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MOOC学院希望涵盖互联网上所有的MOOC课程,但各种限制,还没能做到。你可能会发现,某个课程在MOOC学院搜索不到,有这样几种情况:Coursera、edX、Udacity、NovoED新增的课程,我们没来得及添加;某些学校或者其他网站的课程,我们没有收录。如果你想和小伙伴们在MOOC学院一起学习,如果你想和大家分享你的学习,如果你想评价这个课程。就请你把这个课程投递给我们吧! 回复格式:*【原课程名】*【中文课程名】*【链接】*【课程简介(翻译)】(选填) 来分享你的学习吧~
提交两个self-pace的Google家的,Google自家的数据课已经有4门啦,其中3门已经被收录了:原课程名:Ecommerce Analytics: From Data to Decisions中文课程名:电子商务数据分析:从数据到决策链接:课程简介(翻译):懒得翻2333Discover useful reporting and analysis techniques to help your ecommerce business make informed decisions using Google Analytics data. In this self-paced online course, you’ll immerse yourself in the measurement planning process and practice navigating Google Analytics to improve the performance of an example ecommerce business.You’ll learn how to:use the new Enhanced Ecommerce reports in Google Analyticsuse segmentation to compare different groups of datachoose meaningful reports that align with your measurement planconduct in-depth analyses with your data
原课程名:Financial Analysis中文课程名:财务分析链接: 课程简介:本课程由FIRST FINANCE Institute第一金融学院提供全面支持,是巴黎HEC商学院和清华经管在线立课教育联合推出的顶尖金融课程系列之公司金融系列的第一门课程,围绕财务分析展开。财务分析为公司运营过程中大量决策的制定奠定了基础,包括获取银行贷款、发行债券、信用评级、为兼并和收购或财产税计算进行企业估值、融资来源选择、股息水平选择等。 财务分析实际上是目标公司的一份会计记录,它贯穿提出问题、进行调查、并最终找出可能的解释的过程。它能帮助我们更清晰的了解目标公司的情况,以便合理评估这家公司的及时偿债的能力和为股东创造价值的能力。 财务分析的目标是通过诊断过去更好的理解现在,预测未来。本课程由在巴黎HEC商学院和哈佛大学等著名院校的任教并兼任多家公司董事的马克o贝托内什讲授,目标是为学员提供清晰、简单、有效的学习方法,以便学员具备独立进行财务分析的能力。课程内容来自真实公司案例,每周拓展新的知识应用。原课程名:Corporate Valuation中文课程名:企业估值链接: 课程简介:本课程由FIRST FINANCE Institute第一金融学院提供全面支持,是巴黎HEC商学院和清华经管在线立课教育联合推出的顶尖金融课程系列之公司金融系列的第二门课程,围绕企业估值展开。企业的价值是公司财务的重要部分,也是投资者配置资金和政府征收税务的重要判断指标。管理层通常对企业的中期和长期的价值都有设定目标,在实际操作中也会运用不同的估值工具进行评估。本课程由掌管法国巴黎银行在巴黎HEC商学院所设教师席位的帕斯卡o奎里客座教授讲授。曾在投行常年担任要职完成重要企业项目的帕斯卡,将带领学员探索各类企业估值方法(乘数法、现金流折现法等等),以阿里巴巴的案例进行实践应用,使学员能够如财务分析师一样对上市和非上市公司进行企业估值。原课程名:Financial Management中文课程名:投资决策和财务管理链接: 课程简介:本课程由FIRST FINANCE Institute第一金融学院提供全面支持,是巴黎HEC商学院和清华经管在线立课教育联合推出的顶尖金融课程系列之公司金融系列的第三门课程,围绕投资决策和财务管理展开。财务管理在现代企业管理中具有极其重要的地位,而投资决策则是企业决策中极为关键的组成,对企业的发展至关重要,决定着财务目标的实现。本课程由掌管法国巴黎银行在巴黎HEC商学院所设教师席位的帕斯卡o奎里客座教授讲授。曾在投行常年担任要职完成重要企业项目的帕斯卡,将让学员了解投资评估的工具和决策的制定,学习经典理论并实践最优资本结构的选择,并从债务构建、条款、重组等角度进行债务策略的应用。最后,学员将从投资决策和财务管理的角度对一个商业案例进行综合分析。
