? de jie?ji?ng 有时候,“翻译”可以是“自然 说话 ”的捷径
xue? Zho?ngwe?n de shi?hou wo? bu? zhi?shi? yo?ng Yi?ngwe?n zuo? ca?nka?o ha?i ma?i le yi?xie?
学 中文 的 时候 , 我 不 只是 用 英文 作 参考 , 还 买 了 一些
Zho?ngguo?re?n xue? Yi?ngwe?n de shu? yi?nwe?i zhe?xie? shu? de suo?yo?u de Yi?ngwe?n we?nzha?ng do?u yo?u
中国人 学 英文 的书,因为这些书的所有的 英文 文章 都有
xia?ngyi?ng de Zho?ngwe?n fa?nyi? to?ngguo? zhe?ya?ng de Ha?n Yi?ng dui?zha?o wo? ji?nyi?bu? ze?ngqia?ng le
相应 的 中文 翻译 。 通过 这样 的 汉英 对照 , 我 进一步 增强 了
yo?ng Zho?ngwe?n bia?oda? suo?we?i de Yi?ngwe?n xia?ngfa? de ne?ngli? ho?ula?i za?i wo? xu?nlia?n to?ng 用 中文 表达 所谓 的 “ 英文 想法 ” 的 能力 。 后来 , 在 我 训练 同 chua?n de shi?hou fa?nyi? che?ng we?ile yi?zho?ng bi?xu? zha?ngwo? de ji?ne?ng e?rqie? zhu?nque? de
传 的 时候 ,“ 翻译 ” 成 为了 一种 必须 掌握 的 技能 , 而且 准确 的 fa?nyi? ne?ngli? shi? wo? da?ngshi? go?ngzuo? de yi? ge? zho?ngya?o bu?fen bu?guo? yo?u yi? ge? qia?nza?i de 翻译 能力 是 我 当时 工作 的 一 个 重要 部分 。 不过 , 有 一 个 潜在 的
we?nti? wo? da?ngshi? shi? zhe?n de za?i xue?shuo? Zho?ngwe?n ha?ishi za?i xue?xi? ze?nme fa?nyi? 问题:我当时是真的在“学说 中文 ”,还是在“学习怎么翻译 Yi?ngwe?n
ji?hu? me?i ge? xue?xi? wa?iyu? de re?n do?u ya?o ji?ngli? zhe?zho?ng co?ng za?i na?ozi li? fa?nyi? da?o zi?ra?n 几乎每个学习外语的人都 要经历 这种 从 “在脑子里翻译”到“自然 shuo?hua? de guo?che?ng na?pa? bu?shi? ke?yi? di? xia?n yo?ng mu?yu? si?ka?o za?i fa?nyi? che?ng wa?iyu?
说话 ”的 过程 。哪怕不是刻意地先 用母语思考再翻译 成 外语, ni? ye? hui? sho?uda?o yi?xie? mu?yu? de ga?nra?o
你 也 会 受到 一些 母语 的 “ 干扰 ”。
xia?mian wo? ju? ji?ge jia?nda?n de li?zi mu?yu? we?i Yi?ngyu? de re?n xue? Zho?ngwe?n de shi?hou ru?guo?
下面我举几个简单的例子。母语为英语的人学 中文 的时候如果
xia?ng shuo? yo?uke?ne?ng hui? shuo? che?ng wo? ke?yi? yo?u yi? be?i shui? 想 说 “Can I have a class of water?” 有可能 会 说 成 “ 我 可以 有 一 杯 水
ma zhe?ge xue?xi? zhe? shi?tu? zhu? zi? fa?nyi? me?i ge? Yi?ngwe?n de da?nci? jie?guo? que?shi? 吗?”这个学习者试图逐字翻译每个 英文 的单词,结果却是
/annotate 2/9
4/15/2014 Chinese Text Annotation – MandarinSpot
bu?zhe?ngque? de Zho?ngwe?n zhe?ngque? de shuo?fa yi?ngga?i shi? ne?ng ge?i wo? yi? be?i shui? ma 不正确 的 中文 。 正确 的 说法 应该 是 “ 能 给 我 一 杯 水 吗 ”。 to?ngya?ng ru?guo? xia?ng yo?ng Zho?ngwe?n bia?oda? xue?xi? zhe? ke?ne?ng hui?
