我害怕会迟到英语 that用that

Because I'm afraid that I couldn't hold back my tears.
Section B 内容详解
①I make mistakes in grammar.
& 我经常犯语法方面的错误。
& a.make mistakes的意思是“犯错误”“出错”。用复数mistakes表示犯错误是习惯性的或经常性的。如:
&&& We all make mistakes sometimes.
&&& 人人都有犯错误的时候。
&&& New learners often make mistakes in grammar.
&&& 新学员常常犯语法错误。
&&& I made spelling mistakes now and then when I began to study English years ago.
&&& 当我几年前开始学英语的时候,时常犯拼写错误。
&&& Don't be afraid of making mistakes while practicing your English.
&&& 在练习英语的时候,你们不要担心犯错误。
& b.make mistakes也可以表述为make a mistake。make a mistake通常用于具体的某个错误。如:
& &&Sorry, I made a mistake about his name.
&&& 对不起,我把他的名字记错了。
&&& Jack makes a spelling mistake when he spells the word "minute".
&&& 杰克在拼读单词"minute"的时候,出现了拼读错误。
&&& Remember his address. Don't make a mistake when you post a letter to him.
&&& 记住他的地址,不要在寄信时把地址写错。
&&& We needn't worry too much about making a mistake. But we should not make the same mistake again and again.
&&& 我们不必因为犯了某一个错误而过分忧虑,但是我们不应该老犯同样的错误。
& c.by mistake表示因误会而做错某件事情,在句中通常用作状语。如:
&&& They got on the No. 86 bus by mistake yesterday.
&&& 他们昨天误上了86路公共汽车。
&&& She greeted the man by mistake.
&&& 她错跟那个人打了招呼。
&&& I posted the letter by mistake.
&&& 我错投了那封信件。
&&& Mr. Liang came into the room by mistake.
&&& 梁先生走错了房间。
②Paul can't get the pronunciation right.
& 保罗不能做到正确发音。
& a.get…right意思是“使……正确…”“纠正……”,这里get为使役性动词,right是形容词作宾语补足语。这种“get+宾语+宾语补足语”的结构通常表示使某人或某事物处于某种状态或位置。如:
&&& I'll try to get everything right in the office.
&&& 我会尽力使办公室工作一切都正常起来。
&&& They wanted to get the problem clear.
&&& 他们希望把问题弄清楚。
&&& Can you get the wrong spelling right?
&&& 请把拼写错误改正,好吗?
&&& The work gets everyone tired.
&&& 这份儿工作使每个人都很疲劳。
&&& My mother has got the breakfast ready every morning when I get up.
&&& 每天早晨当我起床的时候,妈妈就已经做好了早餐。
&&& You must get them quiet first.
&&& 你必须首先使他们安静下来。
&&& What I worry about is whether he can get the house tidy.
&&& 我所担心的是他是否能够把屋子清理整洁。
& b.这一结构中的宾语补足语还可以用动词-ing形式、过去分词、不定式、介词短语等。如:
&&& It's up to me to get everybody moving.
&&& 我有责任让每个人动起来。
&&& Can you get the car started?
&&& 你能使汽车发动起来吗?
&&& They couldn't get the piano through the door.
&&& 这台钢琴他们搬不进这个门。
&&& You may get (=ask) him to help you when you move into your new house.
&&& = You may have him help you when...
&&& 你搬新房时可以找他帮忙。
&&& (用have作使役性动词时后面作宾语补足语的不定式前不带to)
& 【注】在Can you get the car started?一句中,宾语补足语由于started和宾语the car在逻辑上呈被动关系,故用过去分词形式。根据情景的正常理解这里的start应是主语you的动作。然而,在很多情况下get sth.done=have sth.done,具有两个方面的含义,第一是“请别人做”,即宾语补足语的动作不是主语的动作,而是除对话双方以外的第三者干的;第二是表示一种偶然经历,没有主观意识,宾语补足语的动作同样不是主语的动作。试比较:
&&& Please get the work done (=finish the work) as soon as possible.
&&& 请尽快完成这项工作。
&&& (指主语you本人或包括主语在内的几个人的动作)
&&& I must get the house painted in a day or two.
&&& 过一两天我得找人把房子刷一下。(请人干)
&&& I got my hand caught in the door.
&&& 我的手给门夹了一下。(指非主观偶然经历)
③Why don't you join an English language club to practice speaking English?
& 何不参加英语俱乐部练习英语口语呢?
& a.Why don't you join…=Why not join…,表示说话人的一种劝说或建议。注意why not后面的动词应用原形。如:
&&& Why don't you/ Why not go and ask the chairman about that?
&&& 那件事何不去问一下主席?
&&& Why don't you/Why not keep a diary to help you remember things?
&&& 何不每天记日记以避免忘记所发生的事情?