这是MIT在EDX的新课,我们已经做了字幕,开课时会有中文字幕哒PS:今天发现EDX又多了好多生物类新课,建议也都添上课程名:Molecular Biology: DNA Replication and Repair中文课程名:分子生物学:DNA复制与修复链接: 简介页面翻译:分子生物学:DNA复制与修复通过对DNA复制与修复的深度探索,提升-你的科学思维与实验设计能力。课程简介你知道自己有DNA,但你是否知道,在你一生中细胞合成的DNA长达一光年?细胞内的机器怎样完成这一壮举,而不至于产生致命的差错?为什么目前癌症的发病率没有进一步上升?还有,如果每个细胞中的DNA长达两米,这种遗传物质又是怎样被紧密地纳入细胞核,而不至于乱作一团?你是否准备跳出教科书上那些“是什么”的科学信息,去探究科学家们是怎样演绎了这些分子模型的细节?在现象背后观察现代分子遗传学,从鉴定DNA复制与修复蛋白的经典实验,到驱动基因组测序的前沿分析。你是否对自己设计分子生物学实验和分析数据的能力信心十足?我们为本课程设计的习题,能拓展你实验设计与数据分析的能力。DNA复制系统与通路保证了DNA合成的保真度,让我们拓展目前在这一领域的有限学识。如果你能面对挑战,请参加7.28x分子生物学(第一部分):DNA复制与修复。 课程教员Stephen P. BellMIT生物学系生物学教授,HHMI研究员。研究方向为应用生物化学、遗传学与分子生物学技术研究真核细胞DNA复制的调节。荣获学院Everett Moore Baker教学奖、科学院本科生教育杰出教学奖,并与James Watson及Tania合著通用分子生物学教科书。Tania BakerE. C. Whitehead 生物学教授,HHMI研究员。由于她在DNA复制与AAA+解折叠酶(unfoldases,一种去除潜在有害蛋白质的酶)领域的贡献,于近日荣获Arthur Kornberg与Paul Berg终身成就奖。她也因为对教学的贡献而入选Margaret MacVicar教员,并获得学院本科生教育杰出教学奖。除了与Steve合著教科书外,Tania还与Arthur Kornberg合著了著名的介绍DNA复制的教科书。Mary Ellen WiltroutMITx生物学教师。于MIT生物学系Graham Walker实验室获博士学位,曾于哈佛大学教授分子生物学,后返回MIT担任7.00x课程核心制作成员。目前监督管理所有MIT生物学系的MITx项目。Nathaniel SchafheimerMITx博士后教学研究员。于MIT的Jonathan King实验室获得博士学位,研究方向为紫外线造成人类晶状体中蛋白质损伤的机制。在MIT生物学系的MITx课程的制作与管理中起了关键作用。Sera ThorntonMITx博士后教学研究员。于MIT的Laurie Boyer实验室获得博士学位,研究方向为干细胞系定向与分化中的表观遗传学基因调节。Sera不仅在MITx课程的制作团队中起了关键作用,还组织并绘制了课程图示,包括7.28x视频中插入的动画。 先修课程7.00x 生物学导论,或生物化学、分子生物学及遗传学类似课程。本课程配有中文翻译字幕。
引用 的话:工科数学分析(一)已添加,课程页面:
引用 的话:这是MIT在EDX的新课,我们已经做了字幕,开课时会有中文字幕哒PS:今天发现EDX又多了好多生物类新课,建议也都添上课程名:Molecular Biology: DNA Replication an...已添加,课程链接:
引用 的话:已添加,课程链接:收到!谢啦~~~
CLASS CENTRAL公布了他们,有88门。。。我试着搜了下的前两门Rural Health Nursing,Water in the Western United States我们都还没有,呢
引用 的话:CLASS CENTRAL公布了他们12月添加的新课,有88门。。。我试着搜了下Coursera的前两门Rural Health Nursing,Water in the Western United...收到~~
引用 的话:CLASS CENTRAL公布了他们12月添加的新课,有88门。。。我试着搜了下Coursera的前两门Rural Health Nursing,Water in the Western United...
