为什么在知乎上看到的变性别者普遍学历比较高,而且MtF占少数服从多数 知乎

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引用 的话:华星姐姐的贴子我都一一认真地读了,她真是一位值得信赖的专业的SRS过来人,她很认真很坦诚地回答了所有她人关心的问题,她有资格上官方的媒体,她能成为变性人中的精英!我建议她出书,会有好销路的,肯定能帮助...谢谢你的肯定与鼓励。今年,我在几位跨性别朋友的鼓励下,决定参与到一个新成立的公益机构,届时会通过网页以及app为跨性别群体提供线上咨询以及线下服务。之后会提供职业培训、心理辅导、法律政策咨询、医疗咨询等服务。让我们拭目以待。
引用 的话:今天无意中看了泰国唱的那个人妖的忠诚(mv里的也是变性人) 真的挺感人的,然后无意中发现了你的帖子 看完以后真的挺心疼楼主的,觉得身为女儿心却为男儿身的那种心酸,觉得楼主是一个勇敢的人,为了追求自己的...好大的大拇指,嘻嘻,谢谢啦!
引用 的话:好啊!到时通知一声,我会参与其中的,做一个忠实的受众,另外想问一声,我之后看到一位厦门的Transgender在网上发了一篇专门讲她在泰国做变性手术过程的事情,我猜想是不是就是你写的?如果真是的,那为...你说的这篇文章,如果笔者是用很逗逼的风格撰写的,那应该就是我了。嘻嘻,这是个全民逗逼的时代。做公益,又要隐藏自己又要抛头露面,这个确实很伤考验自己。但是只要我们共同努力,相信在不久的将来我们就能消灭歧视,因为歧视源于无知。
引用 的话:我读后感触很深,很久不能平复,我不是诗人,但是突然就有了这样不成体的句子,奉献给大家!请别笑话,但是这是真实的情感流露。我还希望有这方面的歌曲和各种以此为题材的艺术作品,以增进理解,消除歧视!夜深人静...
引用 的话:好的,如何私聊?不要把你的qq号用回帖的形式出现在楼层中。这样很危险。赶快删掉。
引用 的话:楼主姐姐当初可以看看心理医生的,我在某论坛看见过一个事儿,说某大学两个同寝男生关系特好,因为有一个共同癖好,就是异装癖,圈里的就是CD,后来有一个玩的走火入魔了,死都想做手术,跟家里都闹翻天了,以死相... 谢谢,么么哒。跨性别的心理问题是可以通过一些治疗做缓解,比如在专业人士的帮助下从其他渠道宣泄或者服用药物之类,目前被治愈的可能性不太大。
到底哪一个是敏感雌?怎么改都发不出 。。。。。。
引用 的话:很认真的看完了姐姐的帖子,严肃的问个问题,姐姐认识雨雪霏霏咩~你好。我就是雨雪霏霏,因为叫菲菲的人太多了。所以现在启用新马甲,请叫我兜兜。兜兜这个名字是夏世莲的一位版主帮我起的。
引用 的话:来看看兜兜⊙▽⊙我就觉得这篇文章的画风和之前看过的一篇很相似_(:_」∠)_ 哈。谢谢关注与支持。
引用 的话:姐姐,我承认,我有CD的倾向,也女装过,我还跟别的同好开过玩笑,我说那天不玩了肯定能戒掉,他们说我说屁话啦,哈哈,我就是嘴硬,我内心也很纠结,我从来都说我不可能成为TS啦,我女装很节制,手术?扯淡!是... 嘿嘿,谢谢。你的名字好萌哦,感觉整个人都萌萌哒~~~~
引用 的话:华星姐。想到一些专业性的问题请教。请问手术后是不是终身都需要通模具,否则就有萎缩的可能。另外对于手术后YD的感觉男人能感受的出来吗?华星姐跟我说没和男人爱爱过,我在欧美的susan论坛上看到,部分人手... 把手指头伸到阴道里的手感,就好象把手伸进嘴里去摸口腔内靠脸蛋的内侧,而且手感会更软一些。手术的效果本身完全可以瞒天过海。有没有破绽取决于自身的其他条件。
引用 的话:哈哈,从夏站开始就一直在潜水默默围观大神的贴子。这次在果壳看了几楼就猜到是你啦~膜拜加嫉妒。其实楼主还是男生的时候肯定说话那么风趣幽默,超有才华。如今夏站很冷清了,兜兜的算命贴还更新吗?能在这里遇见老朋友,真开心。 算命的事情仅限娱乐,最近实在忙,就不玩了。
引用 的话:加我的QQ吧:在网络上暴露自己的qq号码其实挺危险的,你可以私信给我或者提出具体的问题。我能给大家的帮助仅限于我所知道的与经历的,更多的帮助项目还在酝酿之中。
引用 的话:好多人都在问我要照片…… 正在考虑自爆一下……超过100人支持,立马放照。
引用 的话:兜兜姐你好,看了你的贴很感动,感谢你的长期回复,很欣赏你的态度,我想问几个问题,1.怎么找靠谱的中介啊?我也想让蔡医生主刀,网上有个金子的博客那个靠谱么?2.我大学刚毕业,资金有限,并且我觉得自己其他... 梁金的博客地址是 ,此前出现过山寨版的金子小姐,请认准此人肖像,嘻嘻。其实此类中介还是不少的,最然我只知道金子这么一家,但是据我了解不同的中介各自都有自己的弊端,比如中介会过滤掉一些令人不安的信息,不过中介确实加快了速度降低了沟通成本。我选择金子的原因是因为医生的报价和金子的报价是一样的,金子免费附加了翻译和接送、跑腿等服务,何乐而不为呢……加之身边许多人都是通过金子去泰国的,因此就没反复比较各家中介。个人建议E文好且个性比较独立的人可以直接跟医院联系,我当时手术费用大约是6万RMB,因为跟房价和物价一样,手术费每年都上涨。你要去手术的话准备个10万还是要的。如果不是太隐私的问题可以直接回帖问我,方便有相同疑问的人都了解一下。如果很隐私的话可以发站内信告诉我你的qq,我加你详聊。
引用 的话:姐姐你好,我也是在风荷雅筑看到的雨雪霏霏的帖子,知道了很多有用的信息,在这里表示感谢。果壳这个讨论组却是在搜蔡达武医生时搜出来的,因为我加入的姐妹QQ群里有人说蔡达武医生的技术并不好…她是正在加蒙那里...蔡的负面我听说过不少,比如有中介诋毁蔡医生,说蔡的病房连窗户都没有以及服务多么不周等等,我听了只能呵呵。对给自己手术医生的感情就好象对自己的娘家和母校一样,是一个自己有着无数怨言遍却不允许别人指责的地方。一些关于咖蒙的不好的一面我也听过,也亲眼见过咖蒙医生的手术效果。咖蒙医生在我筹划手术的时候收费是比蔡达武低的,很庆幸当时筹到了多一点的钱才选择了蔡达武,后来咖蒙涨了不少价格反而成了高端选择了。总之还是很开心选择了蔡,所以想把我经历尽可能地分享一下。
引用 的话:亲,我可以求组织吗?私信聊
引用 的话:姐姐好。偶之前是混药娘吧的- -请教下一个小问题,如果切了DD的话,是不是就无法做皮瓣而是只能用直肠了?据说如果切了DD材料就不够皮瓣了 另外偶给你了私信,如果方便的话加偶QQ哦,不会经常打扰啦。有时...众所周知,丁丁和蛋蛋都是用于生殖器再造的宝贵材料,对于已经抢先施工的人来说……如果切了丁丁确实很够呛,材料是绝对不够用的。如果个人执意要做皮瓣的话可以从其他地方挖过来,比如从手臂或者大腿,因为医生(据我所知仅限泰国医生)会用特别的手法把皮“拉长”(类似于皮匠把牛皮分成3-4层),所以需要挖走的皮肤表面积远远小于阴道的内壁表面积。切掉蛋蛋之后的情况又分很多种,比如天生就隐睾的,蛋皮绝对不够用。蛋皮够大的人在切蛋的一段时间后蛋皮会萎缩,最终导致蛋皮不够大。对于坚持采用皮瓣术的人来说,蛋皮和鸡皮不够用最终的方案还是挖皮。至于切蛋多久之后会导致蛋皮萎缩,这个跟个体差异有关,我觉得1年还算ok,比如我。切蛋之后经常扯蛋皮有利于延缓蛋皮的萎缩。那么怎么确定鸡皮和蛋皮够不够手术使用呢?这个需要跟医生好好沟通了,自我感觉有可能鸡蛋皮不够用情况的同学一定要事先跟医生说明,不管你是要做皮瓣术还是结肠术,切记。。
引用 的话:众所周知,丁丁和蛋蛋都是用于生殖器再造的宝贵材料,对于已经抢先施工的人来说……如果切了丁丁确实很够呛,材料是绝对不够用的。如果个人执意要做皮瓣的话可以从其他地方挖过来,比如从手臂或者大腿,因为医生(据... 我在楼上的发言中使用了几次“绝对”这个词,感觉有点不妥,更正为”有可能“。
引用 的话:真的非常感谢楼主的这个帖子 解答了我很多困惑我先说一下我自己的情况吧 虽然我从来没吃过药 但我本身的身材就属于肩窄胳膊细的 手也很小 身上也没有什么肌肉 但胡子稍微有一些旺盛 我现在希望能够先接受摘除...摘除蛋蛋可不是好闹着玩的,不到万不得已不支持这样做。我是手术费实在筹不出在走了这一步险棋,实在不推荐别人这样做。我印象中见过有摘除蛋蛋的人发帖子问要如何挽救,看着都揪心。摘除之前你要先明确你想要的是什么,风险都知道了吗?另外你值得手术效果不好指的是何种程度的期望值?手术方面,除非实在没钱,不然不推荐在国内做手术,差别可不是一点两点,数落一天都数落不完。
引用 的话:华星姐当女生都几年了,应该完全习惯,或许也忘了男人时的生活,怎么意识里还长出丁丁的刚回归社会的时候(说的跟犯人出狱似得)很害怕被人知道自己的事情,处处小心。可能这件事压力有点大,就在心里埋下这个隐患。最近有些放松警惕,情况也有所好转。希望大家都做美梦,噩梦太糟糕了。不约不约,噩梦我们不约……
