i want to be a super fightscholar,fight!

Paper: "Cimino implied in various interviews that the story (credited to him and 3 other scribes) was autobiographical, or else based on tales he heard when he was part of a 1968 Green Beret medical unit in Vietnam. Others refuted both versions, saying Cimino was never in Vietnam and his military experience was limited to 6 months in the reserves. Other details of Cimino’s life were subject to scrutiny, criticism and re-evaluation, including his age and even his gender identity"
"[An assistant] came running up to me and said, 'Michael, you've got to come quick, come quick to the lobby.' I said, 'What's wrong?' And she said, 'Come with me.' And the ladies room was filled with women who were weeping and wailing and just broke down crying. There were ex-vets who literally crawled up the aisle out of their seat. It was just an astounding, astounding reaction"
"Told investigators he owed $100,000 in restitution for his prior conviction"
Trucker: "Playing Harry Potter on the TV screen ... went so fast through my trailer I didn't see him"
New show: "Mr. Ceglia claimed to own half of Facebook and at the time that meant he was looking at a payday of around $11.5 billion dollars. So big money, a mysterious contract and a person named 'Most Corrupt' in high school makes for must-see TV for 'American Greed' fans"
Program's effect on collars unclear: "Our shows have had success in helping to apprehend fugitives wanted by law enforcement"
"Jungle Cruise boat ride no longer includes a corny one-liner from the captain telling parents to 'watch your children, or the crocodiles will'"
Coach: "I think it was a great decision after the amount of delay we had and the length of time it would take to get the teams ready to go. You don't want to play a national championship game and finish at 3 o'clock in the morning"
"One thing that really impressed me about him, we were running at the Missoula Invitational, and he was the top runner. He finished first and then he turned around and congratulated every kid that finished. That really impressed me. I told my kids that story off and on over the years and then my kids started doing that, too. Brad's the one who started that. That’s the kind of kid he was"
"When he wrote 'Mustang Sally' and he saw that royalty check, he started writing. He never thought 'Mustang Sally' would ever be as big as it became. ... He used to tell me, 'Honey that Mustang has rolled a long time'"
Possession of marijuana charge
Boss: "This guy could not count or read. He could not count or read. It just blew me. I did work with him. But he couldn't understand the payment dates, he could not understand that, 'yeah you gotta work, like, 2 to 3 weeks before you get your check.' He couldn't understand that. ... So he ended up leaving"
Driving a Mercedes Benz GL450
Officer: "He questioned me many, many times about what happens if he takes or refuses the breath test. ... During the entire time Bourque was present, there was a strong odor of liquor coming from his breath, his speech was thick tongued, his eyes were red and glassy, and his face was red. It was my opinion that he was under the influence of liquor"
"People race to judgment in all things, and we expect & in 140 characters and a few minutes & to resolve every issue"
Hit tee shot, couldn't find it, hit another, found first ball, hit it
"To his credit, he brought it to the committee’s attention on his own. He accepted the conclusion with grace and without question"
Taping CNBC show: "2,500 horsepower on 2 wheels & what could go wrong?"
Most recently at Pension Resource Institute
"This is not my party"
"Of the more than 7,000 participants, at least 30 sustained minor burns to their feet and 5 were hospitalized"
"This is the worst period, I recall since I've been in public service ... There's nothing like it, including the crisis & remember October 19th, 1987, when the Dow went down by a record amount 23%? That I thought was the bottom of all potential problems. This has a corrosive effect that will not go away"
58% of Italians surveyed said they wanted to hold a referendum
"I feel very thankful it turned out well. But who I feel heartache for is the little girl that was with her. Mental illness takes many hostages. I don't know her name ... but I would like to asked [sic] that you pray for her and her mother"
"Taurus" riff "was not intrinsically similar" to "Stairway" opening
"They're doing their viewers a disservice ... We're open to the business aspect and the cultural aspect"
4 lucky blokes get to crowd in with Sara Eisen at pub
"I picked a very handsome group of young men"
Diner: "That's why I don't go out ... because of stuff like that"
Neighbors who witnessed incident also refused to help
"Fake products today are of better quality and better price than the real names. They are exactly the [same] factories, exactly the same raw materials but they do not use the names"
"Drivers should expect severe traffic delays on Mission and Sixth streets all day Thursday and Friday morning"
"I think we all know that (this) is very necessary"
Scheduled to return to hosting this year
Typical Monday is 36,000
"Who will decide which private company to suck up to ... and what has this got to do with defending Israel...? ... How much did this humiliation cost?"
<: "Shelby called Wapner 'rude' and said he voted against the Democrat-sponsored amendment because 'We've got a second amendment right. I think some people forget that. I hope you won't'"
Summer courses to cost same as classes offered during the regular academic year
"He has some internal organ damage and a couple broken bones, but he will recover. The helmet saved his life"
"Ohio Democrats & state party, Clinton and Strickland campaigns & are all singing from the same hymnal. It's unclear if Ohio Republicans are even in the same church"
Central bankers are the "bold citizens of the world"
Mayor: "I feel that this is an appropriate time to place civilian oversight over this Police Department, to send a clear message about not tolerating misconduct, and to root out what is clearly a toxic, macho culture"
"Naturally, Walton put in a request for some Grateful Dead, but not before booing the Cavs as they took the floor"
"He was a ferocious movie buff who put us all to shame. He was watching 4 or 5 movies every night"
Waitress was asked to turn around in front of 50 people who could take pictures:
"I feel like I'm more than just a butt. I feel like I'm smart, I'm going to school"
"I'm happy to see you, man. Much love and respect. I'm happy I was able to witness it in front of these fans. We really appreciate you"
Paper: "Page sparred for 2 hours with Malofiy, a carry-over from Wednesday when the lawyer called the 72-year-old, white-haired rock star to the stand. In sometimes sharp exchanges, Malofiy tried, largely in vain, to extract incriminating concessions from Page"
Singing "I'd Do Anything for Love"
"At a reasonable time and place agreed to by the parties"
"The demand was significantly above what we agreed to in advance, which resulted in an understandably disappointing customer experience for some"
"Please unfollow me. You're a terrible human being … please stop cheering for the Seahawks. We don't want piece of (expletive) fans like you. Thanks"
Seema Mody in show-stopping purple on &Power Lunch&
Gold, fashion at 2-year highs
"It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the FOMC made a major downward revision to the projected trajectory for policy normalization based on one employment data release!"
