genymotion 修改hosts怎么修改IMEI信息

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Is there any way to add IMEI to AndroVM (now Genymotion) or any other Android Emulator. And also I want MAC address for wlan0 port. We already have emulators which contain MAC at lan0 port but not for wlan.
How can we do so?
if someone in your acquaintances has done so please ask them to contribute.
I am trying to build a cloud based Android App testing center as my pre final year college project for partial fulfillment towards my Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science) degree.
I am wondering how we can get more configurations for Genymotion.
Or if you can provide me with more device configurations and if it is possible to build configurations for genymotion for different devices very quickly.
Secondly, How to add MAC addresses and IMEI number to the builds?
We are trying to emulate a mobile device (non Google nexus) to make a cloud based testing centre.
For this we are trying to use androVM (Genymotion) and we are facing a few problems
What have we done so far
Building the androVm source code in "VBOX86tp-userdebug" mode from the scratch after following the steps given on official Android website.
After building the source code on a virtual ec2 server, typing the emulator command runs but its blank.
And if possible can AndroVm be run in "Fastboot" mode so that we can install it on the device.
We have been working on "building the androVm" from source code and trying to accomplish few tasks like
Running it with the img's available after the building process is complete.
Making it portable ie creating an iso/ova out of all the stuff found in the out directory.
What we have tried till now
Downloading of the AndroVm source code
initializing the repo using repo init
Downloading the source code using repo sync
choosing the lunch menu using lunch
choosing vbox86tp-userdebug
Other menus full-eng didn't work so discontinued
Few errors that came our way
Make errors: they were pretty straightforward so resolved
system.img was not being generated: resolved by making it again
bin/bash jar command error: happened to be the path error resolved by the exporting the path to jar command.
Few Questions
What an OVA file consits of and how can it be created? From what I have seen it contains few VMDK's and few configurations files attached to it,
How to convert the platform specific image files(system.img ramdisk.img userdata.img) into an OVA or ISO file.
If at all we are missing few files to give to the emulator, can you just name them.
Also how to add IMEI number
We already have MAC for eth0/1 port but we want it on wlan port
Now to make things interesting
This is the reply I got from Genymotion Team:
I want my project to cover various configurations but for starters if i can get something like Samsung Galaxy phones and tab or as a
start if I can get Samsung galaxy tab 2.
You can change the screen size and DPI for each virtual device. You
can toggle navigation bar and virtual keyboard. However, we cannot
provide virtual devices that contains proprietary applications like
Now here what we get is the MAC address of eth0/1 port. What if I need wlan MAC.
Unless one of the two network interface have been disabled, there
should be 2 interfaces, 2 IP, and 2 MAC addresses: adb shell ip a. 2:
mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
state UP qlen 1000
link/ether 08:00:27:d4:fe:e0 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global eth0
inet6 fe80::a00:27ff:fed4:fee0/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 3: eth1:
mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000
link/ether 08:00:27:c8:37:e7 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global eth1
inet6 fe80::a00:27ff:fec8:37e7/64 scope link .
Sorry, but we do not provide support for specific ROM. However, I
strongly recommend you to visit the community at:
1. What an OVA file consits of and how can it be created
?From what i have seen it contains few VMDK's and few configurations files
attached to it,
"The entire directory can be distributed as an OVA package, which is a
tar archive file with the OVF directory inside."
2. How to convert the platform specific image files(system.img ramdisk.img userdata.img) into an OVA or ISO file.
If at all we are missing few files to give to the emulator, can you just name them.
Please read the community tutorials
3. Also how to add IMEI number
There is currently no way to add IMEI number. This feature will come
in the near future
4. We already have MAC for eth0 port but we want it on wlan port
There is 2 interfaces: eth0 and eth1. Eth0 is used for Genymotion
application widgets. If this network connection is broken, Genymotion
would not be able to start anymore. Eth1 is used for network current
access (fake WiFi connection). You can change this network
configuration as you want.
It is a common practice for mobile applications to identify the user by IMSI number (associated with the SIM card) or IMEI number (unique ID of the device). Of course, it is also possible on Android:
TelehponyManager manager = (TelehponyManager)getSystemService(TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
String imei = manager.getDeviceId();
String imsi = manager.getSubscriberId();
This code works perfectly fine on a real device, however under emulator IMEI is always all-zero and it’s not configurable. It quickly becomes awkward when debugging a network-enabled application which uses IMEI as a user ID.