引用 的话:我想问华星姐:当女生很多年了,我想你是个美丽的女生;当然有完全习惯么?或者说有时也有不适的行为,再或者说在某个深处突然怀念当男生的优越?当然我不是说后悔,是意识里面也许是最心静的时候有这种念头吗?在我看来,做男人比做女人好,这个世界是男人的世界。只是做男人对我来说太不适应了,那种感觉就好象出门之前,上到发型下到鞋子,全身所有行头都是自己觉得最过时的款式。当男人的各种感觉里似乎找不到优越感,反而是自卑感吧。虽然很不适应,但做男人的岁月也给我留下了一些正面的印记,比如正义感很强、有保护身边的人的意识、会帮助身边的人、会维修一些东西等等。
引用 的话:华星姐,你好。我听说喉结去掉后声音还是不变,虽然说通过一些训练方式可以改善说话的声音。可是咳嗽的时候的声音还是像以前男生时那样沉闷吗?还是像女生那样声调会高一些?我也想做手术来着,可是我现在大三,准备...首先,你所听闻的关于声音方面的信息是正确的。咳嗽的声音取决于你掩盖原本声音的熟练程度,轻声咳嗽还算好的。如果是被辣椒呛到的那种痛苦的咳嗽,基本上是很难听的。就我个人而言,激素对体力的影响很大。不过不管是手术治疗还是激素治疗,在圈子里有经验的人汇总信息之后一致认为,个体差异会导致最终效果差距很大,这就是为什么西方国家的激素治疗虽然有很多案例但是依然需要医生的指导。如果你已经做了决定,也可以尝试一下保守剂量的药物。体重方面,有人变得更胖也有人变得更瘦,很不好说。但一般的规律是肌肉变少而脂肪增多。
引用 的话:谢谢您的回答 因为我听说在变性之前要进行激素补充 但因为男性本身生理的原因 不但要大剂量补充雌激素而且还要补充抗雄 可这样对身体伤害非常大 所以我才想着先摘掉蛋蛋。如果像您说的不摘掉的话,那就是只能那... 雌激素自身可以压制大脑的FSH,本身就抗雄的,因此抗雄并非需要另外服药。激素治疗的实际情况不是你所描述的“手术前需要大量补充雌激素”,这样的理解不正确,激素治疗的方案有很多种,小剂量长期稳定的用药会更合理。我的朋友中就有因为大量胡乱使用激素而造成二级肝损的,年纪轻轻就…… 一般跨性别女孩进行激素治疗的目的其实有很多,一方面是为了让自己更加女性化,让自己更容易适应女性身份,另一方面在此期间也有跟多的时间去考虑是否要做更进一步的尝试。不进行激素治疗机会直接手术,这样不太复合许多西方国家的治疗流程,但也并不是不可以的。我的朋友中就有人刚从陆战队退伍就飞到泰国咔嚓了。在手术之前把蛋蛋摘除,完全是白白多挨一刀,实在没必要。这个是没钱手术或者不想手术情况下的一种不是办法的办法,找不到什么理由要去这样做。
引用 的话:华星姐,那韩国和泰国的声带手术有用吗??用药后脂肪重新分配穿女性塑形衣能穿出女生那种曲线吗??我的问题有点多,请见谅,谢谢你! 我问过做声带手术的姐妹,她认为手术的作用只是让自己说话的声音变小了,所以听起来更温柔。她现在说话是女孩子的声音,按照她自己的描述也是自己练声的结果。手术费在泰国是4000美金貌似,这么多年过去了,不知道涨价没有。服用雌激素之后脂肪的堆积会有变化,会往屁股、大腿、胸部集中,但是具体的效果应该因人而异。可以观察一下自己母系家族中女性成员的体形,服药后应该会跟她们有些靠拢。至于塑身衣…… 好像都是奸商发明的,我有点半信半疑,如果身材要靠塑身衣来保持,那是多痛苦的事情哦。
引用 的话:华星姐,你干脆建个果壳跨性别女生的QQ群吧,方便交流,论坛贴吧什么的都可以的。塑形衣穿久穿个三四年应该会有效果的吧?你做手术后完全恢复后体力怎样,比如说跑步锻炼减肥之类的,身体能承受得住吗? 你可以把你的QQ号用私信发给我,我这边有一个常年不冒泡的群。因为长期缺乏运动,我体能很差。但我相信只要是制定合理的运动量,适应它只是时间的问题,不会有压力。
引用 的话:华星姐,你收到我的站内信了吗?还是新帐号用不了站内信?!抱歉,这段时间一直在外地奔波,没顾得上登录果壳。等我回到家之后加你。来自
引用 的话:星姐,问个很无知的问题,我知道变性手术时是割掉dandan,阴囊做成外阴,原来的jj部分的皮是向下拉扯回过去的(也就是向屁股后面),问题就是在这里,既然是拉扯回去的,等手术完成后,有没有感觉那个地方...蛋皮的一部分做成大阴唇(靠大腿的一部分),另一部分(蛋皮的中间部分)做成了阴道内壁。鸡皮是向下拉没错,但它被做成了小阴唇,然后呈现“人”字形弧线过度并结束在阴道口的两侧。不会有拉扯的感觉,除非自己去拉他。来自
引用 的话:原来霏霏姐好久不上夏站了,我说怎么不见姐姐回复,终于又找到组织了~姐姐能私信一下联系方式么,好多事想咨询姐姐,或者我把我的QQ私信给姐姐吧好的,可以把QQ号私信给我,等我忙完这几天的行程再加你。来自
引用 的话:好,华星姐,我想问一下您是否知道在深圳有比较好的可以去喉结和胡须的医院与医师?另外手术我打算去pAI做,为自己懂一些英文,所以不打算请中介,钱省下来用于做手术,宁愿手术多花点钱,用的材料好一些。谢谢...前年有位深圳的大姐姐前年独自前往pai做手术,本来我是陪她一起去的,临走之前我掉链子了。据她反应还是很好的,术后恢复快、通模具很顺利。因为这位大姐姐是好像是国企高管,手术后依然男装工作和生活,打算虑退休之后才公开,所以我不太方便打扰她,很久没联系了。深圳能做激光脱毛的地方应该很多,唯一的问题是医院是否友好,我想大家最关心的是这一点。很遗憾目前我还没有这方面的资料,但是我今年开始会统计出友好机构名录,希望将来能帮助更多人。如果有人知道友好企业,请告知我哦∩_∩
引用 的话:好,华星姐,我想问一下您是否知道在深圳有比较好的可以去喉结和胡须的医院与医师?另外手术我打算去pAI做,为自己懂一些英文,所以不打算请中介,钱省下来用于做手术,宁愿手术多花点钱,用的材料好一些。谢谢...前年有位深圳的大姐姐前年独自前往pai做手术,本来我是陪她一起去的,临走之前我掉链子了。据她反应还是很好的,术后恢复快、通模具很顺利。因为这位大姐姐是好像是国企高管,手术后依然男装工作和生活,打算虑退休之后才公开,所以我不太方便打扰她,很久没联系了。深圳能做激光脱毛的地方应该很多,唯一的问题是医院是否友好,我想大家最关心的是这一点。很遗憾目前我还没有这方面的资料,但是我今年开始会统计出友好机构名录,希望将来能帮助更多人。如果有人知道友好企业,请告知我哦∩_∩
引用 的话:楼主姐姐,我想问问手术后下体有什么感觉 是空空的吗下体没有空空的感觉,可能是因为重力的关系,内脏会把空隙压实一部分。
引用 的话:打扰了。我来报个到。我是个男的,打小就相当女孩。中间因为一路上学,小学奋斗到大学,心里那个小女孩就被我锁起来了。现在留学之后,当女孩的愿望一发不可收。这是我的提问连接:亲爱的。百分之百的跨性别目前不存在,也没有存在预期。就算是天生的女孩子,拥有完美外表的也不多。人生不如意十之八九,要学会接受不完美的东西。
引用 的话:姐姐我又来了,今天看了一个视频,一个叫《心理访谈》的节目,几年前有一期讲恋物癖的成因,我是cd,虽然无力改变什么现状吧,有几点我很赞同,如果姐姐有时间,可以看看,我知道很多姐妹都是后天的。http:/...是的,我相信很多心理上的问题都是后天的关系。很多方面我们都缺乏引导,幸亏av片不难取得,不然多少家庭会断子绝孙…… 大人们都在为生存烦恼,哪里猜得出孩子心里隐藏的秘密。
引用 的话:非常感谢您的认真答复!真的O(∩_∩)O~是否知道上海去喉结手术的费用,回复的周期还有做手术需要开什么特别的证明么?上海411医院的整形科主任是赵烨德,因为我是跑了两趟才见到赵博士的,建议你先电话联系到他们科室,看能否跟他的小马仔约一下时间。我觉得面谈最好,如果用书信或者邮件的话会磨很久,有可能需要你描述自己的历史以及痛苦的经历…… 好折腾的。见面之后估计就要过外貌协会这一关了,如果自己的外表看起来很漂亮的话遇到阻力会少一些;如果外表比较粗的话可能会受到一些考验。一般性的问话是少不了的,还会要求提供手术申请书和父母同意书。不过这个父母同意书这样的文件多容易取(wei)得(zao)呀……然后就是手术了,运气好可以立刻办理住院,如果不行的话可能需要再约时间。手术费不贵,现在应该在5000左右,因为我7年前的费用大约不到3000。但是有硬性规定,入院的体检费要一千多,外加床位费之类的。准备个小一万,应该花不完。手术后前三天说话和吃饭有点疼,术后7天拆线,你也可以选择回到自己的城市找医生拆线。喉结手术还是有风险的,有可能影响发声。事实上任何手术都有风险,也不需要过于担心。
引用 的话:打扰了楼主,发了个帖子怕被人人肉,删了。我就想咨询一下,做手术之前,一定要异装生活、服用激素一段时间吗?有些国家要经过这样严谨的流程才能获得心理鉴定书和手术推荐书,然后才能开始后面的程序。根据国内的法律法规,这些并不是强制需要,但是我觉得找不到理由不去这么做。这样做的最大意义就是可以一定程度模拟出你变性之后的状态,激素对人的性格和心理有着许多影响,而易装生活过的人在手术完成后能更快地用新身份融入社会,并开始新的生活,这一点尤为重要。
