opensuse aria2怎么打开用

本帖最后由 mapaler 于
09:39 编辑
于是我开始寻求其他解决办法,在官方的Readme中发现了“You don?t have to ?root? your device to use aria2.”,心中又燃起了希望。
官方网站:,只有主程序,可用于更新,注意下载android-build。Android Terminal Emulator(终端模拟器)(必须),随便搜个能安装上的就行:ES文件浏览器(推荐),可以开远程管理(FTP)方便的上传文件到盒子上,以及从盒子上下载到电脑:,电脑端FTP软件推荐用Aria2 WebUI,网页图形界面。
Aria2 WebUI源代码: 点网页右方的“Download ZIP”,解压打开index.html即可用,有中文。
aria2配置说明:打开终端模拟器,依次输入如下三行命令(如果你之前不是放在/mnt/sdcard,那么请自行修改cat命令后的路径)mkdir /data/data/jackpal.androidterm/aria2
cat /mnt/sdcard/aria2c & /data/data/jackpal.androidterm/aria2/aria2c
chmod 744 /data/data/jackpal.androidterm/aria2/aria2c复制代码每条都注意一下是否有报错,我电视是老电视,根本看不清楚上面的字,第一条就是搞了好久才成功。终端模拟器打开首选项,在初始命令输入,如下命令并保存。(每个分号前是一条命令,与前一句语句需用分号隔开)export HOME=/data/data/jackpal.androidterm/aria2; cd $HOME;复制代码点叉叉退出终端模拟器,重新打开终端模拟器,点叉叉退出终端模拟器,重新打开终端模拟器。
直接输入如下命令测试是否安装成功(查看版本号的命令)./aria2c -v复制代码成功后,在初始命令后方再添加一句(见下方图片)./aria2c --conf-path=/mnt/sdcard/aria2.复制代码官方前两条的作用只是切换到aria2文件夹,我在最后加入了一条让aria2启动的命令,读取aria2.conf配置文件,这样就不用每次手动启动aria2了,并且所有的设置都可以通过修改“aria2.conf”配置文件来完成不需要重新修改初始命令。
终端模拟器需要一直保持开启状态,按Home退到主页让它后台运行就可以了,电脑上打开Aria2 WebUI更改设置里的机顶盒IP,就能控制机顶盒下载东西了。
下图为用Aria2 WebUI添加了个BT种子下载任务,电视上是终端模拟器。
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华为软件技术有限公司 版权所有 保留一切权利首先他的描述:
& && & aria2 is a utility for downloading files. The supported protocols are http(s)/ftp/BitTorrent/Metalink. aria2
& && & has powerful segmented downloading ability, downloading a file from multiple sources and multiple protocols,
& && & utilizing your download bandwidth to the max. It even supports downloading a file from http(s)/ftp and
& && & BitTorrent at the same time, while the data downloaded form http(s)/ftp is uploaded to BitTorrent swarm.
& && & aria2 also provides most reliable http(s)/ftp downloading experience ever. Using Metalink´s chunk checksums,
& && & aria2 automatically validates chunk of data while downloading a file like BitTorrent.
& & aira2是一款下载工具,它支持http(s)/ftp/BitTorrent/Metalink五种协议,aira2有强大的分块下载能力,它可以通过多个来源和多种协议下载同一个文件,让你的带宽爆满。aria2甚至可以同一时间使用http(s)/ftp/BitTorrent四种协议下载同一个文件(变态),此时他会把http(s)/ftp下载部分使用bt上传。
& & 当然,aria2仍然为你提供了前所未有的强大的常规http(s)/ftp下载性能,它提供了metalink协议的验证纠错功能。
& & aria2还自动验证通过BT协议下载的数据的正确性。
配置文件 aria2.conf
ARIA2C(1)& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &ARIA2C(1)
& && & aria2c - The ultra fast download utility
& && & aria2c [OPTIONS] URL ...
& && & aria2c [OPTIONS] -T TORRENT_FILE [URL ...]
& && & aria2c [OPTIONS] -M METALINK_FILE
& && & aria2 is a utility for downloading files. The supported protocols are
& && & http(s)/ftp/BitTorrent/Metalink. aria2 has powerful segmented
& && & downloading ability, downloading a file from multiple sources and
& && & multiple protocols, utilizing your download bandwidth to the max. It
& && & even supports downloading a file from http(s)/ftp and BitTorrent at the
& && & same time, while the data downloaded form http(s)/ftp is uploaded to
& && & BitTorrent swarm.
