ark royal香烟&black devil

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   KENT 觉得不错  名称:  价格:元/包  美国红香烟  10  美国白香烟 10  美国绿 薄荷香烟  10  美国KENT健牌香烟  11  美国广告版健牌KENT DELUXE LIGHTS 8香烟  13  美国PEEL桔子薄荷味女士硬盒香烟 11  美国CIGARONNE雪茄龙香烟  13.5  美国GOLDEN POLY硬盒香烟  8  美国好彩LUCKY STRIKE(红圈、绿圈)特醇软盒香烟  10  美国PARLIAMENT Lights百乐门特醇香烟  14  美国第一时间PRIME TIME雪茄型硬盒香烟三种口味  17  美国DJ.MIR水果味道的女士香烟  9  美国CAPRI卡毕超细特醇女士香烟(红、绿) 11  美国GOLDEN  POLY硬盒香烟 8  美国CORONAS硬盒香烟  8  美国More120s绿摩尔长支硬盒香烟  12  美国More绿摩尔短支硬盒香烟 6  美国雪茄龙香烟(金、银、黑、白)  13.5  美国City都市雪茄型香烟  13  美国总督香烟 9  美国sixty-1雪茄型卷烟  美国斯威特软盒雪茄香烟100s  美国VISIONS  四种口味雪茄香烟 30  美国SMOKIN JOES雪茄型软盒香烟五种口味  16  美国TIME香烟  10  美国骆驼(无) 11  美国硬盒骆驼CAMEL FILTERS香烟  8  美国船长CAPTAIN BLACK 100S雪茄型香烟四种口味  20  美国ARK ROYAL皇家船长(诺亚方舟)香烟三种口味  12  英国经典三五555香烟 11  英国特醇三五555香烟  12  英国经典宽版三五555香烟  15.5  英国宽版特醇三五555香烟 16  英国DUNHILL King  Size香烟 9  英国DUNHILL LIGHTS硬盒香烟  13  英国宽版硬盒香烟  13  英国ROTHMANS kingsize乐富门香烟  7  英国ROTHMANS乐富门宽版硬盒香烟 13  英国Tiger硬盒香烟  9  法国元帅香烟  6  法国蓝香烟 12  法国绿女士香烟  13  法国红香烟  9  德国产Asbford硬盒香烟 9  德国CALUME硬盒香烟三种口味  15  德国春泉SpringWater硬盒香烟  20  德国Davidoff Classic香烟  13  德国DAVIDOFF LIGHTS香烟  13  德国国际装宽版DAVIDOFF MAGNUM香烟  26  德国特醇超细硬盒女士香烟93s 13  德国Asbford硬盒香烟  8  BLACK DEVIL黑魔香烟  18  ROMEO Y JULIETA罗密欧与朱丽叶硬盒香烟  11  雪茄型香烟 10  印尼SAMPOERNA丁香叶香烟两种口味  13.5  台湾520香烟  9  台湾长寿硬盒香烟(白、黄) 10  台湾梅花王香烟  10  澳门GUIA特醇香烟 5  香港南洋硬盒红双喜香烟  5  香港南洋特醇EXTRA MILD红双喜香烟  6  香港南洋双喜DOUBLE HAPPINESS铁罐香烟  20/罐  香港南洋龙凤双喜 10  香港南洋polar bear北极熊薄荷口味香烟  8  韩国超细女士香烟ESSE三种口味  9  韩国PINE light香烟两种味道 9  韩国超细PINE香烟  10  韩国TIME时代硬盒香烟2种口味  10  韩国FIGO硬盒香烟2种口味 7  SOBRANIE寿百年女士香烟二种口味  10  YSL圣罗兰香烟硬盒(黑、白、绿)  14  加拿大GOLD RUSH淘金者雪茄型香烟 13  日本seven  stars七星香烟 9  日本SEVEN STARS kingsize七星香烟  11  日本Mild Seven Lights七星香烟  9  日本MILD SEVEN charcoal filter香烟  9  日本Mild Seven LIGHTS 软盒七星 11  日本Mild Seven  Super Light特醇硬盒 9  日本Mild Seven 国际版  13.5  日本CASTER卡斯特软盒香烟  13  希腊SLIM丝美香烟 12  希腊金龙香烟  16  希腊ORIGIN海盗硬盒香烟 20  欧洲产JAV  JUST ABOVE特醇硬盒香烟  8  泰国乐富门ROTHMANS KING SIZE硬盒香烟 8  MANIA香烟  10  MEMORY香烟  6  欧洲产BLACK VANILLA烟斗烟丝硬盒香烟 19
保存至快速回贴南京哪有BLACK Devil这种香烟?_百度知道
南京哪有BLACK Devil这种香烟?
