用事实证明你是个有志气的人 出生证明英语翻译译

New year. Happier me.新的一年,让自己更快乐。
I've never been a huge fan of the resolution list craze and I don't believe in holding off on pursuing goals that can be accomplished before the first of the year. That may be the overachiever in me talking. I'm all about personal development, but getting in better shape, eating healthier and spending more time with family can all start now depending on how bad you really want it right?我从不是个决议清单的狂热爱好者,而且我也不相信拖延目标就能在年初之前完成。这可能是我心里那个完美的自己才说的话。我只顾追求自我发展,但是让身材变得更好,吃更健康的食物和多陪伴家人这些事情,其实都可以从现在就开始了,这完全取决于你有多想去做。
So for the purpose of this list, I'll focus on what it all comes down to anyway -- being happy. Starting new routines, kicking old habits and living the way we really want is largely based on our desire to genuinely be the happiest person we know. Who doesn't want to be that person?!所以这单子列出来的目的呢,我会专注于归根究底就是要&&快乐。开始新计划,改掉旧习惯,过我们想过的生活,这些大部分取决于我们有多想真正成为我们所知的最快乐的人。谁不想变成那样的人呢?!
Before we raise our
flutes and toast to the beginning of the New Year, here are 15 ways we can be happier when it's time to greet 2015.在我们举起香槟酒,共庆新年伊始之前,给出以下15个能让我们在迎接2015年之际变得更快乐的方法。
1.Slow down and enjoy the little moments.放慢脚步,享受短暂时光。
Stop being too busy to taste the flavors in your food, to hear yourself think, to watch the sunset or to listen to the words of your favorite song.不要因为太忙了连品味食物,聆听自己内心,看日落,听自己最爱歌曲的时间都没有了。
2.Say no to time-wasters and space-fillers.不要浪费时间,也不要为了填补寂寞而随意交友。
Your days are valuable and should only involve valuable things and people. You can't be everywhere at once and you can't be everything to everybody. Choose what and who is deserving of your time and let the rest fall by the wayside.你的每一天都很宝贵,应该留给有价值的人和事。你不能一下子去所有地方,也不能成为每个人所依赖的全部。选择值得做的事,值得爱的人,其他的就顺其自然吧。
3.Be more honest and open with yourself.更真诚开放的对待自己。
What do you really want to do with your life? Is the current path you're on something you're passionate about or are you doing it because society's roadmap told you so? Stop getting in more debt attending a grad school program that does not align with your passion.你究竟想要怎样对待你的人生呢?你现在所走的路是你为之热情奋斗的吗?或者只是循规蹈矩的。不要为了一个自己没有热情的学科项目而负债累累了 。
4.Take more risks.多冒点险。
Seriously. Get out there and get messy. Make mistakes and fail a few times. Fail again after that. Let the challenges help build your character because the success that follows will be worth it.我是说真的。出去闯荡一番。犯点错误,让自己失败几次。然后再失败。让挑战磨练自己的品格,因为随之而来的成功是值得的。
5.Assess your circle of friends.评估你的朋友圈。
Are you constantly giving and listening to other's drama and not receiving anything in return? Do the people you lean on really support and uplift you? Do you genuinely feel like they have your best interest at heart? Remember, the five people you spend time with the most are a telling sign of who you are.你是不是一直都在分享和聆听别人八卦的事,却没有什么回报?你所依靠的人真的支持你吗?你真得觉得他们把你放在第一位吗?记住,花最多时间和你在一起的五个人代表了你是怎样的人。
6.Realize the past can't be changed.要知道过去无法改变。
Like ever. Stop reliving what could have been or obsessing over how the situation may have played out differently if you would have gotten one more word in or reacted better. It didn't work out for a reason. Take the lesson from it and find comfort in knowing that what's meant for you will come in due time.永远都不能。不要纠结于自己如果做得更好,会怎么样,已经发生的事无法改变。做不好是有原因的。吸取教训,要明白对你来说重要的事会在适当的时候来临。
7.Find the time to help someone in need.留点时间帮助有困难的人。
Lend a listening ear or a firm shoulder to lean on. You never know when the person doing the needing will end up being you.学会倾听或是给别人一个坚实的肩膀来依靠。你不会想到什么时候自己也会成为那个需要帮助的人。
8.Stop making excuses for not living out your dream.不要为没有实践自己的梦想而找借口。
If others can do it, so can you. A few years from now, you'll be upset with yourself for all the time you wasted and find yourself stuck dwelling on what could have been.别人可以做到的,你也可以。几年之后,你会为自己所浪费的时间所懊恼,而且发现自己深陷&本来可以做的事情的细想&的泥潭。
9.Be happy for others.替别人感到高兴。
Being jealous or fake happy is draining. Genuinely be happy for other's success because you'll want them to be happy for you when you share your good news.嫉妒或是假装很开心是很累的。真心替别人的成功感到高兴是因为你希望在分享自己好消息的时候,他们也能替你感到高兴。
10.Give what you'd like to receive.给予就是获得。
If you're seeking compassion, show it to others. What goes around, always comes back around.如果你想被同情,你就去同情别人。给予就是个圈,有予就有得。
11.Leave expectations at the door.不要对别人抱有期待。
People grow, change and make mistakes. Some people will help you while others will attempt to bring you down. Don't expect too much from anyone either way. The only person's actions and mind you can control is your own.人成长,改变,犯错。有些人会帮助你,而其他人试图击垮你。不要对他们报太大期待。你能控制的只有自己的行为和思想。
12.Validate yourself.证明你自己。
Don't worry about what others think or don't think of you. What weight does their opinion carry anyway? Think highly of yourself and give yourself permission to be great.不要担心别人怎么看你。他们的意见又有多少分量呢?高度赞扬自己,让自己有机会变得优秀。
13.Stop settling.不要安定下来。
Being single is better than being unhappy and working 80 hours a week. Doing something you love is better than working eight hours a week doing something you hate.单身总比不快乐的每周工作80小时要强。做一些你喜欢做的事总比每周八小时做一些自己讨厌的事情强。
14.Respect your own privacy.给自己留点私人空间。
Keep some things to yourself. Not everyone needs to know every detail about your relationship or what's going on at your job, even if they are family and friends. Savor certain moments despite the burning desire to show and prove.留一点东西给自己。并非所有人需要知道你恋爱关系的所有细节,或是你工作上发生了什么,即使他们是你的家人和朋友。即使自己非常想要告诉别人,证明给别人看,也要给自己留一些时间,让自己好好享受。
15.Live in your own purpose.不从众。
Don't follow the crowds. Trying to emulate others deters you from that special path you were meant to take. Be inspired from their journey and put that energy into who you were meant to become.不要随波逐流。试图努力赶上别人的过程会让你偏离自己特定的人生轨道。让自己被别人的人生旅途所鼓舞,并为自己的人生道路不断奋斗。扫二维码下载作业帮
志气是朝着一定目标走去是“志”,一鼓作气中途绝不停止“气”,两者合起来就是“志气”.骨气是体貌气质.后多指刚强不屈的人格及操守.有志气 have aspiration(ambition)有骨气 have strength of character ,back bon...
英语翻译我现在唯一能做的就是奋斗了.或者说:奋斗是我现在唯一能做的了!看我自己的翻译:Fighting is the only thing I can do now.就是给人感觉大气 有志气的那种可以一起讨论讨论 呵呵 怎么都爱用work hard 呢 换个别的词 像 struggle fighting
The only thing that i can do is to fight
All I can do is to work hard at the moment. Working hard is the only thing I can do at the moment.
can do nothing but fight
Working hard is my only way out now!


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