同样,如果想 用 中文 表达“Doyouhavemywatch?”学习者可能会 shuo? che?ng ni? yo?u wo? de sho?ubia?o ma zhe? ye? shi? qia?ngzhi? a?n Yi?ngwe?n de yu?ya?n xi?gua?n 说 成 “ 你 有 我 的 手表 吗 ?” 这 也 是 强制 按 英文 的 语言 习惯
la?ishuo? Zho?ngwe?n de jie?guo? zhe?ngque? de shuo?fa shi? wo? de sho?ubia?o za?i ni? na?r ma 来说 中文 的结果。 正确 的说法是“我的 手表 在你那儿吗?”
ha?iyo?u yi? ge? ha?owa?n de li?zi yi?qia?n wo? yi?zhi? yi?we?i Yi?ngwe?n zho?ngdi? yo?ng 还有一个 好玩 的例子,以前,我一直以为 英文 中的 blowyournose 用 Zho?ngwe?n shuo? jiu?shi? chui? bi?zi ho?ula?i zhi?da?o lia?ng nia?n yi?ho?u wo? ca?ixue? da?olia?o xi?ngbi?ti?
中文 说就是“吹鼻子”。后来,直到两年以后我才学到了“擤鼻涕 ya?ome shi? zhe? lia?ng nia?nla?i bie?ren do?u bu?ha?oyi?si jiu?zhe?ng wo? ya?ome jiu?shi? wo? wa?nqua?n ba? 。” 要么 是 这 两 年来 别人 都 不好意思 纠正 我 , 要么 就是 我 完全 把
bie?ren no?ng hu?tu le
别人 弄 糊涂 了 !
chu?le ci?yu? zhi?wa?i Ha?nyu? xue?xi? zhe? ye? ji?ngcha?ng ba? Yi?ngwe?n de yu?fa? fa?nyi? che?ng Zho?ngwe?n
除了词语之外,汉语学习者也 经常 把 英文 的语法翻译 成 中文
yo?uyu? Yi?ngwe?n yo?u ya?nge? de shi?ta?i xue?sheng yo?ushi?hou ne?ng hui? xia?ng ba? Zho?ngwe?n yu?fa?
。 由于 英文 有 严格 的 时态 , 学生 有时候 能 会 想 把 中文 语法
bia?nde xia?ng Yi?ngwe?n yi?ya?ng bi?ru? me?ida?ng yu?da?o za?i guo?qu fa?she?ng de do?ngci? shi? do?u jia?
变得 像 英文 一样 , 比如 每当 遇到 在 过去 发生 的 动词 时 , 都 加
ge? le huo?zhe? ta?oyo?ng jia?nghui? bia?oshi? we?ila?i de shi?ta?i zhe?ya?ng shuo?hua? yo?ushi? ha?oxia?ng 个“了”或者 套用“将会”表示未来的时态。这样 说话 有时 好像 yu?fa? ke?be?n yi?ya?ng xue?xi? guo?che?ng zho?ngdi? yi? ge? zho?ngya?o jie?dua?n jiu?shi? tuo?li? ya?nji?n de 语法 课本 一样 。 学习 过程 中的 一 个 重要 阶段 就是 脱离 “ 严谨 的
yu?fa? ke?be?n shuo?hua? de shi?hou ya?o li?yo?ng yu?ga?n di? da?odi? shuo?hua? 语法 课本 ”, 说话 的 时候 要 利用 “ 语感 ” 地 道地 说话 。
na?me jia?nyu? zho?ng Yi?ngwe?n zhi?jia?n de zhe?xie? qu?bie? wo? shi? ru?he? kua?yue? zha?ng’a?i ka?ishi? 那么,鉴于中 英文之间的这些区别,我是如何跨越障碍开始“
zi?ra?n di? shuo? Zho?ngwe?n le ne 自然地说 中文 ”了呢?
ge?ng duo? de shu?ru? ra?ng ni? ne?nggo?u re?nshi da?o zi?ji? de cuo?wu? 更 多 的 “ 输入 ” 让 你 能够 认识 到 自己 的 错误
sui?ra?n da?lia?ng shuo? Zho?ngwe?n he? zuo? fa?nyi? de ji?hui? ba?ng wo? he?n kua?i ru? le me?n ye?
