
2016 容桂半程马拉松赛竞赛规程
一、主办单位容桂街道办事处顺德区体育总会二、承办单位容桂街道办事处宣传文体办公室广州中体文化传播有限责任公司三、技术指导单位广州市田径协会四、比赛日期及地点日期:日 (星期五) 上午8:00地点:广东省佛山市顺德区容桂街道五、比赛项目(一)半程马拉松(21.0975公里)1、男、女公开组2、男、女市民组(二)迷你马拉松(约5公里)1、男、女公开组2、男、女学生组(小学,初中,高中)六、比赛路线(一)半程马拉松:文华路桂洲中学(起点)——振华路——桂洲大道——容桂大道——容奇大道中——桥西路——桥东路——容奇大道东——外环路——外环路(折返)——外环路——容奇大道东——桥东路——桥西路——体育路——容桂体育中心(终点)(二)迷你马拉松:文华路桂洲中学(起点)——振华路——桂洲大道——容桂大道——容奇大道中——凤祥北路(终点)七、参赛办法(一)年龄要求及参赛资格1、半程马拉松项目年龄限16周岁以上(即日前出生);2、迷你马拉松项目公开组年龄不限;3、迷你马拉松项目学生组年龄要求:(1)小学组:日至日出生;(2)初中组:日至日出生;(3)高中组:日至日出生。4、半程马拉松项目公开组与迷你马拉松项目户籍不限,半程马拉松项目市民组仅限佛山市户籍。(二)健康要求马拉松是一项高负荷大强度长距离的竞技运动,也是一项高风险的竞技项目,对参赛者身体状况有较高的要求,参赛者应身体健康,有长期参加跑步锻炼或训练的基础。参赛者应根据自己的身体状况和训练水平,选择半程马拉松和迷你马拉松其中的一个项目报名参加。有下列情况者不宜参加比赛:1、先天性心脏病和风湿性心脏病患者;2、高血压和脑血管疾病患者;3、心肌炎和其他心脏病患者;4、冠状动脉病患者和严重心律不齐者;5、血糖过高或过低的糖尿病患者;6、比赛日前两周以内患过感冒者;7、其它不适合运动的疾病患者。在比赛中,因个人身体及其他个人原因导致的人身损害和财产损失,由参赛选手个人承担责任。组委会要求所有参赛选手通过正规医疗机构进行体检(含心电图检查),并结合检查报告进行自我评估,确认自身状况能够适应于长跑运动,才可报名参赛。(三)报名办法1、报名人数半程马拉松项目限报5000人,迷你马拉松项目限报4000人。名额为9000名。 2、报名时间日下午5:00开始,网上报名与现场报名同时启动,报满即止。3、报名方式本次比赛接受个人报名和团体报名。(1)个人报名:登录容桂半程马拉松赛官方网站报名系统进行报名,或携带本人有效证件(身份证、军官证、护照等)原件到组委会报名点进行现场报名。现场报名时须填写个人报名信息表,并缴纳报名费。参赛物品领取流程以官方公告为准。现场报名点:佛山市顺德区容桂街道体育路123号(容桂体育中心) 咨询电话:1(2)团体报名:主要以学校、部队、机关、企事业、俱乐部和社会团体等为单位,且人数在20人以上(含20人),报名时须将团体报名表发送至邮箱ronggui@,并缴纳相应的报名费到指定账户。报名表的信息须填写正确,如有错漏,由参赛单位自行承担。团体报名负责人:袁尚峰 电话:1汇款账户:佛山市顺德区容桂体育联合会账 号:1049140 开 户 行:中国工商银行股份有限公司佛山顺德红旗支行转账备注中填写:xxx(姓名或单位)容马报名费:半程xx人;迷你xx人(3)个人和团体报名表在容桂半程马拉松赛官方网站www.下载(附表),也可在容桂半程马拉松赛组委会现场报名点领取。 / 注:报名期间,所有报名者须阅读并同意《参赛声明》、《报名须知》、《风险提示》后按要求如实填写所有报名信息并提交。4、报名费用(1)半程马拉松项目,100元人民币/人;(2)迷你马拉松项目,50 元人民币/人;(3)外籍选手报名费同上,以人民币支付;(4)报名完成以支付成功为准,报名完成后,报名费用不予退还。(四)参赛物品待报名时间截止后,选手可登录容桂半程马拉松赛官方网站根据公告查询参赛号码、下载打印《报名确认函》、查询参赛物品领取相关流程及相关要求。补 给 站补 给 站√√水√√√√√√√√√(九)组委会将对起点、终点及关键路点进行录像监控,出现以下违反竞赛规定的参赛选手将被取消参赛成绩,个人资料录入报名识别系统,两年内不准参加容桂半程马拉松赛: 1、虚假年龄报名或报名后由其他人员代跑; 2、未按要求佩戴号码布的;3、运动员携带他人感应计时芯片或一名运动员同时携带两枚或两枚以上感应计时芯片参加比赛; 4、不按规定的起跑顺序在非报名项目的起跑点起跑的; 5、起点活动中不按规定时间出发抢跑的; 6、关门时间到后不停止比赛或退出比赛后又插入赛道; 7、没有沿规定路线跑完各项目的全程,绕近道或途中插入的; 8、私自伪造号码布参赛的,多人交替替跑的; 9、比赛中采用挤人、推人、撞人、绊人等犯规行为的;10、不服从赛事工作人员指挥的; 11、其他违反比赛规定的行为的,按照比赛有关规定进行处理。(十)有关赛事的具体要求与实时动态可关注容桂半程马拉松赛官方网站。九、奖励办法(人民币)(一)半程马拉松1、公开组 根据净计时成绩,男、女分别录取前50名给予奖励。