&&& Why don't we start earlier tomorrow?
&&& 明天我们何不早点儿出发?
& 【注】只有主语是第二人称和第一人称复数的情况下,Why don't you/we do…可改成Why not do…,当主语是第三人称时,不可改成Why not do…句型。如:
&&& Why don't they come to our place?
&&& 他们何不来我们这儿呢?
&&& Why doesn't she many Bob?
&&& 她何不嫁给鲍勃呢?
& 【注】why not后面的动词用原形,而What about和How about后面却接动词-ing形式,这是因为about是介词,有时在意思很清楚的情景中两者后面均可接一个名词。前者多用于表示劝说,后者多用于表示建议。试比较:
&&& Why not come over for the weekend?
&&& 何不到我们这儿来过周末?
&&& Why not just (wear/buy) a flower?
&&& 何不就戴/买一朵鲜花?
&&& What about/How about talking about your family?
&&& 谈谈你的家庭情况好吗?
&&& What about a cup of coffee?
&&& 来杯咖啡好吗?
④Why don't you join an English language club to practice speaking English?
& 何不参加英语俱乐部练习英语口语呢?
& join an English club表示“参加一个英语俱乐部”,join后面的宾语应是表示人或由人组成的群体或组织。如可以说join me/us/them/the Party/the club/the army/the team/the group。当指参加一项具体的活动时,应用join in,如应说join in the outing/the contest/the work。如表示“和某人一起参加某项活动”时,应说join sb.in sth.,如可以说join them in the outing,意思是“和他们一起去郊游”。
⑤I don't have a partner to practice English with.
& 我没有同伴可练习英语。
& 这里不定式to practice English with作定语,修饰宾语a partner。由于句子整体意思的需要,需在后面加一个介词with,与宾语a partner构成逻辑上的介宾结构,也就是说a partner在逻辑上又是介词with的宾语,这样句子意思才能完整。如此句缺少介词with,则句子意思不完整。再如:
&&& I don't have a pen to write with. Would you please lend me one?
&&& 我没有钢笔写字,你能借给我一枝吗?
&&& We invited three more friends to have dinner with.
&&& 我又邀请了三位朋友一块儿吃晚饭。
&&& You may think of a topic to talk about.
&&& 你可以想一个主题谈一谈。
How I learned to learn English
&&& Last year my English class was difficult for me. First of all⑥, it wasn't easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class⑦. To begin with⑧, she spoke too quickly, and I couldn't understand every word. Later on⑨, I realized⑩that it doesn't matter if you don't understand every word. Also I was afraid11 to speak in class, because I thought my classmates might laugh at12 me. I couldn't always make complete sentences, either. Then I started to watch Enrich-language TV. It helped a lot. I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner. Another thing that I found very difficult13 was English grammar. So I decided to take lots of grammar notes in every class. Then I started to write my own original sentences using the grammar I was learning14. It's amazing15 how much this helped. Now I am enjoying16 learning English and I got an A this term. My teacher is very impressed17.
&&& 去年,英语课对我来说很难。首先,听懂老师讲课对我来说就不容易。刚开始那会儿,老师讲话速度快,我不是每一个单词都能听懂。后来,我意识到是否听懂了每一个单词并没有什么关系。因为担心同学们取笑,所以我也害怕在班上讲英语。我也并不总是能把句子讲完整。再后来,我开始看英语电视节目。看英语电视节目对我的帮助很大。我认为进行大量的听力训练是学好一门语言的密诀之一。我发现很困难的另一方面是英语语法。因此,我决定每节课记大量的语法笔记。课后,我开始用所学的语法知识造句。此举产生了令人叫绝的功效。现在,我喜欢学习英语了。本学期我的英语成绩得了A。我的英语老师对我的进步印象很深。
⑥区别first of all,at first,first和firstly
& a.first of all强调某事“首要的一点”“最重要的一点”,意为“首先”,在句中常作插入语。如:
& First of all,don't play with fire.首先,别玩火。
& First of all, don't come in here without a teacher.
& 首先,没有老师带领,不要到这里来。
& b.at fast意思是“开始”“起初”等,相当于at the beginning of…,指某一动作或行为的开始。如:
& At first, I found it was difficult to understand him.
& 刚接触他那会儿,我对他很不理解。
& At first, he didn't like English at all.
& 开始的时候,他一点儿也不喜欢英语。
& At first, they re later they agreed with me.
& 起初他们拒绝考虑,后来他们同意了(我的意见)。
& 【注】at first与at the beginning同义,暗含下一个动作与开始完全不同、甚至相反之意。如:At firs I didn't like him but now I do.(最初我不喜欢他,但是现在我喜欢他了。)
& c.first一般用来表示顺序,意思是“首先”“第一”等。有时,first相当于for the first time;first of all,但first of all的语气很强。如:
&&& I have to finish this work first/first of all.