虽然大量说 中文和做翻译的机会帮我很快入了门,也
jia?nsha?o le da?da?o liu?li? che?ngdu? suo?xu? de shi?jia?n da?n ha?ishi yo?u que?shi? de bu?fen da?lia?ng de
减少 了 达到 流利 程度 所需 的 时间 , 但 还是 有 缺失 的 部分 : 大量 的
shu?ru? he? chu?yu? yu?ya?n hua?nji?ng zho?ng ge?ng li?ngre?n da?nyo?u de shi? zui?chu? na?pa? wo? shuo? “输入”和处于语言环境 中。更令人担忧的是,最初哪怕我说
le he?n duo? bu? di?dao de Zho?ngwe?n zi?ji? ye? bu? zhi?da?o yi?nci? wo? jiu? ka?ishi? ra?ng zi?ji? ge?n
了很多不地道的 中文 ,自己也不知道。因此我就开始让自己跟
Zho?ngwe?n yo?u ge?ng duo? de jie?chu? ka?n dia?nshi?ju? ti?ng gua?ngbo? ka?n xi?nwe?n du? xia?oshuo? 中文 有 更 多 的 接触 —— 看 电视剧 , 听 广播 , 看 新闻 , 读 小说
huo?zhe? zhu?yi? bie?ren ze?nme shuo?hua? li?ngwa?i xue?xi? ko?uyi? de shi?hou wo? ti?ng le ha?oji? ba?i
或者注意别人怎么 说话。另外,学习口译的时候,我听了好几百
xia?oshi? bu?to?ng zhu?ti? de Zho?ngwe?n jia?nghua? zhe? ye? ra?ng wo? xue?xi? da?olia?o zhe?ngshi? de yu?ya?n
小时不同主题的中文 讲话,这也让我学习到了正式的语言
/annotate 3/9
4/15/2014 Chinese Text Annotation – MandarinSpot fe?ngge? he? he?n duo? ci?hui?
风格 和 很 多 词汇 。
ma?nma?n di? za?i shuo? Ha?nyu? de shi?hou wo? ka?ishi? yi?shi? da?o he?n duo? do?ngxi wo? yi?zhi? shuo?
慢慢 地 , 在 说 汉语 的 时候 , 我 开始 意识 到 很 多 东西 我 一直 说
de do?u shi? cuo? de ka?ishi? ga?njue?da?o yo?uxie? do?ngxi ti?ngqilai he?n qi?gua?i ye? ka?ishi? xue? yo?ng 的 都 是 错 的 , 开始 感觉到 有些 东西 “ 听起来 很 奇怪 ”, 也 开始 学 用
yi?xie? ge?ng di? da?odi? Ha?nyu? bia?oda? wo? zhu?jia?n ne?ng ti?ng chu? yi?xie? ci? zi?ji? de fa?yi?n yi?zhi?
一些 更 地 道地 汉语 表达 。 我 逐渐 能 听 出 一些 词 自己 的 发音 一直
do?u bu?dui? yo?uxie? yi?ndia?o bu?dui? jia?nda?n la?ishuo? wo? ti?ga?o le zi?ji? de yu?ga?n bi?ngqie? 都不对,有些 音调不对。简单 来说,我提高了自己的“语感”并且
xue?hui? le jiu?zhe?ng zi?ji?
