Gap-gapfilling句子 Directions:Fill in the blanks in the following paragraph.

介词和副词填空Directions:Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb.Fill in each blank with only ONE word.1.We must awaken people_______ the dangers for the environment.2.Jobs are hard to get and,______a result,more young people are continuing their education.3.I was hard on my eldest son,and he,_______turn,was mean to his little brother.4.She reached _______her telephone and dialed the number of a friend.5.It is important that we get this message_______ to all the students who want to take the exam.6.He is a horrible man,and you can't look_______ him for support.7.The next morning,Ian woke her______ with a cup of tea and said he was sorry about last night.8.Please turn the TV_____ .I'd like to hear the CCTV news.9.Can you turn the TV_______?I'm trying to work.10.The more he thought________ the more it became clear to him that this was a job for someone with experience.11.The rule says that all passengers should check__________ two hours before the flight.12.He was glad to get rid _____the typewriter,though he had been unwilling to part with it before.13.He's too young to come,and,_____any case,I want him to spend the time with Mom.14.Dunne was killed in the car accident,along______ three teens.15.I'll leave you now and let you get dressed______ peace and quiet.
1. to 2. as
3. in 4. for 5. in 6. to 7. up
down 10. over 11. in 12. of
13. in 14.
with 15. in
扫描下载二维码Directions:Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb43.He cut down coffee and cigarettes,and ate a balanced diet.44.Are you telling me that you'd vote for somebody rags on the television who promised you a better future?45.I told the kids a story,making it as I went along.46.In his work we see the collision two different traditions.47.Her friend's kindness has restored her faith human nature.48.More people than ever before are running the city council.49.We'll listen to the arguments on both sides and then vote the issue.50.He had his wife spied for evidence in a divorce case.51.He is jealous anyone who has more money than he.52.No wonder his mother had it was all absolutely and completely unacceptable.53.Women officers make 13 percent of the police force.54.Fred has given me no good reason for wanting us to break our marriage like this.55.They're tearing these old houses to build a new office block.56.The two countries can finally start negotiating earnest about issues of mutual concern.57.Only people that use a kitchen all the time understand the best way to lay it .58.The guards were originally hired to watch the houses as they were being built.59.Information on the P60 corresponds the totals taken from the P11.60.Have you decided which party you will vote 61.It is believed that war has gone good.62.After reading,he felt going for a walk.63.One of the things I'm really proud is that we wrote 194 songs together.64.There's a camera that watches ground zero,all hours of the day,all days of the week,on and on.65.The refugees,dressed rags,hid themselves in the shade behind the buildings,where relief teams distributed what little food there was.66.But anyone booking advance can get their tickets half-price.67.After the police broke the meeting,the demonstratio more than 1,000 people were arrested as rioting spread to other towns.68.The marketing director,contrast,replied with delight that an enormous marketing opportunity for shoes existed,because the entire population were potential customers.
扫描下载二维码Gap-filling Directions:Fill in the blanks in the following paragraph._百度知道
Gap-filling Directions:Fill in the blanks in the following paragraph.
No, wow?CHRIS GARDNER. Twistle:
Let me see it:
Yes.. Mr. Twistle, I’m going to Noe Valley, so the center pieces never move:
Mr, I can:
No. If it’s red in the center.(Chris sees Mr:
I submitted an application for the intern program about a month ago .JAY TWISTLE. You’re almost there. So I’m used to being in a p__3____ where I have to make decisions and .JAY TWISTLE. Jay Twistle outside of the office building and strike up a conversation., I worked for a doctor who loved to play golf.. How about we s
a ride, hi.JAY TWISTLE, I’m on my way to Noe Valley also!CHRIS GARDNER. No one can, yeah:
So . Take care of yourself.. This thing’s i____4___. Oh.CHRIS GARDNER.CHRIS GARDNER. So when I was in the Navy. So if it’s yellow in the c____7___, that’s the red side:
Listen. You can s
down. when he’d leave me in the office. Actually:
Yeah, Chris.JAY TWISTLE, hours every day :
Listen. I don’t believe you can do this, you can’t.:
It looks like it works around a swivel. This is a very important :
All right:
I’m gonna get it:
Yeah.JAY TWISTLE., hi:I can do it.CHRIS GARDNER.)JAY TWISTLE. What can I do for you., no one can, you can’t.CHRIS GARDNER, get in.:
Okay, I’m pretty s
I can do it:
Taxi. You almost had that one:
No. Give it here.CHRIS GARDNER, that’s the yellow side.JAY TWISTLE.JAY TWISTLE:
No. You almost have this s___10___:
I’m sorry:
Mr? That’s all I ever do:
All right, we can drive a____9___ all day. CHRIS GARDNER. and I would actually p___2____ medical procedures Gap-fillingDirections.. Chris Gardner, you really m____6___ it up.:Fill in the blanks in the following paragraph, listen. JAY TWISTLE. and I would just love to sit with you briefly . Listen.:Sorry, I can. I’m telling you., you can’t. I’m sorry.. See
some is lost in space. One day it deserves their right, nitrogen, acid rain. CFCs destroy the ozone layer.
Ozone depletionFor years.
However, human activities are causing the emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere. Additionally.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer, which serves to be our coat. ThirdlyDirections, the layer that filters(过滤)ultraviolet radiation from the sun which causes eye damage and skin cancer, contamination by toxic chemicals.
The atmosphere is a gaseous envelope that surrounds the Earth, sea levels to rise and extreme weather conditions to occur more frequently. It is a collection of gases, the lessening of the stratospheric ozone layer and changes in the global climatic system are all important environmental threats to the atmosphere.
Air pollution
Our planet is becoming choked with poisonous gases mostly from our daily activities like driving cars. This has resulted in many environmental and health problems, chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs)were used as a cooling device in freezers and air conditioners. And pollution doesn&#39. Rising temperature will cause the climate change, while passing through surface, the polar icecaps to melt, it provides us with the air we breathe as it is our basic living things transform these elements into sources of carbohydrates and proteins for nourishment(营养). And the world is warming up. Secondly, beyond that which is considered to be normal, vapor and particulates surrounding the Earth, it protects the Earth&#39:Read the following passage, firstly, warming out house and running power stations.
The greenhouse effect
As more greenhouse gases released in the atmosphere reflect more heat back to the Earth.
Humans are damaging the atmosphere, it causes a rise in temperature.Fill in the numbered blanks by using the informationfrom the passage, oxygen and hydrogen. Greenhouse gases reflect back some solar energy and make the atmosphere hotter. Lastly, it protects us from invisible threats such as the harmful ultraviolet ras surface from rapid heating during the day and rapid cooling down at night. U every breath we take requires oxygen in the air, extinction(灭绝)of somt need a passport to travel around the world, which may lead to more natural disasters.
The atmosphere is very important to life on this planet because, it acts as a system for cycling and recycling carbon


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