&&& 首先我必须把这件工作结束。
&&& Do your own work well, first.
&&& 首先把你自己的工作做好。
&&& You go first, and I'll try to come up with you later.
& &&你先走,我随后追你去。
&&& Fleeing Germany, Einstein went first to France, then to Belgium and then to Britain.
&&& 逃离了德国之后,爱因斯坦首先到了法国,然后去了比利时,后来又去了英国。
&&& The baby first/for the first time walked when he was 15 months old.
&&& 那个小孩儿第一次行走是在他15个月大的时候。
&&& The drama was first/for the first time played in England in 1867.
&&& 那部话剧最早是于1867年在英格兰上演的。
& 【注】first 含有“接下去还有另一个动作或其他一些动作要发生”之意。如:
&&& I must finish my homework first.我必须先完成我的作业。
&&& Work must come first.工作第一嘛。
& d.firstly通常也是用来表示顺序的,意思也是“首先”“第一”。这时firstly和first,first of all(但first of all的语气很强)意思一样。如:
&&& This product has two advantages: firstly, it's cheaper and secondly, it runs more quickly.
&&& 这种产品有两个优点:一是价格便宜,二是速度快。
&&& Firstly, we should try to learn more English words and phrases. Secondly, we should try to speak and use more English.
&&& 首先我们要多掌握单词和词语,其次是要尽可能多说多用。
⑦a.class指代“全班同学”是复数,指代“班级”是单数。如:The class are reading Eng lish.
(全班同学在读英语。)Our class is big.(我们班大。)同样用法的family指家人时是复数,指家庭时是单数。The Green family are at table.(格林一家人正在吃饭。)He lives in a big family.(他生活在一个大家庭里。)
& b.classmate是由名词class(班级)加上名词mate(同事,伙伴,朋友)构成的一个合成名词。掌握了这种构词法能够帮助同学们掌握许多具有新词义的词汇。如:classmate同学,classroom教室,schoolmate校友,class book班级记录本,roommate室友,class head班长,playmate小伙伴,workmate工友、合作伙伴。
& c.class可表示“班级”。如:
&&& He's in Class 3, Grade 2.
&&& 他在二年级三班。
&&& Li Ming isn't in that class.
&&& 李明不在那个班级。
& d.class可用作老师对全班学生的称呼,意为“同学们”。如:
&&& Good morning, class.同学们好。
&&& Now class, please look at that picture.
&&& 同学们,现在请看那幅画。
& e.class和lesson都可用来表示某一节课。如“英语课”可说an English class/lesson或a class/lesson in English。“在这节课上”英语是in this class/lesson。但是“在上课的时候”英语是in class,而不说in lesson。如:
&&& We have an English class/lesson today.
&&& 今天我们有节英语课。
&&& In this class we'll learn a new song.
&&& 在这节课上我们将学一首新歌。
&&& Please listen carefully in class.
&&& 课上要认真听讲。
⑧a.此处to begin/start with用作状语,相当于at first,作“起初”解。如:
&&& To start with, the day was fine, but then it began to rain.
&&& 开始时天气很好,但后来开始下雨了。
&&& To begin/start with he had no money, but later he became quite rich.
&&& 起初他没钱,可后来他相当富了。
& b.to begin/start with还可作“首先”“第一”解,用作插入语。如:
&&& To start with, we haven't enough money.
&&& 首先,我们没有足够的钱。
&&& To begin with, let me introduce Mr White to you.
&&& 首先,请允许我把怀特先生介绍给你。
&&& I'm not going. To begin/start with, I haven't a ticket, and secondly I don't like the play.
&&& 我不去。首先我没有票,再者我不喜欢这出戏。
& 【注】类似的插入语有:to tell you the truth实话跟你说;to begin with首先;to be more
&exact更准确地说;to be honest老实说
& c.begin和start可与with构成短语,意为“以……开始”“先从……做起”。如:
&&& Let's begin with/start with L.让我们从L开始。
&&& Which side shall we begin with/start with?
&&& 我们该从哪一边开始呢?
&&& Knowledge begins with/starts with practice.
&&& 认识从实践开始。
& 【注】表示以某事或某物为开头或开始用begin with/start with,表示以什么方式开头用begin by/start by。如:
&&& The speaker began/started by relating an anecdote to his audience.
&&& 演讲人在讲话之前,先当众讲一段轶事开头。
&&& The concert began/started with the national Anthem.
&&& 音乐会是以奏国歌开始的。
&&& The first word of a sentence should begin with a capital letter.
&&& 句子的第一个词应以大写字母开头。
⑨later可用作副词,指时间上的“后来”“稍后”,later on表示“以后”“下回”“不久”。later可用来指过去或将来,而later on一般指将来。指将来时,两者区别不大。试比较:
& They didn't meet again later.