学会 了 纠正 自己 。
co?ng fa?nyi? da?o zi?ra?n shuo?hua? de da?olu? 从 “ 翻译 ” 到 “ 自然 说话 ” 的 道路
ru?guo? me?iyo?u za?i shuo?hua? shi? xia?n fa?nyi? Yi?ngwe?n wo? jiu? bu?hui? cha?nshe?ng zhe?xie? cuo?wu? 如果没有在说话时先“翻译英文”,我就不会 产生 这些错误。 ru?guo? me?iyo?u cha?ng shi?jia?n de ti?ng Ha?nyu? wo? jiu? bu?hui? zhi?da?o zhe?xie? do?ngxi yi?ngga?i shi? ze?nme 如果没有 长 时间的听汉语,我就不会知道这些东西“应该是怎么 shuo? de ye? jiu? wu?fa? ga?izhe?ng zhe?xie? cuo?wu? wo? de xue?xi? guo?che?ng re?ngra?n za?i chi?xu?
说 的”,也就无法 改正 这些 错误。我的学习 过程 仍然 在持续, bu?dua?n xue?xi? ge?ng duo? xi?n do?ngxi wo? yo?udeshi?ho?u re?ngra?n hui? ti?xi?ng zi?ji? ni? zhi?shi?
不断学习更 多新东西。我有的时候 仍然会提醒自己:“你只是8 nia?nqia?n ka?ishi? xue? Zho?ngwe?n e?r ni? de Yi?ngwe?n yi?ji?ng shuo? le duo? nia?n le da?ngra?n shi? 年前开始学 中文,而你的英文已经说了20多年了,当然是
ni? de Yi?ngwe?n bi?jia?o qia?ng
你 的 英文 比较 强 。”
suo?yi? hui?da?o zui?chu? de we?nti? wo? jue?de bu? to?ngguo? fa?nyi? e?r zi?ra?n di? shuo? wa?iyu? shi? 所以,回到 最初 的问题,我觉得“不 通过 翻译而自然地 说 外语”是 wa?nqua?n ke?ne?ng de da?n que? bi?ngbu? yi?di?ng shi? zui? kua?i de ru?me?n fa?ngfa? dui?wo?la?ishuo? co?ng
完全 可能的,但却并不一定是最快的入门方法。对我来说,从
fa?nyi? da?o zi?ra?n shuo?hua? shi? yi? ge? guo?che?ng e?rqie? shi? yi? ge? yi?ho?u hui? ge?i xue?xi? zhe? “翻译”到“自然 说话 ”是一个 过程 ,而且是一个以后会给学习者
da?ila?i ge?ng duo? ba?ngzhu? de guo?che?ng bu?guo? ni? bu?yo?ng da?nxi?n zhe?ge zi?ra?n hua? de 带来 更 多 帮助 的 过程 。 不过 , 你 不用 担心 , 这个 “ 自然 化 ” 的 guo?che?ng he?n ji?ngca?i ta? she?nzhi? ke?ne?ng hui? ka?ikuo? ni? de ya?njie? ga?ibia?n ni? de she?nghuo?
过程 很 精彩 , 它 甚至 可能 会 开阔 你 的 眼界 , 改变 你 的 生活 。
sui?ra?n shi? yi? dua?n ma?ncha?ng de lu? tu? da?nshi? ji?ra?n ru?ci? ji?ngca?i we?ishe?nme ya?o suo?dua?n
虽然 是 一 段 漫长 的 路 途 , 但是 既然 如此 精彩 , 为什么 要 缩短
lü?che?ng ne
思考 si?ka?o
母语 mu?yu?
有可能 yo?uke?ne?ng /annotate
to reflect on / to ponder over
native language / mother tongue / (linguistics) parent language
it’s possible
处于 chu?yu?
刻意 ke?yi?
多种语言 duo?zho?ngyu?ya?n
西班牙语 Xi?ba?nya?yu? 俄语 E?yu?
专 zhua?n 才 ca?i
中国 Zho?ngguo?
涉及 she?ji?
笔译 bi?yi?
口译 ko?uyi?
中英 Zho?ng Yi?ng 同声传译 to?ngshe?ngchua?nyi? 学说 xue?shuo?
全新 qua?nxi?n 大脑 da?na?o
一套 yi?ta?o 发音 fa?yi?n 词汇 ci?hui? 信息 xi?nxi?
