Speak more civilized. 啥意思,英文more是什么意思。

rather than Im afraid of being aloneI do not like to chat with other people you ignore me, I I like your simple, so I have confidence in your mind long
I do not want your QQ I also for others in addition to light, I&#39, I very bad, and I hop I was
I do not like you gave do not speak on the next the QQ? Will not let you do for me. I hope you can be my presence, I' Im overbearing? I do not know you I feel, I I do not want you to ask the injury I had? Or do you just come to me because of loneliness, I was afraid to leave you forever? Y I hope you can love me more, sometimes very boring, I am speakm afraid you leave, the most important person I was afraid to leave, with you when I m afraid you are just looki I do not want you to lose contact with me, so I will not easily to you seek, I do not want your time with me also think of other people, rather than on people could not find a corner, I was afraid of injuries? How important, even for a minute I do not want you to be lonely just because I I do not like you told me true? Or a little
I hope you can accompany me when I am bored chat, I like the important people with heart, then I I hope you can I do not like listening to songs you think of other people, I' I like being with you? How much you care, so I am a person belonging to a, I&#39
我希望你会一直这样I do not like to chat with other people you ignore me? Or do you just come to me because of loneliness?You care about me.I like fun.我不想你的QQ为别人而上线I do not want your time with me also t I do not like you gave do not speak on the next the QQ.I like being with you? Will not let you do for me.我不喜欢下次登QQ时看不到你给我的留言, I was afraid to leave you forever,但我又感觉很虚伪;m afraid of being alone, and I hope you can after this,害怕受伤,有时我很无聊,我不想你问我的伤痛; 我喜欢和你在一起, honest, I&#39.我害怕孤独, so I have confidence in your mind long closed the door open?有多关心, even for a minute I do not want you to be lonely just because I was with,喜欢玩,诚实? Or a little place in my heart no.我只属于你, I I like your simple, I like the important people with heart, rather than on people could not find a corner.I hope you canm afraid you are just looking for my loneliness, rather than ignore my existence, I&#39,我喜欢我最重要的人在我心里; 我希望当我无聊时可以陪着我,我怕孤独; 我很自私.我希望你能成为我的, so I am a person belonging to a?怎么个重要; I do not want you to ask the injury I had,我不想因为我和你在一起你还感觉孤独; 我不喜欢和那些忽略我的人聊天?你关心我吗.我在和你说重要.我希望你爱我多? How important.只要和你一起我就会感觉很高兴.I 我不喜欢听你会想起别人的歌曲, I&#39, I was afraid of injuries.I hope you can accompany me when I am bored chat.我很压抑自己.我怕你离开?感觉里面有很多语法错误似的; I hope you can love me more, I like to play, I am speak I was afraid of loneliness.所以找到你真的很不容易; 我不希望你和我在一起时还想着别人, I think of fear? How much you care.我不喜欢你告诉我事实, so I will not easily to you seek,因此我就会更有信心可以一直留在你的心里, the most important person I was afraid to leave?或者你只是因为孤独才找我;m afraid you leave,我怕对我最重要的人离开, with you when I
I do not want your QQ I also for others in addition to light.我害怕I do not want you to lose contact with me.这会让你不在为我做什么吗.我喜欢你的普通.我怕你只是为了孤独才和我聊天,而不是在那些只想找个依靠的人身上,我很坏?或是心里根本就没我的位置; 我不想你和我失去联系; I do not like you told me true? I do not know you I feel,而不是忽视我的存在? 我喜欢搞笑, then I 我希望你把我放在心上.我怕你永远的离开我I do not like listening to songs you think of other people, I&#39.哪怕只有一分钟?我不知道你对我的感觉, sometimes very boring. I hope you can be my presence
我不喜欢和别人聊天 你忽略我 我怕你离开
我不喜欢听歌的时候你想着其他人 我怕你只是觉得我寂寞
我不想你问我受过什么伤 我害怕
我不想你跟我失去联系 一分钟也不想!(好浪漫呀)
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It is very significant for top managers to learn more deeply the relationship between organizational culture types and performance and utilize more efficiently strategic resources of firms.
It also analyzed the principle of describing spatial objective information by TIGER/Line. It introduced the spatial object topological model as a kind of example which implemented actually. It enables readers to understand more deeply about spatial object's form and is useful for the reference of spatial data standardization in the future.
Because of the high operation efficiency and the more valuable project application, the network-flow algorithm is studied more deeply.
With rapid popularization of Internet, people are not satisfied with only browsing, but hoping to participating in Internet more deeply, the open of Internet made it possible to establish personal web.
About geographic information system, through the analysis of application in practical subject,putting forward that geographic information system should be applied to education management field more widly and more deeply.
介绍了地理信息系统 ,并根据在具体项目中应用分析 ,提出地理信息系统应该更深入地应用于教育管理领域。
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The bifurcation theory takes nonlinear quality of the system into account roundly. Compared with traditional analytical method,the voltage stability of a power system near critical point has been more deeply discussed.
Review " learning weighing apparatus and sending " and complicated relation between the new cultural advocates, not merely help us to ponder over the complexity of Chinese culture development and question of many kinds of possibility more deeply, the ones that helped us to rebuild history are true too, and to make the transition period , face new rounds of China social reference function with importance that culture chooses in society.
Chinese ancient evolution thought is not only much the same as modern evolution economics in philosophy basis but also contains more deeply profound opinions.
Based on the background of that time and Charlotte's inner world, my thesis intends to reveal the cause of Charlotte's feminine consciousness and reappear its course of formation and development, then show its depth and richness in order to understand more deeply and master more exactly.
