
4.7分收藏分享 纠错马上交谈雅思培训、托福培训、成人英语,注重能力培养,以能力自然应试!北京
逸卓必胜课,预约试听老师将直接与您登录的此手机号联系,确定细节手机号: 验证码:看不清?换一张留言:还可以输入 50 个字预约试听 视频课在线授课¥30知名机构托福雅思双料名师,13年教学经验主讲托福、雅思听力及语法,托福听力满分获...机构图片机构图片机构图片机构图片机构图片逸卓必胜课“管你到底”课程服务体系:专治:拖延症、懒惰、学不会、不想学? 全日制学习:和拖延症说拜拜,提高学习效率。&? 学练加成:“讲、练、测”三维循环法,一直讲到你 懂为止!&? 主辅结合:除了讲授做题方法和技巧的主课外,我们 给学员安排了和考试密切相关的拓展课,在背景知识和文 化的补充以及基础练习上让学员的提分事半功倍&? 定时“题检”:各科老师定期一起给学员做测评,以检测学 员的知识掌握程度和学习进度。&? 心灵导师:国内首家,排解学员内心的焦躁和沮丧,轻松 上阵,开心提分!逸卓必胜课隶属于北京逸卓国际教育咨询有限公司,位于北京的五道口HX加速器,毗邻清华大学,北京大学,北航,农大和雅思考点北京语言大学等多所高等院校。教学环境舒适,交通便利(步行3分钟到13号线五道口站),食宿方便。“逸卓必胜课”虽然听起来像个新品牌,但是校内的老师却绝对不会让同学和家长们感到陌生。因为他们都是京城赫赫有名英语培训机构广告中的名师。这批80后优秀教师聚在了一起,用他们的智慧,激情,和责任心打造着”新中国合伙人“的传奇。校长唐志云曾经在接受新浪记者采访时说到:”其实我们这些老师每个人都想开个学校,就像每个厨子想开个饭店一样,这是我们的梦想。最后,在整合了教师资源和经营理念之后,我们终于自己当校长了。我们不是行业内的新品牌,而是真正懂教育的资深机构。 我们只做精品小班课程,提供VIP服务,为每一位学生的成绩负责到底!校长唐志云获评:雅思中国10年“我最喜爱的雅思名师”——各大培训机构评选托福分学科真题核心词汇唐志云老师 雅思托福写论点用的两个好句型唐志云老师 雅思写作以不变应万变唐志云老师 唐老师电影配音唐志云老师 唐叫兽地道纯美式配音教学与描述相符3.6 分老师的教学态度3.6 分老师的响应速度3.6 分心声:非常详细的一个视频课,推荐大家观看学习!齐畅心声:非常棒,好老师然而。。...心声:老师说的非常的好,让我很受用。齐畅心声:非常棒,老师讲的很详细齐畅心声:非常棒
同时,如果你属于雅思一员的话,您也可以在跟谁学注册成为老师发布雅思相关信息了来帮助更多想要学习的人。-雅思培训触屏版相关推荐周边城市北京机构全部机构: &轻松雅思唐志云:我的G类VIP学员初次试水雅思心得
写大篇幅的议论文的时候没有逻辑,平时写英文邮件也多数是陈述事情或者请求类的 2.
拼写有严重的问题,也是经常用电脑的后遗症 3.
or disagree文章类型,
后来是第二次面授,讲的是Discuss both and give your opinions
secondly, thirdly这样的罗列观点,问问老师这样能否上6分。老师当时就打电话给我,鼓励我说千万不要放弃,然后就上qq语言和我耐心的梳理起我的逻辑,讲了将近一个小时,终于解析清楚了,我才发现,原来中文的逻辑就有问题,哎,谁叫小的时候就总是听老师说“因为所以,科学道理”这句话呢,因为中国人普遍没有逻辑,只是想当然。(大家别骂我哈)
Some people think the government should pay for
heath care and education, but others believe it is not the
government’s responsibility. Discuss both views and give your
Some people believe that
health care and education should be paid by government. By
contrast, some governers hold totally opposite opinions. As long as
the development of society, economics growth is not the only
standard to evaluate the performance of a government, but also how
the living situation of their people. And for living situation, it
contains heath care and education. In one hand, lots of people from
rural areas can not afford seeing a good doctor when they are
seriously sick, so the government should give them financial
support. On the other hand, good education can a country stronger,
government should implement and build up a free system to help
their citizens on education.
