I need to drive to a gotomeeting下载 maybe 2-3 hours 什么

Hello ladies,
So for the past few days my dearest husband has been telling me that on&&Thursday morning he has a company meeting... I first thought it was odd because he had a meeting just last week! So from the begining I have been thinking something was not right.... Well his boss is always taking the guys paintballing and shooting riffles and ****. and my DH has never gone always said he didnt want to leave me alone... Honestly I have 0 friends all my family lives atleast 6 hours from here.... So this morning when he was getting ready I thought to my self he is not going to the meeting. So I pretended like I was sleeping and when he left I checked to see who he left with. And he did leave with the right person only he said the meeting wouldnt last long and he had to be at a job site at 1pm and he would be back home before that and we would go to lunch. So at 12:15 I called him, I could hear guns in the back and he kept saying hold on a minute. So here I am at home with 2 babies and I'm 13wks 2days pregnant and he completely lied to me and kept telling me that the boss man lied to him... what kind on idiot does he think I am.... We went through alot of problems when I was pregnant with our daughter in .... We got back on the right path only for him to lie to me some more! I am just so emotional and MAD right now I have no one to tell and I can only hope that someone reads this! I feel sick to my stomach right now I am so upset with him!AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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It sucks the guys can get away and go paintballing, and escape from the kids. but you never get anytime to yourself. you 13 wks you need your husband support. and you should just lay it out to him to pick his&&priorities b/c obviously he is showing you&&that his family is not #1. i'd be seriously upset if i was you as well. but try not to stress u and the baby out...
It sucks the guys can get away and go paintballing, and escape from the kids. but you never get anytime to yourself. you 13 wks you need your husband support. and you should just lay it out to him to pick his&&priorities b/c obviously he is showing you&&that his family is not #1. i'd be seriously upset if i was you as well. but try not to stress u and the baby out...
Now here it is 1:3pm and I just called him to see where he &is& and guess what!!!!
He stopped to get something to eat!!!!!!! What the H*** I want so bad to leave and go somewhere BUT where will I go????? AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Now here it is 1:3pm and I just called him to see where he &is& and guess what!!!!
He stopped to get something to eat!!!!!!! What the H*** I want so bad to leave and go somewhere BUT where will I go????? AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
omg girl get your purse and go do ur own things! ur hungry go and get something to eat. dont wait up for him, maybe when he gets home and he realizes ur not there he'll know he's in big trouble!! i say u sit him down and talk to him and tell him to get his thing and his priorities straight!! good luck =)
omg girl get your purse and go do ur own things! ur hungry go and get something to eat. dont wait up for him, maybe when he gets home and he realizes ur not there he'll know he's in big trouble!! i say u sit him down and talk to him and tell him to get his thing and his priorities straight!! good luck =)
play his game . when he does come home, for good today. get out of there go shopping, get a pedicure. go watch a movie do something and dont tell him where u are going dont answer his calls. let him sweat it out and feel the way you feel.
play his game . when he does come home, for good today. get out of there go shopping, get a pedicure. go watch a movie do something and dont tell him where u are going dont answer his calls. let him sweat it out and feel the way you feel.
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Hello ladies,
So for the past few days my dearest husband has been telling me that on&&Thursday morning he has a company meeting... I first thought it was odd because he had a meeting just last week! So from the begining I have been thinking something was not right.... Well his boss is always taking the guys paintballing and shooting riffles and ****. and my DH has never gone always said he didnt want to leave me alone... Honestly I have 0 friends all my family lives atleast 6 hours from here.... So this morning when he was getting ready I thought to my self he is not going to the meeting. So I pretended like I was sleeping and when he left I checked to see who he left with. And he did leave with the right person only he said the meeting wouldnt last long and he had to be at a job site at 1pm and he would be back home before that and we would go to lunch. So at 12:15 I called him, I could hear guns in the back and he kept saying hold on a minute. So here I am at home with 2 babies and I'm 13wks 2days pregnant and he completely lied to me and kept telling me that the boss man lied to him... what kind on idiot does he think I am.... We went through alot of problems when I was pregnant with our daughter in .... We got back on the right path only for him to lie to me some more! I am just so emotional and MAD right now I have no one to tell and I can only hope that someone reads this! I feel sick to my stomach right now I am so upset with him!AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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on March 25, 2015
If you’ve read much of the automotive press or the mainstream media in the past twenty-four hours, you’ve no doubt heard the latest news: Americans drove more miles in January than they’ve driven in any single month since 1970, according to the Federal Highway Administration. Put aside for the fact that the “Federal Highway Association” shouldn’t be able to quote that number with even a modicum of statistical confidence, and indeed they have no real way to know how many miles are driven in this country. Nor should they be able to do so.
