collectors.joiningg us for lunch this saturday有语法错误吗

地址: 1351 S Grove Ave, Unit 109,
Ontario, CA 91761
电话: 626-657--21:00(西部时间)
(周一到周五, 周六周日休息)
a ski trip this Saturday (Feb. 25)
Dear CSSA members, Wish you all have had a happy long weekend. As you may know, the last winter storm dropped 10 inches of new natural snow at Mountain High ski resort, and they are continueing to make snow throughout the week. So we expect fantastic snow condition for the ski trip this Saturday, Feb. 25th. For the trip, we will depart around 7:30am and return around 5:30pm. Temperature at the ski resort will be around 50F. So please dress warmly. Other useful stuff include gloves, hats, and sunglasses. You can either bring a light lunch with you, or eat in the resort cafeteria (around $5 per person). Again we have some tickets available for transfer this time. The price is $43 for one day usage of the 3-peat ticket. It includes a 2-hour lesson, complete skiing or snowboard rental, and an 8-hour lower mountain lifting ticket. We also have some 8-hour full-mountain lifting tickets available for transfer for $30 each (you need to rent the ski or snowboard by yourself). If you are interested, please send me an email for reservation. The driving direction to Mountain High ski resort is to go I-10 East for 36 miles, then I-15 North for 25 miles, take the exit to 138 West toward Wrightwood (a left turn) and continue on it for 7 miles, then turn left to CA-2 West for 5 miles. The ski resort has two parts, east resort and west resort. You will see the parking lot for the east resort on your left first. Park your car there, and then board a shuttle to go to west ski resort. We typically meet at the place where we board the shuttle in the east ski resort. If you are interested in joining the trip, please send me an email for reservation. Please include your name, address, phone number, your ski level (beginner/intermediate/advanced), if you need a ticket, and if you need pickup or can provide carpool seats for others (and how many). Cost for carpool will be shared among participants (around $7 per person, to the driver directly). BTW, photos for past ski trips can be found in the hiking club web page at
ChineseInLA总共有35792条点评, 28854次评分以下试题来自:
单项选择题He (refused) (joining) us last Saturday night. (Don't) you think (it strange) A.refusedB.joiningC.Don' strange
1A.Let’s hurryB.get timeD.can badC.will operateD.immediately3A.long forB.whichC.are wetC.must
【常用英语口语 - 英语口语】 1. I would like to invite you to dinner next Saturday night.  我想邀请你下星期六晚吃饭。  2. You will join us for lunch, won’t you?  你会乐意跟我们一起吃午餐,是吧?  3. Do join us for lunch.  跟我们一起吃午餐吧。  4. Do you fancy joining us?  你喜欢和我们一起吗?  5. What about joining us?  跟我们在一起怎么样?  6. Come and join us?  来加入我们吗?  7. Why don’t you join us?  为什么你不加入我们呢?  8. Like to join us?  想跟我们在一起吗?  9. You must join us?  你一定会加入我们吧?  10. We should be very pleased if you could come to our farewell party this Saturday.  如果你星期六能来参加我们的欢送会,我们将深感荣幸。  11. We should be delighted if you were able to come to our farewell party this Saturday.  如果你星期六能来参加我们的欢送会,我们将深感荣幸。  12. Would you care to come to our farewell party this Saturday?  你愿意本周六参加我们的欢送会吗?  13. I’d like to invite you to my home.  我想邀请你到我家里。  14. Do you have time this evening?  你今晚有空吗?  15. Do you have any engagement?  你有约会吗?  16. Are you free tomorrow morning?  你明天上午有空吗?  17. Can you come to my house?  你能不能到我家来?  18. We will be very glad if you can come.  如果你能来,我们非常高兴。  29. We will be waiting for you.  我们将等候你。  20. Let’s go to a dance tonight.  今晚我们一起去跳舞吧。  21. Will you be my guest?  请你做我的上宾好吗?  22. I hope you will join us.  希望能来加入我们的活动。  23. Thank you. I’d like to very much.  谢谢你,我很想去。搜集一系列与“大运”,“奥运”相关的实用句子,并按一下分类搜集,每类不少于三句(刚好三句也可以)
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