& && & aria2 also provides most reliable http(s)/ftp downloading experience
& && & ever. Using Metalink´s chunk checksums, aria2 automatically validates
& && & chunk of data while downloading a file like BitTorrent.
& && & -d, --dir=DIR
& && && &&&The directory to store the downloaded file.
& && & -o, --out=FILE
& && && &&&The file name of the downloaded file.
& && && &&&Note
& && && && && &In Metalink, BitTorrent download you cannot specify file name.
& && && && && &The file name specified here is only used when the URLs fed to
& && && && && &aria2 is done by command line without -i option, like this:
& && && && && &aria2c -o http://mirror1/
& && && && && &http://mirror2/
& && & -l, --log=LOG
& && && &&&The file name of the log file. If - is specified, log is written to
& && && &&&stdout.
& && & -D, --daemon
& && && &&&Run as daemon.
& && & -s, --split=N
& && && &&&Download a file using N connections. N must be between 1 and 5.
& && && &&&This option affects all URLs. Thus, aria2 connects to each URL with
& && && &&&N connections. Default: 1
& && & --retry-wait=SEC
& && && &&&Set the seconds to wait to retry after an error has occured.
& && && &&&Specify a value between 0 and 60. Default: 5
& && & -t, --timeout=SEC
& && && &&&Set timeout in seconds. Default: 60
& && & -m, --max-tries=N
& && && &&&Set number of tries.&&0 means unlimited. Default: 5
& && & --http-proxy=HOST:PORT
& && && &&&Use HTTP proxy server. This affects all URLs.
& && & --http-user=USER
& && && &&&Set HTTP user. This affects all URLs.
& && & --http-passwd=PASSWD
& && && &&&Set HTTP password. This affects all URLs.
& && & --http-proxy-user=USER
& && && &&&Set HTTP proxy user. This affects all URLs.
& && & --http-proxy-passwd=PASSWD
& && && &&&Set HTTP proxy password. This affects all URLs.
& && & --http-proxy-method=METHOD
& && && &&&Set the method to use in proxy request.&&METHOD is either get or
& && && &&&tunnel. Default: tunnel
& && & --http-auth-scheme=SCHEME
& && && &&&Set HTTP authentication scheme. Currently, basic is the only
& && && &&&supported scheme. Default: basic
& && & --referer=REFERER
& && && &&&Set Referer. This affects all URLs.
& && & --ftp-user=USER
& && && &&&Set FTP user. This affects all URLs. Default: anonymous
& && & --ftp-passwd=PASSWD
& && && &&&Set FTP password. This affects all URLs. Default: ARIA2USER@
& && & --ftp-type=TYPE
& && && &&&Set FTP transfer type. TYPE is either binary or ascii. Default:
& && && &&&binary
& && & -p, --ftp-pasv
& && && &&&Use passive mode in FTP.
& && & --ftp-via-http-proxy=METHOD
& && && &&&Use HTTP proxy in FTP.&&METHOD is either get or tunnel. Default:
& && && &&&tunnel
& && & --lowest-speed-limit=SPEED
& && && &&&Close connection if download speed is lower than or equal to this
& && && &&&value(bytes per sec).&&0 means aria2 does not have a lowest speed
& && && &&&limit. You can append K or M(1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K). This option
& && && &&&does not affect BitTorrent downloads. Default: 0
& && & --max-download-limit=SPEED
& && && &&&Set max download speed in bytes per sec.&&0 means unrestricted. You
& && && &&&can append K or M(1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K). Default: 0
& && & --file-allocation=METHOD
& && && &&&Specify file allocation method. METHOD is either none or prealloc.
& && && &&&none doesn´t pre-allocate file space.&&prealloc pre-allocates file
& && && &&&space before download begins. This may take some time depending on
& && && &&&the size of the file. Default: prealloc
& && && &&&Note
& && && && && &In multi file torrent, the files adjacent forward to the
& && && && && &specified files are also allocated if they share a same piece.