More fascinating than the factoid or the ostensible reasons behind it are the various spins put on it across the blogosphere. Autoblog notes that “nearly half of drivers are fifty years old or above”. Bloomberg turns it into a piece on the economy, touting the recovery while tactfully failing to mention the fact that a record-setting number of people in their prime earning years have given up on even looking for work. The Financial Post reprinted Bloomberg’s story verbatim but focused on the idea that “three is a magic number for the economy.”
Perhaps the most thoughtful analysis on the news, however, was performed by Matt Hardigree at Jalopnik. It’s a pleasure to read and Matt marshals his arguments in careful order towards an obvious conclusion. As fate would have it, however, I find myself forced to hoist the opposing standard.
You can check Matt’s piece out
but I’ll summarize the relevant arguments here.
I know we’re an automotive site, but… more miles driven isn’t a good thing for most people.
First, the reason why we have so much cheap oil is largely a decision by OPEC (read: Saudi Arabia) to drive the prices down long enough to discourage U.S. domestic production of oil. Why do they want to do that? Because they want us dependent on them for a long, long time and have so much money they can take a three-year hit.
Second, even if that wasn’t the case, it’s not like the roads are filling up with vintage BRE Datsuns, it’s just commuters in beigemobiles and SUVs. Commuter Culture is antithetical to car culture.
People who would rather not drive to work shouldn’t have to drive to work. We should aim to build a society where there’s a reasonable alternative to driving for people who don’t want to drive. I love driving, I love cars, I love that by living in a city I don’t have to drive to work, I love that I can go drinking and not worry about having to get in a car.
This isn’t good news. Peak Car isn’t happening today, but it should happen.
This all seems eminently reasonable and I found myself nodding along in agreement as I read. Of course, let’s get the beigemobiles and SUVs off the road so I can unleash the barbaric yawp of my air-cooled 911 at an indicated 173mph along an empty freeway. I’d personally love to go drinking and not have to worry about getting in a car. Let’s make reasonable commuting options available for everyone, just like they are in New York, the place where I was born before moving to the sticks and where all the hipsters moved to escape their hick-ass realities and origins.
The problem with this line of thinking is that even I, an authentic Baron of Sealand (it’s true!), can’t quite muster the elitism necessary to make it my authentic and true belief. What Matt thinks of as “Car Culture”, and what I think of as “Car Culture”, is a minor outcropping on a remote peninsula of the American automotive experience. It’s a place where you’re expected to know what a “BRE Datsun” is. It’s a place where all automotive purchase decisions should terminate at either a used Miata or an E36 M3. It’s a place where you see a Corvette in the distance and you need to wait until you can ascertain body configuration, powertrain, and modifications before you can form a true opinion of the fellow driving it. It’s a place where people spend more money racing a Ford Focus than they’d have paid to lease a Murcielago or put a down payment on a multi-family rental dwelling. (Raises hand, sheepishly, thinking about the year 2007.) It’s not the place where most automobile owners live.
But that doesn’t mean that the vast majority of automobile owners live in a bad place, or that they don’t get as much out of car ownership as we do. Quite the contrary. Most of us are like Matt in that we might be willing to take the subway to work every day if we could drive a McLaren around Monticello on the weekends. I don’t particularly enjoying sitting in traffic every morning and every afternoon. Nor do I look forward to parking on the parkway every Labor Day or Memorial Day weekend.
For the average American, however, a car is just a way to get from Point A to Point B, as they desire. That last part is important. A car represents choice. I don’t go to the grocery store or my son’s school or Indianapolis on a schedule set by the government or a public/private partnership or a too-big-to-fail transportation provider. I go when I want to go, stay exactly as long as I want to stay. I don’t run for a train or miss a subway. If I need to transport an item with me, or if I need to bring something back, I’m not limited by my ability to carry that item, and I’m not limited by my ability to protect that item from theft or damage on public transportation.
I’m safe in my car. Maybe not safe from a crash, but reasonably safe from being assaulted or raped — and remember, not everybody in the world shares my height, size, and unpleasant disposition. I can leave an item in my car and have a good chance of returning to find it there. If I need to travel through an area that is unsafe, a car beats walking by a long shot. I can transport my child in my car. I can transport the elderly in my car.
