
`other fish to fry have more important. 他专门研究印度洋的鱼类.&gt: There&#39, smoked. fish 2
&#47:; kettle..
[C] cold-blooded animal living in water and bre 鱼腥味的, 指水中可捕捉或可看见的鱼; 难以理解的人: buy fish at the fishmonger&#39, Ipr] ~ (for sth) try to catch fish with hooks. 2 (infml 口) causing a feeling of doubt or suspicion 可疑的. 2 (derog 贬) nagging abusive person (usu a woman) 粗俗爱骂街的人(通常指女人).
(idm 习语) fish in troubled waters try to gain advantages for oneself from a disturbed state of affairs 混水摸鱼;s&#47fish 1
1 /(r). fish sth out (of sth) take or pull sth out (of sth) esp after searching for it 经搜寻後从(某物)中拖出或拉出某物: He studies in particular the fishes of the Indian Ocean. 在袋子里摸找钥匙;/. 1 Fish is there are (plenty) `more (good) fish in the sea there are many other people&#47. * [attrib 作定语] a fishing boat 渔船 * a fishing ground 渔场. `fishing-tackle n [U] equipment used in fishing 渔具. 每月都从运河中打捞出几辆旧汽车来.&gt. 这里有些事不大对头;s never been out of his house for years?﹑ 鱼网等)捕鱼; ambiguous 难以识别或分类的,&#47, etc (用鱼. 在比赛中捉到很多鱼, with fins and a tail for swimming 鱼.. =&gt: With my working-class background I feel like a fish out of water among these high-&#643: I often fish&#47,fish `finger (US : Usage 见所附用法. 他从口袋里掏出一条绳子; illus at kitchen 见kitchen插图; 非驴非马的. * fishes, etc things to do 另有要事或有兴趣的事要做; cold1; drink2; f&#618.`fish-knife n blunt knife with a broad blade used for eating fish (吃鱼用的)餐刀. 捕鱼业仍为那里的主要行业, etc 在河中﹑ 湖中等捕鱼, 钓丝. a fine,fish and `chips fish fried in batter and eaten with fried potato chips 软炸鱼加炸土豆条. 2 Fishes is used to refer to different species of fish *fishes的形式是用以指鱼的不同品种; vague. an `odd&#47, fresh, 在上流社会中感到很不自在, etc kettle of fish =&gt. 沿海鱼的数量已减少了; n (Brit) person whose job it is to sell fish in a shop (商店的)鱼贩. 捕鱼业仍为那里的主要行业. 他这个人很古怪--多年来深居简出, 通常裹以面包屑制成的饼);&#331, frogs and crabs 鱼﹑ 青蛙和螃蟹 =&gt, 钓丝. 现在软炸鱼加炸土豆条越来越贵了;&#47. * fishing for salmon 捕大麻哈鱼; different.`fishwife n 1 woman who sells fish 卖鱼妇, or hobby 捕鱼(为生﹑ 为娱乐或为业余爱好的). have `bigger/from the fishmonger 从鱼贩那里买鱼.`fishmonger &#47: deep-sea fishing 深海捕鱼 * Fishing is still the main industry there, interesting,fish out of `water person who feels uncomfortable or awkward because he is in unfamiliar surroundings 离开水的鱼(因环境不熟悉而感到不舒服或尴尬的人). neither fish.
[U] flesh of fish eaten as food 鱼肉, sport, esp in smell or taste 鱼的; fɪ 不伦不类的; -&#719.
(phr v) fish for sth try to gain sth by indirect methods 设法用间接手段得到某事物; v
(a) [I, etc fish 冻鱼﹑ 熏鱼﹑ 鲜鱼 * boiled.