引用 的话:已加!
Udacity 上的 ,, 好像都没有~
引用 的话:Udacity 上的 Intro to HTML and CSS,JavaScript Basics,How to Use Git and GitHub 好像都没有~收到
*【原课程名】Introduction to Healthcare Career Exploration*【中文课程名】卫生保健职涯探索*【链接】*【课程简介(翻译)】你是否想过卫生保健职涯适合你吗?除了提供卫生保健专家的生活,本课程将涵盖当今卫生保健提供者的教育要素丶道德议题丶文化丶与期望。
引用 的话:*【原课程名】Introduction to Healthcare Career Exploration*【中文课程名】卫生保健职涯探索*【链接】收到~谢啦!
引用 的话:*【原课程名】Introduction to Healthcare Career Exploration*【中文课程名】卫生保健职涯探索*【链接】已加!
引用 的话:Udacity 上的 Intro to HTML and CSS,JavaScript Basics,How to Use Git and GitHub 好像都没有~已添加
Modern Korean History: Liberation, War and Nuclear Ambitions
【原课程名】:Workstation Ergonomics【中文课程名】:工作站的人因工效学【链接】:【课程简介】:This DSE course covers safety and health at the computer workstation. Workplace health and safety is dependent on workers using computers safely. Keeping healthy at work is important for all. This course informs and instructs employers and workers as to how to stay safe at work.这门工作站工效学课程覆盖了人在操作计算机工作站时的安全和健康问题。工作场所的健康和安全依赖于工人安全地使用计算机。健康地工作对于所有人都是重要的。这门课程指导雇主和工人如何保持安全地工作。
*【原课程名】海洋之窗-海洋博物館和它們所連結的海洋世界*【中文课程名】海洋之窗-海洋博物館和它們所連結的海洋世界*【链接】*【课程简介(翻译)】  本課程以介紹海洋博物館為出發點,引領學生自此一窗口向外眺望,從博物館的設施、營運、管理,乃至教育、研究、保育等宗旨目標開始,旁及生物馴養技術、教育展示規劃、現代科技應用等範疇。進而拓展至真實海洋環境,從海洋知識累積學習中,點出各種區域性和全球性之海洋環境議題,與人類在全球變遷中所扮演的角色。並由人與海洋之關係,以綠島為例,觸及歷史溯源、社區重建、經濟轉型等人文關懷之社會議題,再從而反思如何減緩人為環境衝擊,以達永續環境經營之終極目標。
引用 的话: Korean History: Liberation, War and ...已添加
The Impact of Nursing Clinical Supervision with Confidence The Enterprise Shed: Making Ideas Happen Environmental Justice Assessment for Learning in STEM Teaching Lips and Teeth: Korea and China in Modern Times
【原课程名】:Architecture 101 - Part II【中文课程名】:建筑学101(第2部分)【链接】:【原课程名】:Architecture 101 - Part III【中文课程名】:建筑学101(第3部分)【链接】:
【原课程名】:Experiencing Malaysian Architecture【中文课程名】:马来西亚建筑欣赏【链接】:【原课程名】:The Search for Vernacular Architecture of Asia, Part 1【中文课程名】:探寻亚洲民居建筑(第1部分)【链接】: 下面是两门MIT Open Courseware上面的课,可以加么?
Computation Structures - Part 1: Digital Circuits
引用 的话:已添加,谢谢!