很多外烟都是小摊上才有的卖 都是走私的没交税烟在国外本来就不是贵的东西 国内有真有假 10块一包小摊上自己去找吧 假的烟蒂比较差 水松纸包的也不是太好 而且不管假外烟仿的牌子是什么 味道都是那一种 烟盒纸质油墨也有差别楼上两位说的烟我都抽过 我各人推荐ark royal皇家方舟(又叫老船长)10块一包ps:曾经买了包假黑魔 抽了根味道很恶心 拿出烟盒瞅了瞅
里面怎么还有20根烟 回想买的时候好像烟盒是鼓了点
难道是产假烟的比较内疚 特地多装了一根 - -||
,NewPort,最好能找到英免的,555环尊国际,Lucky Strike.推荐大卫杜夫去常青藤看看吧
好多地方都有,一般香烟店也会有。ESS薄荷味的 老船长(巧克力味)
出门在外也不愁We are currently making improvements to the Audible site. .
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Series: Ark Royal, Book 1
Seventy years ago, the interstellar supercarrier Ark Royal was the pride of the Royal Navy. But now, her weapons are outdated and her solid-state armour nothing more than a burden on her colossal hull. She floats in permanent orbit near Earth, a dumping ground for the officers and crew the Royal Navy wishes to keep out of the public eye. But when a deadly alien threat appears, the modern starships built by humanity are no match for the powerful alien weapons.
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The Nelson Touch: Ark Royal, Book 2
UNABRIDGED (13 hrs and 31 mins)
By Christopher G. Nuttall
Narrated By Ralph Lister
Whispersync for Voice-ready
Ark Royal - the Royal Navy’s outdated space carrier - has won a smashing victory against the enigmatic aliens, capturing one of their starships and returning to Earth. Now, Admiral Theodore Smith and his crew are assigned to command a fleet charged with making a deep-penetration raid into alien territory, a fleet made up of carriers from four different nations. But with a crewman who isn't what he seems, untested pilots and international friction - and a new and dangerous alien plan - can Ted and his crew survive their mission?
Lore says:
"The story arc remains engaging in book 2."
The Trafalgar Gambit: Ark Royal, Book 3
UNABRIDGED (14 hrs and 5 mins)
By Christopher G. Nuttall
Narrated By Ralph Lister
Whispersync for Voice-ready
Humanity is losing the war. The once-mighty space navies have been crippled, officers and crew have been stretched to the limit and Earth herself has come under heavy attack. The end cannot be long delayed. For Admiral Smith and the crew of HMS Ark Royal, the stakes have never been so high. The one hope is to make contact with alien factions that might oppose the war.
Lore says:
"More of the same with a solid resolution"
Warspite: Ark Royal, Book 4
UNABRIDGED (12 hrs and 39 mins)
By Christopher G. Nuttall
Narrated By Ralph Lister
Whispersync for Voice-ready
The First Interstellar War is over, but the Royal Navy still has plenty of work to do. As Earth struggles to recover from the bombardment, Captain John Naiser is placed in command of HMS Warspite - an experimental heavy cruiser - and ordered to escort a squadron of colony ships to a star system of immense strategic importance. But as the crew struggle to survive hundreds of light years from Earth, they find themselves dealing with the legacy of the war.
Jean says:
A Savage War of Peace: Ark Royal, Book 5
UNABRIDGED (12 hrs and 37 mins)
By Christopher G. Nuttall
Narrated By Ralph Lister
Whispersync for Voice-ready
On her maiden voyage, HMS Warspite discovered Vesy, a world populated by primitive aliens, aliens whose culture had already been twisted and warped by human refugees from the First Interstellar War. Now Captain John Naiser and his crew spearhead a diplomat mission to the alien homeworld, hoping to ease them into the galactic mainstream.