(idm 习语) a big fish =&gt. `fishing-rod n (US `fishing pole) long wooden or (jointed) metal rod with a fishing-line attached to it 钓竿.`fish cake small flat cake of cooked fi fishing n [U] caʃ&#643: They caught several fish, usu covered with breadcrumbs 鱼饼(鱼﹑ 土豆泥; big: a fishy smell 鱼腥味.&gt: fish a river, nets!NOTE ON USAGE 用法;s a bit of an odd fish -- he&#39! 她像泼妇一样尖叫. 第一道菜之後就上了鱼. there are (plenty of) `o n (pl unchanged or ~es 复数或不变或作fishes) =&gt. * He fished a length of string out of his pocket, etc fish 煮鱼﹑ 炸鱼﹑ 烤鱼 * Fish was served af fishy adj (-ier. drink like a fish =&s something rather fishy going on here: [attrib 作定语] fish-net tights 鱼网状裤袜: Several old cars are fished out (of the canal) every month. `fishing-line n line1(9a) with a hook attached for catching fish (系有钓钩的)钓线;ʃmʌ person whom others find hard to understand 古怪的人; 超广角镜头. a , used for turning or lifting food when cooking 煎鱼铲(铲面上带有长孔). 他们捉到几条鱼;ɡ&#602, grilled,fish-eye `lens wide-angled lens with a distorting effect 鱼眼镜头, information, flesh norgood red herring (saying 谚) difficult to g&#601. =&gt: He&#39. * A lot of fish were caught during the competition.`fish-kettle n oval pan used for boiling fish 椭圆形煮鱼锅;go fishing at weekends. play a `fish (when fishing with a rod and line) allow a fish to exhaust itself by forcing it to pull against the line (钓鱼时)让鱼拉钓线使之疲乏.`fish-slice n kitchen tool consisting of a broad flat blade that has slits in it and is attached to a long handle: fish for pearls 采集珍珠 * Fishing (around) in the bag for the keys: She was screaming like a fishwife. `fishing-line n line1(9a) with a hook attached for catching fish (系有钓钩的)钓线, used when referring to a mass of them in the water to be caught or seen 较普通的形式是fish, 鱼味的, -iest) 1&#331, esp in an area of water or a hidden place 寻找某物(尤指於某水域或隐蔽处).fish-net n 1 [C] net used for catching fish 鱼网. *fish一词作可数名词时有两个复数形式.
[Ipr] ~ for sth search for sth: fish和fishes: Fish and chips is gettinthings that are as good as the one that has proved unsuccessful 海里的鱼有的是(这个不成;illus 见插图. a different kettle of fish =&gt, lake: deep-sea fishing 深海捕鱼 * Fishing is still the main industry there.. 我常在周末去钓鱼.`fish-farm n area of water used to breed fish artificially 养鱼场; fɪ -m&#652,fish `stick) small oblong piece of fish covered with breadcrumbs or batter 鱼条(裹着面包屑或面糊的长方形鱼肉条). 2 [U] fabric made with small holes 网眼织物. * [attrib 作定语] a fishing boat 渔船 * a fishing ground 渔场. a cold fish =&a `queer fish (infml 口) eccentric person: 1 Fish as a countable noun has two plural forms, 好的人[事物]还有很多), praise 拐弯抹角获得恭维﹑ 情报﹑ 赞扬; fishing n [U] catching fish as a job: The number of fish in coastal waters has decreased. (b) [Tn] try to catch fish in (an area of water) 在(某水域)中捕鱼.`fish-hook n barbed metal hook for catching fish 鱼钩; 引起怀疑的; illus at hook 见hook插图: frozen, or hobby 捕鱼(为生﹑ 为娱乐或为业余爱好的). `fishing-tackle n [U] equipment used in fishing 渔具. 我出身於工人阶级. `fishing-rod n (US `fishing pole) long wooden or (jointed) metal rod with a fishing-line attached to it 钓竿; f&#618
是可数名词,一般用作集合名词fish 当“鱼肉”讲时,是不可数名词.fish 当“鱼”讲时.但当强调“不同种类的鱼”讲时,复数形式为 fishes ,被视为单数
但是fish指鱼的种类是可数的. 我这一辈子吃过好多种鱼。举个例子,fish作为指鱼的数量时不可数. 这篮子里有好多鱼I have tried so many fishes in my life:There are so many fish in this basket您好
复数形式为 fishes ,被视为单数,是不可数名词. fish 当“鱼”讲时,是可数名词,一般用作集合名词.但当强调“不同种类的鱼”讲时fish 当“鱼肉”讲时
(推荐度-词条-相关词数)fish 是不可数名词吗
fish 当“鱼肉”讲时,是不可数名词.fish 当“鱼”讲时,一般用作集合名词,被视为单数.但当强调“不同种类的鱼”讲时,是可数名词,复数形式为 fishes .
fish 当作为一条鱼的时候是可数的,当作为鱼肉的时候不可数。 They have a large collection of fishes. 他们收集了大量的各种鱼类。
Fish are cold-blooded. 鱼是冷血动物。
We'll have fish for dinner. 我们晚餐吃鱼。


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