& 后来他们再也没见面。
Later they became good friends.后来他们成了好朋友。
& Let's talk about it later (on).
& 这件事我们下次再谈吧。
& See you later/soon/again.再见!(不说later on)
& It's going to get warmer later on (=soon).
& 天气不久就要暖和起来。
& The clouds will lift later on.乌云稍后会散开的。
& 【注】later 作形容词时,是late的比较级,意为“较后的”“后来的”“晚期的”如:
&&& The meeting was put off to a later date.
&&& 会议延期了。
⑩a.realize(或realise)=understand and believe,作“认识”“了解到”解,可接名词或从句作宾语。如:
&&& Although we may not realize it, when we talk with others we make ourselves understood not just by words.
&&& 尽管我们还没有意识到,但实际上我们与人交谈时不仅仅是靠言语让对方明白我们的意思。
&&& Does he realize his mistake yet?他认识到自己的错误了吗?
&&& I didn't realize this until you told me.
&&& 直到你给我讲了我才意识到这一点。
&&& Don't you realize that it's against the rules to do that?
&& &这样做是违反规定的,这一点你难道不明白吗?
&&& Not until he went outside did he realize how cold it was.
&&& 直到他走到外面他才知道天气有多冷。
&&& Finally she realized what I meant.最后她明白了我的意思。
& 【注】“了解一个人”英语是understand a person,不能说realize a person。realize后面不能接表示人的名词或代词作宾语。
& b.realize=turn a hope or a plan into a fact,作“实现”解。如:
&&& Finally he realized his hope of becoming an artist.
&&& 最后他实现了当画家的愿望。
&&& Today his wishes will be realized.
&&& 今天他的愿望将成为现实。
&&& The next step is how to realize the plan.
&&& 下一步是如何实现这一计划。
&&& She realized her dreams when she became a college student.
&&& 她实现了自己的梦想,成了一名大学生。
& 【注】第一用法中的realize属意识性动词,第二用法中的realize属短暂性动词,两者均不能用于进行时态。
& 【注】come true系表结构只有主动语态,主语为要实现的“想法”或“愿望”;realize通常用作及物动词。如:
&&& We will realize what we hope for.
&&& 我们将实现我们所有希望的一切。
&&& Our desires will be realized/will come true sooner or later.
&&& 我们的希望迟早会实现的。
11a.afraid在作“害怕”“恐惧”使用时,常常构成be afraid of,be afraid of doing sth.,be afraid to do短语。如:
&&& Were you afraid of the dark when you were a child?
&&& 你小的时候,害怕黑暗吗?
&&& Is she afraid of a dog?
&&& 她害怕狗吗?
&&& Little Jim is afraid of going to bed in the dark.
&&& 小吉姆害怕摸黑上床。
&&& The old man is afraid to travel by air.
&&& 那位老人不敢坐飞机旅游。
&&& Harlison is afraid to speak in front of his classmates.
&&& 哈里森不敢在同学面前讲话。
&&& She was afraid to walk across the one-logged bridge.
&&& 她不敢过这独木桥。
& b.afraid在作“担心”“担忧”解时,常常构成be afraid of doing sth.,be afraid for,be afraid that等短语。如:
&&& He is afraid of losing his job.
&&& 他担心失业。
&&& He is afraid of failing the test.
&&& 他担心考不及格。
&&& Mother is always afraid for her children.
&&& = Mother is always worried about her children.
&&& 母亲总是为孩子们的事情担忧。
&&& I'm afraid that you might be late.
&&& 我担心你会迟到。
12a.laugh at意为“嘲笑”“因……而笑”,也可表示“漠视”或“把……付诸一笑”。如:
&&& Don't laugh at me.不要嘲笑我。
&&& We all laughed at Lin Tao when he was late again.
&&& 当林涛又迟到时,我们都笑了。
&&& They all laughed at Jim's joke.听了吉姆的笑话,他们都笑了。
&&& We should laugh at the difficulties and not be afraid of them.
&&& 我们应该漠视困难,而不是畏惧困难。
& b.辨别laugh和smile
&&& laugh和smile都可作名词或动词,laugh指“出声地笑”,既有声音,又有表情;而smile表示“(无声地)微笑”,指面部表情。如:
&&& They are laughing over a letter.他们笑着谈论一封信。
&&& He made everyone laugh.他令每个人都笑了。
&&& He laughed best, who laughs last.
&& 谁笑到最后,谁就笑得最好。
&&& He smiled when he saw his little dog.当他看见他的小狗时,他笑了。
&&& The baby smiled to her mother sweetly.婴儿朝她妈妈甜甜地微笑着。
&&& My mother came back with a smile.我妈妈微笑着回来了。
13在Another thing that I found very difficult was English grammar.一句中,that I found very difficult是定语从句。现将定语从句的一般用法介绍如下:
& 在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫作定语从句。定语从句必须放在被修饰词的后面。定语从句可分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句两种。这里我们先讨论限制性定语从句。
& a.限制性定语从句使修饰的词代表一个、一些或一类特定的人或事物,这种定语从句已和被修饰词构成了一个完整的意思,定语从句不能随便拿掉,否则剩下的主句就会失去意义或意思不清楚,说不明问题。如:
&&& There are many plays that I want to go to.