Chinese Text Annotation – MandarinSpot
to be in (some state, position, or condition)
to practice / to study / habit
surname Xi
abbr. for 非洲[Fe?i zho?u], Africa
to not be / not / wrong / incorrect / non- / un- / in- / to reproach or blame / (colloquial) to insist on / simply must
meticulous / painstaking / deliberate
surname Shi
o’clock / time / when / hour / season / period / old variant of 時|时[shi?]
at once / right away / only / just (emphasis) / as early as / already / as soon as / then / in that case / as many as / even if / to approach / to move towards / to undertake / to engage in / to suffer / subjected to / to accomplish / to take advantage of / to go with (of foods) / with regard to / concerning
Spanish language Russian (language)
for a particular person, occasion, purpose / focused on one thing / special / expert / particular (to sth) / concentrated / specialized / variant of 專|专[zhua?n]
ability / talent / sb of a certain type / a capable individual / only / only then / just now / a moment ago / just now / (preceded by a clause of condition or reason) not until / (followed by a numerical clause) only
to involve / to touch upon (a topic) written translation
Sino-British / Chinese-English simultaneous interpretation theory / doctrine
all new / completely new
brain / cerebrum
important / vital / to want / to ask for / will / going to (as future auxiliary) / may / must / (used in a comparison) must be / probably / if
to demand / to request / to coerce
suit / a set / a collection / of the same kind / the same old stuff / set pattern of behavior
to pronounce / pronunciation / to emit sound vocabulary / list of words (e.g. for language teaching
purposes) / word / variant of 詞彙|词汇[ci? hui?]
information / news / message
word (general term including monosyllables through to short
词语 ci?yu?
费力 fe?ili? 门外 me?nwa?i
类似 le?isi? 短语 dua?nyu?
说话 shuo?hua?
脑海 na?oha?i 搜寻 so?uxu?n 句型 ju?xi?ng
或 huo? 慢慢 ma?nma?n 才能 ca?ine?ng 而言 e?rya?n 不自然 bu?zi?ra?n
第一时间 di?yi?shi?jia?n
想到 xia?ngda?o 依赖 yi?la?i 出发点 chu?fa?dia?n
事实上 shi?shi?sha?ng 一种 yi?zho?ng
参考 ca?nka?o 开发 ka?ifa?
某些 mo?uxie? 图片 tu?pia?n
ba? /annotate
Chinese Text Annotation – MandarinSpot
phrases) / term (e.g. technical term) / expression
to expend a great deal of effort outside the door
dialect / language / speech
to tell to
similar / analogous phrase / clause (grammar)
to speak / to say / to talk / to gossip / to tell stories / talk / word
the mind / the brain
to search / to look for
sentence pattern (in grammar)
maybe / perhaps / might / possibly / or slowly
talent / ability / capacity
with regard to (preceding phrase) unnatural / artificial
fault / blame
to be able to / to be capable of / ability / capability / able / capable / can possibly / (usually used in the negative) to have the possibility of
surname Neng
in the first moments (of sth happening) / immediately (after an event) / first thing
to think of / to call to mind / to anticipate
to depend on / to be dependent on
starting point / the outset
in fact / in reality / actually / as a matter of fact / de facto / ipso facto
one kind of / one type of
consultation / reference / to consult / to refer
to exploit (a resource) / to open up (for development) / to develop
some / certain (things)
image / picture / photograph / CL:張|张[zha?ng]
always / to assemble / gather / total / overall / head / chief / general / in every case
to hold / to contain / to grasp / to take hold of / handle / particle marking the following noun as a direct object / classifier for objects with handle / classifier for small objects: handful
毕竟 bi?ji?ng
小时候 xia?oshi?hou 此前 ci?qia?n
捷径 jie?ji?ng
中国人 Zho?ngguo?re?n
相应 xia?ngyi?ng 汉英 Ha?n Yi?ng
对照 dui?zha?o 增强 ze?ngqia?ng
技能 ji?ne?ng 潜在 qia?nza?i 这种 zhe?zho?ng 受到 sho?uda?o 干扰 ga?nra?o 几个 ji?ge
试图 shi?tu?
却是 que?shi? 不正确 bu?zhe?ngque?