*【原课程名】Introduction to Sociology*【中文课程名】社会学导论*【链接】*【课程简介(翻译)】社会学是对社会的科学研究。就其本身而言,它近距离地检视了人类间的交互和文化现象,包括类似不平等、城市化,以及它们对个人和群体的影响这样的主题。为了做他们的工作,社会学家依赖一种名为实证主义的科学哲学,你将在单元1中学习它。实证主义哲学断言,真正的知识,或者说真相,只能通过经验的观察来得到。换句话说,我们需要经历观察,或者使用采用某种形式的感觉经验的科学的计量,而不是使用依据信仰的或者情绪的经验。另外一个社会学的中心主题是社会学的想象力。社会学的想象力使得社会学家可以在个人的经验和更大范围的社会问题之间建立联系。例如,你知道美国是工业化国家中青少年怀孕率最高的吗?为了理解这一趋势,社会学家使用科学方法来建立社会问题——比如学校性教育、在媒体中的性教化、贫穷,与个人问题——比如青少年性活跃和怀孕——之间的联系。本课程设计为引导你学习一系列基本的社会学原理,使得你可以发展自己的社会学想象力。你将学到社会学作为一个学科的起源,以及主要的社会学理论和研究方法。同时,你也将探索类似性与性别、偏差、种族主义等主题。当你学习这门课时,试着将你学习的主题和你自己的生活经验联系起来,以便发展你的社会学想象力。
引用 的话:【课程名】SEO在网页制作中的应用【链接】【简介】学院里没有找到seo的课程呢,在慕课网上找到一个入门级的seo课程,希望能帮助到对seo感...多谢小伙伴的提醒呢,课程已添加,链接地址为:
引用 的话:*【原课程名】Introduction to Sociology*【中文课程名】社会学导论*【链接】*【课程简介(翻译)】社会...谢谢你的提醒!课程已添加,课程链接为:把你的翻译也加进去啦 :)
引用 的话:啦啦啦,谢谢小伙伴,课程已添加哦~链接在这里:
*【原课程名】Introduction to Electronics*【中文课程名】电子学入门*【链接】*【课程简介(翻译)】About The CourseThis course is a basic overview of electronic components and their common uses. It covers diodes, transistors, and op amps. Laboratory demonstrations are given to reinforce the concepts learned from the lectures and homework. The course is targeted at people with a scientific or technical background who are not electrical or computer engineers. The coverage is not as deep as an electronics course aimed at electrical or computer engineers. There are a number of physical applications demonstrated in this course that serve to motivate this topic to a wider audience.Course SyllabusThe course is broken into four modules, several have an associated homework and a quiz:Module 1: Background Review of linear circuits and frequency response fundamentalsModule 2: Op AmpsIdeal B comm common RC applications: amplifiers, and filtersModule 3: Diodes
I diodes with a turn- circui regulatorsModule 4: Transistors Overview of the physics of MOSFETs; MOSFETS in amplifiers and in digital logic circuitsGrading and Certificate: Grading will be based on homework (80%) and four quizzes (20%) based on the four modules. A minimum grade of 70% is needed to earn a certificate of completion.Recommended BackgroundStudents taking this course should have a good understanding of basic circuits including resistive circuits, RLC circuits, AC behavior, and frequency analysis. A good preparation for this course is the Georgia Tech Linear Systems Coursera course.Suggested ReadingsThis course is self contained, but there are many online sources that can used for reference. These can be found by searching key words: op amps (or operational amplifiers), diodes, transistors.
