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Even in the closest of relationships, each person at times needs space. That is time to be alone, time to just be. Even as a couple, we are still two individuals and to grow as a couple, we must also be permitted to grow as an individual.
I believe that some people get caught up in their romantic view of a long term relationship and believe that soul mates must desire to be with each other all of the time. Often times, this thought of being together every moment is perpetuated by the way we initially feel when we make that unique connection with the person whom we view as our soul mate.
As a couple, it is natural to desire to be with each other whenever it is possible to be together. I believe it is natural for us to desire to share our lives fully with each other and be joined at the hip. The caveat to this is that even while we have a desire to be with each other all the time, we also must understand that there are times when one person or both will need to have time to be alone.
This may seem very logical to many who read this, however when one person in a relationship tells the other person that they need to be alone, the other person often feels offended. The offended person&s ego gets in the way, they often feel hurt. They may become concerned as to why the person who they desire with all of their soul has a need to be alone. They ask themselves, what could they have done wrong. Why does he/she not want to be with me right now? If she/he is upset, why doesn&t he/she want me to be with them? Why are they shutting me out?
Often times when one half of a couple states that they need to be left alone, it has nothing to do with the other half of the couple. The person does not need to be left alone because of what the other one has said or done. It has nothing to do with how much they love you.
Matter of fact, it probably has nothing to do with you at all. Sometimes we simply need to be alone to sort things out, whatever those things are.
Unfortunately, this is not what the other person sees when they hear from the one they love that they want to be left alone for a while. Their ego gets bruised and they take the other person’s need to be alone as an affront to them and, in doing so, insist on not allowing the other person to have some space without first grilling them as to why they need their space. This grilling in turn upsets the person who needs space and creates a bigger problem than first existed ,which often escalates into a disagreement, hurt feelings, etc.
Not allowing another person to have their space is often spurred by insecurity.
This insecurity is a by-product of the ego. Our ego loves to be control and the moment it is not in control, our ego begins to fabricate all kinds of thoughts and feelings that are not healthy, such as resentment, jealousy, etc.
When our significant other expresses that he/she needs some space, needs some alone time, the loving thing to do is to back off and permit that alone time. We must allow the person whom we love so dearly to have the time they need with the understanding that their need to be alone is not a personal attack against us. When we allow this alone time from a state of love, then we do not feel threatened by it and the other person does not feel guilty for needing to have alone time. This allows the alone time to be a positive experience for each person in the relationship which in the end will serve to strengthen the relationships rather than diminish it.
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Copyright & 2006 - 2016 Relationship TalkFather's Day
Gift, Children Searching for Unknown Fathers
Children Searching for Unknown Fathers
The words &None That I Know
Of& are intended as a humorous response by men to the question, &Do
you have any children?& to express that they are still
sexually potent in spite of the lack of bambinos.
The mission
is to unite children with fathers that they have been separated
due to divorce, adoption, war, or fathers that were never
informed that their child existed.
I am one of those fathers who believes I was never informed, and
continues looking for children I don't know of.
Happy Father's Day
Words that Brings a Tear to a Father's Eye
Dedicated to Joey Verola August 18, 1966 to July
Knowing he can’t replace Joey,
he creates a website . The purpose
of the website is to enable men to discover an unexpected
child or children they don’t know of, children born from one
night casual sex encounters, or those serendipitous meetings
known as “ships passing in the night”. Accepting he can’t
replace Joey, Joe feels there is no reason why he can’t
experience the joy and rewards he felt as a parent with
another child.
asks mothers the question, if
for some unknown reason after our serendipitous encounter a
child was conceived and you were unable to locate me - or
you choose not to, I am looking to be found and make things
right. It’s never too late to start a family.
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Paper Back at Amazon
To make is easier to be found, recalled and recognized,
NoneThatIKnow- Of.com consists of photos of himself through
the years along with information including details of his
life. Joe also reaches out to adopted children searching for
their natural parents, telling them, “If you look like Joey
or me you may be my child.”
After months
of waiting, Joe receives seven responses that offer hope,
heartbreak and tears of joy. This is the story of those
a child acknowledged, yet maybe lost to
adoption, a mother informs him that he has a daughter,
although shields the truth to avoid a scandal and another
woman uses blackmail to divulge his child’s and grandchild’s
identity. But it is the seventh response, a strange letter
from Europe, which may not only provide him with a daughter,
but a chance at a new life and a complete family and the
words, &Happy Father's Day.&
You're A Dog& -
or on images to choose Paperback&
You're a Dog
is about a lovable womanizer named
Jack and his terrifying and supernatural adventure as he
fights to become the man he once was, but the new improved version.