&&& 有很多话剧我想去看。
&&& There is one point where I'd like your advice.
&&& 有一点想征求你的意见。
& 【注】上面句子去掉了定语从句,剩下There are many plays和 There is one point会使人莫名其妙,不知所云,故不能去掉。
& b.限制性定语从句,如果修饰人,一般用关系代词who或that。如:
&&& Is she the girl who/that sells flowers?
&&& 她就是卖花的那位姑娘吗?
&&& Do you know the girl who/that came to see Lucy this morning?
&&& 你认识今天早上来找露西的女孩吗?
& 【注】如果这个关系代词在定语从句中作宾语,还可用whom,或者省略掉。如:
&&& Here is the man (who/whom/that) you've been looking for.
&&& 这就是你一直在找的人。
&&& He is a man (who/whom/that) you can believe in.
&&& 他是一个你能信赖的人。
&&& The people (who/whom/that) you were talking to are from Canada.
&&& 刚才和你讲话的那些人是加拿大人。
& 【注】在介词后只能用whom,不能省略。如:
&&& The girl to whom I spoke is my cousin.
&&& =The girl (who/that) I spoke to is my cousin.
&&& 刚才和我讲话的那个女孩是我表妹。
&&& Miss Green is the person to whom you should write.
&&& 格林小姐是你应该给她写信的人。
& 【注】在表示“……的”这个概念时,用所有格whose。如:
&&& Is there anyone in our class whose family is in the northeast?
&&& 我们班有谁家在东北吗?
&&& Pass me the book whose color is blue.
&&& 把那本封面是蓝色的书传给我。
& 【注】当关系代词在从句中作表语时,也常可省略掉。如:
&&& She is no longer the girl she was before she went to college.
&&& 她已不再是上大学前的她了。
&&& I'm not the fool you thought me.
&&& 我不是你想像的那种傻瓜。
& c.限制性定语从句如果修饰物,用关系代词that或which。当这个关系代词在从句中作宾语时,往往省略。如:
& It is a plan which/that needs more discussion.
& 这是一个需要更多讨论的计划。
& The dress which/that looks the most beautiful is made of silk.
& 那条看上去最漂亮的裙子是丝制的。
& Is there anything (that) I can do for you?
& 有什么事要我做吗?
& All you have to do is to press the button.
& 你只要把电钮一按就行了。
& 【注】在介词后只能用which,在口语中一般都把介词放到从句后部去,这时可以用that,但省略的时候更多一些。如:
&&& The tool with which he is working is called a wrench.
&&& =The tool (that) he is working with is caned a wrench.
&&& 他干活用的那个工具叫做扳手。
& d.限制性定语从句可用来修饰一个表示时间的词,这时通常用关系副词when。如:
&&& This is the hour when the place is full of children.
&&& 这是这个地方挤满孩子的时间。
&&& I will never forget the day when I joined the Party.
&&& 我不会忘记入党的那一天。
& e.限制性定语从句在修饰表示地点的名词时,常用关系副词where。如:
&&& I know of a place where we can swim.
&&& 我知道一个可以游泳的地方。
&&& Is there a shop around where we can get fruit?
&&& 附近有什么商店可以买到水果吗?
& 【注】where是一个副词,在从句中只能充当状语,如果在从句中不是充当状语就不能用它。如:
&&& This is a place (which) I've long wanted to visit.
&&& 这是我长期以来想去的地方。(which作visit的宾语,不能用where。)
&&& They work in a factory that makes radio parts.
&&& 他们在一家制造无线电零件的工厂工作。(that在从句中作主语,不能用where)
& f.reason后的定语从句可由why引起,why也常可省略。如:
&&& We'd like to know the reason (why) she didn't accept the job.
&&& 我们想知道她没有接受这份工作的原因。
&&& That is the reason (why) I did it.
&&& 那就是我这样做的原因。
14此处using the grammar I was learning是传统语法中的现在分词短语,作伴随状语。现在分词作状语除了可以表示伴随情况外,还可以表时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式等情况,与句子主语是主动关系。如:
& He died two years ago, leaving his wife three children and lots of debts.
& 他两年前死了,给他妻子留下三个孩子和一大堆债务。(表伴随)
& Working on the farm, he learned a lot.
& 在农场干活时,他学了不少东西。(表时间)
& Climbing to the top of the mountain, we saw a wonderful view.
