
小时候看的《小王子》,那时候,并没有很深的感触现在长大了,于深夜看的悄然泪流满面,按电影时间顺序整理于此,共勉之。Dialogue 1遗憾的是他们两个深深爱着彼此Now, the shame of it was that they loved each other.但是他们也都太年轻了还不懂如何去爱But they were both too young to know how to love.带着满心困惑他逃走了Full of doubt, he ran away.我当然爱你Of course I love you.如果你没有感觉到 这是我的错If you're not aware of that, it's my fault.请原谅我Please forgive me.他抛下她自己走了He left her? All alone?可是他去哪But where did he go?他当时还不知道Well, he didn't know it at the time,他的离开其实是迈出了回到她身边的第一步but his leaving was just the first step on a journey back to her.Dialogue 2我不确定自己是否还想长大Well, I'm not so sure I wanna grow up any more.真正的问题不在于长大Growing up is not the problem.在于遗忘Forgetting is.Dialogue 3狐狸出现了the Fox appeared.过来跟我玩吧Hey! Come and play with me.我不能跟你玩I cannot play with you.我还没被驯服I'm not tamed.那是什么意思What does that mean?驯服就是"建立关系"Tame means, "to establish ties".对我来说
你不过是个小男孩To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy就跟其他成千上万的小男孩一样who is just like 100,000 other little boys.我不需要你And I have no need of you.你也不需要我And you have no need of me.对你来说
我也只是成千上万狐狸中的一只To you, I am nothing more than a fox like 100,000 foxes.但如果你驯服了我
我们就会彼此需要But if you tame me, then we shall need each other.对我来说
你会是世界上唯一的存在To me, you will be unique in all the world.对你来说
我也是世界上唯一的存在And to you, I shall be unique in all the world.Dialogue 4你们是谁Who are you?我们是玫瑰We are roses.我的玫瑰只是一朵寻常玫瑰My rose is just a common rose?可她告诉我全宇宙只有她那一朵玫瑰But she told me she was the only one of her kind in the whole universe.但她绝不只是一朵寻常玫瑰But she is not a common rose.她是你的玫瑰She is your rose.你在她身上倾注的时间It is the time that you've devoted to her她变得如此重要that makes your rose so important.她是我的玫瑰She is my rose.你必须回到她身边You must return to her.Dialogue 5不
你要哭了吗Oh, no, are you going to cry?我驯服了你
对你却没什么好处My taming you has done you no good at all.作为礼物
我告诉你一个秘密Let me make you a present of a secret.只有用心去看
才能看得真切It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.真正重要的东西
眼睛是看不见的What is essential is invisible to the eye.他们不会再在一起了吗They won't be together any more?他们会的But they will.狐狸只要用心去看
就能看得见小王子The Fox, he sees the Little Prince when he looks with his heart.如果你做得到
你就永远不会孤单If you can do that, you'll never be lonely again.Dialogue 6繁星之所以耀眼 The stars are beautiful是因为有一朵人们看不见的花because of a flower that cannot be seen.沙漠之所以美丽What makes the desert beautiful是因为它的某个角落里藏着一口井is that somewhere it hides a well.Dialogue 7我所看到的都只是表象What I see here is nothing but a shell.最重要的其实是看不见的What is most important is what is invisible.你们这个地方的人The men where you live种下成千上万朵的玫瑰grow thousands of roses所以找不到他们真正渴望的东西and they do not find what they are looking for.他们真正渴望的东西也许就在一朵玫瑰里What they are looking for could be found in a single rose,也许就在一掬水中or a little water.Dialogue 8我来送你一件礼物I'm going to make you a present.在那么多星星中
我会在其中一颗星星中继续生活In one of those stars, I shall be living.我会在那颗星星上继续欢笑In one of them, I shall be laughing.这样一来
当你仰望星空的时候And so, when you look up at the sky at night,就会觉得好像所有星星都在欢笑it'll be as if all the stars are laughing.是时候道别了It was time for goodbye.你知道的
回家的路太远You understand it is too far.我无法带着肉身同行I cannot carry this body with me.这只是一个没用了的外壳罢了It will be like an old abandoned shell.没有必要为没用的外壳伤心There is nothing sad about old shells.Dialogue 9我会长大的
但不会长成你这样的大人I will grow up, but I'll never be a grown-up like you!Dialogue 10我可以看到她I can see her.她不是一朵寻常玫瑰She was not a common rose.全宇宙只有她这一朵玫瑰She was the only one of her kind in the whole universe.我记得她I remember her.所有一切我都记得I remember all of it.她没有消失She's not gone.她还在这里She's still here?只有用心去看
才能看得真切It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.他会一直在我身边He'll always be with me.Dialogue 11如果想要建立羁绊,就得承担流泪的风险You run the risk of weeping a little,if you let yourself get tamed.你会成为一个很出色的大人You're gonna make a wonderful grown-up.Dialogue 12你们也许会认为这是一顶帽子
但它不是You probably think this is a hat, but it's not.很喜欢这个温馨的画面,没有台词,然而动人小女孩遥望着星空,想着小王子的故事,妈妈疼惜理解地环抱着她——我们终将长大——但是我们会成为出色的大人——因为我们知道那也许不是一顶帽子——END——
如果你想要跟别人制造羁绊,就要承受流泪的风险。其实最让人难过的是,我为你流泪千千万次,与你有羁绊的依然是你的玫瑰。我只能闭眼听风吹麦浪的声音。可怕的不是成长 而是遗忘 尽管我已经长大 但我没忘记小王子。重要的东西 只有用心才能看到。要驯服一个人 就要冒着掉眼泪的危险。请给我画一只羊 并且驯服我。
新增的,大概就是加入小女孩这个角色,以小女孩和飞行员之间的感情为线索,最后小女孩与飞行员的对话:——“如果你想要建立羁绊,就得承受流泪的风险。”——“你一定会成为一个出色的大人。” 还有小女孩面对商人时不卑不亢的回答:“我会长大,但我永远不会变成像你一样的大人。” 其他的大都来自原著,很有感触的一些:倘若一个人对一朵花情有独钟,而那花在浩瀚的星河中,是独一无二的,那么,他只要仰望繁星点点,就心满意足了。“对我而言,你只是一个小男孩,和其他成千上万的小男孩没有什么不同。我不需要你。你也不需要我。对你而言,我也和其它成千上万的狐狸并没有差别。但假如你驯服了我,我们就彼此需要了。对我而言,你就是举世无双的;对你而言,我也是独一无二的。”星星之所以美丽,是因为有一朵看不见的花。沙漠之所以美丽,是因为在它的某个角落隐藏着一口井。你在你的玫瑰花身上耗费的时间使得你的玫瑰花变得如此重要。
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