"After 60 years in this business today will be my last" 1. Hired unknown host from Baltimore named Oprah Winfrey 2. Added "Jeopardy!" and "Wheel of Fortune" to lineup 3. Paired Regis with Kathie Lee 4. Persuaded Olympics to stagger Summer, Winter every 2 years
"The site began blasting my contacts with multiple e-mails every day, asking to connect on LinkedIn. Friends, family members and co-workers repeatedly asked me to stop"
"These funds will be used primarily to protect the LGBT community. We will earmark and track the expenditure of these funds to ensure its effective use in creating a safe environment"
Armed with a black semi-automatic handgun at 4:45 a.m.
"The City Council voted to stop making payments, which left ACA holding the bag"
"I will say he's capable of winning in November. He has a path … My own opinion again: Democrats who want Hillary Clinton to be president should be afraid. They should be very, very afraid"
CNBC&s stunning Louisa Bojesen gets email flak over Orlando
"Many of you writing in, thank you for all of your emails. I do see them. Keep them coming. Um, it was very interesting to me how many of you voiced your opinions that I was wrong in, in, in bringing up gun control initially after the Orlando shooting as opposed to coming down hard on a religion. Um, I still stand by just waiting to see what the facts are before, before making up an opinion, essentially, but I'm very very happy to talk to all of you … by all means, do keep those emails coming through"
"We don't know what is happening with Brexit. The thing we can agree on is that the market volatility is going to increase ... the volatility is not good for the broader markets, and that's why you see weakness in foreign exchange and equity"
"An email detailing the decision was sent to newsroom staff on Monday. ... The email noted there may be exceptions to the rule and those will be determined after careful consideration by newsroom managers"
Yale junior: "It wasn't much of a race. I think we would have liked to have a bit more of a race, but a win's a win"
"And do not think that the tragedy in Orlando underscores his points. It does not"
Estimated 100,000 mourners along route pumped fists, chanted, 'Ali! Ali!'"
"Rumors that Trump would attend were quashed Friday morning when Gunnell said the Republican presidential candidate called Ali's wife, Lonnie, to inform her that he was unable to make it"
"We had a part-time secretary in the morning, but the phone never rang. We called out. No one called us"
Controversial: "Drew criticism when he compared the 'progressive war on the American 1%' to Nazi Germany's treatment of Jews in a 2014 Wall Street Journal opinion piece"
"It's too early to talk money. This is such a huge and sacred subject"
Featured $2.95 steak dinner in 1964
"I was stunned, really, when Jeremy called. I had no idea that was even being considered"
"He is fine, We are very happy to report that Roger Goodell is just fine"
"I'm not a rich guy, but there's no amount of money that anybody would willingly pay me. It's too personal"Other: "If someone wants to offer me $5,000, I'll take it. I want enough where I'll be able to sell my ticket and buy another ticket and put the rest toward next year's season tickets. I'm dumb, but I'm not stupid"
Police have 2 leads
"We initially looked at putting the art museum in the village itself. But it became clear to all of us that it needed to be in a more visible location, one that is becoming the front door to the university"
"She was talking crap about Bloomberg and didn't have her earpiece in. They were screaming in the control room, trying to get her to shut up"
"In a real fight, they would never allow the eyes to be closed that much and let the fight keep going. They would stop it"
Southpaw: "It just maybe could be, that if you started on a kid at 17 or 18, by the time he was 22 you could change the hand he leads with. But not overnight it can't be done"
Weight-lifting: "The worst thing a boxer can do. It tightens the muscles. A fighter never lifts weights. But it looks good in the movie"
Philly: "Now that's one thing that some people will say is artificial, all the crowds running after him, but that's real. I had the same kinda crowds follow me in New York"
Adrian: "Now he don't feel like fighting because his wife is sick. That's absolutely the truth. The same thing happened to me when I was in training camp during one of my divorces. You can't keep your mind on fighting when you're thinking about a woman. You can't keep your concentration. You feel like sleeping all the time"
Site carried critical Fortune story: "I'm sure it drove Marissa crazy, but they can't just scrub that kind of thing anymore"
Paper: "thinks it's most unmagical that DVC no longer allows new members buying their time shares secondhand to receive perks such as annual pass discounts and special event invitations"
"They also have had a negative side"
"Lastly, as a little side note, to the few cheap or negative Yelper's who think your reviews have made you a credentialed restaurant reviewer…….KISS MY ASS"
"The idea that suddenly people don't want to go into banking & or if they do go into banking that they stay for a bit and leave immediately & a lot of that has been exaggerated"
Attorney claims "flawed theory" of the case
"The most effective way to move forward"
"We've been working on convenient new ways to make shopping easier for our busy customers and members. You can see this in our rapid expansion of online grocery pickup across the country"