& 爬到山顶上,我们看到美丽的景色。(表时间)
& When/While crossing the street, you must be careful.
& 过马路时要小心。(表时间)
& Being ill, I stayed at home.我因病在家。(表原因)
& Living in the country, he sees little of the world.
& 他住在乡下,没见过什么世面。(表原因)
& He, being a Party member, is strict with himself.
& 由于是党员,他对自己要求严格。(表原因)
& Knowing all this, they made me pay for the damage.
& 尽管知道这一切,他们还是叫我赔偿损失。(表让步)
& It rained hard, causing floods in the city.
& 雨下得很大,造成市内洪水泛滥。(表结果)
& He came to school running.他是跑到学校来的。(表方式)
& He arrived home, singing and dancing.
& 他又唱又跳地回到家。(表方式)
& 【注】现在分词的完成式:现在分词的完成式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。如:
&&& Having written down our names and addresses, the policeman dismissed us.
&&& 警察把我们的名字和地址记下来之后,放了我们。
&&& Not having met him, I can't tell you what he is like.
&&& 由于没有见到他,所以不知他人怎么样。
&&& Having been sick so long, I have learned to look after myself.
&&& 由于生病很久,所以我学会了照顾自己。
& 【注】现在分词的完成式的否定式是将not放在动词-ing形式之前,但否定副词never应放在having done中间。如:Having never been there/Not having been there,I can't tell you what the place is like.(因为没去过那儿,所以我无法告诉你那地方是什么样。)
&&& His amazing stories always have strange happenings.
&&& 他那些令人惊异的故事总有稀奇古怪的事情发生。
&&& He is an amazing football player.
&&& 他是一位令人惊叹的足球运动员。
&&& I like those balloons in amazing colours.
&&& 我喜欢那些五彩缤纷的气球。
&&& The new car goes at an amazing speed.
&&& 这辆新车开起来速度惊人。
&&& What an amazing (=wonderful) film.
&& &一部多么精彩的影片啊!
& b.amazed相当于surprised,表示“吃惊的”“惊异的”,通常指人的情况。如:
&&& I'm amazed by/at what you have told me.
&&& 听了你的话,我感到惊愕。
&&& Visitors are often amazed to discover how little the town has changed.
&&& 游客们发现这个镇几乎没变,常会感到很惊奇。
&&& I'm amazed (that) you've never heard of him.
&&& 你从来没听说过他,我感到很吃惊。
&&& I was amazed at/by his carefulness.
&&& 我对他的谨慎感到惊异。
&&& We were amazed to hear the news.
&&& 听到这一消息我们都大为吃惊。
&&& There was an amazed expression on her face.
&&& 她脸上露出吃惊的表情。
& c.amaze是动词,相当于surprise,表示某一情况“使人(难以置信地)吃惊或惊异”。如:
&&& I'm sure the boy's rich knowledge will amaze you.
&&& 我相信那个男孩渊博的知识会使你们吃惊。
&&& Dave amazed his friends by suddenly getting married.
&&& 戴维突然结婚,让他的朋友们大吃一惊。
&&& His rich knowledge amazed me.
&&& 他的丰富的知识令我吃惊。
&&& It amazed us to hear (=We were amazed to hear) that you were leaving office.
&&& 听说你要辞职,我们都大为吃惊。
& d.amazement是名词,相当于名词surprise。如:
&&& To my amazement she should get first in the contest.
&&& 令我吃惊的是,她居然获得竞赛第一名。
&&& We watched the exciting TV play in amazement.
&&& 我们惊奇地观看那部令人兴奋的电视剧。
&&& He enjoys the film very much.
&&& 他很喜欢那部电影。
&&& Does your sister enjoy the novel?
&&& 你妹妹欣赏那部小说吗?
&&& I enjoy the party, but I have no time to go.
&&& 我喜爱舞会,但是没有时间去参加。
&&& Jack enjoys reading English poems in the morning.
&&& 杰克喜欢在早上朗读英语诗歌。
&&& Their company enjoys good fame on business.
&&& 他们的公司商业信誉良好。
&&& The product enjoys big sale.
&&& 这种产品销得很好。
& b.enjoy oneself表示“玩得愉快”,相当于have a good time。如:
&&& Enjoy yourself when you are in Thailand.
&&& 祝你在泰国玩得愉快。
&&& Did they enjoy themselves when they stayed in the seaside village?
&&& 他们在海边渔村的时候玩得愉快吗?
&&& What impressed us most about the book was its vivid language.
&&& 这本书给我们印象最深的是它生动的语言。
&&& Steve borrowed his dad's sports car to impress his girlfriend.
&&& 史蒂夫借来他爸爸的跑车以讨得女友欢心。
&&& The hero impressed us with his courage.
&&& 英雄以其勇气给我们留下了深刻的印象。
& b.impress常可用于被动结构,此时通常与介词with或by连用。如:
&&& All of us were impressed with their skill.