& && & --no-file-allocation-limit=SIZE
& && && &&&No file allocation is made for files whose size is smaller than
& && && &&&SIZE. You can append K or M(1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K). Default: 5M
& && & --enable-direct-io[=true|false]
& && && &&&Enable directI/O, which lowers cpu usage while allocating/checking
& && && &&&files. Turn off if you encounter any error. Default: false
& && & --allow-overwrite=true|false
& && && &&&If false is given, aria2 doesn´t download a file which already
& && && &&&exists but the corresponding .aria2 file doesn´t exist. In
& && && &&&http(s)/ftp download, if --auto-file-renaming=true then, file name
& && && &&&will be renamed. See --auto-file-renaming for details. Default:
& && && &&&false
& && & --allow-piece-length-change=true|false
& && && &&&If false is given, aria2 aborts download when a piece length is
& && && &&&different from one in a control file. If true is given, you can
& && && &&&proceed but some download progress will be lost. Default: false
& && & -Z, --force-sequential[=true|false]
& && && &&&Fetch URIs in the command-line sequentially and download each URI
& && && &&&in a separate session, like the usual command-line download
& && && &&&utilities. Default: false
& && & --auto-file-renaming[=true|false]
& && && &&&Rename file name if the same file already exists. This option works
& && && &&&only in http(s)/ftp download. The new file name has a dot and a
& && && &&&number(1..9999) appended. Default: true
& && & -P, --parameterized-uri[=true|false]
& && && &&&Enable parameterized URI support. You can specify set of parts:
& && && &&&http://{sv1,sv2,sv3}/foo.iso. Also you can specify numeric
& && && &&&sequences with step counter: http://host/image[000-100:2].img. A
& && && &&&step counter can be omitted. If all URIs do not point to the same
& && && &&&file, such as the second example above, -Z option is required.
& && && &&&Default: false
& && & --enable-http-keep-alive[=true|false]
& && && &&&Enable HTTP/1.1 persistent connection. Default: false
& && & --enable-http-pipelining[=true|false]
& && && &&&Enable HTTP/1.1 pipelining. Default: false
& && & --check-integrity=true|false
& && && &&&Check file integrity by validating piece hash. This option only
& && && &&&affects in BitTorrent downloads and Metalink downloads with chunk
& && && &&&checksums. Use this option to re-download a damaged portion of a
& && && &&&file. Default: false
& && & --realtime-chunk-checksum=true|false
& && && &&&Validate chunk of data by calculating checkusm while download a
& && && &&&file if chunk checksums are provided. Currently Metalink is the
& && && &&&only way to to provide chunk checksums. Default: true
& && & -c, --continue
& && && &&&Continue downloading a partially downloaded file. Use this option
& && && &&&to resume a download started by a web browser or another program
& && && &&&which downloads files sequentially from the beginning. Currently
& && && &&&this option is only applicable to http(s)/ftp downloads.
& && & -U, --user-agent=USER_AGENT
& && && &&&Set user agent for http(s) downloads.
& && & -n, --no-netrc
& && && &&&Disables netrc support. netrc support is enabled by default.
& && & -i, --input-file=FILE
& && && &&&Downloads URIs found in FILE. You can specify multiple URIs for a
& && && &&&single entity: separate URIs on a single line using the TAB
& && && &&&character. Reads input from stdin when - is specified.
& && & -j, --max-concurrent-downloads=N
& && && &&&Set maximum number of concurrent downloads. It should be used with
& && && &&&the -i option. Default: 5
& && & --load-cookies=FILE
& && && &&&Load cookies from FILE. The format of FILE is the same used by
& && && &&&Netscape and Mozilla.
& && & -S, --show-files
& && && &&&Print file listing of .torrent or .metalink file and exit. In case
& && && &&&of .torrent file, additional information (infohash, piece length,
& && && &&&etc) is also printed.
& && & --select-file=INDEX...
& && && &&&Set file to download by specifing its index. You can find the file
& && && &&&index using the --show-files option. Multiple indexes can be
& && && &&&specified by using &,&, for example: 3,6. You can also use &-& to
& && && &&&specify a range: 1-5. &,& and &-& can be used together: 1-5,8,9.
& && && &&&When used with the -M option, index may vary depending on the query
& && && &&&(see --metalink-* options).
& && && &&&Note
& && && && && &In multi file torrent, the adjacent files specified by this
& && && && && &option may also be downloaded. This is by design, not a bug. A
& && && && && &single piece may include several files or part of files, and
& && && && && &aria2 writes the piece to the appropriate files.
& && & -T, --torrent-file=TORRENT_FILE
& && && &&&The path to the .torrent file.