By contrast, free health
care and education provided by government can also be a huge
financial burden to a country, no matter developed or
developing.& For example, non-pay health care and
education system drag down most countries’ economic recovering in
Europe since year2008 economic crisis. People started losing their
jobs because the crisis. Therefore, staying at home without any
income make citizens in Europe even more panic and desperated.
Also, great benifits provided by government can cause people lazy,
because without any efforts they make, all free stuff can be easily
taken. For example, people can not find free medicines and doctor
seeing in America since such country encourages their citizen to
pursuit better livies by hard working.
In sum, from my point of
view, government should give more financial support to poor areas,
such as providing free health care and education.
Many people believe that teachers should take
the responsibility for the students to judge what is right and
wrong and behave well, while others feel that teachers should only
teach subjects
Discuss and
While people have different
opinions about teachers’responsibility,
I feel it more reasonable to give teachers obligation on teaching
students how to make judgements.
(I feel it more reasonable for sb to do
In fact, people who hold
the same view with me mayargue
& that moral
education plays very & important role in
s growth. It’s
very essential that teachers act like role models to show students
social responsibilities, which will influence students row up as
the adults that always be willing to help weakness, be generous to
the poors and be justify to unfairness. Therefore, comparing
with the teachers only teach academic knowledge
&, in some cases, it
proved that teaching students how to judge right and wrong is quite
necessary, not only for individual, but also for the whole society.
Imagine, if someone grow up
&with plenty science
knowledge, but tend out to be a criminal, what he/she does could be
a huge damage to other people and society.
Moreover, teachers with
great sense of moral should be valued by education system,
therefore, schools should put more efforts on the activities invole
both teachers and students which can enhance their social
responsibilities, such as one day activity helping homeless people
or poor peers. Also, educationlist should develop a systematic
methods to lead to be grow up adults with social
others feel that teachers should only teach
In conclusion, I feel that
in terms of education, moral education and social responsibility is
quite key point for students during their groth path. Therefore,
teachers should play the role to educate what is right and what is
Some people believe that time spent on television, video and
computer games can be beneficial to children, others believe this
has negative effects on a child. Discuss and Give
While people have different
opinions about wheather students should spend time on television,
video and computer games, my view is that it really depends on how
parents help their children to
&manage time spent on
studying and playing, also it relies on parents to control the
contents that their children explore to.
On the one hand, some
educationalists believe it is totally damaging
lives to do anything related television, computer games.
It might be true to some extend,
& becausethere are
full of violence in computer games,
& which influence
behavior in reality. Moreover, in videos and televisions,
sexul related pictures can be easily found. Such contents are
definitly not suitable for students. Also by
& sitting in front of
television and computers for long time can harm
On the other hand,others
may argue that students should have some spare time on leisure
activates, such as television, video and computer games.It could
be reasonable to some extend,
&since creative
advertisements on TV can spire students. Also healthy computer
games can facility students potential, since by playing those
games, it required students logical thinkings, critical
thinkings, being sensitive to the environments inside the game,
having good ability to memorise certain stuff to solve problems
when facing challenges in the game. &
In sum, I feel that
wheather students should spending time on computer games and
television or not, it really should be content filted by
parents, & and good time
management by parents. If those activies can be managed well by
parents, it would be benefits to students, because those games from
computer or video can achieve students potential.
While people have
different opinions about changes, my view is that it depends on
what people’s
situations and what they are looking for in the
On the one hand, some
people prefer doing the same things forever, because they believe
that changes would bring them troubles and problems. Stable lives
make them feel more comfortable since they are satisfied what they
own currently, such as those rich kids who were born in wealthy
families and young pretty women who have married millionaires.
Therefore, changes would bring them pain and uncomfortable
On the other hand, some
people belive that changing is a positive trend in lives, because
they could always seek good opportunities from changes. And new
life would more likely make people access to success. Therefore,
they prefer changes. For example, some young people love to travel
or study abroad for exploring new things and broadening their
Some middle age people choose to shift their jobs for
better positions and
& Even old people
want to move to a city without pollution and noise. Consequently,
changing is good way for those people want new
In sum, I feel that in term
of changing, & it depends on
what people’s
situations and what they are looking for in the future. If they are
happy what they have right now and feel fulfillments, they
definitely would not need any changes. If they are not happy and
unsatisfied with their situations, they should make a move in near
future. While the people who are looking for new challenges deserve
new lives, and conservative people who need stableness deserve
unchanged environments.