*【原课程名】From NAND to Tetris / Part I*【中文课程名】从与非门到俄罗斯方块 (第1部分)*【链接】*【课程简介(翻译)】Build a modern computer system, starting from first principles. The course consists of six weekly hands-on projects that take you from constructing elementary logic gates all the way to building a fully functioning general purpose computer. In the process, you will learn -- in the most direct and intimate way -- how computers work, and how they are designed.About the CourseThis course is a fascinating 7-week voyage of discovery in which you will go all the way from Boolean algebra and elementary logic gates to building a central processing unit, a memory system, and a hardware platform, leading up to a general-purpose computer that can run any program that you fancy. In the process of building this computer you will become familiar with many important hardware abstractions, and you will implement them, hands on. But most of all, you will enjoy the tremendous thrill of building a complex and useful system from the ground up.You will build all the hardware modules on your home computer, using a Hardware Description Language (HDL), learned in the course, and a hardware simulator, supplied by us. A hardware simulator is a software system that enables building and simulating gates and chips before actually committing them to silicon. This is exactly what hardware engineers do in practice: they build and test computers in simulation, using HDL and hardware simulators.Course SyllabusWeek 0: course introduction and overview, the roles of abstraction and implementation in systems design, the road ahead.Week 1: Introduction to Boolean functions, gate logic, Hardware Description Language (HDL), and hardware simulation. Project: build a set of 15 elementary logic gates that will serve as the building blocks of subsequent chips.Week 2: Binary numbers, binary addition, the two's complement methods, combinational logic. Project: build a family of adder chips leading up to an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU).Week 3: Flip-flops, clocks, memory systems, sequential logic. Project: build a family of storage units from 1-bit registers to n-bit registers to Random Access Memories (RAM) of arbitrary sizes.Week 4: Machine language, binary and symbolic instructions, input and output handling, using an assembler. Project: write some low-level assembly programs and run them on a supplied CPU emulator.Week 5: Computer organization, the Von Neumann architecture, the fetch-execute cycle. Project: build the Hack CPU and computer system, using all the chips that were built in the previous projects.Week 6: Assembly languages, assemblers, parsing, symbol tables, code generation, the translation process. Project: build an assembler that translates Hack symbolic programs into Hack executable (binary) code.
*【原课程名】Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics: Basic Concepts*【中文课程名】纳米电子学基础 之 基本概念*【链接】*【课程简介(翻译)】Presents key concepts in nanoelectronics and mesoscopic physics and relates them to the traditional view of electron flow in solids.About this CourseThe modern smartphone is enabled by a billion-plus nanotransistors, each having an active region that is barely a few hundred atoms long. Interestingly the same amazing technology has also led to a deeper understanding of the nature of current flow on an atomic scale and my aim is to make these lessons from nanoelectronics accessible to anyone in any branch of science or engineering. I will assume very little background beyond linear algebra and differential equations, although we will be discussing advanced concepts in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics that should be of interest even to specialists.In the first half of this course (4 weeks) we will introduce a new perspective connecting the quantized conductance of short ballistic conductors to the familiar Ohm's law of long diffusive conductors, along with a brief description of the modern nanotransistor. In the second half (4 weeks) we will address fundamental conceptual issues related to the meaning of resistance on an atomic scale, the interconversion of electricity and heat, the second law of thermodynamics and the fuel value of information.Overall I hope to show that the lessons of nanoelectronics lead naturally to a new viewpoint, one that changes even some basic concepts we all learn in freshman physics. This unique viewpoint not only clarifies many old questions but also provides a powerful approach to new questions at the frontier of modern nanoelectronics, such as how devices can be built to control the spin of electrons.This course was originally offered in 2012 on nanoHUB-U and the accompanying text was subsequently published by World Scientific. I am preparing a second edition for publication in 2015, which will be used for this course. The manuscript will be made available to registered students.
*【原课程名】Introduction to Engineering and Engineering Mathematics*【中文课程名】工程与工程数学入门*【链接】*【课程简介(翻译)】The application of knowledge to design and build devices, systems, materials and processes and application of mathematics in engineering.About this CourseThe goal of this course is to provide high school students and college freshman a broad outline of engineering and help them decide on a career in engineering. The first part of this course is focused on exploring the different disciplines of engineering and providing participants with a broad background in different areas of engineering.Do you want to learn how race-cars are built? How robots are able to work independently? How unmanned vehicles are designed and built? How is energy harvested? How is energy stored? How are organs built? How is the body imaged? How do you design an aircraft? How do electrons travel in micro and nanoelectronics? How are drugs delivered in the body? How do you build on soils that are unstable? How do robots see? How is light used in devices? How is data stored and managed? How is pollution mitigated? How are electrical signals processed? How are strong and tough materials designed and built? How is thermal energy managed? How is data transmitted? How are systems integrated? How do you make sure goods and services reach their destination? How do you start a company? What are the underlying ethical and social responsibilities of being a professional engineer? These are all things that engineers are dealing with on a daily basis and will form the basis of the first part of the course.Introduction to Engineering MathematicsMathematics is an integral part of engineering and Engineering Mathematics is the process of applying the principles of mathematics to solve real life engineering problems. Topics to be covered in mathematics will include: application of algebra in engineering in linear and quadratic equations, trigonometry in motion of robots, application of complex numbers in electrical circuits, use of systems of equations to solve problems in statics, dynamics and DC circuits. Concepts of derivatives will be introduced and its application in engineering problems such as dynamics, electrical circuits and mechanics will be explored. In a similar fashion concepts of integrals will be examined in the context of engineering applications such as statics, dynamics and electrical circuits. The intent of this course is not to establish mastery of mathematics but rather develop an understanding of the role played by mathematics to help solve engineering problems. Participants in this course will have a better understanding of calculus and differential equations and their relevance in solving engineering problems as they progress in their engineering education.
