求ubuntu Broadcom Corporation BCM43142bcm43142a0驱动下载载链接

机器型号 thinkpad E431 安装ubuntu后无线网无法使用,故重新安装无线网卡驱动。
For 64bit:
wget http://de./ubuntu/pool/restricted/b/bcmwl/bcmwl-kernel-source_6.30.223.248+bdcom-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb
For 32bit:
wget http://de./ubuntu/pool/restricted/b/bcmwl/bcmwl-kernel-source_6.30.223.248+bdcom-0ubuntu1_i386.deb
sudo apt-get install build-essential dkms linux-headers-generic
sudo apt-get remove --purge bcmwl-kernel source
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
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(1)(1)(2)(2)(2)(1)(14)(1)(14)(11)(3)(1)(1)(1)(10)(9)(5)(1)(3)(11)(5)(9)drivers - broadcom BCM43142 under kali linux - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
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I am trying to get the wireless card of my laptop (Broadcom BCM43142) to work under kali linux (latest version, 64bit). At the moment (without installing anything), it is not recognised at all. I have never installed any drivers on linux systems, so i have almost no idea what to do.
after a lot of searching and following a lot of tutorials without success, I found this:
I followed it, and after I run the script I get this:
KBUILD_NOPEDANTIC=1 make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=`pwd`
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.18.0-kali3-amd64'
CFG80211 API is prefered for this kernel version
Using CFG80211 API
/usr/src/linux-headers-3.18.0-kali3-common/scripts/Makefile.build:397: *** missing separator.
make[3]: *** [_module_/root/Desktop/drivers/broadcom#2/broadcom] Error 2
make[2]: *** [sub-make] Error 2
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.18.0-kali3-amd64'
make: *** [all] Error 2
cp: cannot stat `wl.ko': No such file or directory
Error: Module bcma is not currently loaded
FATAL: Module wl not found.
this is the same i get if i run make again, in the folder the script downloaded. Anyone have any idea why this is happening?
Try this download from broadcom
as it has the patches to work with the newer kernels
Try following the instructions on
from 3. onward. Find the correct drivers for your network interface on
Here are the instructions from the site above:
3. Network driver
Once you finish installing, boot into Kali, and you will see network device is missing. Type in terminal:
There is only one "lo".
To fix this, download the firmware for macbook pro 2015 from here
Copy the file into /lib/firmware/brcm
Reboot and you will see WiFi is working, but still has no network
Start the network manager by modifying configuration file.
root@kali:~# nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
Turn false to true
root@kali:~# /etc/init.d/network-manager restart
Reboot and WiFi should work. This may not work on Thunderbolt-Ethernet
wired network.
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Centos6.5 WIFI无线网卡驱动BCM43142驱动安装Broadcom 网卡型号:BCM43142lspci|grep Broadcom1.确定自己的网卡驱动下载网卡驱动:hybrid-v35_64-nodebug-pcoem-6_30_223_141.tar.gz2.解压编译网卡驱动:解压出目录lib src和 Makefile文件,执行:make这样会编译报错:/home/xxx/packages/driver/src/wl/sys/wl_cfg80211_hybrid.c:2122: error: too few arguments to function ‘cfg80211_roamed’make[2]: *** [/home/xxx/packages/driver/src/wl/sys/wl_cfg80211_hybrid.o] Error 1make[1]: *** [_module_/home/xxx/packages/driver] Error 2make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernels/2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64′make: *** [all] Error 2注意:添加编译参数 make API=WEXTOK!make API=WEXTCC /home/xxx/packages/driver/wl.mod.oLD [M] /home/xxx/packages/driver/wl.ko.unsignedNO SIGN [M] /home/xxx/packages/driver/wl.komake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernels/2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64′3.安装# make installinstall -D -m 755 wl.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless4.加载新的驱动程序# modprobe lib80211# insmod wl.ko5.重新启动网络服务# service network restartShutting down interface p5p1: Device state: 3 (disconnected)[ OK ]Shutting down loopback interface: [ OK ]Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ]参考来源,从这里看到编译参数,谢谢!:文章来源:/archives/1533
类别:┆阅读(0)┆评论(0)How do I install BCM43142 wireless drivers for Dell Vostro ? - Ask Ubuntu
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I have a Dell Vostro 3460 with one of the new Broadcom 43142 hybrid Wireless/Bluetooth chips. Neither the proprietary driver (wl) nor the b43 driver supports this.
lspci -nn gives me
01:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation Device [14e4:4365] (rev 01)
02:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Atheros Communications Inc. AR8161 Gigabit Ethernet [] (rev 10)
I manage to install
with compat-wireless' alx, but could not find any alternative for this Broadcom
Do you guys know any driver for this controller? I am seriously considering to buy a compatible USB card?
Drivers for this are only officially available with the Vostro 3460 as provided by Dell.
However, , I have created a modified DEB file that compiles and installs the driver on 12.04 (see thread for 11.10 link).
First, install the prerequisites by opening a terminal and pasting, one line at a time:
sudo apt-get install linux-headers$(uname -r | grep -Po "\-[a-z].*")
sudo apt-get install build-essential dkms
Please download the appropriate DEB file from Dropbox here:
Open a terminal, and install it with sudo dpkg -i.
Hopefully it works!
Edit: 12.04 now has an updated bcmwl-kernel-source package that reportedly supports BCM43142.
Please verify your pci.id with a terminal command:
Is it 14e4:4365? I am not sure it is even possible in a 32-bit system. If you have a 64-bit system and the device I mentioned, then I suggest this package:
First install the prerequisites:
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic build-essential dkms
Then install the package with:
cd Desktop
&--or wherever you downloaded the deb
sudo dpkg -i wire*.deb
sudo modprobe wl
I tried following method to install Broadcom wireless Driver with Dell Vostro 3500
in Ubuntu/Xubuntu 12.04 (64 bit) Linux.
First of all check your wireless chipset model number,
lspci | grep Network
Install following prerequisites,
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic build-essential dkms
Download following package and install,
Open the following file:
gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
Add the following lines:
blacklist b43
blacklist b43legacy
blacklist bcma
blacklist ndiswrapper
Comment the following line,
# blacklist bcm43xx
Restart your laptop and check whether the wireless is working or not.
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