& && & --follow-torrent=true|false|mem
& && && &&&If true or mem is specified, when a file whose suffix is .torrent
& && && &&&or content type is application/x-bittorrent is downloaded, aria2
& && && &&&parses it as a torrent file and downloads files mentioned in it. If
& && && &&&mem is specified, a torrent file is not written to the disk, but is
& && && &&&just kept in memory. If false is specified, the action mentioned
& && && &&&above is not taken. Default: true
& && & --direct-file-mapping=true|false
& && && &&&Directly read from and write to each file mentioned in .torrent
& && && &&&file. Use this option if lots of files are listed in .torrent file
& && && &&&and aria2 complains it cannot open files anymore. Default: true
& && & --listen-port=PORT...
& && && &&&Set TCP port number for BitTorrent downloads. Multiple ports can be
& && && &&&specified by using &,&, for example: . You can also use
& && && &&&&-& to specify a range: . &,& and &-& can be used
& && && &&&together: 99. Default:
& && && &&&Note
& && && && && &Make sure that the specified ports are open for incoming TCP
& && && && && &traffic.
& && & --max-upload-limit=SPEED
& && && &&&Set max upload speed in bytes per sec.&&0 means unrestricted. You
& && && &&&can append K or M(1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K). Default: 0
& && & --seed-time=MINUTES
& && && &&&Specify seeding time in minutes. Also see the --seed-ratio option.
& && & --seed-ratio=RATIO
& && && &&&Specify share ratio. Seed completed torrents until share ratio
& && && &&&reaches] RATIO. I strongly encourages you to specify equals or more
& && && &&&than 1.0 here. Specify 0.0 if you intend to do seeding regardless
& && && &&&of share ratio. If --seed-time option is specified along with this
& && && &&&option, seeding ends when at least one of the conditions is
& && && &&&satisfied. Default: 1.0
& && & --peer-id-prefix=PEERI_ID_PREFIX
& && && &&&Specify the prefix of peer ID. The peer ID in BitTorrent is 20 byte
& && && &&&length. If more than 20 bytes are specified, only first 20 bytes
& && && &&&are used. If less than 20 bytes are specified, the random alphabet
& && && &&&characters are added to make it´s length 20 bytes. Default: -aria2-
& && & -M, --metalink-file=METALINK_FILE
& && && &&&The file path to .metalink file.
& && & -C, --metalink-servers=NUM_SERVERS
& && && &&&The number of servers to connect to simultaneously. Some metalinks
& && && &&&regulates the number of servers to connect. aria2 respects them.
& && && &&&Default: 5
& && & --metalink-version=VERSION
& && && &&&The version of the file to download.
& && & --metalink-language=LANGUAGE
& && && &&&The language of the file to download.
& && & --metalink-os=OS
& && && &&&The operating system of the file to download.
& && & --metalink-location=LOCATION[,...]
& && && &&&The location of the preferred server. A comma-deliminated list of
& && && &&&locations is acceptable, for example, JP,US.
& && & --follow-metalink=true|false|mem
& && && &&&If true or mem is specified, when a file whose suffix is .metaink
& && && &&&or content type is application/metalink+xml is downloaded, aria2
& && && &&&parses it as a metalink file and downloads files mentioned in it.
& && && &&&If mem is specified, a metalink file is not written to the disk,
& && && &&&but is just kept in memory. If false is specified, the action
& && && &&&mentioned above is not taken. Default: true
& && & -v, --version
& && && &&&Print the version number, copyright and the configuration
& && && &&&information and exit.
& && & -h, --help
& && && &&&Print this message and exit.
& && & URL
& && && &&&You can specify multiple URLs. Unless you specify -Z option, all
& && && &&&URLs must point to the same file or downloading will fail. You can
& && && &&&specify both torrent file with -T option and URLs. By doing this,
& && && &&&download a file from both torrent swarm and http(s)/ftp server at
& && && &&&the same time, while the data from http(s)/ftp are uploaded to the
& && && &&&torrent swarm. Note that only single file torrent can be integrated
& && && &&&with http(s)/ftp.
& && && &&&Note
& && && && && &Make sure that URL is quoted with single(´) or double(&)
& && && && && &quotation if it contains &&& or any characters that have
& && && && && &special meaning in shell.