&&& 他们的技术给我们所有的人印象很深。
&&& I was deeply impressed with the changes brought about by the project.
&&& 这一工程带来的变化给我留下了深刻的印象。
&&& We're very impressed with the standard of the children's work.
&&& 这些儿童作品水平之高,给我们留下了深刻的印象。
&&& He was deeply impressed by what he had seen in China.
&&& 在中国见到的一切给他留下了很深的印象。
&&& We're very much impressed by what you've told us.
&&& 你谈的情况给我们留下了深刻的印象。
& c.动词impress还有“使明白重要性”之意,此时常用于impress on sb. sth.或impress sth.on sb.的结构。如:
&&& My father impressed on me the value of hard work.
&&& 我父亲使我明白努力工作的重要性。
&&& She impressed on us the importance of always telling the truth.
&&& 她让我们明白永远讲真话的重要性。
& d.impression为动词impress的名词形式,表示对人或事物的“印象”“感想”。如:
&&& What's your impression of Frank as a boss?
&&& 你对身为老板的弗兰克的印象如何?
&&& Now I have a very different impression of Shanghai.
&&& 如今我对上海的印象大不相同了。
&&& Arriving late won't create a very good/favorable impression.
&&& 迟到不会给人留下好印象。
&&& It was their first meeting, and Richard was determined to make an impression.
&&& 这是他们第一次见面,理查德决心给人留下好印象。
& 【注】create a good/bad impression意为“留下好/不好印象”;make an impression意为“留下好印象”;the first impression意为“第一印象”。
18…the teacher's pronunciation was poor.
& ……老师的发音很差。
& a.poor在这里形容词,意思是“差劲的”“笨拙的”。如:
&&& My memory is very poor in learning English.
&&& 我的英语记忆很不好。
&&& He is a person with a poor mouth.
&&& 他是一个拙嘴笨舌的人。
&&& Since he has no chance of listening to a radio, his pronunciation and intonation are quite poor.
&&& 因为没有收听条件,他的语音语调相当差劲。
&&& His father was in poor health after the serious sickness.
&&& 那次大病之后,他爸爸的健康状况很差。
&&& Tessa is a very good singer, but a very poor swimmer.
&&& 苔萨是一位好歌手,但是她的泳技很差。
& b.poor还可以作“贫穷的”“简陋的”“贫瘠的”“缺乏的”“可怜的”“不幸的”“低劣的”等。如:
&&& The village is still very poor because of no industries.
&&& 因为没有工业,那个村子仍然很贫穷。
&&& The father is too poor to support his family.
&&& 父亲太穷,养活不了自己的家庭。
&&& Japan is a poor country in natural resources.
&&& 日本是一个自然资源贫乏的国家。
&&& They have a poor crop of wheat this year.
&&& 他们的小麦今年欠收了。
&&& The field is so poor that the plants don't grow well.
&&& 那块地太贫瘠,庄稼长不好。
&&& No one believes that the old couple are still living in a poor house.
&&& 没有人会相信那对老夫妻还在一座破房子里住着。
19...she had trouble making complete sentences.……她在造完整的句子方面有困难。
& a.hove trouble/difficulty (in) sth.表示“在做某事方面有困难”,其中trouble/difficulty通常用作不可数名词,前面可用no,much,some,a little,little等词修饰,表示做一件事情的费劲程度。介词的后面通常接动词-ing形式,介词in可用可不用。如:
&&& They had no trouble/difficulty (in) finding his house.
&&& 他们毫不费劲地找到了他家。
&&& I have some trouble/difficulty (in) learning English grammar.
&&& 我在学习英语语法方面有些困难。
&&& He worked out the problem without any difficulty/trouble.
&&& 他毫不费劲地解出了这道题。
&&& I still have trouble/difficulty (in) getting used to American food.
&&& 我还是吃不惯美国饭。
&&& Thank you for the trouble you had in helping us.
&&& 感谢你劳神帮助我们。
& b.hove trouble/difficulty with表示“在方面有困难/麻烦”,with后面常接名词。这一结构中的difficulty有时也可用作复数。如:
&&& They're having a lot of trouble/difficulty with the new baby.
&&& 新生的婴儿给他们添了许多麻烦。
&&& I don't have any trouble/difficulty with spelling. I have trouble/difficulty with pronunciation.
&&& 我拼写不困难,发音有困难。
&&& Mary have some difficulties with her writing.
&&& 玛丽在写作方面有些困难。
20Her English improved when she started...
& 当她开始……的时候,她的英语得到了提高。
& a.improve=make better或become better,意思是“改善”“提高”,可用作及物或不及物动词。如:
&&& My English grammar is improving (=getting better).
&&& =I'm improving in my English grammar.