StubHub claims responsibility for 23
"Call to action is needed"
"Sometimes you just have to give up"
Another bag had clothing in it
As many as 400 students could be placed in temporary housing
"Life after hockey wasn't fair to Ricky. He left us far too soon"
Also TNT's top telecast ever
"The best defense to speech that you don't like about yourself as a public figure is to develop a thick skin"
Drove a pickup through a glass door
Man takes picture of Meg Tirrell&s dazzling new outfit
Excitement in biotech space at the NYSE
"The execs at Disney are not happy with the movie, and 'Rogue One' will have to go back into four weeks of expensive reshoots in July"
"We have been advised that Katie McClendon wants to purchase that Thunder interest, OK? If you have a sale of the interest by Mr. Blalock, who works for the company that Kathleen McClendon owns 50 percent of, and he said, 'Well, I'm going to sell this to you. We don't think we need to have it valued. We think we can sell it for that.' That's one of the biggest potential assets in the estate. That's the concern"
Collateral: Used stake to borrow from subsidiary of Oaktree Capital
Broke? At least 2 creditors claim in May 13 hearing estate is insolvent
180 days in jail
"I've had the great good fortune of doing something I loved for the last 51 years. Even when I hated it, I loved it. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened"
Stopped at 1:59 a.m.; refused field test
Minn. pitching coach, former Met claimed sobriety since 1994
"Perhaps people with an agenda put it out there"
Will get paid $10 a day
Hits theaters Sept. 30
B.S.: "We understand you care deeply about what happens with your device. This is why & regardless of your upgrade path & you can choose to upgrade or decline the offer"
"It marks the end of what they wanted to do with phones & which was create a 3rd ecosystem within the smartphone business"
"She told police that the shower curtain was pulled back and she saw a man she did not recognize looking over her while she was in the tub"
"As I look ahead, it is clear that the person in this chair increasingly must be focused on creating a sustainable Seattle Times for the digital future. That's totally doable, but will require even more meetings and even more time working on business strategies and budgets than I already spend. That's not how I want to spend the last decade of my career in journalism"
"But. I don't need to do them as much, these days"
Insists no release for Leslie Van Houten
"If the current management team is replaced, Viacom's stock will undoubtedly rise on a short-term basis given investor frustration"
Paper: "These days, so-called clearance pacts are the subject of ongoing investigations by the Justice Department and various state attorneys throughout the nation"
Sylvana Ward Durrett is heroine of "The First Monday in May"
Facts: Married mother of two
"Didn't know what to do with it"
"A spokesman for Swift later apologized and attributed the ejection to a miscommunication"
"On the advertising front, we have had a challenging year, but we are well positioned as we head into our next fiscal year"
50/50 on June hike: "The market is not incredibly healthy"
"How long we been friends? 23 years ... have you ever ... ever heard me say right before you came on, there is an irrigation problem in Gilroy. Never-"
Anchor: "You gotta talk to Kaseem"Sportscaster: "I like Kaseem. So don't try to pit me against the producer"
Reax: "Wow! I must be a good actor. All this feedback from people who thought I was mad"
"Now that the circus is done, we are left with 2 silver SUVs permanently occupying desirable parking spots"
"We see a lot of folks, particularly the younger generation, moving to Snapchat in the U.S., away from Facebook and Instagram. Obviously Twitter is seeing ... usage slowing down. So it's a little bit harder to have confidence in social networking longer term"
Minor injuries
"The market wants to hear from Janet Yellen. It's one thing to hear from surrogates. ... The market is a bit confused as to whether this represents what Janet Yellen really wants if this is the message she wants to telegraph to markets"
Team: "This evening, during the pregame ceremony, a mistake was made in the Petco Park control room that prevented the San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus from performing the National Anthem as scheduled. We apologize to anyone in the ballpark who this may have offended"
Group: "Before the start of the last night's San Diego Padres game, 100 volunteer singers of the San Diego Gay Men's Chorus took to the field to proudly sing the National Anthem. Instead, in front of the large crowd gathered for the L.A. Dodgers game, the San Diego Padres played the recorded voice of a woman singing the anthem. No attempt was made to stop the recording and start over. No announcement of apology was made to the singers or their friends and families in the stands. No attempt to correct the situation occurred other than to force the 100 men to stand in the spotlight of center field for the song's duration and then be escorted off the field to the heckles of baseball fans shouting homophobic taunts including 'You sing like a girl'"
Woman motivated by vegan stigma: "It seems that people have this warped idea of vegans being malnourished and weak. By climbing the seven summits we want to prove that vegans can do anything and more"
Took himself to hospital
"I muddled my way through high school and got into Notre Dame, but really, I like I imagine George W. Bush was at Yale, you know?"