In recent years, development of mobile communication makes people research in algorithms of DOA estimation more deeply, continue to improve existent algorithms and present new algorithms. This thesis is presented based on this background.
The result shows that research on cell level for exercise fatigue has become more deeply in recent years.
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With the fast development of computer technology, researches about CAD, CAPP and CAM are more and more deeply. Especially after the appearance of QMS, CAD/CAPP/CAM integration has become one of important problems which have to be solved as soon as possible.
Its relative studies for theory and application is more and more deeply.
ObjectivesFirst to investigate the mechanism of Atopic Dermatitis(AD)more deeply through measuring IgE、 Th2/ Th1 Types Cytokines in serum and the expression of Transcription factor GATA-3mRNA in PBMC of the patients with AD.
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: With application of Internet being more deeply,especially e-commerce,It becomes more and more important that information of Internet is structured.
Conclusion: Comparing with non-GD group, much more T3 is secreted from thyroid, TSH cells in pituitary gland is depressed more deeply and thyroid blood flow is more abundant in patients with GD.
Finally, the paper discusses the elusion of the business risk and the recovery of correlation risk, what's more, deeply analyzes the avoid of regain risk, especially the control of the customer managers' behavior.
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为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The recent opportunity of examining the faecal material of the water-scorpion Leccotrephes japonensis revealed a flagellate which had not previously been described from this host. After fuller investigation I found that it is a species new to science and should be referred to the genus R I have named it Retortamonas leccotrephae sp. nov.The specimens of Leccotrephes japonensis used for studies on the parasitic flagellate R. leccotrephae, were collected from ponds on the outskirts of Shanghai, Chi... &&&&&&&&&&&&红娘华蛐的身体结构,一般与Mackinnon所述的R.(Embadomonas) agilis和Corradetti所述的R.grillotalpae相似,特别近似Geiman所述的R.caudacus(图15,16)。但红娘华蛐有大约等於体长2/3的大胞口,和长於或等於体长的针状尾巴,而且无论在生活时或固定染色後,头部均向背後扭曲(此较图1和15)。这些特性,显然与过去文獻中所记载的种类不同,故(氵夬)定为蛐属——新种。&&&&&&&& The action of Wave on vertical wall is one of the important problem. in wave theory. The invstigation of it is valuable not only because of the fiact that it will enable us to learn more deeply the important phenomena of the wave motion of the ocean. Since Sainflou established his theory of standing wave, many famous scientists have been waking researches on that problem. This problem should be studied not only theoretically and experimentally, but also should be studied in the light of experien... &&&&&&&&&&&&波浪对直立堤的作用是波浪理论中的一个重要问题。这个问题的研究不仅是进行港口设计所必需的,而且还有助于我们深入地了解海洋中的波浪运动。 自从森弗罗(Sainflou)建立了他的立波理论以来,许多知名的科学家进行了这方面的工作。这今问题不仅是需要在理论上和在实验室内加以研究,而且还应该深入地去研究已经发生了的外堤破坏事故。因此一旦在某处发生这类的事故,就必然会引起各国科学家们的注意。 1955年2月19日,在意大利热那亚港发生了一件巨大的外堤破坏事故。那时苏联专家A.A.卡斯巴申(A.A.Каспарсон)还在我院工作,在他的建议下,在我们的实验室内进行了模型试验以研究热那亚港外堤的破坏原因。 在实验中,我们观察和分析了外堤的许多破坏现象,根据这些观察和分析,我们可以把破坏按其现象分成二类:即长波破坏和短波破坏。而热那亚港的破坏事故则属于第二类。 在这个实验中,我们还测了直立堤上的波压力。此外,为了增加外堤抵抗长波破坏的能力,我们还做了几个加强港侧基床的试验。&&&&&&&& Decaisnea fargesii Franch. is one of the rubber plants which have received considerable attention in recent years. The rubber of Decaisnea fargesii occurs only in the laticiferous canals of the pericarp and there is neither laticiferous canal, nor rubber substances in its roots, stems and leaves. In the present paper, a preliminary result on the research of the structure and the ontogeny of the laticiferous canals of Decaisnea fargesii is reported. In the pericarp of the mature fruit, an aggregate fleshy fo... &&&&&&&&&&&&五、摘要猫屎瓜为一种近年来引起重视的橡胶植物。据报导,其橡胶只含在果皮内的乳汁道中,根、茎和叶内并无乳汁道,亦不合有橡胶物质。现就其乳汁道的结构及形成过程作一初步报告。在尚未开放的雌花中,子房壁的基本结构类似一般有花植物,仅果皮的外表皮细胞显示出原生质浓厚,染色较深。开花,受精以后,外表皮细胞开始进行分裂活动,而且此种活动在静多分散的小区域中显得特别活跃。因此,在果皮的外表面逐渐形成许多微小的突起。以后,这些突起渐渐增大和加高,同时,在突起的四周产生凹陷的沟道。这些沟道在果皮的表面上是互相贯通,连接成网状的。当沟道的深度达200—300微米时,沟道二侧的表皮细胞的分裂活动逐渐停止,细胞体积开始增大。因而沟道腔就渐渐变狭,进而其侧壁接触在一起,愈合成一块组织。以后,这种增大过程只局限在沟道下半部分的表皮细胞中进行。不久,这些细胞不仅体积大,而且细胞核大,原生质丰富,液泡化弱,叶绿体消失,染色亦特别深,所以它们和沟道上部及果皮外围的外表皮细胞,在形态结构上已明显不同,按其特征可以称为分泌表皮。以后,分泌表皮细胞停止增大,进而细胞之间因中层溶解而分离。不久,这些分离的细胞逐渐破毁,溶解,因而就形成了溶生的胞间道。在...&nbsp&&&&&&&&相关查询:
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