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Common Cherry Tree Pests | eHow
Showy, versatile cherry trees (Prunus spp.) play a dual role gardens as an ornamental tree and a fruit crop. Both sweet cherries (Prunus avium) and sour cherries (Prunus cerasus) provide fragrant blossoms in spring and edible fruit in late summer -- and both are susceptible to the same pests. Pests rarely cause serious damage to healthy cherry trees, although some can decimate entire crops and must be eliminated.
Sweet cherries thrive in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 to 7, while sour cherries grow best in USDA zones 4 to 6.
Most cherry trees will attract insect pests at one point or another. Although most are relatively benign, some pose a more serious threat.
Spider mites overwinter in leaf matter around the base of cherry trees, then emerge in summer during hot weather. Although small colonies of spider mites can be safely ignored, larger outbreaks can cause problems for younger cherry trees. Signs of infestation include:
Yellowish stippling on leaves
White, silky web-like matter that increases in density when mite populations are high
Treat infestations by spraying the tree with commercially prepared insecticidal soap every five to seven days until the problem subsides.
Black cherry aphids pose a low to moderate risk to cherry trees when they feed on the tree’s sap. Smaller colonies can be ignored, although advanced infestations can cause stunted growth in young trees. Signs of infestations include:
Black sooty residue on foliage
Sticky or curled leaves
Pear sawfly larvae resemble slimy, dark green slugs. They feed on the leaf epidermis, creating a lacy appearance on the foliage. Their damage is cosmetic and they don't require treatment. Look for:
Skeletonized leaves
Visible “slugs” on the leaves
One common and serious insect pest that plagues cherry trees is the western cherry fruit fly. These flying pests lay their eggs in developing fruit, and those mature into maggots that render the fruit inedible. Signs of an infestation don’t appear until after the fruit has ripened and is already damaged, so watch for adult western cherry fruit flies early on. They are fly-like insects with distinctively striped wings.
Apply a commercially prepared spinosad- or carbaryl-based insecticide to the host tree every seven days starting when the fruit has developed a salmon-pink blush. Cultural controls such as mulch or grass over the tree's root zone will prevent the larvae from entering the soil, which will impede their life cycle.
Wear protective gear such as gloves, goggles, long sleeves and a face mask when working with insecticides.
Birds and animal pests such as raccoons often plague cherry trees, feasting on the fruit throughout the growing season. Both can be controlled using nonlethal and humane measures such as barriers.
The best method for dissuading birds from pecking cherries is to cover the tree with bird . Cover the tree early in the season after pollination but before the first damage appears. Drape netting over the entire canopy, then gather the open end together and secure it around the trunk with rope or twist ties.
Larger cherry trees may be too large to cover with netting. To reduce the amount of effected fruit, hang shiny or noisy items such as disposable pie pans, old CDs or mylar balloons to the tree to scare the birds off.
A determined raccoon will almost always find a way to pilfer cherries, but you can reduce their impact by making access to the tree's canopy more difficult. The best way to dissuade raccoons is to install a heavy plastic or metal barrier around the trunk. Use a 24-inch-long galvanized stove or vent pipe sliced lengthwise down one side to wrap around the trunk. Alternatively, install motion lights and play a radio near the tree to scare the hungry rascals away.
Raccoons will still climb into trees if they have other access points such as from a rooftop or neighboring tree.
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Life Made Easier.Hibiscus & Pests | eHow
Protecting hibiscus from insect and pest interference is an important step in keeping the plant healthy and making sure it will bloom for many seasons. There are numerous types of insects
learning the tell-tale signs of an infestation, as well as effective control methods for each type of insect, can go a long way toward safeguarding the health of your plant.
Aphids (melon aphid or cotton aphid) are among the most common pests of hibiscus plants. Aphids, like other types of insect, threaten the health of the plant by feeding on juices inside the plant's vasculature. If an aphid infestation is recognized while the population is small, control easily can be affected by improving air circulation among plants or simply spraying them with pressurized water. Serious infestations can be treated with insecticidal soap or insecticidal sprays rated for aphid control.
Spider mites also are a common pest problem for hibiscus plants. Like aphids, they feed on the plant's internal juices and can threaten the health and life of your hibiscus plants if left untreated. Control methods closely mir ensure proper air circulation, spray with pressurized water, or treat with insecticidal soap or contact insecticide. The key to controlling a spider mite infestatio the larger a spider mite population, the harder it is to remove from your hibiscus plants.
Rather than feeding on the plant's internal juices, pests such as caterpillars, grasshoppers, snails and slugs, beetles, cutworms, and leaf miners feed on the outside anatomy of the plant including its leaves, buds and flowers. Resort to the use of chemical insecticides only as a last result. Introduction of natural predators such as nematodes and wasps is a favorite natural method of pest control for gardeners. Predators can either feed on the pests in their adult form or parasitize the larvae of the pest.
Hibiscus are highly sensitive, relative to similar plants, to chemical insecticides. It usually is preferable to spray insecticides in the early morning and not later in the day, particular in hot, sunny climates. Always purchase insecticides rated to kill the exact species of pest that is attacking your hibiscus and follow all manufacturer's application instructions meticulously.
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The moose is the largest member of the deer family.
It is the black-and-white indri, largest of the lemurs — a type of small primate found only in Madagascar.
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First described by Carl Linnaeus in 1758, Cygnus cygnus can be considered a swan among swans, the type species, hence archetype, of all swans. It is also a swan of superlatives.
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The vicuna is the smallest member of the camel family.
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I'm in the frozen north and this is the trail of the biggest of all cats, the tiger.
Tigers are the largest of all wild cats and are renowned for their power and strength.
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The highly vocal howler monkey is the largest of the New World monkeys.
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It's not easy to bring down an animal this huge and powerful. So the lionesses call in the reserves – the giant males of the pride.
They are the most slender bird in the pigeon and dove family, and have broad wings, with a round head, very dark beak, and a lengthy tapering tail.
Tigers are the largest members of the cat family and are renowned for their power and strength.
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The results are as follows:(1) The mean somatotype in both sexes is Endo-mesomorph category.
The boy somatotype changed a little, while the girls changed in large extent with age.
As a large group of Hemiptera , aphids are distributed worldwide, and most of them are pests.
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Do you remember the heavy-set middle-aged black maid Mammy Two Shoes in Tom and Jerry, whose life consists of cleaning up around the house and threatening to throw Tom out?
The results showed: (1) Among boys, the mean somatotypes in age groups 6—8 are balanced mesomorph, 9—12 are central, and change to meso ectomorph in age 13—17;
And I don’t believe a woman of a certain age has to choose between her face and her figure.
Together we developed the theory that cancer tumours are a type of atavism that appears in the adult form when something disrupts the silencing of ancestral genes.
It is also during this period that a woman will experience the most significant physical changes that will occur during the course and term of the pregnancy itself.
Primitive horses were about the size of a hare, but during the course of evolution their size gradually increased.
Primitive horses were about the size of a hare, but during the course of evolution their size gradually increased.
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