&&& 我的英语语法正在提高。
&&& He's improving in his health. =His health is improving.
&&& 他的健康正在好转。
&&& The situation is improving.
&&& 形势正在好转。
&&& I wish to improve myself in English.
&&& 我希望在英语方面提高一步。(=improve my English)
&&& Do you think he can improve his pronunciation?
&&& 你认为他能改进他的发音吗?(=improve himself in pronunciation)
& 【注】improve 在第一、二、三个例句中为不及物动词,在第四、五个例句中为及物动词。
& b.improve 可与介词in,by或with搭配,分别表示在某方面、通过某种方式、或随着……而提高。如:
& You can improve your spoken English by practising speaking it every day.
& 你可以通过每天练习说来提高你的口语。
& He has improved much in physics.
& 他的物理有了很大提高。
& Wine improves with age.
& 酒越陈越好。
& 【注】This poem cannot be improved.的意思是“这首诗没有什么地方可改了”。
& 【注】improve的反义词是worsen,意思是“(使……)恶化”。
&&& You must take more exercise and try to improve your health.
&&& 你必须多加锻炼,努力增进健康。
&&& He has been working hard, trying his best to improve his English.
&&& (=improve himself in English/to make progress in English)
&&& 他一直努力学习,尽力提高英语水平。
&&& We are trying to improve the living conditions of the people.
&&& 我们正在努力提高人民的生活水平。
&&& Iraqi people's life is improving.
&&& = Iraqi people are improving their life.
&&& 伊拉克人民的生活正在好转。
&&& The economic situation in that country is improving.
&&& = Things are getting better with the economic situation in that country.
&&& 那个国家的经济形式正在好转。
& 【注】improvement是improve的名词形式。improve=make or become better,意思是“改善”“提高”,既可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词。如:
&&& My grammar is improving.
&&& =I'm improving in grammar.
&&& 我的语法正在提高。
&&& He's improving in health.
&&& =His health is improving.
&&& 他的体质正在改善。
&&& The situation is improving.
&&& 形势正在好转。
&&& I wish to improve myself in English.
&&& 我希望提高我的英语水平。
&&& Do you think he can improve his pronunciation?
&&& 你认为他能改进他的发音吗?
21Most people speak English as a second language.
& 大多数人把英语作为第二语言。
& a.as在这里意为“作为”,指主语的身份。如:
&&& As a student, it's bad manners to come late to school.
&&& 作为一个学生,上学迟到是不礼貌的。
&&& Much as I admire him as a writer I do not love him.
&&& 尽管作为一个作家我很钦佩他,但我并不爱他。
&&& He was considered as one of the most important writers of his time.
&&& 他被认为是他那个时代最重要的作家之一。
& b.“as+名词”表示以什么身份、什么职业,意为“作为”。“like+名词”表示方式,意为“像……那样”。如:
&&& As a League member, I should learn from Lei Feng and serve the people heart and soul.
&&& 作为一名团员,我应该向雷锋学习,全心全意为人民服务。
&&& Like many other scientists, Einstein loved music, too.
&&& 像许多其他科学家一样,爱因斯坦也喜欢音乐。
& d.序数词前有时也可以用不定冠词,表示除以上数量外,还有一个。如:a third boy意思是“(除前面两个以外)又一个男孩”,这样用时,序数概念比较弱。
22English can help us understand many new books and movies.
& 英语有助于我们理解许多新书和电影。
& a.help时常用于help sb.(to) do sth.这一结构,表示“帮助某人做某事”,do sth.前可带不定式符号to,也可不带to。如:
&&& Let me help you (to) find it.
&&& 我来帮你把它找出来。
&&& Please help me (to) find the school.
&&& 请帮我找到这所学校。
&&& We must help her (to) clean the classroom.
&&& 我们应该帮她打扫教室。
& b.动词help可接名词或人称代词作宾语,表示帮助某人。如要强调在某方面帮助某人,常在help sb.后面接with sth.。如:
&&& Let me help you.我来帮你吧。
&&& Can you help me with the bag.
&&& 你能帮我拿一下这只包吗?
&&& I must help her with the work.
&&& 我应该帮她做这项工作。
& 【注】动词make,let,hear,watch,see,feel,have,notice等后面作宾语补足语的不定式一般不带to。如:
&&& The strange thing made me feel thirsty.
&&& 这种奇怪的东西让我感到口渴。
&&& I let him do it because he had asked several times.
&&& 由于他要求了好几次,因此我就让他做了。
&&& I heard her move about in her room upstairs last night.
&&& 昨晚,我听到她在楼上房间里走来走去。
&&& Tom watched the strange man come out of the shop with a big box last night.
&&& 昨晚,他看着那个陌生人拿着一只大箱子走出了商店。
&&& Did you see Jack take away the magazine?
&&& 你看到杰克拿走那本杂志了吗?


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