强制 qia?ngzhi? 来说 la?ishuo?
还有 ha?iyo?u
中的 zho?ngdi? 才学 ca?ixue? 到了 da?olia?o 擤鼻涕 xi?ngbi?ti?
Chinese Text Annotation – MandarinSpot
after all / all in all / when all is said and done / in the final analysis
in one’s childhood
before this / before then / previously shortcut
Chinese person
to correspond / answering (one another) / to agree (among the part) / corresponding / relevant / appropriate / (modify) accordingly
to contrast / to compare / to place side by side for comparison (as parallel texts) / to check
to increase / to strengthen surname Cheng
to succeed / to finish / to complete / to accomplish / to become / to turn into / to be all right / OK! / one tenth
technical ability / skill
hidden / potential / latent
this / this kind of / this sort of / this type of
to receive / to suffer / obtained / given
to disturb / to interfere / perturbation / interference (physics) a few / several / how many
(after a verb or adjective) one who (is) … / (after a noun) person involved in … / -er / -ist / (used after a number or 後|后 [ho?u] or 前[qia?n] to refer to sth mentioned previously) / (used after a term, to mark a pause before defining the term) / (old) (used at the end of a command) / (old) this
to attempt / to try
to pursue / to chase / individually / one by one
nevertheless / actually / the fact is …
incorrect / erroneous
to expound Buddhist teachings
way of speaking / wording / formulation / one’s version (of events) / statement / theory / hypothesis / interpretation
to enforce / enforcement / forcibly / compulsory
to have one’s say / to interpret a topic (from a certain point of view) / now we come to talk about it, …
furthermore / in addition / still / also
to be playful / to be fond of one’s fun amusing / fun / interesting
to hit the target / to hit the nail on the head talent and learning / scholarship
at last / finally / in the end to blow one’s nose
要么 ya?ome 年来 nia?nla?i 除了 chu?le 之外 zhi?wa?i 时态 shi?ta?i 变得 bia?nde 每当 me?ida?ng 动词 do?ngci? 套用 ta?oyo?ng
将会 jia?nghui?
好像 ha?oxia?ng 严谨 ya?nji?n 语感 yu?ga?n 道地 da?odi? 鉴于 jia?nyu? 跨越 kua?yue? 障碍 zha?ng’a?i 输入 shu?ru?
帮 ba?ng 所需 suo?xu?
缺失 que?shi? 令人 li?ngre?n
担忧 da?nyo?u
电视剧 dia?nshi?ju? 好几 ha?oji?
主题 zhu?ti?
风格 fe?ngge? 意识 yi?shi? 感觉到 ga?njue?da?o 有些 yo?uxie? 听起来 ti?ngqilai 不对 bu?dui? 音调 yi?ndia?o
学会 xue?hui? /annotate
Chinese Text Annotation – MandarinSpot
or / either one or the other
this past year / over the last years
besides / apart from (… also…) / in addition to / except (for)
outside / excluding
(verb) tense
whenever / every time / on every
to copy a set pattern mechanically / to crib
auxiliary verb introducing future action: may (be able to) / will (cause) / should (enable) / going to
as if / to seem like
rigorous / strict / careful / cautious / compact / well-knit a feel for language / instinctive understanding
authentic / original
in view of / seeing that / considering / whereas
to step across / step over
barrier / obstruction / hindrance / impediment / obstacle to import / to input
to help / to assist / to support / for sb (i.e. as a help) / hired (as worker) / side (of pail, boat etc) / outer layer / group / gang / clique / party / secret society / old variant of 幫|帮 [ba?ng] / old variant of 幫|帮[ba?ng]
necessary (for) / required deficiency / shortcoming / hiatus
to cause sb (to do) / to make one (feel sth) / (used in constructing words for feelings such as anger, surprise, sympathy etc)
to worry / to be concerned
authentic / genuine / typical / from a place known for the product / thorough / conscientious
tunnel / causeway
TV play / soap opera / CL:部[bu?]
several / quite a few
theme / subject
consciousness / awareness / to be aware / to realize
to feel / to sense / to detect / to perceive / to become aware some / somewhat
to sound like
incorrect / wrong / amiss / abnormal / queer
pitch of voice (high or low) / pitch (of a musical note) / tone
to learn / to master / institute / learned society / (scholarly) association
不会 bu?hui?