& &HTTP/FTP Segmented Download
& && & Download a file using 1 connection
& && && && && && &aria2c http://host/
& && && && &&&Note
& && && && &&&To pause a download, press Ctrl-C. You can resume the transfer
& && && && &&&by run aria2c with the same argument at the same directory. You
& && && && &&&can change URLs as long as they are pointing to the same file.
& && & Download a file using 2 connections
& && && && && && &aria2c -s 2 http://host/
& && & Download a file from 2 difference http servers
& && && && && && &aria2c http://host1/ ftp://host2/
& && & Download a file from http and ftp servers
& && && && && && &aria2c http://host1/ ftp://host2/
& && & Download files listed in a file concurrently
& && && && && && &aria2c -i files.txt -j 5
& && && && &&&Note
& && && && &&&-j option specifies the number of concurrent downloads.
& &Metalink Download
& && & Download files with remote Metalink
& && && && && && &aria2c --follow-metalink=mem http://host/file.metalink
& && & Download using a local metalink file
& && && && && && &aria2c -p -t 10 --lowest-speed-limit 4000 -M test.metalink
& && && && &&&Note
& && && && &&&To pause a download, press Ctrl-C. You can resume the transfer
& && && && &&&by run aria2c with the same argument at the same directory.
& && & Download only selected files using index
& && && && && && &aria2c -M test.metalink --select-file 1-4,8
& && && && &&&Note
& && && && &&&The index is printed to the console using -S option.
& && & Download a file using a local .metalink file with user preference
& && && && && && &aria2c -M test.metalink --metalink-location=JP,US --metalink-version=1.1 --metalink-language=en-US
& &BitTorrent Download
& && & Download files from remote BitTorrent file
& && && && && && &aria2c --follow-bittorrent=mem http://host/file.torrent
& && & Download using a local torrent file
& && && && && && &aria2c --max-upload-limit 40K -T file.torrent
& && && && &&&Note
& && && && &&&--max-upload-limit specifies the max of upload rate.
& && && && &&&Note
& && && && &&&To pause a download, press Ctrl-C. You can resume the transfer
& && && && &&&by run aria2c with the same argument at the same directory.
& && & Download a file using torrent and http/ftp server
& && && && && && &aria2c -T test.torrent http://host1/file ftp://host2/file
& && && && &&&Note
& && && && &&&Downloading multi file torrent with http/ftp is not supported.
& && & Download only selected files using index(usually called &selectable
& && & download&)
& && && && && && &aria2c -T test.torrent --select-file 1-4,8
& && && && &&&Note
& && && && &&&The index is printed to the console using -S option.
& && & Change the listening port for incoming peer
& && && && && && &aria2c -T test.torrent --listen-port 00
& && & Specify the condition to stop program after torrent download finished
& && && && && && &aria2c -T test.torrent --seed-time 120 --seed-ratio 1.0
& && && && &&&Note
& && && && &&&In the above example, the program exists when the 120 minutes
& && && && &&&has elapsed since download completed or seed ratio reaches 1.0.
& && & Throttle upload speed
& && && && && && &aria2c -T test.torrent --max-upload-limit 100K
& &More advanced HTTP features
& && & Load cookies
& && && && && && &aria2c --load-cookies cookies.txt http://host/
& && && && &&&Note
& && && && &&&You can use Firefox/Mozilla´s cookie file without modification.
& && & Resume download started by web browsers or another programs
& && && && && && &aria2c -c -s 2 http://host/
& &And more advanced features
& && & Throttle download speed
& && && && && && &aria2c -M test.metalink --max-download-limit 100K
& && & Repair a damaged download using --check-integrity option
& && && && && && &aria2c -M test.metalink --check-integrity=true
& && && && &&&Note
& && && && &&&This option is only available used with BitTorrent or metalink
& && && && &&&with chunk checksums.
& && & Drop connection if download speed is lower than specified value
& && && && && && &aria2c -M test.metalink --lowest-speed-limit 10K
& && & Parameterized URI support
& && && && &&&You can specify set of parts:
& && && && && && &aria2c -P http://{host1,host2,host3}/file.iso
& && && && &&&You can specify numeric sequence:
& && && && && && &aria2c -Z -P http://host/image[000-100].png
& && && && &&&Note
& && && && &&&-Z option is required if the all URIs don´t point to the same
& && && && &&&file, such as the above example.