具体奖励见下表:名次一二三四五六七八九至三十三十一至五十男子)10000600050004000300020001000500300女子2)10000600050004000300020001000500300注:男子冠军成绩在1:02:00(不含)以内,奖金为20000元人民币,在1:02:00(含)以外,奖金为15000元人民币;女子冠军成绩在1:11:00(不含)以内,奖金为20000人民币,在1:11:00(含)以外,奖金为15000元人民币。2、市民组 根据净计时成绩,男、女分别录取前20名给予奖励。具体奖励见下表:名次一二三四五六七八九十十一至二十男子30002500200015001000800600500400300200女子300025002000150010008006005004003002003、半程马拉松选手除获得上述奖金外,还将分别获得以下奖品和纪念品:名次奖杯领奖服纪念牌证书浴巾1—3名√√√√√关门时间内完赛者——√√√4、在关门时间内完赛的选手,可于赛后登录赛事官方网站www.自助下载打印成绩证书。(二)迷你马拉松: 1、根据净计时成绩,男、女分别录取前10名给予奖励。具体奖励见下表:名次一二三四五六七八九十公开组1200800600500400350300250200150小学1200800600500400350300250200150初中1200800600500400350300250200150高中12008006005004003503002502001502、迷你马拉松选手除获得上述奖金外,还将分别获得以下奖品和纪念品:名次奖杯领奖服纪念牌证书1—3名√√√√关门时间内完赛者——√√3、在关门时间内完赛的选手,可于赛后登录赛事官方网站www.自助下载打印成绩证书。(三)上述奖金将按照有关规定,征收20%个人所得税,由组委会代收代缴。比赛当天只对各项目前三名获奖运动员进行颁奖,获奖者领奖时须出示有效证件。获奖者名单将于赛后一周内在官网上公布,公示一周后,如无疑义,组委会将按获奖选手留给组委会的联系方式通知其办理奖金领取事宜,按规定支付奖金。十、参赛保险与医疗救护(一)组委会为所有参赛者和工作人员购买比赛期间的人身意外伤害保险,若由于信息填写不全或不真实造成无法购买保险或者保险无效,责任由个人承担。 (二)组委会沿路线每5公里起点及终点处,各设立一个固定医疗点,医疗点前50米有明显的标志;沿参赛选手的跑进路线,有急救车跟随;组委会将在固定医疗点、水站及饮料站安排志愿者和工作人员,协助医疗救护、维护比赛秩序,参赛者有问题可以随时求助。 特别说明: 1、组委会购买的保险为人身意外伤害险。但由于自身疾病、身体原因所引起的不良后果,不属于意外伤害保险,如中暑、昏厥等情况不在组委会购买的人身意外伤害保险范围。因此,请大家谨慎报名参赛;2、组委会在比赛期间提供免费现场急救性质的医务治疗,但在医院救治等发生的相关费用由参赛选手自理;3、参赛选手在比赛过程中因服用兴奋剂或其它违禁药品,造成人身伤害或死亡的,责任由参赛选手自负;4、为了保障参赛选手的生命安全,经组委会授权的赛事裁判和工作人员对明显不能继续进行比赛的参赛选手,有权终止其比赛。 十一、申诉所有参赛选手必须服从裁判员的判决,不得干扰裁判工作。对各组别获得前三名的运动员计时成绩有异议者,可在本组成绩公布后30分钟内向仲裁委员会提出申诉,并提交书面材料及其它相关的佐证材料。申诉时需交500元申诉费,如经审查申诉属实,申诉费全额退回,否则将不予退回。超出时间提出申诉的,仲裁委员会均不予受理。十二、组委会联系信息地址:广东省佛山市顺德区容桂街道体育路123号容桂体育中心 邮政编码:528303电话:1 (9:00—17:30)容桂半程马拉松赛官方网站:www.官方邮箱:ronggui@官方微信公众账号:容桂马拉松 rg-marathon官方微博:@容桂半程马拉松赛十三、未尽事项,另行通知。十四、本规程解释权归2016容桂半程马拉松赛组委会所有。容桂半程马拉松赛组委会日
爱燃烧 —「运动不止于梦想」第三方登录:新闻媒体NEWS MEDIA
&&& 南宁市地处中国西南边陲,是联合国人居奖城市、全国文明城市和国家&一带一路&重要节点城市,中国东盟博览会永久举办地,有&中国绿城&之美誉。自2006年起南宁连续成功地举办了九届南宁国际半程马拉松比赛。2010年还成功承办了国际田联世界半程马拉松锦标赛,该项赛事为国际田联年度最高级别的单项赛事,国际田联大家庭成员国中近40个国家和地区派出了最优秀的马拉松运动员参赛,是历届参赛人数最多的一次。
&&&& Located in the southwest border area of China, Nanning is the permanent venue of China-ASEAN Expo and an important city in the &Belt and Road& initiative. The city is the winner of &UN Habitat Scroll of Honor& and won the title of &Nationally Cultural Advanced City&, crowned as the &Green City of China&. Since 2006, Nanning has successfully held 9 sessions of