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Science, Technology and Medicine open access publisher.Publish, read and share novel research.
&>>&&>>&, book edited by P. Giridhar Kini, ISBN 978-953-307-579-2, Published: August 1, 2011 under . & The Author(s).
Methodology Development for a Comprehensive and Cost-Effective Energy Management in Industrial Plants
By Capobianchi Simona, Andreassi Luca, Introna Vito, Martini Fabrizio and Ubertini Stefano
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Figure 1. Framework of the proposed methodology for Energy Management improvements
Figure 2. Representative model of a trigenerator
Figure 3. ASME process description
Figure 4. Distribution of energy consumption (a) and cost (b)
Figure 5. Distribution of electrical consumption (a) and natural gas (b)
Figure 6. Contour map: electrical consumptions in March
Figure 7. Mean load profile for a weekday
Figure 8. Statistical parameter for model validation
Figure 9. Distribution of electrical and gas meters
Figure 10. CuSum of the hydraulic press energy consumption
Figure 11. CuSum of the hydraulic press energy consumption after maintenanceTable 6.
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  1、Original: Bill Gates gives a definite answer that college education does
  Revised: Bill Gates gave a definitive answer: college education does
  2、Original: …people may attend a university or college for various
  Revised: …people attend university or college for a multitude of
  此处将various改为短语a multitude of更为正式,体现人们读大学的原因很多。
  3、Original: The kinds of education that we got on school are formal and
intense ones...
  Revised: The kinds of education that we receive at school is formal and of
tentimes very intense.
  不必用kinds of education,直接用education(教育)即可;“受教育”不同get,改为“在学校”不必用at
把one去掉,用oftentimes very intense指出学校教育常常是非常严格的。
  4、Original: They can foster their interests in some fields to make life
more colorful and meaningful.
  Revised: They can even pick up hobbies to make life more colorful and
  Foster their interests是“培养兴趣”,此处用pick up
  5、Original: Needless to say, more employment means more income and less
idle life, so that people can enjoy a better life and make investment in their
  Revised: Needless to say, more employment means income and less idle time,
so that people can enjoy a better life and invest in their own futures.
  把idle life改为idle time更为合适,表示“闲散时间”;make
investment可改为动词invest,与and前的动词enjoy词性一致;人们各自有自己的未来,故将in their future改为in their
own futures。
  6、Original: Another important factor that contributes to the extension of
life expectancy is the development of medical science.
  Revised: Another imortant factor that contributes to the rise in life
expectancy is the development of medical science.
  “人的寿命的延长”可以表示为life extension,但是如果用life expectancy,则要用the increast of 或the
rise in life expectancy。
  7、Original: the growth of life span.
  Revised: the rise in/increase of life span.
  Life span意思是“寿命”,growth指“生长,增长”,“寿命的延长”用growth不合适,life span“寿命的延长”可以用rise
in/increase of/extension of.
  8、Original: energy saving
  Revised: energy efficiency
  Energy saving一般作定语,此处名词短语“节能”最好用energy efficiency。
  9、Original: with the increasing complicatedness of the job profile
  Revised: with the increasing complexity of the modern jor profile
  10、Original: Such experience will difinitely be helpful in children's later
  Revised: Such experience will benefit them later in life.
  11、Original: In my submission, people should sometimes do things that they
do not enjoy doing.
  Revised: Because of these circumstances, I believe it is inevitable that
people must do what they don't enjoy doing.
  In one's
  12、Original: For no one can promise what will happen in the future, if you
don't save some money, an emergency will probably make you a cat on a hot
  Revised: Because no one can predict the future, if you don't save money an
unforeseen emergency can be financially crippling.
cat on a hot brick,这又有一个错误。第一,这个表述本身有错误,正确的应该是like a cat on hot
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