引用 的话:华星姐,知不知道目前在泰国自精存储的流程和费用,不少还性(我觉得这个词更合适)人应该多非常渴望有自己的后代,也算给父母和自己一个交代。我们为什么不能有孩子,一定要过着残缺的人生呢,人要自己成全自己。念...这个方面还真的不知道。但是理论上上只要智齿没有拔除,就能用智齿的干细胞造出下一代。所以这个问题我准备留到20年以后再去烦恼。
引用 的话:还想问下姐姐变性之后高潮是什么样的表现的 频率的抽搐吗与男性的高潮是一样的机理,只是体验和感受不一样。这方面不同的姐妹有不同的描述。偶尔有手术后无法获得高潮的例子,但是无法确定是什么原因,也许是她们的方法不对。
引用 的话:华星姐:服用激素后对性格和心里会产生哪几方面的影响?性格比如变温柔?慢慢女性化?之前的男生时的爱好会慢慢不习惯?心里的逻辑思维也会女性化?比较感性?或者说容易悲观?等等?谢谢你说的这几种情况都有,具体的情况跟药量和个体差异有关,不能一概而论。有时候感受也会有波动,就我身边的人而言,服用雌激素的感受差异也很大,这就是为什么女孩子总是难以琢磨的原因吧……世界有四大自然之谜,它们是:飞碟、尼斯湖怪、百慕大三角、你的女友。
引用 的话:姐姐的帖子,,依然人气如旧。。。我是前面问你激素疗法的,那个娃娃,还记得么。。。推荐我去夏站逛,这里的账号密码就忘记了。。这又重新弄了个,想不到。姐姐还在。好几位朋友都是为了回这个帖子才注册果壳网的,我被大家感动了……
引用 的话:哥小时候 看见小姑姑戴耳环了也很想穿耳洞,但不敢跟家人说。 当然了,这个想法从没和家人说过。也许我也有轻度的性别认同障碍。我是双性恋,应该喜欢男人多一点。 印证了这句话:“每个女孩子都有LES的潜质。”
引用 的话:华星姐,准备去泰国时,如何兑换泰铢最划算?国内兑还是国外兑?或者说直接把银行卡的里存款转泰铢最划算?1.泰国的汇率比较好,如果有可能的话可以带rmb现金去泰国换,但是出境有金额限制,不太适合独自前往的人。2.用银联卡在泰国atm直接取现也行,汇率据说一般般。因为取现有额度限制(具体要查一下银联的最新规则),行程很紧迫的人需要把金额分散在多张卡里面,不然一时取不完。3.在国内银行可以兑换泰铢,也有金额限制。我当时把现金直接带出境的,因为手头紧所以不得不选择最划算的方式。出境的时候海关没拦住我,但是钱被安检发现了……经过斗智斗勇 最后还是成功把钱带出去了。
引用 的话:樓主花了多少錢做完的啊?(我也想做欸)如果选择在泰国某大牌医院单一做一项结肠术手术费的话,台币大约三十多万吧,哈哈。结肠术泰铢大约32万皮瓣术泰铢大约24万
引用 的话:六岁开始就有这种想法,现在21了大三,十几年一直在默默平衡自己身理与心理上的不统一,上个学期做了最重要的决定,跟我爸坦白了,他很平静,但越是平静我越是觉得心里有愧,还没有开始走这条路,我害怕走上这条路...无论你选择怎样的人生,希望你做自己生命的主人。
引用 的话:华星姐,我大概从记事以来就认为自己应该是个女孩子,原来以为这只是脑海中的一个不切实际的想法,现在发现有很多姐妹和我一样。最近看到了这个贴子 ,突然间觉得自己不再孤单了。下决心要去手术,现在第一步要服药...第一步不是要服药,亲爱的。第一步要把自己的内心看明白,通过改变性别想要得到怎样的未来,又愿意付出些什么代价。以后的道路想清楚,如何生存、如何生活?要把梦想变成现实,那就要很现实去面对。
引用 的话:我感觉姐姐你做到这一步可是承受了一般人无法承受的痛苦和压力,人是一种奇怪的生物我在这想说一句话,这一生一世虽有遗憾,却是并无后悔,不要骂我是的,自己做的决定有什么好后悔的。就算是被逼的,也是自己的决定。人生只有遗憾没有后悔,后悔是说给警察叔叔听的。
各种问题可以继续提问哦,楼主各种回答,不会弃楼的~~~~ 各位姐妹可以加我的微信,我的微信号:abcde。149(把中间的句号去掉)加我的时候不要忘记报上果壳网的id,莫人生我一般不加的。
引用 的话:华星姐,起初服药出现的不良反应怎么克服的,我之前吃过治疗青春痘的药物,很头晕呀,眼花不建议在没有医生指导下使用处方药
(C)2016果壳网&&&&&京ICP备号-2&&&&&我是一位跨性别者(变性人MTF),有什么想了解的? | 掀起你的内幕来小组 | 果壳网 科技有意思
+ 加入我的果篮
引用 的话:目前supon(叔鹏)做得算是挺好的,据说是这样。我认识两位在supon那里回来的姐妹。supon做事情比较严谨也很人性化,比如术前会放一些视频给大家看,然后分发手术知识小册子、搞些培训什么的,比如要...谢谢,竟然这么麻烦,我还是简单点好了
引用 的话:谢谢,竟然这么麻烦,我还是简单点好了其实也不会很麻烦,有些辅导和资料提供的话还是很有帮助的,可以先尝试跟数鹏联系看看。这样你对你术后的身体比较了解。我去泰国手术的时候都是稀里糊涂的,手术完了回来也是稀里糊涂,很多事都是后知后觉。
引用 的话:社会严重的偏见、不理解和不认可,使这类人被边缘化、妖魔化,使这类人面临着很严酷的生存压力,得不到应有的尊重和宽容,这是很不公平的,也是社会文明程度还不足够的象征。很多人根本都搞不清楚情况,一听说变性人...谢谢你的支持 么么哒
引用 的话:谢谢你的肯定与鼓励。今年,我在几位跨性别朋友的鼓励下,决定参与到一个新成立的公益机构,届时会通过网页以及app为跨性别群体Transgender提供线上咨询以及线下服务。之后会提供职业培训、心理辅导、...这个太赞啦!我感觉在中国被同样问题困扰的姐姐妹妹们真的是个很庞大的数字,而且很多人都痛苦的没有办法...如果能有一个类似于跨性别群体的互助组织,不管是心里咨询还是手术指导等方面都可以提供过来人的经验,我相信后面的妹妹们会少走很多弯路,想想这个就觉得很幸福
我问了下supon诊所的手术价格,结果诊所发了封很长的邮件过来,只能看懂个大概,意思是SRS手术费用是550000泰铢,也不知是否是全部的总价(上体加下体加去喉结等)。粘贴过来,给大家参详一下:Dear Client, Thank you very much for your enquiry sent to Dr Suporn’s Clinic. I hope that the following will address most of your immediate questions:Prices Our current prices valid for all operations undergone up to and including 31 October 2016, are as follows. Operations undergone after that date might be subject to price change: Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) - Male to female -
550,000 Baht Dr Suporn's SRS technique is his proprietary non-penile inversion technique, which is a combined vaginaplasty, clitoroplasty and
labiaplasty, conducted in a single operation. If testes are present pre-operatively, the operation also incorporates an orchiectomy (removal of the testes), which are not retained. Please note that Dr Suporn's technique guarantees a vaginal depth of at least 6 inches. It does NOT involve the need for colonvaginoplasty, which is considered to be an undesirable procedure. It is NOT necessary to carry out any prior genital hair depilation with Dr Suporn's technique. Dr Suporn excises the hair bearing layer of all tissue used to line the vagina, and a hair-free vaginal cavity is guaranteed for life.