& && && && &&&You can specify step counter:
& && && && && && &aria2c -Z -P http://host/image[A-Z:2].png
& && & Usually, you can resume transfer by just issuing same command(aria2c
& && & URL) if the previous transfer is made by aria2.
& && & If the previous transfer is made by a browser or wget like sequencial
& && & download manager, then use -c option to continue the transfer(aria2c -c
& && & URL).
& && & aria2 uses a control file to keep track the progress of download. A
& && & control file is placed at the same directory of the dowloading file and
& && & its filename is the filename of downloading file with &.aria2&
& && & appended. For example, if you are downloading, then the
& && & control file should be (There is a exception for this
& && & naming convention. If you are downloading a multi torrent, its control
& && & file is the &top directory& name of the torrent with &.aria2& appended.
& && & The &top directory& name is a value of &name& key in &info& directory
& && & in a torrent file.)
& && & Usually a control file is deleted once download completed. If aria2
& && & decides that download cannot be resumed(for example, when downloading a
& && & file from a http server which doesn´t support resume), a control file
& && & is not created.
& && & Normally if you lose a control file, you cannot resume download. But if
& && & you have a torrent or metalink with chunk checksums for the file, you
& && & can resume the download without a control file by giving
& && & --check-integrity=true option to aria2c in command-line.
& && & You can seed downloaded file using --check-integrity=true option.
& && && &&&aria2c --check-integrity=true -T file.torrent
& &aria2.conf
& && & User configuration file. It must be placed under ~/.aria2 and must be
& && & named as aria2.conf. In each line, there is 1 parameter whose syntax is
& && & name=value pair, where name is the long command-line option name
& && & without -- prefix. The lines beginning # are treated as comments.
& && && &&&# sample configuration file for aria2c
& && && &&&file-allocation=prealloc
& && && &&&listen-port=60000
& && && &&&seed-ratio=1.0
& && && &&&max-upload-limit=100K
& && && &&&ftp-pasv=true
& && & Project web site:
& && & metalink:
& && & Report bugs to Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa &
& && & Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa &
& && & Copyright ©
Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
& && & This prog you can redistribute it and/or modify it
& && & under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
& && & Free Software F either version 2 of the License, or (at your
& && & option) any later version.
& && & This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
& && & WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
& && & General Public License for more details.
& && & You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
& && & if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
& && & 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
& && & In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
& && & permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
& && & OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
& && & individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including
& && & the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
& && & for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with
& && & this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
& && & file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do
& && & so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete
& && & this exception statement from all source files in the program, then
& && & also delete it here.
& && && && && && && && && && && & 12/08/2007& && && && && && && && & ARIA2C(1)复制代码
UID91030&帖子167&积分306&现金2586 圆&魅力47 点&阅读权限80&注册时间&
若要用它下载openSUSE 11.0 可以这样,到这里
因为metalink文件会根据你所处网络生成一个适合你的metalink 。所以人人下载,人人不同的。
aria2c -M metalink文件
举例,我要x86_64的DVD:mkdir openSUSE11 && cd openSUSE11
cat openSUSE-11.0-DVD-x86_64.iso.metalink
aria2c --metalink-location=kr -M openSUSE-11.0-DVD-x86_64.iso.metalink复制代码一口气命令打完:
i386:aria2c --metalink-location=kr -M复制代码x86_64:aria2c --metalink-location=kr -M复制代码
UID82877&帖子508&积分698&现金6670 圆&魅力53 点&阅读权限100&注册时间&
很不错 是字符的?还是有图形界面
UID91030&帖子167&积分306&现金2586 圆&魅力47 点&阅读权限80&注册时间&
UID91030&帖子167&积分306&现金2586 圆&魅力47 点&阅读权限80&注册时间&
然后安装 aria2 和 aria2fe
[ 本帖最后由 yourfriend 于
16:28 编辑 ]
UID111837&帖子3&积分5&现金46 圆&魅力1 点&阅读权限20&注册时间&
UID58434&帖子223&积分285&现金2972 圆&魅力33 点&阅读权限80&注册时间&
UID201521&帖子3&积分3&现金36 圆&魅力0 点&阅读权限20&注册时间&
UID219181&帖子6&积分7&现金84 圆&魅力0 点&阅读权限20&注册时间&
UID660363&帖子18&积分28&现金126 圆&魅力5 点&阅读权限30&注册时间&


更多关于 aria2gui怎么使用 的文章