Trying to resolve the problem I first looked at the TelephonyManager service, just to find the following snippet:
private IPhoneSubInfo getSubscriberInfo() {
// get it each time because that process crashes a lot
return IPhoneSubInfo.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("iphonesubinfo"));
Fair comment, isn’t it? It really made my day :)
Anyway, code analysis shows that IMEI/IMSI request goes down through all the telephony layers (see the diagram), eventually getting to
the baseband device. In case of emulated system, rild daemon is used together with – reference Vendor RIL library which talks to the baseband modem device using plain, old AT commands.
The modem device itself is emulated outside the Android system, as part of qemu (which is the heart of the emulator). Details of the communication between the emulator and the Android system running inside the emulator are interesting on its own (all the communication goes through a virtual serial port, Android system’s qemud daemon is used to (de)multiplex the data). I’ll try to post a brief introduction to the topic soon.
Virtual modem implementation can be found in external/qemu/telephony/android_modem.c. The most important part of the file is this function:
const char*
amodem_send( AModem
modem, const char*
This function is called for each received AT command. For each command sDefaultResponses array is searched for a given command and either predefined response is sent, or a command handler is executed. The array itself looks like:
static const struct {
const char*
/* command coming from, if first
character is '!', then the rest is a prefix only */
const char*
/* default answer, NULL if needs specific handling or
if OK is good enough */
ResponseH /* specific handler, ignored if 'answer' is not NULL,
NULL if OK is good enough */
} sDefaultResponses[] =
/* request internation subscriber identification number */
{ "+CGSN", "000", NULL },
/* request model version */
Two array rows cited above are responsible for IMSI and IMEI retrieval. As you can see, both values are hardcoded and there is no chance to modify them without recompiling the emulator.
However, an old-school hack comes in handy. The emulator binary is not encrypted nor compressed, so the string literals should be visible inside the emulator binary. In fact they are, and IMEI number can be modified in a few simple steps:
** backup the emulator binary
** open the binary with your favourite hex editor
** search for +CGSN string followed by a null byte, it should be followed by 15 digits of the IMEI number
** edit the number, be careful not to change the number of digits
** save the file, that’s all!
Sure, it’s not a perfectly comfortable solution, yet better than nothing. In the next part I’ll explain how to make IMEI number a configurable option. Enjoy!
Have you seen either of these links for the first part of your question:
and this link for the MAC portion:
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安卓模拟器Genymotion安装使用教程_今天小编给大家带来的是Genymotion安卓模拟器的安装使用教程,这是一款比Bluestacks更加强大的安卓模拟器,用过的小伙伴都知道,这款模拟器不仅能玩手机单机,还能玩手机网游哦,下面就和小编一起来看看卓模拟器Genymotion的安装教程吧!★★欢迎进入并收藏72G专区★★Genymotion安装过程:①首先我们要去注册一个账号才能下载&&注册地址,小编用的是qq邮箱,大家随意,不过要能用的哦,后面要验证的,提交邮箱和密码后就能进入到下载界面了,我们选择快速安装包下载;②第二步就是下载Genymotion安卓模拟器了,等下载好,就双击安装,直接下一步就可以了,等安装好,打开Genymotion,在主界面上点击“ADD”按钮;③然后在弹出来的界面输入你注册的账号和密码然后点击“connect”按钮,在我们下载的时候填写的邮箱中大家可以看到两个邮件,在里面的链接可以激活,应该是Genymotion那个邮件,点击里面的Click here,然后账号就是你的邮箱,密码就是我们填写的密码,然后会选择手机型号,看大家自己的选择啦;④然后再添加虚拟机设备,基本都会自动跳出来,不需要大家自己手动点击的,记住修改名称;点击“next”;一直点击“next”,等模拟器安装完成;然后再给已经创建好的模拟器命名;  ⑤命名好了以后再回到模拟器的主窗口,选择→添加的模拟器,这就看我们刚才是怎么命名的了,比如“Nexus 7”,然后点击“Play”启动模拟器;启动Nexus 7,几秒钟的事,速度非常快;  以上就是Genymotion安卓模拟器的安装教程了,下面小编还给大家带来了Genymotion安卓模拟器运行环境的介绍,不清楚的小伙伴们可以看看!环境要求:操作系统要求:需要满足一下操作系统之一:Microsoft Windows XP SP3 (32 or 64 bits)、Microsoft Windows Vista (32 or 64 bits)、Microsoft Windows 7 (32 or 64 bits)、Linux Ubuntu 12.04、Linux Ubuntu 12.10和Mac OS X 10.X;系统环境要求:支持OpenGL 2.0CPU支持VT-x或者AMD-V虚拟化,通过BIOS设置开启至少512MB内存至少提供100MB的硬盘空间供Genymotion安装;至少2GB硬盘空间存放Genymotion虚拟设备可用网络连接(用于安装和更新)系统显示分辨率不低于应用程序要求:Oracle VirtualBox &= 4.1(版本越高越好)Android开发环境:SDK,Eclipse+ADT
不删档内测Android模拟神器Genymotion eclipse插件安装问题出解决 - 沦落凡间 - 推酷
Android模拟神器Genymotion eclipse插件安装问题出解决 - 沦落凡间
2:打开“Help/Install new software”菜单
Name: Genymobile
【模拟器之王】genymotion eclipse 插件安装
效果真的是杠杠的& &比eclipse 或者是AS 的 模拟器快了不知道多少倍 不多说了& &要想体验&&赶紧的吧
今天有好心网友在群里共享了一个好用的android 模拟器插件&&
听说可以和手机相媲美 于是乎按照教程试了试
结果 安装不了&&出现如下错误 错误信息::::
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed:&&Eclipse Tools
Missing requirement:&
) requires
'bundle org.eclipse.core.runtime 3.8.0'
but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Genymotion Eclipse Tools
To: com.genymobile.genymotion.ide.eclipse.plugin [
“requires 'bundle org.eclipse.core.runtime 3.8.0' but it could not be found”
好像是说什么东东木有找到&&(英格利斯不是很好 ) ,&&还有一个数字&&貌似是版本号 所以猜想是不是对eclipse 版本有要求 立马到eclipse 目录查看版本号 查看版本号方法: 第一个方法:打开eclipse 在Help --&About Eclipse 里面查看& &如果对eclipse比较熟悉的话&&你就知道哪个对应的是哪个版本 &ignore_js_op&
&& &图片显示的这个版本是&&3.9& &也是我为了安装插件刚刚下载的
附带eclipse_3.9_win32 下载地址 (注意eclipse版本下载不是和系统想匹配 而是和你的jdk版)
第二个方法:打开eclipse安装目录 找到configuration 文件夹& &打开找到config.ini&&文件 打开 找到&
这时 发现 有个3.9.0& & 咦?? 这个和上面log中所说的3.8.0 很是符合 !!!
configuration 目录: &ignore_js_op&
config.ini &ignore_js_op&
该插件安装环境已经符合& &可以开始安装了& &安装步骤就。。。 千万不要忘记 还有&&
Oracle VirtualBox
附插件安装地址URL : Genymobile
可能会有些安装不成功& &请检查下网络是否被墙!!! 如有墙&&请翻之后安装 在附带下goagent
goagent&&appid 申请 和相关配置& &文件注释中也有 appid 申请
(5.27 MB, 下载次数: 12)
genymotion 下载 (必须得注册,后面需要输入用户名/密码)
安装完成&&打开eclipse window --& preferences&&找到 Genymobile& &Genymotion 右侧选择刚刚genymotion安装目录
这是 eclipse&&console 窗口会发生细小变化& &会出现&
字样&&控制台也会输出一些信息 &ignore_js_op&
这时 点击工具栏上的genymobile按钮&&出现下图 &ignore_js_op&
这时就会弹出下图对话框 要求输入之前注册的用户名和密码 &ignore_js_op&
输入用户名密码 成功登陆后 如下图所示&&如果网络被墙&&记得翻 红色框框中 是从云端可选的虚拟设备& &此处最低要求是API 16& &所以 记得检查你的SDK
选择一个点击Add &ignore_js_op&
如果觉得名字太长&&可以修改&&我这里直接默认&&点击 create&&然后等待创建成功&&Finish
创建成功后& &开始设置
& &点击Menu&&--& Settings&&选择SDK 目录 &ignore_js_op&
根据需要 看是否设置代理& &点击OK 完成设置 然后 选择一个下载好的& &点击Play &ignore_js_op&
等待初始化完成& &立马体验
到此为止&&环境配置全部完成 !! 新建一个项目运行下! &ignore_js_op&
注意到桌面有个图标&&是对其的一些设置 &ignore_js_op&
打开Genymotion& &右边那个垃圾桶就不用说了哈& &坐标这个就是修改模拟器分辨率和密度 &ignore_js_op&
Failed to load the JNI shared library “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\bin\“那是jdk与eclipse的位数不对,如上面下载的eclipse是32位的,而你的jdk是64位的,所是去下一个eclipse-3.9的64位版本就ok了。
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