《自私不义之财不可取取,要乐于助人》中招2016预测全文翻译 once a big horse and a..开头的

now,let me tell you a story.once a lion saw a fine horse and wanted to eat her.这篇短文的翻译急!
直译:让我给你说一个故事,有一次一头狮子看到一匹好马并且想吃了它 再考虑语境,结合上下文判断狮子、好马分别代指什么。
扫描下载二维码求 《天真的预言》全文.英&中.翻译要正味.
To see a world in a grain of sandAnd a heaven in a wild flower,Hold infinity in the palm of your handAnd eternity in an hour.一沙一世界一花一天堂摊开你的手掌永恒在这一刻收藏上面的四行诗是长诗《Auguries of Innocence》的开头四行.作者名唤威廉·布莱克(William Blake ),他还是一位水彩画家、版画家.此诗写于1863年.有意思的是,虽然前四句家喻户晓,整首长诗却不在布莱克的代表作之列,评论家们也很少谈起.全诗如下:Auguries of InnocenceTo see a world in a grain of sandAnd a heaven in a wild flower,Hold infinity in the palm of your handAnd eternity in an hour.A robin redbreast in a cagePuts all heaven in a rage.A dove-house filled with doves and pigeonsShudders hell through all its regions.A dog starved at his master's gatePredicts the ruin of the state.A horse misused upon the roadCalls to heaven for human blood.Each outcry of the hunted hareA fibre from the brain does tear.A skylark wounded in the wing,A cherubim does cease to sing.The game-cock clipped and armed for fightDoes the rising sun affright.Every wolf's and lion's howlRaises from hell a human soul.The wild deer wandering here and thereKeeps the human soul from care.The lamb misused breeds public strife,And yet forgives the butcher's knife.The bat that flits at close of eveHas left the brain that won't believe.The owl that calls upon the nightSpeaks the unbeliever's fright.He who shall hurt the little wrenShall never be beloved by men.He who the ox to wrath has movedShall never be by woman loved.The wanton boy that kills the flyShall feel the spider's enmity.He who torments the chafer's spriteWeaves a bower in endless night.The caterpillar on the leafRepeats to thee thy mother's grief.Kill not the moth nor butterfly,For the Last Judgment draweth nigh.He who shall train the horse to warShall never pass the polar bar.The beggar's dog and widow's cat,Feed them, and thou wilt grow fat.The gnat that sings his summer's songPoison gets from Slander's tongue.The poison of the snake and newtIs the sweat of Envy's foot.The poison of the honey-beeIs the artist's jealousy.The prince's robes and beggar's ragsAre toadstools on the miser's bags.A truth that's told with bad intentBeats all the lies you can invent.It is right it should be so:Man was And when this we rightly knowThrough the world we safely go.Joy and woe are woven fine,A clothing for the soul divine.Under every grief and pineRuns a joy with silken twine.The babe is more than swaddling bands,Throughout aTools were made and born were hands,Every farmer understands.Every tear from every eyeBecomeThis is caught by females brightAnd returned to its own delight.The bleat, the bark, bellow, and roarAre waves that beat on heaven's shore.The babe that weeps the rod beneathWrites Revenge! in realms of death.The beggar's rags fluttering in airDoes to rags the heavens tear.The soldier armed with sword and gunPalsied strikes the summer's sun.The poor man's farthing is worth moreThan all the gold on Afric's shore.One mite wrung from the labourer's handsShall buy and sell the miser's lands,Or if protected from on highDoes that whole nation sell and buy.He who mocks the infant's faithShall be mocked in age and death.He who shall teach the child to doubtThe rotting grave shall ne'er get out.He who respects the infant's faithTriumphs over hell and death.The child's toys and the old man's reasonsAre the fruits of the two seasons.The questioner who sits so slyShall never know how to reply.He who replies to words of doubtDoth put the light of knowledge out.The strongest poison ever knownCame from Caesar's laurel crown.Nought can deform the human raceLike to the armour's iron brace.When gold and gems adorn the ploughTo peaceful arts shall Envy bow.A riddle or the cricket's cryIs to doubt a fit reply.The emmet's inch and eagle's mileMake lame philosophy to smile.He who doubts from what he seesWill ne'er believe, do what you please.If the sun and moon should doubt,They'd immediately go out.To be in a passion you good may do,But no good if a passion is in you.The whore and gambler, by the stateLicensed, build that nation's fate.The harlot's cry from street to streetShall weave old England's winding sheet.The winner's shout, the loser's curse,Dance before dead England's hearse.Every night and every mornSome to misery are born.Every morn and every nightSome are born to sweet delight.Some are born to sweet delight,Some are born to endless night.We are led to believe a lieWhen we see not through the eyeWhich was born in a night to perish in a night,When the soul slept in beams of light.God appears, and God is lightTo those poor souls who dwell in night,But does a human form displayTo those who dwell in realms of day.