*【原课程名】Electrical, Optical, and Magnetic Materials and Devices*【中文课程名】电光磁材料与装置*【链接】*【课程简介(翻译)】In 3.15x we will explore the electrical, optical, and magnetic properties of materials and learn how electronic devices are designed to exploit these properties.About this CourseThis course will explain the basis of the electrical, optical, and magnetic properties of materials including semiconductors, metals, organics and insulators, and will show how devices are built to take advantage of those properties. It is illustrated with a wide range of devices, placing a strong emphasis on new and emerging technologies. Applications presented include diodes, transistors, photodetectors, solar cells (photovoltaics), displays, light emitting diodes, lasers, optical fibers and optical communications, photonic devices, magnetic data storage, motors, transformers and spintronics.
*【原课程名】Sense, Control, Act: Measure the Universe, Transform the World*【中文课程名】感应,控制,行动:测量宇宙,改造世界*【链接】*【课程简介(翻译)】 This course explores the basis of electronic sensing of our world and how we then use these measures to change it. About this Course This course will journey through sensor physics, electronic instrumentation, signal processing, and basic control strategies. A wide variety of applications will be presented and the common underlying principles of sensing, signal processing and control will be the key learning areas.A series of design & build activities is a key part of this course. A customised kit will be made available for purchase in order to participate. More details about where to purchase the kit will be made available closer to the start date of the course.
*【原课程名】Introduction to Graphene Science and Technology*【中文课程名】石墨烯科学和技术引论*【链接】*【课程简介(翻译)】Introduction to Graphene Science and Technology will teach you about graphene, its practical applications and how it offers new insights into quantum physics.About this CourseWhat is graphene? Graphene is the world’s first 2-dimensional material and is the thinnest, strongest, and most flexible material known to exist. A special form of carbon, graphene can conduct electricity and heat better than anything else.The course will introduce you to the exciting world of graphene science and technology. You will learn about the fundamentals of graphene and how this material offers new insights into nanotechnology and quantum physics. You will also learn about emerging practical applications for graphene. Topics covered include material properties, electronics, physics, physical chemistry, synthesis and device fabrication and application.In order to benefit fully from this course you should have an adequate knowledge of general physics and university level mathematics.Graphene offers a wealth of potential in composites, solar cells, sensors, superchargers, etc. The list is endless.This course takes a closer look at the particular potential graphene offers within electronics, e.g. optoelectronic devices using graphene produced via chemical vapor deposition (CVD), an industrially compatible technique.Having completed this course you will:be able to assess if and how graphene can be used in different electronic products to improve, enhance or add new propertieshave basic knowledge on how to perform graphene material synthesis experimentsbe able to understand and appreciate scientific articles on graphene researchhave knowledge of other areas in which graphene has great potentialbe able to decide whether or not graphene can contribute to your career advancement – be it in academia or industryYou should expect to devote 6 hours weekly to the course. Each week features a series of lecture sequences supported by interactive video tutorials and interspersed exercises or problems. Students will work on a homework assignment or quiz each week. We offer an Honor Code Certificate.Content was developed at Chalmers University of Technology. Chalmers is the coordinator of the Graphene Flagship, EUs biggest research initiative ever. At the Chalmers Graphene Centre research and industry cooperate in the field to achieve interplay and synergies.