Under the pretense
of a gentleman, he offers to pet sit Stephanie's dog,
Pitts and promises to protect him with his life.
Rear cover image
Of course, he didn’t actually mean it. But, lax in his
responsibility, while walking Pitts, Jack and Pitts are struck by a
bus and their spirits, due to circumstance and a promise, enter each
other's body. Upon awaking,
from the accident, Jack spirit finds himself in Stephanie's
apartment -- but in Pitts'
While there
he overhears
Stephanie's fiancé's, Mike,
a hostile takeover of her company and
her demise. Jack then set out on a mission to reverse the crossover
of spirits, fulfill his promise and save Stephanie's company and her
Fortunately and unfortunately,
the crossover of spirits becomes known to all and to Stephanie's
fiancé who realizes that Jack knows his plans and he must die
before he returns to his body to expose the devious plans
Jack's mission has
an unknown expiration before his spirit is lost and locked to
the animal kingdom forever.
Stephanie and Jack Forever???
His obstacles increase when Pitts,
who has become comfortable in Jack's body, suspects that Jack
while in his body may have had sex with the love of his
dog life Harmony.
For some of
story and resolve will be humorous and unjustified, to others ironic
and well deserved. Provided are two ending to Jack'
be the judge and jury and vote for the
ending you feel Jack deserves and
you would like to see in the
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to learn more
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How To Become A
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Snapped - A True Story
My name is Gloria De L On
March 12, 1992,
&I put eight bullets in my husband, Patrick Michael De Laurentis.
I met him when I was, as some would
say, a precocious eleven.& Patrick was twenty nine, as some would
say, a ____king pervert. At eleven, I passed for fourteen. I dressed
the part. I had boobs, a nice butt, looked sexy for my age and
really liked the attention I received.& I knew& Patrick was going to
be my &Knight in Shining Armor.&& I could tell, just by the way he
smiled at me and checked me out.
Between the ages of eleven and fifteen,
Patrick showed me pictures of nude boys and girls, had me watch him
have sex with other children, and he gave me my first orgasm, at the
age of twelve. We were married when I was fifteen and he was thirty
one. From the day we were married, he both physically and mentally
abused me and got me hooked on Crack. The police constantly visited
our home for domestic violence calls, until I killed him.
Click on images to purchase at Amazon
When I was arraigned, I was charged
with Second-Degree Murder and faced twenty-five years in prison.
While in awaiting trial, I prayed to Jesus to forgive me for what I
had done. He must have heard my prayers, because he sent me Lisa
Schreibersdorf a public defender. She showed that my defense was not
&Battered Women's Syndrome,& which in the past was connected to an
insanity plea, but due to constant physical and mental abuse. Thank
you, Jesus.
Documents, within this story, presented
by Lisa Schreibersdorf, describe how over the past years the courts
and society have traditionally treated women differently than men in
regard to abuse and rape by husbands. It was this document that
changed the way the courts and juries make their decisions. Guilty
or Not Guilty?
&& The sad truth is, many
women who killed their abusive husbands and boyfriends were
convicted of murder and went to prison or to mental institutions. I
hope my story will help others from making the same mistakes I did.
Caregiver - If You Believe, It Is
The Caregiver is a true story of my love for a woman
named Dawn, and my mission to
romantic evening and diner in Paris.
&&& Dawn was dying of
cervical cancer, and had only months to live. Traveling to Europe
was impossible. However, where there is hope and desire, anything is
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comes in many forms, family, friends and lovers, and they fulfill
many needs in aiding those they love on their way to the light. Some
provide meals, dispense medication, comfort and others talk of
miracles. My hope, as a caregiver was to rekindle fond memories of
years gone by. Memories, that would make us smile, laugh and cry a
made bittersweet but no lessbeautiful by the knowledge that
time was limited.
&&& I knew Dawn was
excited about my arrival, but her other caregivers that were less
her daughter, and son-in-law, who lived in Dawn’s home
with their two year old daughter. They were afraid my presence would
just add more stress to an already difficult situation. When I
arrived at Dawns home she was standing at the front door to greet me
with a smile and tears. We held each other tightly, just as we had
so many years before, completely unaware of the obstacles we would
face in accomplishing this last mission.