Currency All our prices are quoted in Thai Baht. The price in your own local currency will vary on a daily basis depending on the inter-bank exchange rates, so it is not possible to tell you exactly what the price will be in your local currency. To find the exact value of your local currency in Thai Baht, please navigate to the following page, where you will find the exchange rate that our own bank will apply if you transfer to us your payment in your own currency.:
Check the rates for your own preferred currency shown under the column marked “Bank Buying Rates.... TT”. To calculate an approximate price in your local currency, divide the quoted price of your operation in Baht by the appropriate rate given. Included in the PriceOur quoted prices include all surgical, medical, hospital and support expenses arising from the surgical operation throughout your stay in Thailand, except for hotel accommodation and food outside hospital. Our patients stay nearby in the Chon Inter Hotel which we arrange on their behalf at a specially discounted price for our clients. For budgetary consideration, the room rate for a standard room with en-suite bathroom is 1600 Baht per night or less including full breakfast. The price is per room - with either one or 2 people sharing. In addition, where patients arrive in Thailand with a prior medical condition for which they are taking specific prescribed medication, the cost of continuing treatment of that pre-condition is not included.
Our ServiceIf you elect to undergo surgery with us, there are no “hidden extras”. We include the following:
We collect you and any accompanying travellers from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International airport - irrespective of day or time of arrival of your flight. We return you to the airport at the end of your stay. However, your journey to and from Thailand is not included in the price.
Prior to admission to , and discharge from hospital, patients stay in local hotel accommodation. We arrange your Hotel accommodation in (normally) the Chon Inter Hotel (located some 200 yards from the Clinic) at specially negotiated low price. We expect all patients undergoing SRS to stay in the Chon Inter Hotel, so that our nursing staff have easy access to them on a daily basis. We do not accept SRS patients to stay elsewhere during the first 3 weeks after surgery.
All medical costs directly related to your surgical procedures undertaken incurred during your duration of stay with us. This includes undertaking any additional surgical procedure that might be needed, as well as all prescribed medicines and medical supplies.
Your stay in a private room in hospital as required by operation type - 7 nights after SRS, and 5 nights after FFS - as well as the night before surgery. Less extensive operations will require fewer nights in hospital.
Your cost of meals and accommodation in the hospital during post-operative recovery in a private single-bed room with television and full air conditioning. You may also have guests stay in your private room, but there will be an additional charge for the meals taken by your guest. A “VIP - suite” with a separate linked room for guests is also available at extra cost (1800 Baht per night in hospital extra).
For SRS patients - a full post-operative care kit necessary for dilation, including a 3-piece dilator set specially manufactured for The Suporn Clinic in a presentation pack.
Pre-medical checkups in hospital including blood tests, ECG tests, X-Rays where necessary, anaesthesiologists and surgeon’s fees.
An overnight stay in your hospital room by a member of our staff on the night of your operation.