Lore says:
"The opposite of the prime directive."
A Small Colonial War: Ark Royal, Book 6
UNABRIDGED (12 hrs and 40 mins)
By Christopher G. Nuttall
Narrated By Ralph Lister
Whispersync for Voice-ready
A new war has broken out.... Indian ships have invaded three British-held systems, and Indian troops have occupied British colonies, forcing Britain to choose between war and shame. The Royal Navy, battered by the fires of the First Interstellar War and desperately trying to recover from the terrifying casualties, must launch a counterattack and recover the colonies. For HMS Warspite - and a task force of British warships - the stakes have never been so high.
Georgia V Smith says:
"So far 16 Nuttall novels each one my favorite!!"
Vanguard: Ark Royal, Book 7
UNABRIDGED (13 hrs and 3 mins)
By Christopher G. Nuttall
Narrated By Ralph Lister
Whispersync for Voice-ready
HMS Vanguard is the most powerful battleship ever to be commissioned by the Royal Navy, but she is not a happy ship. Her commanding officer is eccentric, rarel her former XO h and her first middy is resentful because he hasn't been promoted as he deserves.... But when a first contact mission goes badly wrong, HMS Vanguard and her crew are plunged into an interstellar war against a new and deadly alien threat.
Jean says:
"Action packed story"
The Empire's Corps
UNABRIDGED (15 hrs and 32 mins)
By Christopher G. Nuttall
Narrated By Jeffrey Kafer
Whispersync for Voice-ready
The Galactic Empire is dying and chaos and anarchy are breaking out everywhere. After a disastrous mission against terrorists on Earth itself, Captain Edward Stalker of the Terran Marine Corps makes the mistake of speaking truth to power, telling one of the most powerful men in the Empire a few home truths. As a result, Captain Stalker and his men are unceremoniously exiled to Avalon, a world right on the Rim of the Empire. It should have been an easy posting...
Jerry says:
"Great Listen!"
No Worse Enemy: The Empire's Corps, Book 2
UNABRIDGED (13 hrs and 15 mins)
By Christopher G. Nuttall
Narrated By Jeffrey Kafer
Whispersync for Voice-ready
Six months ago, Colonel Edward Stalker and his Marines were abandoned on Avalon, left to fend for themselves as the Empire withdrew from the Rim. Since then, Avalon has been isolated from the settled universe... until now. As a mysterious pirate organisation attempts to take over Avalon, the Marines find themselves struggling against a shadowy figure with dreams of power, while a young civilian is kidnapped and press-ganged into a pirate crew.
George says:
"Clear Story Line"
Semper Fi: The Empire's Corps, Book 4
UNABRIDGED (12 hrs and 48 mins)
By Christopher G. Nuttall
Narrated By Jeffrey Kafer
Whispersync for Voice-ready
Two years after the empire abandoned them on Avalon, Colonel Edward Stalker and his marines have established the Commonwealth, a union of worlds intended to take the place of the vanished empire. But now contact has been made with a remnant of the empire, a successor state controlled by a ruthless dictator bent on crushing the Commonwealth and expanding her rule over the entire galaxy.
Nelson A Hill says:
"Truly extraordinary"
When the Bough Breaks: The Empire's Corps, Book 3
UNABRIDGED (12 hrs and 41 mins)
By Christopher G. Nuttall
Narrated By Jeffrey Kafer
Whispersync for Voice-ready
The Galactic Empire is dying. In their high towers, the Grand Senators plot and struggle to grasp a larger share of power while on the streets, the poor struggle to survive just one more day. Chaos and anarchy are running through the megacities of Earth, while giant corporations tighten the screws and colony worlds plot to declare independence and escape the Empire's increasing demands for resources. Centuries of mismanagement are finally catching up with the human race.
Michelle MacDowell says:
"The collapse of empire"
Reality Check: The Empire's Corps, Book 7
UNABRIDGED (11 hrs and 44 mins)
By Christopher G. Nuttall
Narrated By Jeffrey Kafer
Whispersync for Voice-ready
None of them wanted to leave Earth. It might have been nightmarish, but it was all they knew. Gary wanted to concentrate on his exams in hopes of leaving the CityBlock and its bullies far behind. Kailee wanted to become an actress. Darrin merely wanted to live. But when the three teenagers win a competition, they find themselves taking the trip of a lifetime, a voyage to a colony world where they can see how the colonists live.