Suspect at large
Pre-sale estimate of $100,000 to $200,000
"Numbingly empty cocktail of romance and insulting refugee porn"
Actor-director: "I stand by the film as it is"
"Ah, heck, just let them keep it. It ain't hurting nobody"
Snyder: "We are gratified by this overwhelming support from the Native American community, and the team will proudly carry the Redskins name"
Only 2 or 3 films of the 15 in competition worth the trip
Not an event anyone should be proud of
"In 2011, over 18.5 million people watched him ask Ruth Madoff how she could not have known her husband Bernard was running a billion-dollar Ponzi scheme"
7% vs. 57% in San Francisco, 46% in San Jose, 20% in Oakland
"A nobody except for his money, immense ambition and ugliness"
"We have all experienced this bump in the road, but we will be better for it"
Police sergeant: "Take your eyes off all those carbs and try to remember where you saw this woman last"
Tried to avoid arrest by telling police she needed to put one on before going to jail
Orchestrated Lennon's apology for "more popular than Jesus now"
Vague: Reports "tens of millions" of Prime members
Protests: About 20 decry sale of foie gras
Ylan Mui, in knee-buckling blue, says Fed could &tee it up in June&
"If they get to the June meeting and there is ... sort of financial turmoil that they had not expected, I don't think July's off the table either"
Last weekend: "I went to a Target"
"Has been paid nearly $10.5 million by Notre Dame from 2010 through 2014"
"I think this is the first time since the (financial) crisis we've seen everyone trend down"
But: Both boos and applause from critics
Says O.J. Simpson still owes him legal fees
"Certainly still attainable"
Money: Worth $700 million, made $50 million last year
"We were heckled walking out of the building"
2 nights in Brooklyn
"I've always had lovely neighbors, or at least no neighbors from hell"
Then-4-year-old enjoys visit at 26
Wire: "It's all anyone can talk about in the newsroom. It's really a weird story that feels like it's straight out of a movie"
May have been "a little much for the morning"
Paper: "Set milestones and established records and all the time did so with that joie de vivre that exulted delight in the art of shaping a golf ball into the wind, which he did with great success on the great fairways of the world" Trevino: "Christy flows through the ball like fine wine"
"A combination of lower growth, higher debt levels and smaller domestic and external buffers leave the Kingdom less well positioned to weather future shocks"
"I'm not gonna tell you today what I learned in life. Today, I'm gonna try to tell you what I learned in death. I've not spoken about this publicly before, and it's hard, but I've promised not to blow my nose on this beautiful Berkeley robe. ... I learned about the depths of sadness and the brutality of loss, but I also learned that when life sucks you under, you can kick against the bottom, find the surface and breathe again"
Ex-president told crowd presidency might not've happened if band hadn't "adopted" him
14 strands snipped by personal physician at death on July 4, 1826
"Opinion is divided as to whether $14 million-$16 million is a decent showing for the film"
"Bystanders stood in front of the woman's car to prevent her from leaving the scene"
"Occasionally veers deep into the weeds of financial jargon—quantitative analytics, dark pools, high-frequency trading—but the filmmakers wisely opt to embrace the broad audience appeal of a frenetic conspiracy thriller"
"Clooney, playing the Jim Cramerish host ..."
"What ideologues see as rigid principles, entrepreneurs see as adaptability. Mr. Trump would be the greatest pragmatist and dealmaker Washington has ever seen"
Scaramucci sponsors free MRI brain scans in Vegas during SALT week
"I've heard every swear word known to man in the last 15 minutes"
Plus "people from across the political spectrum"
Got $265; location's 26th police call this year
Overall: "The acceleration of the decline is surprising. The slip is quite strong"
"The diners apparently had some awkward, if not tense, moments with their server when one of the customers insisted that rice is served in individual bowls in China, not in the family-style bowl that Peter Chang uses for guests of three or more"
"Her longtime boyfriend reported her to authorities after the pair split up"
WSJ: "Since the start of the bull-market run in early 2009, a more traditional mix of stocks and bonds bested a broad hedge-fund index in 22 out of 28 quarters, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of data from research firms HFR Inc. and Morningstar Inc."
Roslyn Zhang: "I have to say, the past few years I'm sort of disappointed with the performance, to say the least, of the industry ... I'm sure 90% of hedge-fund managers think they are the 10%"
"Speakers & coming from various types of investment firms and non-investment industry companies & are really interested in what the election cycle will bring to their respective industries, and to our country. Yesterday Steve Mnunchin visited SALT to discuss his role and vision with the Trump campaign, of which I recently joined as finance committee member, with select speakers and guests. There is still so much to digest and understand in an election cycle that has changed the future of the American political system"
"When The New York Times ultimately ran my sister's story in 2014, it gave her 936 words online, embedded in an article with careful caveats. Nicholas Kristof, the Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter and advocate for victims of sexual abuse, put it on his blog. Soon afterward, the Times gave her alleged attacker twice the space & and prime position in the print edition, with no caveats or surrounding context. It was a stark reminder of how differently our press treats vulnerable accusers and powerful men who stand accused."
"Amazon paid millions to work with Woody Allen, bankrolling a new series and film. Actors, including some I admire greatly, continue to line up to star in his movies. 'It's not personal,' one once told me"
"If I was to draw an analogy to where we are today, comparatively speaking, to where we've been in the past, I think we're in March or April 2007 in the context of the credit and equity markets"
"They called us from the summit at 5pm, exhilarated. Congratulations!"