Some people think it is better to be
self-employed. Other people say it is better to work for a company
or institution. Discuss both views and give your
While people have different
opinions about self-employed mode, my view is that it depends on
what people want and expect for future.
On the one hand, it is
reasonable why some people prefer open their own business, this is
because self-employed can bring more achievements and money. For
sure, working alone without any support can be very challenging and
risky, but those risks and unpredictable future can make bigger
fortune and more achievements. Therefore, a lot of young people
would like to take risks on self-employed rather than working for
On the other hand, it is
understandable that others prefer working for a company or
institution. Since stable jobs can make them feel safety and
comfortable. Being a member of a company means that people can work
in a tram, individuals do not need to take many risks and worry
about company’s future too much. Therefore, a lot of graduates
prefer to work in bigger companies and institutions since they can
learn a lot of skills, such as team work skills, communication
skills and leadership skills. And some cases show that older people
prefer working in institutions because they can have better balance
between work and life.
In sum, from my point of
view, it depends on what kind of lives people expect and want. If
people want to win great wealth and large fortune, choosing
self-employed can make dreams come true. If people look for stable
and peaceful lives, working in a company can definitely give them
what they want. 251
Compared with teachers who
only focus on academic course,
It relies on how parents
I think this argument may
be true to some extent, because…这样更自然
PC games are filled
with….be filled with…充满了
This is certainly
reasonable, since…
这是很多同学在学习雅思写作时遇见的一个纠结,闹心的问题。而且,我听过有些同学告诉我说,有老师告诉他雅思所有的议论文只有一只写法!我勒个去!说实话,我可以求同存异,但是真不能受误人子弟。我们可以想想,如果雅思所有的议论文都一种写法,那么官方议论文出题方式为什么有两种(这里不算report)类型。OK, let’s get to the point.
To what extent do you agree or
另外:是否非要做一个让步段?其实一边倒是完全完全可以的。不要忘了说的是to what
Discuss both views and give your
特点:在写作风格上中间两段在口吻上要客观一些,此题的特点就是双边论证,而agree or disagree一边倒都可以。所以,写discuss无论你倾向谁,或者折中都应该在中间段客观,切记哪怕在中间段反驳一方观点都应该以客观的口吻。结尾段明确表达自己的看法,并说明原因。
key words:
rote learning
a key approach of learning
overall effectiveness
meaningful learning
learn by heart
occupy much time
concentrate on basic facts
get a high score on the test
in a short time
improve their analyzing ability
a complex progress
scratch the surface of things
feel tired and dull
develop one’s own ideas
Rote learning Does More Harm Than Good
Obviously, rote learning is a general phenomenon in most of the
schools in China. Many students in our school assert that it is the
most efficient learning method. Yet, I do not support this
Indeed, rote learning enables these students to memorize all the
knowledge in a very short time and get a high score on the test.
Their classmates will certainly envy them for their perfect scores
after the results of the exam are announced. Besides, praise from
their parents and teachers also satisfies their vanity. The
consequence of rote learning makes some students look quite
intelligent and smart.
However, this practice is by no means perfect. First and
foremost, memorization by repetition prevents us from developing
our own ideas. Regardless of their academic performance, most of
these students who are used to learning everything by rote emerge
as dependent adults who are incapable of thinking for themselves
and adapting to our changing times. As a result, those people who
learn by rote do not have the audacity to question other people's
opinions. Certainly, the courage to doubt existed “truths” is a
quality requisite to all the scientists, inventors and
Another equally vital point to be considered is that the
theoretical knowledge we cram into our minds can not be applied to
the tasks of real life. We cannot derive great pleasure from using
skills we learn in our daily lives if we learn by rote. Imagine the
absurdity of a biologist who cannot comprehend photosynthesis while
looking at an actual plant. Yet those who learn by rote will never
be able to use what they have learned on anything besides writing a
The last factor to be presented is that mechanical memorizing
extinguishes our thirst for knowledge. The tedious theoretical
writings required for rote learning bore us to death. If we only
memories the formulas when learning how to calculate the area of a
circle and not see the wheels of our bicycles, we can hardly
understand what the variables in the formula represent. As a
result, teachings which do not relate to our lives convince us that
the knowledge is useless and we will have no interest in learning
In the final analysis, rote learning can help raise test scores,
but can not be the best way to improve our overall qualities and
promote the development in an all-round way. High marks in exams
represent only good test-taking skill. The phenomenon of most
student learning by rote is a national tragedy. Any hope left to
vitalizing the whole nation lies in education, and cramming can
easily kill the hope!


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