Post-operative checks by our nursing staff on a daily basis throughout your stay with us in hospital and in your hotel.
Post-operative check-ups by Dr Suporn at least twice weekly and more frequently if necessary - by Dr Suporn while you are in his care in Thailand.
A "for life" guarantee offering free revision surgery as needed or requested by the patient, to rectify or improve any aspect of surgery done, at no cost to the patient for medical and surgical support provided.
Post-operative certification, including obtaining notarised certificates of SRS for patients where necessary (notarisation fee extra - about 2, 000 Baht)
For SRS patients - CD of images taken during operation
Full access to the Clinic facility within walking access of local shops and facilities, which is very much a patient’s recreational facility and “home” while she is with us. This includes:
Free access to the internet via broadband with a wireless network and wired network in the Clinic. PCs are available for exclusive use by patients, though many also bring lap tops.
Lounge facility
TV with DVD movies
Restaurant / Cooking facilities
Thai cookery classes / personal care classes as requested
Recreational trips to areas of local interest
Hair transplantation surgery operating theatre and opportunities
Minor operation Operating Theatres and consultation rooms.
Flight Bookings Please note that we do not provide a flight booking service for journeys to and from Thailand. We deal with patients from most countries - and a huge number of cities - throughout the world. There are hundreds of airline carriers world-wide, and the prices of each vary from day to day depending on the date, time and place of departure, and the type of seats required. We are unable to coordinate the specific needs of a patient to enable us to recommend a suitable flight
only the patient is best able to determine what flight would be best to match her own individual requirements. We suggest they use a local travel agent, or one of the many specialist flight booking agencies on the Internet to help find the most appropriate deal to match individual circumstances. HIV Please note that we are unable to accept as patients any individual who has been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS at any time in the past, irrespective of current detectability levels of the virus. All patients are tested immediately pre-operatively for HIV, and will not be able to proceed with their operation if results are other than negative. Surgeon Dr Suporn conducts all his procedures personally without a surgical assistant other than his anaesthesiologist and his team of operating theatre nurses.
Lifetime Guarantee Irrespective of the operation procedures carried out, Dr Suporn offers a lifetime guarantee that if
a patient is not satisfied with the result of any procedure he has done, he will correct that procedure at no additional medical cost as many times as necessary to achieve the patient’s satisfaction, so long as it remains surgically possible to do so. This includes absorption of all medical and surgical costs. The cost of the patient’s travel to Thailand, and her meals and accommodation while here, are the patient’s responsibility. We are confident you will find the overall service we offer for these surgeries to be more comprehensive than is available from any other surgery, anywhere. Specific Exclusion As described above, our price includes all post-operative medical and hospital costs arising from the surgery, including any arising from possible complications immediately related to the surgery undertaken. However, where additional medical symptoms arise in a patient that are not directly related to the surgery undertaken, but are because of a known or unknown prior medical condition that manifests itself while under the care of The Suporn Clinic, the costs involved with treatment of these is are expressly excluded from the prices quoted. In the event that non-related medical or surgical requirements are incurred by the patient, the costs associated with these are to be borne by the patient. If admission into hospital is required to deal with any such non-surgery related symptoms, any costs involved with doing so are due to the hospital, and not to the Suporn Clinic. Patients are therefore strongly recommended to arrange medical insurance to cover the eventuality of non-related medical costs arising while staying under our care.
SCHEDULING AN OPERATION Check List This email describes all that you need to do in order to schedule an operation with us. However, as a quick guide, please download the check list at
. It is a comprehensive but easy-to follow-list, that defines all the events and requirements leading up to surgery. It covers what you need to do, what we also do, and an approximate order in which each events occur. I commend you to download that document, and keep it available as a check list and ready reference, most especially if you eventually choose surgery with us. Special Considerations for Undergoing SRS Dr Suporn's proprietary non-penile inversion technique is fully described on our web site at
on the page & SRS & Technique. It is a combined vaginoplasty, clitoroplasty and labiaplasty that produces outstanding aesthetic and functional results in a single operation. If you wish for greater detail, you can download a full description, in .zip format, from our website at
. There is also a number of post-operative results pictures on the website. These pictures are not specially selected for the excellence of the results, but more because it is not always easy to find patients who are willing or able to send pictures of their post-operative results to be published. They are therefore quite typical of the results any patient can reasonably expect to achieve.
SRS Protocol Minimum Psychosocial requirements for Patients Scheduling SRS: It is not Dr. Suporn's policy to deny SRS surgery to any patient he believes to be medically and psychologically fit to undergo it. As far as is considered reasonable, The Suporn Clinic follows the guidelines of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) current standards of care. Additionally, we always comply with the Medical standards of Thailand. We require patients to provide written evidence that they meet the following criteria: SRS Patients ALL patients undergoing SRS MUST provide an original, signed document from a qualified psychiatrist or psychosexual specialist, confirming as a minimum that: 1.
They have been diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria. 2.
SRS is indicated in their case, and is the recommended treatment. Ideally, the referral should also confirm that: 3.
They have been living full time as a woman for at least 12 months prior to surgery or - if not - gives an explanation as to why that has not been possible in your case. It is accepted that in some countries the “Real Life Test” (RLT) is not a practical possibility. 4.
They have been undertaking a course of female hormone replacement therapy (HRT) unless there are medical reasons (to be indicated) that such a course is not advised in your case.
The letter must show the name, address and telephone number of the signee, for possible verification. We are not able to provide such a letter ourselves, because of conflict of interest. Nor are we able to recommend a specific specialist who can help. It is the patient's responsibility to obtain such a letter, following consultations with her chosen specialist. In order to ensure that there are no difficulties with the documentation that you have, please make sure that you scan the letter and send it to me as an email attachment for review, to make sure it meets the necessary requirements. It is essential that you bring the original with you when you come for surgery (or that the original is sent to us direct). It will not be possible to go ahead with the SRS operation without such a suitable letter.
There are no exceptions to this requirement. Any patient who arrives without this evidence will not be permitted to undergo surgery. If you have difficulty with providing such evidence, please contact The Suporn Clinic by email, so we can discuss possible ways of meeting this requirement. Additionally, if the referral letter from the psychosexual specialist does not specify as in items (3) and (4) above, we require you separately to provide evidence that you: Have had treatment with feminizing hormones (HRT) and/or anti-androgens for a period of 12 months prior to surgery, unless there is a medical reason why to do so would not be advised in your case. Have lived full time in your acquired gender for a period of at least 12 months prior to surgery, evidenced by at least 2 original documents ( ** ), unless there are clearly given and acceptable reasons why this is not possible or practical in your case, or why a lesser period has been spent prior to surgery. ( ** ) Documentary evidence needs only to be sufficient to show the patient's acquired (female) name, and bear a date at least 12 months prior to surgery. Suitable examples would be - but are not restricted to - passport, driver's licence, official ID card, household utility bill, bank statement...etc.
Calendar Showing Available Dates The list of available dates is now published regularly on a non-public page on our web site, which - as a potential client - you can access by browsing to this link:
The date of the last update is always shown so that you can check its currency easily. Please note that those marked as Provisionally Reserved are already being held temporarily for a patient, but not confirmed only because we have not yet received a deposit from her. These dates remain available to any other prospective patient only in the event that the patient who has provisionally reserved the date is unable to proceed. I will always offer first refusal to the patient who has first asked for it. I can only tentatively reserve one date per patient. NOTE: Please note that I cannot guarantee any of the above dates will be available when you reply. The schedule moves very quickly, and I normally expect about 3 -4 dates shown on this calendar to have been allocated to a patient each week. Some dates shown are already being enquired about, but are offered because the enquirer has not yet paid a deposit to secure the date.