Maxster says:
"Reality check for Mr. Nuttal... This story sucked"
To the Shores: The Empire's Corps, Book 6
UNABRIDGED (12 hrs and 32 mins)
By Christopher G. Nuttall
Narrated By Jeffrey Kafer
Whispersync for Voice-ready
Four years after their abandonment by the now-fallen Empire, the Commonwealth of Avalon is expanding into interstellar space and making contact with other successor states. With suspicion high on both sides, the Commonwealth and the enigmatic Wolfbane agree to hold a diplomatic meeting on Lakshmibai, a neutral world. But Lakshmibai's government hates off-worlders and, with the fall of the Empire, sees its chance to be rid of the hated intruders once and for all.
Jean says:
The Lost Colony: Lost Starship Series, Volume 4
UNABRIDGED (14 hrs and 18 mins)
By Vaughn Heppner
Narrated By Mark Boyett
Whispersync for Voice-ready
We fought the invading New Men to a standstill and defeated the alien destroyer sent to obliterate Earth. The worst should be over, but it's not. Perfect android replicas are impersonating high-level officials so trust is failing. Worse, the New Men have found allies with an impenetrable stealth technology. This time, however, Earth is going on the offensive. Admiral Fletcher is headed to C Quadrant with a Grand Fleet. He's to liberate the captured planets and find the enemy homeworld.
Kenneth J. Gates says:
"Ok where is the next one!!"
The Thin Blue Line: The Empire's Corps, Book 9
UNABRIDGED (11 hrs and 45 mins)
By Christopher G. Nuttall
Narrated By Jeffrey Kafer
Whispersync for Voice-ready
Earth has fallen - and humanity is holding its breath, waiting for the next blow to fall. On Terra Nova, Earth's oldest colony world, chaos and anarchy are threatening to break out, with total collapse only one disaster away. In a desperate attempt to save the rest of the empire, the planet's governor has summoned the leaders of the Core Worlds to Terra Nova, in hopes of sharing power and preventing civil war. But dark forces are on the move, intent on ensuring that the conference fails.
Jean says:
Retreat Hell: The Empire's Corps, Book 8
UNABRIDGED (12 hrs and 13 mins)
By Christopher G. Nuttall
Narrated By Jeffrey Kafer
Whispersync for Voice-ready
After the disastrous mission to Lakshmibai, the very existence of the commonwealth is called into question by politicians on Avalon. But as the political firestorm mounts, a call for help arrives from Thule, a highly developed world facing a major insurgency in the wake of the empire's collapse. Reluctantly the commonwealth deploys the Commonwealth Expeditionary Force to Thule. But all is not as it seems.
Jean says:
The Second Ship: The Rho Agenda, Book 1
UNABRIDGED (11 hrs and 39 mins)
By Richard Phillips
Narrated By MacLeod Andrews
Whispersync for Voice-ready
In 1948, an alien starship crash-landed in the New Mexico desert and brought with it the key to mankind’s future. Code-named the Rho Project, the landing was shrouded in secrecy, and only the highest-ranking US government and military personnel knew it existed. Until now....
Mike From Mesa says:
"Terrific story"
The Outcast: The Empire's Corps, Book 5
UNABRIDGED (12 hrs and 52 mins)
By Christopher G. Nuttall
Narrated By Jeffrey Kafer
Whispersync for Voice-ready
A new novel set in the universe of The Empire's Corps! When Sameena's brother accidentally annoys a religious leader on her home world, her entire family is targeted for elimination. Forced to flee to save her life, Sameena stows away on a trader starship and is eventually welcomed into the crew, embracing their very different culture and making a new life for herself amongst the stars.
Laurie says:
"Great Tie-in!"
Counterstrike: Black Fleet Trilogy, Book 3
UNABRIDGED (8 hrs and 18 mins)
By Joshua Dalzelle
Narrated By Mark Boyett
Whispersync for Voice-ready
Captain Jackson Wolfe never thought he'd see the end of the Phage War in his lifetime. The enemy was too powerful, too numerous, and utterly determined to exterminate humanity. But the appearance of a new ally in the fight has changed all of that. For the first time since the original incursion, Wolfe thinks that maybe there's a chance to stop their implacable enemy before they have the chance to wipe out any more human planets.