Nanning International Half Marathon Race. Nanning also successfully hosted the IAAF World Half Marathon Championships in 2010, which was a competition of the highest level among IAAF events that year. The Championships attracted top athletes from about 40 countries and regions of IAAF family to participate with the largest number of participants of this event ever.
&&&&& 中国田径协会、广西壮族自治区体育局和南宁市人民政府决定在日(星期六)举办第十届&万科杯&南宁国际半程马拉松比赛。欢迎您参加,沿着世界顶级马拉松选手的足迹,亲身体验马拉松运动带给您的健康与快乐,感受南宁人民的热情,领略南宁的秀美风光和清新空气。
&&&& Chinese Athletic Association, Guangxi Sports Bureau and Nanning Municipal People&s government decide to hold the 10th &Vanke Cup& Nanning International Half Marathon Race on Dec.12(Saturday), 2015. We would like to welcome you to participate in the event to enjoy the health and happiness marathon brings to us along the trail of the top runners in the world, experience the enthusiasm of Nanning people, appreciate the beautiful scenery and breathe the fresh air of Nanning.
&&& Nanning moves forward with the Marathon Race.
The 10th&Vanke Cup& Nanning International Half Marathon
& the 33rd Nanning Liberation Day Long-distance Race&
&&&&&&&&&&& (Runners Guidebook)
1. Start Time and Date: 8:00 am, December 12th (Saturday), 2015.
2. Routes and Altitude Difference: Please see the attachment.
3. Competition Methods:
1)Call time and venue: 7:00 am on December 12th, roll-call in the main vehicle lanes, north side of Minzu Avenue, Minzu Square. Participants are assembled from west to east in the sequence of International Group, Men/Women Half Marathon, Men/Women 10-km Race, Mini Marathon and Fitness Walk for Elderly Participants.
2)There will be only one gun shot for the start of all events at 8:00 am. Net time measure will be used. All runners will start in the sequence of events.&&
(3)Closing Time
Half Marathon
Mini Marathon
Those who do not finish the competition within the time limit must stop the race and leave the track to avoid accidents.
4) Technical Meeting
The Technical meeting for local teams will be held at 15:00pm on Dec.10 in the conference room on the 8th Floor of Nanning Sports Bureau. Team leaders and coaches from organizations and schools applying for group entry must attend the meeting.