*【原课程名】Introduction to Metrics for Smart Cities*【中文课程名】智慧城市有多智慧*【链接】*【课程简介(翻译)】Develop a basic understanding of the elements of a Smart City and learn the impact of using metrics to measure its performance.
About this Course The concept of a Smart City holds much promise for improving the quality of life for city dwellers, but what exactly do we mean by “Smart City?” It means aligning information technologies to citizens’ needs in order to enhance their day-to-day lives by increasing efficiency, lowering costs, and engaging more directly with city dwellers. Smart City has emerged as an interdisciplinary concept that covers different aspects related to big cities, including the infrastructure that enables communication between channels and entities for overcoming economic backwardness in a community, and for addressing differences between various urban and suburban zones. A dynamic model is observed that can be analyzed as a complex system. Since a city can?t be visualized in only one perspective, this course tackles some of its individual sectors to obtain the key performance indicators that are essential to improving the quality of life, including: urbanization, communication, education, and economy. Quantifying that data is useful for estimating consumed resources, forecasting shortages, and correcting damage in a timely manner.Once participants understand the importance of a Smart City and its classifications, they will learn to identify the impact of using metrics to measure its performance. A very important skill to develop is how to classify a metric and to identify its units or measure. The main focus of this course is to develop participants’ basic knowledge of a Smart City by being able to identify the parameters involved in its creation. Participants will also be able to define and establish the necessary metrics to measure the performance of a Smart City.
*【原课程名】Applications of Linear Algebra Part 2*【中文课程名】线性代数应用 (第二部分)*【链接】*【课程简介(翻译)】Explore applications of linear algebra in the field of data mining by learning fundamentals of search engines, clustering movies into genres and of computer graphics by posterizing an image. About this CourseOur world is in a data deluge with ever increasing sizes of datasets. Linear algebra is a tool to manage and analyze such data. This course is part 2 of a 2-part course, with this part extending smoothly from the first. Note, however, that part 1, is not a prerequisite for part 2. In this part of the course, we'll develop the linear algebra more fully than part 1. This class has a focus on data mining with some applications of computer graphics. We'll discuss, in further depth than part 1, sports ranking and ways to rate teams from thousands of games. We’ll apply the methods to March Madness. We'll also learn methods behind web search, utilized by such companies as Google. We'll also learn to cluster data to find similar groups and also how to compress images to lower the amount of storage used to store them. The tools that we learn can be applied to applications of your interest. For instance, clustering data to find similar movies can be applied to find similar songs or friends. So, come to this course ready to investigate your own ideas.
*【原课程名】Math in Sports*【中文课程名】体育中的数学*【链接】*【课程简介(翻译)】Come learn how you can use mathematics to get a deeper insight into both the sports you love and everyday life.About this CourseIn this course you will learn to use some mathematical tools that can help predict and analyze sporting performances and outcomes. This course will help coaches, players, and enthusiasts to make educated decisions about strategy, training, and execution. We will discuss topics such as the myth of the Hot Hand and the curse of the Sports I how understanding data can improve
and how best to pick your Fantasy Football team. We will also see how elementary Calculus provides insight into the biomechanics of sports and how game theory can help improve an athlete’s strategy on the field.In this course you will learn:How a basic understanding of probability and statistics can be used to analyze sports and other real life situations.How to model physical systems, such as a golf swing or a high jump, using basic equations of motion.How to best pick your Fantasy Football, March Madness, and World Cup winners by using ranking theory to help you determine athletic and team performance. By the end of the course, you will have a better understanding of math, how math is used in the sports we love, and in our everyday lives.