Hoping to get $5,000
"Treasuries are the opposite of junk bonds. It's the safest asset on the planet. Whenever anything goes wrong, money floods into Treasuries and actually our interest rates go down when there's a crisis. To propose anything that would threaten that is, it sounds extreme... It really doesn't make any sense"
"Many famous actors and entertainers, including Russell Crowe, Kylie Minogue, Margot Robbie, Liam Hemsworth, Chris Hemsworth and Alan Dale, all appeared or had their first break on 'Neighbours,' which first aired on Australian television in 1985"
"We're still in the process of (determining) which of those two weapons shot who and in what order. There are no other unknowns involved"
Reward tripled to $15,000
Confiscated 2007 H over $1,000 in cash
"Being held at the maximum security federal prison in Florence, Colorado, after pleading guilty in 2013 to unlawfully transporting a firearm. He was sentenced to 7 years and 8 months"
"Devil's Hole pupfish have been teetering on the brink of extinction for years. The last thing they need are these idiots running amok in the last place on Earth where they still survive"
Gorjus Ylan Mui in devastating pink on &Closing Bell&
"I'm wondering whether or not the market has taken a June rate hike by the Federal Reserve (sic last 4 words redundant) too far off of the table"
"This isn't about politics: Donald Trump's misogyny, racism and outright bigotry are dominating the political news cycle"
2012 year of "the scandal": "Women are so judgmental of each other. It's very innate, instinctive, f—ed-up, animal-like"
Woody Allen allegations: "At the end of the day (Drink), Jesse and I talked about this. If we were persecuted for the amount of sh-- that's been said about us that's not true, our lives would be over. The experience of making the movie was so outside of that, it was fruitful for the two of us to go on with it"
Mag: "Eisenberg says he doesn’t recall the conversation"
30,000 just shy of BA's 78,000, MSFT's 44,000
Wisconsin: "Caterpillar did not reach out to us for assistance to locate the mining and technology division here" Oh well: Company got $20 million in Wis. credits from Bucyrus purchase
Weather: "The terrain is dramatically different (than Milwaukee). It's like you have gone to Mars ... but it's endearing once you learn how lush the desert really is"
"Owner unable to officially comment"
Paper: "The family then 'saw that their Jeep Wrangler had obscenities scratched into its door and fender as well at its tires slashed and its roof stabbed,' police said. Police said
friends who had been sleeping over also had the tired on the vehicles slashed"
Cops still searching for culprit
Letters promised great wealth if various services purchased
"The chance to literally build a startup located in the heart of Seattle backed by BMW, backed by BMW cars, and at the same time focus on the next generation of smart city urban mobility ... was too big of an opportunity to pass up"
"Has not demonstrated that temperament or strength of character. He has not displayed a respect for the Constitution. And, he is not a consistent conservative. These are all reasons why I cannot support his candidacy"
Paper: "She kept her make-up light, accentuating her eyes with mascara and liner and opting for light pink lip gloss and a touch of blush"
Rate hike "would likely weigh on gold"
"Long and complex history of grappling with gender discrimination"
"From the standpoint of the film industry, the trade agreements, on paper, have been good for us"
Sought to avoid paying $291.39 tow bill
Daughter called 911; shirtless, profane thug had already gotten in
Lawyer: "It should not take three years to cut down a dangerous tree in a crowded residential neighborhood. Todd is lucky to be alive, but his life is forever altered"
Charge of first-degree battery
"She's thinking about her next act"
"I think it's important for investors to deal with reality"
Wife: "We are now seriously pursuing locations outside of Chicago. If the museum is forced to leave, it will be because of the Friends of the Parks and that is no victory for anyone ... As an African American who has spent my entire life in this city I love, it saddens me that young black and brown children will be denied the chance to benefit from what this museum will offer ... In refusing to accept the extraordinary public benefits of the museum, the Friends of the Parks has proven itself to be no friend of Chicago"
"Everyone was shouting and trying to help, saying, 'He's Elon Musk!' And they were just like, 'We don't care, he's not on the list'"
Saoirse Ronan: "She was having fun dancing ... sitting crying in the corner"
Paper: "The lawsuit states that liquid filled to the top black line on a Venti cup typically only gives a customer 14 ounces of beverage, even though the stated ounce total on the menu is 24"
"Bob Hope isn't doing it. The name of the airport & Bob Hope & is just not"
Has been fired
"I' he asked me right before the season started so we've been keeping it on the down low for quite a while. So I'm excited to finally be able to share it with the world!"
This is a company that causes enormous harm, the people who work there have to know it at this point ... it's an embarrassment to the country"
Purportedly spent $41,000 on jewelry in pre-draft shopping spree
"The time is now"
Margot Robbie seen as right for "pragmatic" Jane role
Yielded in "Wolf of Wall Street" to nude scene: “The sacrifice I have to make is that I have to do this nudity thing that I don't really want to do. But I get to work with Scorsese, which I really want to do. OK, what outweighs what?”
Even though: "Though the director told her she could play the scene in a robe or underwear, Ms. Robbie said that once she got invested in the character: 'I was like, she wouldn’t do that, no way. She would be fully naked'"
"Celebrated her 24th birthday with a 24-hour-long party"
N.Y. Times: "By the time a settlement was reached in 2014, the Silnas had been paid nearly $300 million without ever fielding a team, paying player salaries or building an arena. The price to end the deal was a $500 million lump sum payment and a small annual stream of money"
Tough crowd in Chicago
What that means, who knows
"None of those wines were replaceable. They're so rare I can't buy them on the open market"
"Grab a kosher snack and schmooze"
"... More press conferences, town halls and greater transparency ..."
Parked on fairway, went "full speed" at victim
May have spread to other vehicles
"He's pulling straight A's right now. Lincoln, Nebraska, should know you're not only getting a chance at a great player, but even a more amazing person"
"It's not exactly a memoir"
"Drinking an unknown beverage from a cup before and during"
"They believe it was an isolated incident"
Player: "To come here and to be on the tee with Arnold being a part of us, it was gratifying and sad, because everything shall pass. But it was nice to have him on the tee. I dedicated my first tee shot to him in respect"
Paper: "Nicklaus ... went next and had to wipe away tears before his shot"
2 outfits, same day for CNBC&s Sara Eisen
Double dynamite in black
"No rate hikes in March is not the same thing as no rate hikes in all of 2016 ... the Fed could move in June ... Implied volatility in the fall is not any higher really than it is in the summer ... Trump's policies are some of the most radical out there and could be a major shock and a major blow to the American economy ... His trade policy alone would kill 4 million American jobs ..."