4. Souvenirs Delivery
All runners shall claim the souvenirs on 9:00-20:00, from Dec. 9th (Wednesday) to Dec. 11th (Friday) (address: Li-Ning Sports Park, No.13, Fengling South Road, Qingxiu District, Nanning) with text messages. For those who want to claim the souvenirs after 20:00, Dec. 11th, please go to Biyu Hotel (address: No. 60, Taoyuan Road, Nanning).
5. Number Bibs
(1)Color definitions
Mini Marathon
Black Character with Light Blue Background
Red Character with Light Blue Background
Black Character with Light Yellow Background
Red Character with Light Yellow Background
Half Marathon for Local Citizens
Black Character with White Background
Red Character with White Background
Half Marathon for International Group
Green Character with White Background
Blue Character with White Background
1)Wearing Requirement
(1) Three pieces of number bibs will be distributed to each participant of Half Marathon and 10-km Race respectively. One piece should be pinned to the chest, one on the back and the third one (smaller one) on the belongings keeping bag.
2) One piece of number bib will be distributed to each participant of Mini Marathon which should be pinned to the chest.
&3) Participants must wear the number bibs to enter relevant zones for roll-call and wear them throughout the race. In case any of the number bibs is missing, the participant will be disqualified from the race.
4) The number bibs should not be transferred or lent. All responsibilities for any accident arsing from the transfer or lending of the number bibs shall be taken by the original holder of the number bibs.
5) All runners, except for professional and foreign athletes invited, must wear the uniforms distributed by the organizing committee.
&6) All participants should write down the contact information such as addresses and& phone numbers (mobile phone numbers in particular) of parents, siblings, friends or employers on the back of the number bibs, so that the first-aid staff can inform them in time.
6. Personal Belongings
1)&Runners of Half Marathon can put their belongings in the bag provided by LOC which must be pinned with a small number bib of the owner, identical to the registration number. There are cloakrooms for the runners of Half Marathon at the start area. Runners& belongings can be claimed upon the presentation of the number bibs after finishing the race. 10-km Race runners should keep their belongings in the storage bus and claim them with the number bib in the bus at the finish line of the 10-km Race after the Race.
2) Mini Marathon runners should keep their belongings by their employers or themselves.
3) Deadline for belongings claim should be 1 hour after the closing time of each event. Those who cannot make the claim at the race day can claim them at the information center of Aoti Hotel (No.60 Taoyuan Road, Nanning) within 3 days after the race, or otherwise be regarded as disposed.
4) Please do not put valuables (cell phone, laptop, cash, credit card, driving license, passport, ID card, etc) into the bag. The organizing committee will not be responsible for the loss. Inflammable or explosive articles are prohibited.
7. Refreshment & Water Stations
1) Refreshment stations are located at the start, finish and at the 5, 10, 15, 20km points.
&2) Water stations are located at the 7.5km, 12.5km and 17.5km points. Water stations provide drinking water and sponge.
3) The personal refreshments should be brought to the information desk of Biyu Hotel before 5:00 am on December 12th.
8. Medical Service
1) First-aid stations will be set up at the start area, the finish area and along the track with clear signs. Ambulances, doctors and volunteers along the track will provide assistance and service for the runners.
2) Any runner who feels that he is not up to the competition at any point during the race should quit the race so as to avoid accidents or injuries.
3) Runners who need hospital care will be transported to the nearest hospital by ambulance. Runners are responsible for settling any medical bill. Any claim to the insurance company should be made according to related Insurance Policy afterwards. The exceeding expenses should be covered by the runner himself/herself.
4) First-aid Procedure
If you see a runner who is injured or needs help, please quickly dial emergency number 120 (or notify the nearest working staff or volunteers), or notify the mobile ambulance or fixed ambulance on the site.
&9. Pick-up Bus
&1) Pick-up bus will follow runners throughout the race. Those who are obviously unable to continue due to lack of energy and those who are unable to finish the race within the closing time should quit the race and wait for the pick-up bus by the side of the track.
2) Traffic control will be lifted after the pick-up bus passes over. Those who do not follow the instruction from referees to quit the race or get on the pick-up bus should be responsible for any accident happening to them. The participants shall report relevant information to the referee on the bus.
