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Site owner? Here's a few tips for you
Have you tried speaking to press and bloggers about your product? They can be a great source of referral traffic when they publish a post or article with a link.
Ask your fans, clients or business partners to put a link to your site on theirs.
Register your website in relevant directories and listings.
Look at the main referrals of your competitors to get some ideas of websites you could be engaging with.
Site owner? Here's a few tips for you
Make your site SEO-friendly to make sure its indexed by search engines. Keep your website structure simple, clean and coherent for crawlers to index and rank pages.
Find out which are the Top 100 Search Engines on the internet .
Think about the keywords you’d like to rank for and use them throughout your site, including content, titles and META tags.
To choose the right keywords, simply put yourself in your target user’s shoes and think of what you’d type if you were looking for your product.
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Site owner? Here's a few tips for you
Choose your social networks carefully. There are many options and you can find the Top 100 Social Networks in your Country .
Facebook and Twitter are very popular networks but if you can look for alternatives that might be more relevant to your content (e.g. LinkedIn might be more effective for professional services).
If you don’t have your own social pages you can still make sure your site content is shared across social networks by adding social buttons on your site.
Work hard and be patient: unless you’re a celebrity, it will take time for your social networks to grow. Make sure you invest time and effort keeping it up to date with exciting news and content.
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