CNBC&s Sara Eisen, Wilfred Frost pose as &Cards& power couple
"Behind every powerful man, there's a woman with more Twitter followers"
Says volunteer seat fillers "looked like a long line at the Lenin Mausoleum"
Gorjus Ylan Mui in red on Kelly Evans& Closing Bell
"You know, I think that the expectation that there'd be no Fed hike at all in 2016 when we're sitting here in February, I think that seemed a little bit premature"
SI models stop traffic on NYSE floor
Hailey Clauson: "I mean our career is going to explode off of this. I mean, we can create businesses. Our name and our word actually mean something now"Ashley Graham: "I had been told, you're too fat, you're too skinny, you're too ugly, you're too pretty, and at the end of the day, the moment that I said, you know what, screw all of you guys, I'm gonna do what I want to do, that's when I had my voice, and that's when I started changing the lives of so many different women"
As always, SI male accompanies the ladies to talk about the business angle
"You said earlier that expansions don't die of old age, but I think the other half of that is that it's often central banks that kill them off instead. So I'm wondering, um, how worried you are about the possibility that the Fed will have to turn aroun um, other central banks that have tried to raise rates have had to do just that. Um, how damaging you think that might be to the Fed's credibility"
Answer: "So, when you say that um, central banks often kill them, I think the usual reason, um, that that- that that has been true when that has been true (sic redundant) is that central banks have begun too late to tighten policy, and they've allowed inflation to get out of control ..."
NYSE traders oblivious to Sharon S fans take pictures
Evidently is playing a vice president in a TV show
"As someone with few friends, he considers business deals his way of forming relationships. (He compares doing a business deal to going out for margaritas with friends. For him they share the same pleasure space.)"
Impressive: "You can ask me anything" ... "Call me anytime"
"The Profit" supporter: "He's amazing to work for and amazing to know. He's brilliant"
"The Profit" detractor: "He's an arrogant, self-centered egomaniac narcissist"
CNBCfix editor's note: This article is a month old but was just discovered
Uh-oh & someone at CNBC forgot to type the main info here
They should come up with a better strategy for dummy text
Ending: "Deals get done when there are deadlines. We'll see where it goes"
Tavern on the Green
CNBC&s Sara Eisen on fire in red
World Bank conversation was never so exciting
"I replayed the sequence 5 times right after the game and I still have no idea what Simms really thought or how he could go from asking why they would kick to saying they should definitely do so in the space of 10 seconds"
Disbarred in January
Team's best in 2 years
69 share for Broncos' game
"Significantly more than the typical $50,000 that CNBC charges for its sometimes schlocky commercials for personal grooming products or gold buying services"
Ratings: Presumably channel will be OK with Nielsen this time
In the navy: CNBC sailing with Amanda Drury & Seema Mody
Teaming up on "Power Lunch"
Highest ratings on Sept. 13
Pregame: Joe Kernen, Kelly Evans hosting special programming
CNBCfix comment: Great move to limit main field to those at 3% or better but let's end this publicity welfare of an "undercard" debate among hapless candidates who shouldn't be in the race ... if you can't poll 3% at this stage, you do not deserve to be considered a "candidate"
CNBC&s Mandy Drury in beautiful, mesmerizing outfit at NYSE
Fashion breakthrough on "Power Lunch"
"I saw those incredible flowers, and I saw those great big giant pictures of Adam and Alison and the viewfinder. That's all I saw. You can't all of the sudden stamp the place with tragedy. It has been nothing but economic development, growth, families, vacations, happiness"
Struggling to walk to mailbox: "Everyone says, ‘Oh, you’re doing so well,’ but they don’t know that it was the careful placement of timing & from the medications and laying in my bed all the way up until the moment that the car was already started. I don't want to disappoint anyone in the process, but it is what it is. So, I give it what I've got"
1 p.m. Eastern start outdrew each of channel's prime-time matchups
"A movie about the nuts and bolts of domestic policy ... doesn't stir the conspiracy loins the way some of his other movies do"
"I turned on the light and clearly saw a spider running across the floor before hearing two stewardesses screaming 'Spider!,' but I wasn't sure if I had been bitten as it really wasn't very painful"
"This cost reflects the amount paid by the bride and groom for meals that were RSVP'd for, reimbursement and explanation for no show, card, call or text would be appreciated"
ATV club's treasurer allegedly steals about $23,000
No. 145 on Forbes' list
"Lou Dobbs Tonight beat CNBC in total viewers for the month of September. CNBC aired a variety of shows, including 'West Texas Investors Club' and 'The Profit'"
CNBC&s Louisa Bojesen: &I never go on dates&
Louisa: "Front of the FT this morning, they make a point with a big picture of the Shard, saying the Shard has defied the doubters as setting record rents for the South Bank. Here's like a little picture of the Shard, so it's a huge building in London-"
Seema Mody: "Have you ever been up there?"
Louisa: "I haven't. Have you been?"
Seema: "I hear it's a great date spot"
Louisa: "Really?"
Seema: "Yeah, I'm told"
Louisa: "I wouldn't know. I don't know. I never go on dates"
Blue & red: Carolin Roth & Seema Mody on &Worldwide Exchange&
Carolin: "Would you wear this dress for 30 years if you could?"
Seema: "I if it still fits me, why not?"
Carolin: "Why not, right"
Bill Griffeth: Sara and I didn&t coordinate purple attire
Bill: "This was not planned. Yes, we match, but it was nothing"
Sara: "We're just so in synch. We don't even have to tell each other"
Seema Mody wows in mint green
Hears Wilfred Frost decry the existence of voicemail
Black & red: Carolin Roth, Seema Mody on &Worldwide Exchange&
Question if Yellen is contra-indicator
Blue & golden: Seema Mody & Nancy Hulgrave on &Worldwide&
CNBC producer in spotlight in Madrid
Seema Mody takes day off, gets haircut
Back on "WorldWide Exchange" after long weekend
Seema Mody in stripes
CNBC's "Worldwide Exchange" ends week on a high note
Stanchart interview closes with a visual flourish (above)
NYT: "Made ends meet by doing television commercials for large corporations like IBM and Merrill Lynch, then made their early reputation with 'Salesman' (1968)"
Credits: Worked on Sports Illustrated's annual swimsuit issue
Other than digs at Cosell and Esiason, "Miracle" man prefers compliments to controversy
The contenders: Gowdy, Scully, Buck, Costas, Nantz, Cosell ... is Al Michaelsthe greatest sportscaster of all time?