Reserving a Date We require a deposit of 20% in order to reserve a date for surgery. The term “deposit” is taken throughout to mean “20% of the full price of all the procedures that were scheduled and agreed to be undertaken at the time of rescheduling”. Before requesting a date for your operation, please ensure that you have read the following:
We cannot accept a reservation for a date under any circumstances until the patient profile has been fully completed and returned to enable us to be sure of your eligibility to undergo surgery with Dr Suporn.
Please do not reserve a date for an operation unless you are sure you will be able to pay the deposit within 21 days of requesting that date. If you fail to pay, you will have the date cancelled, but will also have deprived another patient of that date while it was held for you.
If requesting a date for SRS, please ensure that you will be able to meet the requirements of the SRS protocol. It is not necessary to have the referral letter already, before booking an operation, but you must have one ultimately, in order to undergo the operation.
If you are unsure, please contact me to clarify what might need to be done.
If you wish to undergo an operation in the very near future, because only few dates are available please be aware that other patients will also be requesting those dates. We will only allocate a given date on a "first pay first reserved" basis
When you have selected the best date (or dates) that you would prefer, please tell me by email. As soon as I receive that email, if any of the dates you choose is available, I will provisionally reserve it for you and let you know by email that I have done so. Once we have scheduled a date for your operation, we will hold it provisionally for you for a period of 21 days to allow for payment of the deposit. During that period it will not be offered to any other patient. If we have not received notification that you have sent the deposit within 21 days of scheduling the operation, the date you have chosen will freely be made available to other patients without further notification. The deposit payment period can be extended beyond 21 days by discussion between Clinic and patient. Payment Terms Deposit We require a payment of 20% of the price of the operation to be received within 21 days of agreeing to reserve a particular date for a client for an operation. In any event, payment must be received to confirm a surgery no later than 60 days before the date of the operation. All dates that are not fully reserved for any patient become freely available, and are openly offered on a “first pay first reserved” basis within 60 days of the date. Once the deposit has been paid, no other patient can choose the date reserved for you unless you elect to cancel or postpone your surgery. You may of course pay more than the deposit if you wish, and may choose to pay in full. This will obviously be of some benefit to some patients in that only one set of bank charges will therefore be payable. Patients who schedule late (close to their chosen date) might be wise to pay in full to avoid additional bank charges in close succession. Final Payment Final payment covering the price of all surgery must be received by the Clinic no later than 30 days before the date of surgery. In the event that any patient does not meet this criterion, we reserve the right to reschedule the otherwise reserved surgery day to another patient to cover the eventuality that the Clinic has to pay for operating theatre cancellation costs. No operation will proceed unless the full price of the operation has been paid in full. On request, an alternative schedule for payments or payment terms may be made by prior agreement by the Clinic
Cancellation / ReschedulingRescheduling by ClinicAfter a date has been agreed, the Clinic reserves the right to make minor adjustments to the final surgery date to meet local circumstances. No such changes made will in any way affect any flight reservations already made by the patient.Rescheduling by PatientLate cancellations or reschedules adversely affect the Clinic, the hospital, and other patients awaiting surgery. Patients wishing to cancel or reschedule surgery after a schedule has been agreed may be asked to forfeit some or all of their payments made to cover the Clinic's costs of doing so, even when they intend to commit to surgery at a later date.We will refund any moneys paid only on the following basis, relative to the agreed surgery date:Cancellation
Cancellation with more than 60 days notice: Full refund of all money paid.
Cancellation with between 59 days and 30 days notice:
Patient forfeits 70% of deposit. Balance of payments made refunded to patient.
Cancellation with between 29 days and 7 days notice: Patient forfeits deposit. Balance of payments made refunded to patient.
Cancellation with less than 7 days notice: Patient forfeits 50% of price of operationReschedule
Rescheduling with greater than 60 days notice. N all payments made are transferred to preferred reschedule date
Reschedule with between 60 and 30 days notice: 30% of deposit retained by Clinic. Balance of payments made are transferred to preferred reschedule date
Reschedule with between 29 and 7 days notice: 50% of deposit retained by Clinic. Balance of payments made are transferred to preferred reschedule date
Reschedule with less than 7 days notice: Deposit retained by Clinic. Balance of payments made are transferred to preferred reschedule dateIn the event that a patient has been found on examination that she is suffering from an undisclosed medical or psychological complaint that gives rise to the need for cancellation, and about which she could reasonably have been aware, the patient will be deemed to have cancelled the surgery on her own volition.In personal circumstances of a proven extremely urgent nature, the Clinic may give individual consideration to applying a different rate. Late illness prior to the operation accompanied by a doctor’s certificate of illness would not attract any late-cancellation or reschedule penalty.
Planning your Operation and Journey Planning when is the best time to undertake your surgery takes careful consideration. We expect all of our patients to stay with us a suitable period of time to ensure that they are fully recovered from their surgery before returning home. This ensures that they may be confident that the risk of any complication arising once they have left us is minimized as far as is practical. Our record of freedom from post-operative complications is second-to-none as a result of the special care and attention we give. Please plan your journey from your own location, to Bangkok airport. We will collect you from either Bangkok Suvarnabhumi** International Airport or Bangkok Don Muang airport (as appropriate to your flight), and bring you to Chonburi. The journey time from Bangkok airport is about one hour.**Pronounced "Suh-wah-na -puhm" For flight planning purposes, please remember that a journey from the United States will take around 24 hours travelling, in addition to which Thailand is 12 hours ahead of United States Eastern Standard Time. For those travelling from Europe, a journey time of around 12 hours can be expected. Thailand is 6-7 hours ahead of most European time zones. Sightseeing Alternatively if you wish, you can travel earlier to enjoy some sightseeing prior to your operation, and we will collect you from your hotel in Bangkok or Pattaya. Patients undergoing SRS should be cautious about arranging and booking sightseeing trips starting any earlier than 3 weeks post-operative. SRS patients are only rarely strong enough to undertake extended sightseeing during their visit for surgery. The best advice is to wait until after surgery to see how one feels, and then make arrangements if one feels strong enough. It is usually quite easy to arrange hotel accommodation at short notice. Surgery on a Monday All patients scheduled for surgery on a Monday must please ensure they arrive on or before the preceding Friday so that they can have a pre-operative consultation with Dr Suporn on the Friday afternoon. Dr Suporn will be unavailable for consultations on the Saturday or Sunday prior to the operation. They will undergo essential medical tests in hospital, and be admitted to hospital, on the Sunday before their surgery. Passports All travellers to Thailand must have a valid passport, which would remain valid for 6 months after the date of entry into Thailand. Visa Travellers from most countries do not need to obtain a visa in advance, and are automatically given one on arrival in Thailand, valid for a 30 days stay, or a 15 days stay (depending on their country of origin). A small number of countries are allowed a stay of 90 days without obtaining a visa in advance. For further specific details on visa requirements, please visit
Scheduling SRS - Sex Reassignment Surgery Time in Hospital SRS patients will be admitted to hospital one night before surgery and spend 7 nights in hospital after surgery - a total of 8 nights in the private deluxe suite in hospital Length of Stay after the Operation After the date of surgery, we ask that you stay a total of at least 24 days, and preferably up to 30 days, to allow ample recovery time. Post-operatively (even in your hotel) you will receive daily nursing visits and medication as necessary, and will undergo 2 or 3 post-hospital weekly check-ups with Dr. Suporn. Although preferable, it is not essential that you stay in Thailand any longer than 30 days total. If you prefer to stay longer than 30 days a visa would be required in advance of travel. An ideal schedule, based on Thailand time, would be: Day (-3)
Arrival, Collection from Airport, Hotel Check InDay (-2)
Rest, Visit Clinic, Clinic Administration, Pre-op Consultation with Dr SupornDay (-1)
Hospital Patient Admin, medical tests, X-Rays, meet Anaesthesiologist, Check In Day (0) Operation Day (7)
Discharged from hospitalDays (8) - (23)
Recovery, Examination, RestDay (24) - (30**) Departure as desired **Day (28) onwards - requires visa in advance Your Details I have included a series of background questions that ask about you at the end of this email imediately after the "signature block". I would ask you to complete that and return the answers to me please, so that I can open a patient file for you, because I will not be able to reserve an operation for you without knowing the information it asks. It's in the text - not an attachment. It asks for much of the essential information that Dr Suporn needs to know before we can schedule an operation for you. I hope that this information will help you to decide to come to Dr. Suporn for your surgery. I will be pleased to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
As soon as you have chosen a date for surgery, it would help if you would let me know as soon as possible so I can ear mark that date for you if it is still available. It will help if you give me more than one date, or a range of dates so that I can best fit in a date of your own choosing. I look forward to hearing from you again soon. Best Regards SophieThe Suporn Clinic
Inclusions BACKGROUND QUESTIONNAIRE (DIAGNOSTIC/RESEARCH RECORD) We would ask you to complete the attached questionnaire for our records, please. It serves two purposes:
1. It provides essential diagnostic information for scheduling surgery
2. Dr Suporn's research purposes All the information you send us is completely CONFIDENTIAL and identifying details are not divulged beyond the clinic staff who need to know, and the surgical team. Please try to complete the information as clearly, accurately and completely as possible.