10. Awarding Ceremony and Notice
The top three winners of Half Marathon for International Group and Half Marathon for Local Citizens are invited to attend the Awarding Ceremony held on the rostrum of Minzu Square. The top 3 winners of the 10-km Race will attend the Awarding Ceremony in Li-Ning Sports Park. Winning athletes shall wait at the waiting area behind the rostrum for the ceremony.
11.Distribution of Participation Certificates and Results Release
(一) 半程马拉松、10公里跑比赛采用感应计时芯片计时,凡参加半程马拉松、10公里跑比赛的运动员必须佩带计时芯片,从起点计时地毯上通过,在跑进过程中,必须通过所有的地面感应计时带,如缺少任何一个分段计时点的成绩,将取消该运动员的全部比赛成绩。除起点外,两个计时传感器在其他计时点的误差少于0.1秒,也将取消相关者的成绩。计时芯片为一次性使用芯片,比赛结束后不再回收。
1) Half Marathon and 10-km Race use electrical timing system. All Half Marathon and 10-km Race runners have to wear a timing-chip and pass ground sensor zone for timing. Any failure of timing recording at any timing zone will cause cancel of competition result. A competition result will be cancelled if the time difference between chip timer and any ground timer is less than 0.1 second except the one at the start. The timing chip is disposable and doesn&t need to be returned.
2) Except the winning athletes, all participants who finish Half Marathon and 10-km Race with no awards can print participation certificate online by oneself. No certificate printing service of this kind will be provided by the organizing committee.
(三) 此次马拉松比赛,组委会联合芝华安方,推出半程马拉松运动员微信成绩(包括分段点)查询服务,运动员及其亲朋好友在其比赛结束后,通过关注芝华安方微信号:zhafsports,点击查询服务中成绩查询,输入相关信息即可查询到运动员通过每个计时点的成绩和完赛成绩。同时为所有完成比赛的运动员提供成绩短信通知服务,发送时间:运动员到达终点后,为没有犯规嫌疑的运动员发送成绩通知短信。
3) In this race, the organizing committee, in collaboration with Zhihua Anfang, will provide WeChat results (including timing points) query service for the Half Marathon athletes. After the end of the race, athletes, their relatives and friends can follow the WeChat account of Zhihua Anfang: zhafsports, click on &results query& at the query service and input the relevant information to access the results of each timing point and the final result of the athletes. Result text message service will be provided to all athletes who finish the race. Time of text message service: result messages will be sent to athletes who do not violate the rules after they reach the finish line.
Athletes need to check if the personal registration information is correct or not before receiving chip and competing goods. If any error is found in the information, please modify the personal information on the site in time.
12. Distribution of Prize Money
Due to the ranking publishing and doping control confirmation, the winning athletes shall pay attention to the followings:
(一) 所有奖金均不现场发放。请获得名次的运动员将姓名、开户行、账号、邮箱、手机号码交给组委会。参加市民组半程马拉松的运动员,必须是广西壮族自治区居民身份证或居住证,否则不予与发放
1) Prize money will not be distributed on-site. The winning athletes shall submit the information including& full name of beneficiary, name of bank, account number, email and mobile phone number to the organizing committee. Athletes participating in Half Marathon for Local Citizens, who do not have ID card or residence permit of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, are not qualifed to receive prize money.
&Prize money of Half Marathon for International Group can be distributed after the winner list is published on the website for 10 days and the doping control result is released without question.
Prize money will not be distributed until 10 days after competition results of Half Marathon for Local Citizens and 10-km Race are released on the website.
13. After the race, all the Half Marathon runners will receive the finished food by the number bib at the cloakroom.
14. Reminder
All participants shall be physically capable and often conducting running practice or obtaining running training. Each participant shall have breakfast before the race and finish the race by walking or running according to his/her health condition and capability. People suffering from the following diseases are advised NOT to participate in the race:
&(1) People with congenital heart disease and rheumatic heart disease
(2) People with hypertension and cerebrovascular disease
&(3) People with myocardium and other heart disease
&(4) People with serious coronary artery disease and serious arrhythmia
&(5) Diabetics with blood sugar too high or low
&(6) Others which are not suitable for sport
2. Please drink more water in the race.
3. All athletes shall participate with manner and listen to the referee's command. Don&t scatter garbage all over the place and don't trample on the flowers belt and trees.
All participants should make a medical checkup from the medical institution before the race. Anyone who feels not good or incapable of sports shall not participate in the race.}


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