"The apparent cause of Rich Ilczyszyn's tragic death was a pulmonary embolism caused by deep vein thrombosis, Rich's coworker told us today"
Family: "Rich had a love for life as well as an appreciation for the fragility of it. He always encouraged others to live fully and spend time with those they love and hold dear. iiTrader is a testament to Rich's inherent creativity and resilience. iiTrader will continue to innovate and move forward"
"The certainty with which the woman that I got interviewed by this week sees the future, and the need to be involved in stocks is rather remarkable since most talking heads don’t know anything about investing"
Still waiting: Article notes no sign of short fund promised since late 2013
Kate Kelly's dry account of commodities world fails to pose an important airline question
"There's been a lot of highlights ... I would say the proudest I was of the organization, was in the- leading up to the financial crisis in 2008, and the year or year and a half or so that followed it, I felt like, as if all of the hard work that had gone into building the organization over the first 20-plus years, or so, had really paid off ... I was so proud of the way CNBC not only reported the story, but the way they treated the seriousness of those events"
Tears: "Do I see a little moisture in your eyes, Tyler?"
Karen Finerman: "Well my first response was I just could not believe he said it. And so I, I wanted to make sure that I had it right, and I went and I looked at the video, and of course you just showed it, so yes, he said it, and, uh, I, I, I know, I know that he's apologized, that he didn't mean to offend anyone, and I believe he was saying it, he was- an attempt to be very candid, I can't believe also that he didn't think that will- would never get out, but it's sort of- I mean on so many levels, it makes me wonder, 1, what if you don't nurse, do you not then have that- are you, do you keep your judgment then if you don't nurse. That's sort of something that popped into my head"
Amanda Drury: "And also, is he also saying that global macro traders that are guys are not great dads because they're always off 24/7 on the phone trading stuff"
Karen Finerman: "Right, I just- I don't really accept that premise either. If you are a mother, I really sort of do wonder, how long this would knock you off your game for. And, it, I don't know, on so many levels, I know so many women, far more successful than I, who have done an extraordinary job of raising kids, and also, uh, you know, trading, trading their books"
Michelle Caruso-Cabrera: "I think Paul Tudor Jones said out loud what we all know to be anecdotally true. That women, it's not that they don't have the ability, it's just, if they have a child, priorities tend to change. It takes up a lot of time. A child is a huge, huge commitment. And so-"
Amanda Drury: "And not necessarily a bad thing"
Michelle Caruso-Cabrera: "It's not necessarily a bad thing, he's not saying that, that they can't do it, it's just, it gets a lot tougher. Priorities often change. And I think Karen, you are awesome, but you are the exception I think that proves the rule. Let's face it: How many other women are on 'Fast Money.' I mean when you look at the breakdown of people- when you look at the breakdown of people who are on CNBC. It's a guys-and-ties network. I mean let's not kid anybody!"
Karen Finerman: "Yes I hear you-"
Brian Sullivan ridiculously removes tie: "Here we go, no more guys in ties"
Karen Finerman: "Let me just add 1 thing"
Brian Sullivan: "I don't wanna get accused of dodging the conversation. All right, I know hedge fund managers that have what they call the large-house indicator. Right. What they say is, if they have an investment manager, or a fellow hedge fund manager, whatever, that starts to build a new mansion, they will often times use that- or CEO of a company, they'll use that as a negative and either get out of it or trim, because building a home is a year-long process, takes a lot of energy, you're not focused on what you're doing. So I don't think just has to be about gender. If you've got any big undertaking you take on, that reduces your focus. I'm not defending what he said-"
Michelle Caruso-Cabrera: "Except this happens to be about having babies for women, which is just a huge thing in, in most women's life"
Brian Sullivan: "If I was a hedge fund manager and a CEO of a company bought a 200-foot yacht, I would sell the shares of that company probably short that next day"
Karen Finerman: "I mean also there's the private plane indicator, you get the private plane, you're not hungry anymore, then you don't care. I, I don't really buy that, I think it also makes the case that women don't have the judgment to know, after they've had a baby, whether or not they are still interested in being in the game. Now that may be his experience, and I believe him when he says that's what he's found to be true, and he gave a couple examples of a, you know, two women from Maryland the '70s, he probably has more recent examples than that, but is he just open to the possibility, the possibility, that maybe it's not true, that there will never be just as many women investors as men, never, period, end of story. Isn't it possible?"
Amanda Drury: "And the other thing is Karen, and you've touched on this, I mean, we would've said in the past, it would've been decades, maybe not even so long ago, we would've said that we can't have a good female doctor, she can't possibly be on call because she's got to be at home feeding her child at night. Right?"
Karen Finerman: "And now look. Now look, there are just as many women, or maybe it's about the same number of women graduating from medical school as men and you're right, years and years ago, that was thought as an impossibility"
Commodities king laughs off report, calls Oracle's 45% loss "inexcusable ... poor trading"
"Last year I did indeed lose money... 2%.
Other than that, for the previous 14 years I've averaged about +12%, with 22% as my best year.
... I'm also long of Goldman Sachs and Loews while short of Berkshire Hathaway for the past
two months, and have added to that trade along the way as the profits have built up."