Omissions or unclear replies can lead to delays which may result in others being scheduled in advance of you and may therefore jeopardize guaranteeing your chosen date(s) of surgery. If you are unsure how to complete this, simply Cut and Paste the entire questionnaire below and copy it into your own email reply. Then just type in the answers next to each question as though you were editing your own message. PERSONAL INFORMATION:All patients to answer, please:a. Preferred Full Name to be used in all correspondence:b. Legal Name in Photo-Identification Documents (e.g. drivers licence): c. Legal Name in Passport: d. Legal Sex in Photo-Identification Documents (M/F) (e.g. drivers licence): e. Legal Sex in Passport (M/F): f. Date of Birth: ___ Day
___ Year (e.g. 10 January 1960)( Please do NOT write dates like "04/12/1966", which means "12 April 1966" to most Americans, and "4 December 1966" to most non-Americans) g. Place of Birth (City, State/Province, Country): h. Nationality/Citizenship: j. Ethnicity: k. Contact E-mail: l. Contact Tel: m. Mail/Post Address: n. Contact Fax (No/Yes); If Available for Confidential Documents: p. Financial Dependents (Spouse, Children, etc): q. Marital Status (Single, Married, Separated, Divorced): r. Domestic Status (Living with Family, Partner, Friends, Alone): s. Next of Kin and Relationship (Tel, Fax, E-mail, Mail/Post in Case of Emergency): t. Highest Educational Diploma/Degree & Field (Secondary School, Vocational College, University): u. Former Occupation (Details of Work): v. Current Occupation (Details of Work): w. Source of Funding for Surgery:
OTHER: a. Personal Website (No/Yes) URL -
If Available: (e.g. )
MEDICAL:All patients to answer: **a. Height: **b. Weight: **c. Expected Weight for Surgery: **Please be aware that we set a maximum weight limit for safe surgery, based on Body Mass Index (BMI) which is a function of height, as well as weight. We will not accept any patient whose BMI exceeds 30.5 for surgery that requires general anaesthesia. To check your own BMI, please use this calculator:
d. Currently in Medical Treatment for any symptoms, illnesses or allergies (No/Yes):If Yes - Name of Clinician: e. Date Began Antiandrogens and Trademark Name (e.g. Androcur, Spironolactone): f. Date Began Hormones and Trademark Name (e.g. Premarin, Progynova-2): g. Source of Antiandrogens/Hormones (e.g. Doctor Prescription, Mail Order): h. Previous Augmentation Mammaplasty (No/Yes)If yes, Date, Country, Surgeon, Type of Implants, Size j. Name and address of family doctor (GP):
k. Previous Sex-Reassignment Surgery (No/Yes)If yes Give Date, Country, Surgeon l. Other Previous Plastic Surgery (No/Yes)If yes, please list Type, Date, Country, Surgeon m. Other General Surgery (No/Yes)If yes, Details: n. Previously Scheduled with another Plastic Surgeon for Requested Surgery (No/Yes)If yes, Details: p. Undergoing current Medical treatment for illnesses, symptoms or allergies (No/Yes)If yes Details + Medication: q. Previous Deep-Vein Thrombosis DVT (No/Yes)If yes, Details: r. High Blood Pressure (No/Yes)If Yes, Details: s. Diabetes (No/Yes)If Yes, Details: t. HIV/AIDS (No/Yes)If Yes, Details: u. Allergic Conditions (No/Yes)If Yes, Details: v. Need Eyeglasses or Contact Lens (No/Yes): w. Need Reading Glasses (No/Yes): x. Psychiatric Conditions (does not include Gender Dysphoria) (No/Yes)If Yes, Details: y. Do you smoke (No/Yes): SRS SPECIFIC: Only required to be answered by SRS patients, but we would appreciate pre-operative prospective SRS patients answering also, please as appropriate a. Began Full-Time ‘Real Life Test’ Living as Woman (No/Yes)If Yes, Date Began RLT: b.
Are you undergoing, or have previously undergone formal counselling/treatment for Gender Identity Dysphoria or Transsexualism? (Yes / No):If yes - Name and Practice address of practitioner(s): c. Are you able to offer a formal letter of referral for SRS from a qualified psychosexual specialist or therapist? (Yes / No): c. Sexual Orientation (Attracted to Men, Women, Both, Neither): d. Have you undergone previous Unilateral or Bilateral Orchiectomy (Castration) (No/Yes)If yes Give Date, Country, Surgeon: e. Preoperative Condition
(Not Circumcised/Circumcised):
RESEARCH RECORD:Only required to be answered by SRS patients, but we would appreciate non-SRS patients answering also, please a. Age at Puberty (Defined by First Appearance of Seminal Fluid): b. Age at which First Had Cross-Gender Feelings/Identity: c. Age at which First Began wearing clothes appropriate to acquired gender d. Age at which First Began Make-Up: e. Have Elder Biological Sisters