*【原课程名】Discrete Time Signals and Systems, Part 2: Frequency Domain*【中文课程名】离散时间信号与系统,第二部分:频域*【链接】*【课程简介(翻译)】Enter the world of signal processing: analyze and extract meaning from the signals around us!About this CourseTechnological innovations have revolutionized the way we view and interact with the world around us. Editing a photo, re-mixing a song, automatically measuring and adjusting chemical concentrations in a tank: each of these tasks requires real-world data to be captured by a computer and then manipulated digitally to extract the salient information. Ever wonder how signals from the physical world are sampled, stored, and processed without losing the information required to make predictions and extract meaning from the data?Students will find out in this rigorous mathematical introduction to the engineering field of signal processing: the study of signals and systems that extract information from the world around us. This course will teach students to analyze discrete-time signals and systems in both the time and frequency domains. Students will learn convolution, discrete Fourier transforms, the z-transform, and digital filtering. Students will apply these concepts in interactive MATLAB programming exercises (all done in browser, no download required).Part 1 of this course analyzes signals and systems in the time domain. Part 2 covers frequency domain analysis.Prerequisites include strong problem solving skills, the ability to understand mathematical representations of physical systems, and advanced mathematical background (one-dimensional integration, matrices, vectors, basic linear algebra, imaginary numbers, and sum and series notation). Part 1 is a prerequisite for Part 2. This course is an excerpt from an advanced undergraduate class at Rice University taught to all electrical and computer engineering majors.
*【原课程名】I "Heart" Stats: Learning to Love Statistics*【中文课程名】我“心”统计:爱上统计学*【链接】*【课程简介(翻译)】Is your relationship with statistics dysfunctional? We can help: Get to know stats, build a healthy bond, and maybe even fall in love!About this CourseWhen you meet a new person, it is hard to know what to expect. You may not be able to read the person or understand what they mean. Even if you want to have a good relationship with them, this lack of understanding can make interactions tense, unpredictable and scary! The same is true for a lot of people as they encounter statistics and mathematical ways of working with data. Statistics can be confusing and opaque. Symbols, Greek letters, very large and very small numbers, and how to interpret all of this can leave to feeling cold and disengaged—even fearful and resentful.But in the modern information age, having a healthy relationship with statistics can make life a whole lot easier. We are constantly faced with an onslaught of data and claims about it—from news articles, to Facebook and blog posts, casual and professional conversations, reports at our workplace, advertising, and claims from politicians and public officials. How can we process that information, make sense of it, evaluate truth claims, and put ourselves in a position to act on the information? One of the most important ways is by befriending statistics and consistently using statistical ways of thinking.The purpose of this course, then is to help you develop a functional, satisfying, and useful life-long relationship with statistics. To achieve that goal, we will take a non-technical approach—you will learn how statistics work and why they are so helpful in evaluating the world of information that is around us. You will learn about the logic of statistical thinking and the concepts (rather than the mathematical details and probability theory) that guide statistical inferences and conclusions.You do not need to be a math whiz to take this course. If you can add, subtract, multiply, and divide (or just be able to use a calculator to do that!), you will be more than able to handle what will happen as this relationship develops.But by the end of the course you will be able to:Identify the most important features of a data setSelect a statistical test based on the features of the dataThink like a statistical detectiveUnderstand the relationship between two different characteristics or variablesPerform some simple statistical calculations and draw some conclusions from real dataHopefully, love stats! We’ll do all of this using entertaining examples related to real-life situations we all encounter in everyday life.
淘好大学时发现的 山东大学 神韵诗研究。望加入。
*【原课程名】Probability*【中文课程名】概率*【链接】*【课程简介(翻译)】About the CourseThe renowned mathematical physicist Pierre-Simon, marquis de Laplace wrote in his opus on probability in 1812 that “the most important questions of life are, for the most part, really only problems in probability”. His words ring particularly true today in this the century of “big data”.This introductory course takes us through the development of a modern, axiomatic theory of probability. But, unusually for a technical subject, the material is presented in its lush and glorious historical context, the mathematical theory buttressed and made vivid by rich and beautiful applications drawn from the world around us. The student will see surprises in election-day counting of ballots, a historical wager the sun will rise tomorrow, the folly of gambling, the sad news about lethal genes, the curiously persistent illusion of the hot hand in sports, the unreasonable efficacy of polls and its implications to medical testing, and a host of other beguiling settings. A curious individual taking this as a stand-alone course will emerge with a nuanced understanding of the chance processes that surround us and an appreciation of the colourful history and traditions of the subject. And for the student who wishes to study the subject further, this course provides a sound mathematical foundation for courses at the advanced undergraduate or graduate levels.


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