猜你感兴趣英语翻译My Summer TripI went to three cities to play during last summer holidays.They are Beijing,Dalian and HuHehot.I went to Beijing more than eight times.Beijing is the capital of China.It’s a big city.I am very familiar with Beijing.It takes an hour and forty minutes from Nantong to Beijing by plane.There are many tall buildings in Beijing.It’s a modern city.My family visited the Great Wall,the Summer Palace,the Palace Museum,the Beihai Park,the Space Museum,etc.I went to the countryside of Beijing to go boating and fishing.It was very interesting.I went shopping in WangFuJing.I bought lots of souvenirs and other things.I like eating Beijing snacks.They are delicious.Don’t miss the Beijing Duck.It is really nice.Dalian is a beautiful city.Dalian is close to Beijing.I spent 5o minutes on the plane.Dalian is near the sea.I smelled the salty taste in the air.The roads are clean.There are lots of trees and flowers near the roads.There are many esplanades and Japanese buildings.There are some fountains in one of the esplanades.Some people flew kites and walked on the esplanades.We went to see the beach and the sea.The sea is blue.There were many swimmers in the sea.I lay on the beach to see the sky.Dalian is a very nice place to live.Huhehot is in Inner Mongol.There are lots of large grasslands.The grasslands are endless.The sky is bright blue.There were a lot of horses and sheep.They were running or eating grass.I rode a horse on the grass land.I picked some colourful flowers.We drank the tea with milk.There is a small desert,it was very hot when I walked on it.The sand could sing.These trips helped me open my eyes.I enjoyed my day.
我的夏季之旅我去了三个城市的发挥,在去年夏天的假期。他们是在北京,大连和huhehot 。 我到北京多8倍。北京是首都,中国。这是个很大的城市。我很熟悉的北京。它需要一个小时四十分钟,从南通至北京的飞机。有很多高楼大厦在北京举行。它的一个现代化的城市。我的家人参观了长城,颐和园,故宫,北海公园,太空馆等我到农村去北京划船和钓鱼。这是很有趣。我去购物,在王府井。我买了很多纪念品和...
我的夏天旅行 在去年夏天假日期间, I去三个城市使用。 他们是北京、大连和HuHehot。 I去到北京超过八次。 北京是中国的首都。 It’s一个大城市。 我熟悉十分北京。 需要1小时和从Nantong的四十分钟到北京乘飞机。 有许多高层建筑在北京。 It’s一个现代城市。 我家参观了长城、颐和园、宫殿博物馆、Beihai公园、太空博物馆等等。 我去北京乡下去划船和渔。 这是非常有趣。 ...
我在去年暑假去了三个城市游玩。分别是北京、大连和呼和浩特。我去过北京超过八次。北京是中国的首都,是个大都市。我十分熟悉北京。从南通到北京乘飞机需花费一小时四十分。在北京有许多高楼。它是一个现代化的城市。我们家参观了长城、颐和园、故宫殿博物馆、北海公园、太空博物馆等等 。我去北京郊区划船钓鱼。非常有趣,我去王府井购物,买了许多纪念品和其东西。我喜欢吃北京的小吃,它们很美味。...
Once a big horse
and a small donkey were traveling together, carrying all kinds of& things
on their backs for their owner. The big horse was very strong but&&he
carried as heavy as the small donkey.
was able to keep up with the big horse in the b 1. But after a w 2 ,
he donkey began to feel too tired&&to keep up any more. So&the
donkey asked the horse, “Brother Horse, could you please help me? I am a&
3 &I&&can’t go on carrying as heavy as you can.”
“No, you carry
yours. I carry&mine. It is not my p& 4& &that you
are not as big and strong as me,” answered the horse, feeling very&&p
5& &that he was stronger.
after that, the donkey finally&f& 6& &down to the
ground and died.
Their&owner m&
7& &what the donkey carried&&onto
the back of the horse. Having to&&carry&the double load(负荷物) for the r& 8 &of the
journey, the horse now knew he should have h& 9 &&the
donkey out. That way&at l& 10& &the donkey could carry something. The
horse was sorry for being too selfish, but it was too late.
beginning&& &2. white&&& 3. afraid
problem&&& 5. proud
fell&& 7. moved&&& 8. rest
helped&&& 10. Least


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