If Yes, How Many: e. Have Elder Biological Brothers (No/Yes)
If Yes, How Many: f. Have Younger Biological Sisters (No/Yes)
If Yes, How Many: g. Have Younger Biological Brothers (No/Yes)
If Yes, How Many: h. Have Biological Daughters (No/Yes)
If Yes, How Many: j. Have Biological Sons (No/Yes)
If Yes, How Many: k. Have Elder Step-Sisters
If Yes, How Many: l. Have Elder Step-Brothers (No/Yes)
If Yes, How Many: m. Have Younger Step-Sisters (No/Yes)
If Yes, How Many: n. Have Younger Step-Brothers (No/Yes)
If Yes, How Many: p. Have Step-Daughters (No/Yes)
If Yes, How Many: q. Have Step-Sons (No/Yes)
If Yes, How Many: r. Have Transgender Biological Members in Family (No/Yes)
If Yes, Gender/Age: s. Have Transgender Non-Biological Members in Family (No/Yes)
If Yes, Gender/Age: SURGERY PLANNING If, on the basis of the information we have given you, you wish to undergo surgery with Dr Suporn, or are seriously considering doing so, please provide us with the following information:
a. Preferred Date(s) for your Operation: b. Required Procedures: (e.g. SRS, AM, TCR, FFS (list of procedures))
引用 的话:啊....实在是太长了,终于粘贴完了,估计没有几个能看懂的吧放心吧,大家看得懂。就是这个楼的高度有点吓人,呵呵。。谢谢分享。
引用 的话:我问了下supon诊所的手术价格,结果诊所发了封很长的邮件过来,只能看懂个大概,意思是SRS手术费用是550000泰铢,也不知是否是全部的总价(上体加下体加去喉结等)。粘贴过来,给大家参详一下:Dea...你好,我从新加坡来的,我帮你做简单翻译吧,也让大家容易明白。亲爱的顾客,感谢您对我们要求咨询。希望一下帮到您。 价格:我们目前的价格是会保持截至31/10/2016.之后或许会有所更改。男性去女性 - 550,000 Baht (93,617人民币吧)Dr Suporn的SRS技术是他的私有非阴茎反演技术,这是一种组合vaginaplasty,阴蒂肥大和labiaplasty,这些都是一次性进行的手术。如果睾丸还能操作的话,也会进行睾丸切除术(切除睾丸的),不会保留它。Dr Suporn的技术保证至少会是6英寸的阴道深度。并不需要另作colonvaginoplasty,毕竟这不是病人希望的。也没有必要事先进行殖器脱毛发。Dr Suporn的手术会切除阴道所有的头发组织承载层,会是终生保证无毛的。
引用 的话:Currency All our prices are quoted in Thai Baht. The price in your own local currency will vary on a...我们的价格都是以泰铢计算。您的本地价格会根据每日不同的汇率而不同。所以无法告诉你绝对的一定价格,如您想知道泰铢的对换率,可以利用一下的网页查询。您可以根据“bank buying rate"来查询汇率。以便得到当地的价格。I价格包含:我们的价格包含了所有您在泰国的手术费用,药物,医院和手术连贯费用。除了酒店与医院外的食物。我们的病人多数都住在我们帮忙安排的chon inter hotel附近,因为有特别的折扣。如您考虑到经济的负担,这里的标准房间(带浴室),是一晚1600泰铢左右(包含早餐)。可以两个人共享的房间。另外,若病人在抵达泰国是有其他的医药状况,需要其他的药物服食的话,这些费用的连带治疗是不包含的。
引用 的话:Our ServiceIf you elect to undergo surgery with us, there are no “hidden extras”. We include the fol...我们的服务:假如您选择我们的服务,我们确保是么有隐藏费用的,服务包含如下L从机场接送您。(Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International airport)-来回飞程不包含。入院,出院,住宿,通常我们安排在 Chon Inter Hotel (l大概距离医院200yard)我们希望所有病人住着因为方便我们的护士的日常照顾。我们不接受病人在头2个星期内住其他地方。所有在手术的整个过程中相关的医药费用会被计算在您接受我们的服务开始。包括一些必要的额外手术,药物,器材等。你需要根据手术类被住在医院的私人病房,变性手术后-7晚。FFS手术后5晚。与及手术的前一晚。 复杂较低的手术,住院的夜数也相对的少。你在复原过程的膳食,住宿都在医院内,私人病房包括私人的睡床,有电视和冷气。您也能有访客与您同住,可是膳食会被增收额外费用。VIP病房(1800泰铢)给进行变性手术的病人。会给予Suporn医院的扩张护理套装包括包括3片扩张器。
引用 的话:我们的服务:假如您选择我们的服务,我们确保是么有隐藏费用的,服务包含如下L从机场接送您。(Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International airport)-来回飞程不包含。入院,...谢谢 我已经知道supon的总价了,下体550000泰铢,上体190000泰铢,喉结60000泰铢,总价800000泰铢,合算人民币大概是147360元
引用 的话:34岁才吃激素会不会没有什么效果了???就算以后变性也没有用了??年纪是不是超龄了
引用 的话:你好,我从新加坡来的,我帮你做简单翻译吧,也让大家容易明白。亲爱的顾客,感谢您对我们要求咨询。希望一下帮到您。 价格:我们目前的价格是会保持截至31/10/2016.之后或许会有所更改。男性去女性 -...谢谢你 亲爱滴
引用 的话:34岁才吃激素会不会没有什么效果了???就算以后变性也没有用了??年纪是不是超龄了变性手术没有年龄的严格限制,对于高于45岁和60岁的手术者,有的医院会有一些额外的注意事项和体检项目。变性后没有用,这个我不太理解。激素方面很难说效果不效果的。
引用 的话:变性手术没有年龄的严格限制,对于高于45岁和60岁的手术者,有的医院会有一些额外的注意事项和体检项目。变性后没有用,这个我不太理解。激素方面很难说效果不效果的。服用了2个月的激素,看到文章说30岁以后效果比20岁差很多。哎~太迟的感觉,很不开心,虽然我的样子还是像27岁左右, 还有想问问服用激素长时间后面部有变化吗??会女性化吗??是不是一定要做面部女性化手术?还要腿和身体也会变成女孩子那种圆滑感觉吗????听说男的腿比女的腿要短,给雄激素害了30年了。。。。。。。。
还有我想问问 我现在用的是搽的凝胶听说对肝的伤害少才用,但不知道对比口服的那种比较好,要不要换口服的
引用 的话:服用了2个月的激素,看到文章说30岁以后效果比20岁差很多。哎~太迟的感觉,很不开心,虽然我的样子还是像27岁左右, 还有想问问服用激素长时间后面部有变化吗??会女性化吗??是不是一定要做面部女性化手... 需不需要面部手术和自己的外在条件和自己的预期有关,跟激素没有关系。每个人对激素的反映不一样,很难说会出现什么具体的效果。一般来说脸型会更圆润身胸部和臀部会聚集脂肪,但是这个因人而异,比如我吃激素没有什么反映,就好像有些人喝酒怎么都不醉一样。总之不要有不切即使的幻想,不是服用了雌激素就可以变得很女人的,只是能体验一下女性的感受。
引用 的话:楼主姐姐,我想在马上15周岁,你的帖子花了好长时间看完了,我现在可以先服用药物吗?引用 的话:18岁前吃的话效果会怎样?这个可不是闹着玩的。建议等到18岁以后再做决定。
引用 的话:还有我想问问 我现在用的是搽的凝胶听说对肝的伤害少才用,但不知道对比口服的那种比较好,要不要换口服的你可以稳定、持续使用一种激素90天之后去医院检测一下“激素六项”和“肝肾功能”,通过参数来对比一下两种方案在你身体上的区别。外用的激素确实可以减轻肝脏的负担,本着生命只有一次的原则,我前段时间改用了缓释贴片。
那做了变性手术之后再服用激素 变化会大吗??
引用 的话:那做了变性手术之后再服用激素 变化会大吗??在手术前通过服用雌性激素去感受女性的感受,这个还是很有必要的。具体会有哪些变化,实在不好说,反正生理上、心理上、情绪上都会有一些变化。也不要羡慕楼楼,楼楼不小心打开了人生的隐藏关卡,掉了不少血呀……
引用 的话:可以稳定、持续使用一种激素90天之后去医院检测一下“激素六项”和“肝肾功能”,通过参数来对比一下两种方案在你身体上的区别。外用的激素确实可以减轻肝脏的负担,本着生命只有一次的原则,我前段时间改用了缓...引用 的话:这个可不是闹着玩的。建议等到18岁以后再做决定。我知道这不是闹着玩,现在担心的是家庭的问题,毕竟家里就我这一个儿子。
引用 的话:在手术前通过服用雌性激素去感受女性的感受,这个还是很有必要的。具体会有哪些变化,实在不好说,反正生理上、心理上、情绪上都会有一些变化。也不要羡慕楼楼,楼楼不小心打开了人生的隐藏关卡,掉了不少血呀……心理变化现在就感觉到了,楼主更正上帝的错误,掉些血也值得吧
引用 的话:我知道这不是闹着玩,现在担心的是家庭的问题,毕竟家里就我这一个儿子。 虽说我现在不到15岁(还差一个月),到我现在已经“该升”高二了,有决定自己命运的能力了。目前变性手术年龄限制是20岁,已满18岁未满20岁的需要家属提供同意文件,18岁以下只能求助心理医生(如果有心理医生的话)。所以不急吧?15岁上高二,很早呀?


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