The privately owned automobile, like the privately owned computer or the privately owned firearm, is a great equalizer. It offers the man or woman in the street a small taste of the freedom and capability that the rich take for granted and will never surrender even as their mouthpieces in the media eagerly advocate the capitulation of the public to the common good. It means that I don’t need to be a perfectly healthy and fit twenty-five-year-old man who bench-presses more than my weight to safely conduct my public life. It means that I have options and choices, that I am not seeking permission from a schedule or a committee.
Unlike virtually all of today’s New-York-centric autowriters, I lived in a pre-Giuliani city where crime and violence ran wild. In those days, nobody talked about the freedom of public transportation, because there wasn’t any. Women understood that you didn’t ride the subway at night, that you didn’t walk alone at night. My mother was a captain in the Army and she always traveled with a 215-pound Hispanic master sergeant for protection. Twice the poor guy had to literally shield her with his own body from random gunfire in the streets. Everybody had a mugging story and most people had more than one. The buses were a good place to be fingered or pickpocketed, depending on the valuables you had on your person. You continually heard about “shut-ins” dying: people who no longer had the strength and vitality to run the gauntlet of public transportation and therefore just locked themselves in their rabbit warrens waiting for the end. If you carried a child, you were a target, even if you were the size of Lou Ferrigno.
The fact that twenty years of sustained “police brutality” has turned Times Square into Disney World in no way suggests that such will be the case twenty years from now, particularly if citizens demand that the police start treating hardened criminals with loving tender care. Nor is it the case elsewhere. Are you interested in taking public transportation in Chicago? Baltimore? Do you want to trust your life to crumbling transportation infrastructures? It’s bad enough that we have to drive our cars over the nation’s failing bridge network. In a world where public transportation is the default choice for everyone, we’re all on crumbling bridges, all the time.
Like it or not, there is no future for public transportation across this country as long as it refuses to evolve past the outmoded subway-and-train-and-bus model. That delights urban planners whose opinion of humanity is fundamentally herd/socialist and works fine for the one-third or so of Americans who voluntarily confine themselves in major metropolises but it is anathema to those of us who want to live our lives by something other than the chime of a subway bell. What’s going to be required is transportation that is energy-efficient but responsive to individual needs. After all, this is still a nation that contains many individuals.
When Mr. Obama derisively spoke of Americans who “cling to guns or religion”, he tactfully failed to mention the fact that more Americans continue to cling to cars than to either of the former items — and we are clinging much harder to cars than nearly anybody in the Western Hemisphere clings to any religion. You won’t get us out of our cars without offering a reasonable alternative. That alternative might not be gasoline-powered, it might not be Camry-shaped, but it had better offer us the power to shape our own destinies. Literally. ‘Cause if it doesn’t, three trillion miles in privately-owned, petroleum-powered cars won’t be a peak. It will be just a step.
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跟谁学学生版:genshuixue_student精品好课等你领在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:I have been advised to arrange for insurance _________ I need medical treatment. A.so thatB.unlessC.in caseD.thoughI have been advised to arrange for insurance _________ I need medical treatment. A.so thatB.unlessC.in caseD.though科目:难易度:最佳答案C解析试题分析:A. so that为了,以至于,B. unless 除非,如果不,C. in case以防,D. though虽然,句意:我一直被建议买保险,以防需要医疗护理。根据句意选C。考点:考查连词知识点:&&&&&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题
关注我们官方微信关于跟谁学服务支持帮助中心- I'd rather have some wine, if you don't mind.-__.Don't forget that you'11 drive.A.Take it easyB.By all meansC.Anything but thatD.I wouldn't say no to this - 跟谁学
跟谁学学生版:genshuixue_student精品好课等你领在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:- I'd rather have some wine, if you don't mind.-__.Don't forget that you'11 drive.A.Take it easyB.By all meansC.Anything but thatD.I wouldn't say no to this- I'd rather have some wine, if you don't mind.-__.Don't forget that you'11 drive.A.Take it easyB.By all meansC.Anything but thatD.I wouldn't say no to this科目:难易度:最佳答案C解析试题分析:考查交际用语:A. Take it easy放轻松B.By all means当然C. Anything but that绝不D.I wouldn't say no to this我不会拒绝,句意:--如果你不介意,我想喝点酒。--绝对不行,别忘了,你要开车。选C。考点:考查交际用语:点评:交际用语的考查要放在上下文语境中进行。本题四个项都是常考的要点。特别注意对话给出的语境,还要注意中西方的文化差异和西方的交际礼仪。不能受汉语影响。知识点:&&&&&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题


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