无法 wu?fa?
持续 chi?xu? 有的时候 yo?udeshi?ho?u 提醒 ti?xi?ng
年前 nia?nqia?n 回到 hui?da?o
并不 bi?ngbu?
入门 ru?me?n 对我来说 dui?wo?la?ishuo? 带来 da?ila?i
甚至 she?nzhi?
开阔 ka?ikuo?
眼界 ya?njie?
漫长 ma?ncha?ng 途 tu?
如此 ru?ci?
缩短 suo?dua?n 旅程 lü?che?ng
Chinese Text Annotation – MandarinSpot
improbable / unlikely / will not (act, happen etc) / not able / not having learned to do sth
unable / incapable
to continue / to persist / sustainable / preservation sometimes / at times
to remind / to call attention to / to warn of
…years ago
to return to
not at all / emphatically not
entrance door / to enter a door / introduction (to a subject) as far as I’m concerned
to bring / to bring about / to produce
even / so much so that
wide / open (spaces) / to open up
ken / scope
very long / endless
way / route / road
in this way / so
to curtail / to cut down
journey / trip
“用外语思考”但不通过母语“翻译” ,有可能吗?
事实上,这并没什么错。我个人认为初级外语课程可以用英语或者学生的母语作为一种参考。我开发的初级汉语课程“Survive in Chinese”也是这样设计的。当然,某些课程使用“儿童学习母语的方法”,仅有图片而不提供翻译。这样的课程也有效,但是我总觉得刚开始学的时候,把外语跟自己的母语对比或者学习别人的翻译是一个更快的学习方法。毕竟,我们小时候都学过母语,我们完全可以充分利用此前的学习经历为以后的外语学习提供方法。
学中文的时候,我不只是用英文作参考,还买了一些中国人学英文的书,因为这些书的所有的英文文章都有相应的中文翻译。通过这样的汉英对照,我进一步增强了用中文表达所谓的“英文想法” 的能力。后来,在我训练同传的时候,“翻译”成为了一种必须掌握的技能,而且准确的翻译能力是我当时工作的一个重要部分。不过,有一个潜在的问题:我当时是真的在“学说中文”,还是在“学习怎么翻译英文”?
下面我举几个简单的例子。母语为英语的人学中文的时候如果想说“Can I have a class of water?”有可能会说成“我可以有一杯水吗?”这个学习者试图逐字翻译每个英文的单词,结果却是不正确的中文。正确的说法应该是“能给我一杯水吗”。同样,如果想用中文表达“Do you have my watch?”学习者可能会说成“你有我的手表吗?”这也是强制按英文的语言习惯来说中文的结果。正确的说法是“我的手表在你那儿吗?”还有一个好玩的例子,以前,我一直以为英文中的blow your nose用中文说就是“吹鼻子”。后来,直到两年以后我才学到了“擤鼻涕。”要么是这两年来别人都不好意思纠正我,要么就是我完全把别人弄糊涂了!
除了词语之外,汉语学习者也经常把英文的语法翻译成中文。由于英文有严格的时态,学生有时候能会想把中文语法变得像英文一样,比如每当遇到在过去发生的动词时,都加个 “了” 或者套用“将会”表示未来的时态。这样说话有时好像语法课本一样。学习过程中的一个重要阶段就是脱离“严谨的语法课本”,说话的时候要利用“语感”地道地说话。
更多的 “输入”让你能够认识到自己的错误
慢慢地,在说汉语的时候,我开始意识到很多东西我一直说的都是错的,开始感觉到有些东西“听起来很奇怪”,也开始学用一些更地道地汉语表达。我逐渐能听出一些词自己的发音一直都不对,有些音调不对。简单来说,我提高了自己的 “语感”并且学会了纠正自己。
Think in another language without translating - English [ 7:05 ]
Think in another language without translating - ZH [ 8:49 ]
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