Managed Websites
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Domain Names foe SaleYou’re Not the Problem—He Is | Signs of Emotional Abuse
on Thursday, October 4, 2012 & &
For one friend it looked like her boyfriend loved her so much he wanted to know where she was at all times. For another, a kind man who just wanted to take stress off his girlfriend (asking her to quit her job & stay home). For yet another friend, her relationship seemed to change her personality—she didn’t like to dance or enjoy time with friends anymore. These relationships all turned out to be characterized by emotional abuse.
If the statistics are true,
have been in emotionally abusive relationships —but it’s generally quite difficult to pinpoint because the abusers are good manipulators (i.e. they tend to smooth over their bad behavior and make you believe it&#8217;s your fault).
I want us to talk about emotional abuse—define it and look at some warning signs—in hopes that you will be able to stand strong and not suffer through one of these volatile relationships.
Emotional Abuse is defined as behavior and language designed to degrade or humiliate someone by attacking their self-value or personality. &#8220;Emotional abuse is a form of abuse where a person treats another in a psychologically harmful way. It is a silencing attack on the self-esteem of a human being: in the end the victim feels so small that there is no talk-back possible.&#8221; (). Several studies have found that up to 35 percent of women have been in romantic relationships that were emotionally abusive, and that such abuse was the greatest risk factor for and predictor of physical abuse ().
Signs you are in an emotionally abusive relationship:
Makes you feel nervous or like you’re &#8220;walking on eggshells.”
Asks you to change jobs or careers, or even quit a job, because he wants you home (i.e. to control you)
Is extremely jealous and accuses you of flirting with other men and lashes out when you have a simple conversation.
Constantly needs to know where you are, who you are with, and what you are doing (i.e. even time with girlfriends is monitored closely as if you are a his child)
Puts you down, calls you names or criticizes you.
Makes you feel like you can’t do anything right or blames me for problems.
Makes you feel like no one else would want you.
Threatens to hurt you, your friends or family—but then says he was just ‘overreacting’.
He checks your cell phone or email without permission.
You have changed your lifestyle, personality, hobbies and/or job because he asked you to.
What emotional abuse sounds like:
“You shouldn&#8217;t spend so much on clothes, you don’t have a good figure anyways.&#8221;? “Why are you always disrespecting me in public and flirting with other men.” &#8220;Don&#8217;t complain about how bad you have it, do you think any one else could date you?” &#8220;One of these days you&#8217;ll wake up, and I&#8217;ll be gone.&#8221;? &#8220;You don&#8217;t know the first thing about finances.&#8221; “You are such a b%&*—it’s a wonder I put up with you.” “I want you to stay home, so I can keep an eye on you.”
Arguably, the most detrimental aspect of emotional abuse is women who are being emotionally abused feel trapped, and they tend to internalize their partners abuse. They believe if they change how they behave, speak, dress, socialize, and work, then their partner will stop criticizing them or flying into rages. As a result, women in these types of relationships gradually lose their identities.
If you find yourself walking on eggshells, constantly thinking about how to avoid upsetting your significant other and believing it’s all your fault—I encourage you to take the steps to talk to trusted friend or counselor about abuse. He wants you to think that you are the problem—but I hope you find an ounce of courage to talk to someone today. You deserve more, so much more, and I pray you know how deeply you are loved. I can&#8217;t say much about my history with this subject, but I understand what you are going through and I promise it won&#8217;t be easy to cut ties, but I also promise you&#8217;ll never regret it.
Have you been in an emotionally abusive relationship? How did you get out? How would you advise someone going through emotional abuse?
{Disclaimer: women can be emotional abusers just as easily as men, but since most of my readers are women, I decided to focus on just one aspect of abuse.}
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I was in an emotionally abusive relationship for 4 years from ages 15-19. I became pregnant before I knew how bad it was, obviously i didn&#8217;t know the signs at that age {neither did my mom, she never experienced it} I stayed in it because we had a baby but through God&#8217;s calling and strength, Christina Aguilera&#8217;s Stripped CD and some strategically placed people in my life, I was able realize I was worth more and I gained the courage to break it off. It was hard and for about 6 months he didn&#8217;t want to accept it and tried to make my life a living hell. I didn&#8217;t let him. He hasn&#8217;t changed. He&#8217;s not around and its better that way.
I want to write my story on my blog but I just can&#8217;t get it done, for some reason i&#8217;m a little scared. But i just shared part of my story here, so maybe this is a step in the process.
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