Ignored? Days later, CNBCfix was only media site to pick up jaw-dropping Oregonian story
Jeff Macke on BRK-B short:
CNBCfix exclusive: Baseball needs to scrap "leagues" and give fans intra-city rivalries
Overreaching documentary shows strengths, weaknesses of anchor, could use Tim Seymour
One sentence by arrogant chap deserves scrutiny for puffery at the expense of logic
Carl Quintanilla has some interesting stories, but lacks comment from Queen of Talk herself
CNBCfix review: Scott Cohn's "Secrets of the Knight" has good but unfocused material
Outsourced CNBC original with Melissa Francis mostly seems like promo for NBC broadcast
Doesn't dig as deep into infomercial ads as it could, but cuts like a Ginsu knife
CNBCfix exclusive: It doesn't provide "competitive balance," but manipulates stars
All from Jared Bernstein's fee: Consider Tony Paradiso a must-read at
Becky Quick, Erin Burnett, Trish Regan appear to make hot list, with nod to Maria Bartiromo
(Ex-)CNBC reporter/Arabic scholar/beauty praised by philanthropic American Ireland Fund
Impressive documentary of mortgage collapse will appeal to the pros and the laymen
Lackluster documentary is decent, but Trish Regan puts on a fashion show
CNBC travel correspondent Peter Greenberg digs into Norwegian Pearl's financials
&&&&&&&& &2016
CNBC's Lone Star extension of "Shark Tank"
? Daily online recaps often omit certain traders' holdings, appear voluntary, unenforceable, no requirement for accuracy or timeliness, no description of the size of position or whether positions are for clients or traders' own accounts
CNBCfix reviews
? Scott Wapner, "Hotel: Behind Closed Doors at Marriott":
? Melissa Francis, Diary of a Stage Mother's Daughter: A Memoir
? Joe Terranova, Buy High, Sell Higher: Why Buy-And-Hold is Dead And Other Surprising Investing Lessons From CNBC's 'The Liquidator'
? Steve Cortes, Against the Herd: 6 Contrarian Investment Strategies You Should Follow:
? Leah McGrath Goodman, The Asylum: The Renegades Who Hijacked the World's Oil Market:
? Phil LeBeau, "Dreamliner":
? Scott Wapner, "The Coffee Addiction":
? Lester Holt, "The Facebook Obsession":
? Scott Cohn, "Price of Admission":
? Trish Regan, "Marijuana USA":
? Gary Kaminsky, Smarter Than the Street:
? Scott Cohn, "Remington Under Fire":
? Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, You Know I'm Right:
? Felix Rohatyn, Dealings:
? John Heilemann & Mark Halperin, Game Change:
? Anthony Scaramucci, Goodbye Gordon Gekko
? Alan "Ace" Greenberg, The Rise and Fall of Bear Stearns
? Charles Gasparino, The Sellout:
? David Faber, "Goldman Sachs: Power and Peril":
? Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, "Liquid Assets":
? Carl Quintanilla, "Trash Inc.":
? Carl Quintanilla, "Crime Inc.: Counterfeit Goods":
? Scott Wapner, "One Nation, Overweight":
? "The Pixar Story":
? Trish Regan, "Marijuana Inc.":
? Maria Bartiromo, "Inside the Mind of Google":
? Ron Insana, How to Make a Fortune From the Biggest Bailout in U.S. History:
? Zachary Karabell, Superfusion:
? David Faber, And Then the Roof Caved In:
? Carl Quintanilla, "The Oprah Effect":
Gordon Gekko:The Michael Corleoneof Wall Street
? Bonnie and Clyde
? Rain Man
? The Paper Chase
? The Cooler
? Giant & There Will Be Blood
? Return of the Jedi
? Rocky II
? The Last Picture Show & Friday Night Lights
? She's Out of My League
Relevant scribes
? Jim Cramer
? Charles Gasparino
? Amanda Drury
? Maria Bartiromo
? Lawrence Kudlow
? Karen Finerman
? Michelle Caruso-Cabrera
? Jon Fortt
? Jane Wells
? Erin Burnett
? David Faber
? Guy Adami
? Pete Najarian
? Jon Najarian
? Tim Seymour
? Zachary Karabell
? Becky Quick
? Joe Kernen
? Nicole Lapin
? Herb Greenberg
? John Harwood
? Steve Liesman
? Margaret Brennan
? Bertha Coombs
? Mary Thompson
? Trish Regan
? Melissa Francis
? Gary Kaminsky
? Anthony Scaramucci
? Kate Kelly
? Dennis Kneale
? Darren Rovell
? Carl Quintanilla
? Julia Boorstin
? Diana Olick
? Robin Meade
? Matt Lauer
? Katie Couric
? Dylan Ratigan
? Eric Bolling
? Jeff Macke
? Julie Chen
? Anderson Cooper
? Erica Hill
? Neil Cavuto
? Liz Claman
? Rebecca Jarvis
? Monica Crowley
? Bill O'Reilly
? Rachel Maddow
? Susie Gharib
? Jane Skinner
? Kimberly Guilfoyle
? Martha MacCallum
? Courtney Friel
? Uma Pemmaraju
? Michelle Kosinski
? Joe Scarborough
? Terry Keenan
? Betsy Stark
? Chrystia Freeland
? Natasha Curry
? Jeffrey Kofman
? Jane Velez-Mitchell
? Debbye Turner Bell
? Christine Romans
? Meredith Whitney
? Dennis Gartman
? Bill Gross
? Diane Swonk
? Richard X. Bove
? Nouriel Roubini
? Arthur Laffer
? Jared Bernstein
? Doug Kass
? David Malpass
? Kevin Kerr
? Donald Luskin
? Robert Reich
? Steve Moore
? Vince Farrell
? Joe LaVorgna
? A. Gary Shilling
? Joe Battipaglia
? Barry Ritholtz
? Peter Navarro
? John Kilduff
? Chris Thornberg
? Addison Armstrong
? Jack Bouroudjian
? Stefan Abrams
? Peter Morici
? Michael Crofton
? David Kotok
? Jerry Bowyer
? Robert Pavlik
? Warren Buffett
President Obama
George W. Bush
Sarah Palin}


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