Never Surrender: The Empire's Corps, Book 10
UNABRIDGED (11 hrs and 17 mins)
By Christopher G. Nuttall
Narrated By Jeffrey Kafer
Whispersync for Voice-ready
The war isn't going well. Wolfbane's forces are pressing the Commonwealth on multiple fronts, the Commonwealth's fragile political balance is on the verge of shattering, and there's a high-placed spy somewhere within the Commonwealth elite. For Colonel Edward Stalker and his men, the stakes have never been so high. Defeat will mean the end of everything they have fought and died for since their exile from Earth.
Jean says:
"Captivating story"
First to Fight: The Empire's Corps, Book 11
UNABRIDGED (10 hrs and 44 mins)
By Christopher G. Nuttall
Narrated By Jeffrey Kafer
Whispersync for Voice-ready
Before Avalon, before the Fall of the Empire, Edward Stalker was a young man growing up in Earth's Undercity - a nightmarish rabbit warren of tiny apartments dominated by gangs who loot, rape, and murder with impunity. When his family is killed in a gang attack, Ed takes the opportunity to run to the one place that will take him: the Terran Marine Corps.
Jean says:
"The Back Story on Stalker"
The Oncoming Storm: Angel in the Whirlwind, Book 1
UNABRIDGED (13 hrs and 28 mins)
By Christopher G. Nuttall
Narrated By Lauren Ezzo
Whispersync for Voice-ready
In the year 2420, war looms between the galaxy's two most powerful empires: the tyrannical Theocracy and the protectionist Commonwealth. Caught in the middle sits the occupied outpost system Cadiz, where young officer and aristocrat Katherine "Kat" Falcone finds herself prematurely promoted at the behest of her powerful father. Against her own wishes, Kat is sent to command the Commonwealth navy's newest warship, Lightning.
Christine says:
"This is more of an Honor Harrington reboot"
Battle Cruiser: Lost Colonies, Book 1
UNABRIDGED (12 hrs and 46 mins)
By B. V. Larson
Narrated By Edoardo Ballerini
Whispersync for Voice-ready
One starship will either save Earth or destroy her. A century ago our star erupted, destroying Earth's wormhole network and closing off trade with her colonized planets. After being out of contact with the younger worlds for so many years, humanity is shocked when a huge ship appears at the edge of the solar system. Our outdated navy investigates, both curious and fearful. What they learn from the massive vessel shocks the planet.
"An Unlikely Hero"
Home World: Undying Mercenaries, Book 6
UNABRIDGED (12 hrs and 55 mins)
By B. V. Larson
Narrated By Mark Boyett
When the Earth is invaded by a rival empire, James McGill's legion must defend the Home World. The top brass has complex plans, but none of that matters much to McGill, who chooses his own unique path. Traveling to star systems no human has ever visited, he searches for a technological edge to beat the enemy before it's too late. Along the way he unleashes new terrors, triggering the biggest battles in human history.
"Obstinate to the Core"
Falcone Strike: Angel in the Whirlwind, Book 2
UNABRIDGED (13 hrs and 9 mins)
By Christopher G. Nuttall
Narrated By Lauren Ezzo
Whispersync for Voice-ready
Now a celebrated war hero, Captain Kat Falcone is back at the helm of HMS Lightning...and up against near-impossible odds. After an ill-timed outburst almost ends her career, Kat is handed command of a deep-strike mission into enemy space. The objective is to gather intelligence and distract the hostile Theocracy while the Commonwealth prepares its counteroffensive. The chances for success are slim - and for survival even slimmer.
Jean says:
"Gripping action"
Publisher's Summary
"If you wish for peace, prepare for war." (Royal Navy Motto) Seventy years ago, the interstellar supercarrier Ark Royal was the pride of the Royal Navy. But now, her weapons are outdated and her solid-state armour nothing more than a burden on her colossal hull. She floats in permanent orbit near Earth, a dumping ground for the officers and crew the Royal Navy wishes to keep out of the public eye. But when a deadly alien threat appears, the modern starships built by humanity are no match for the powerful alien weapons. Ark Royal and her mismatched crew must go on the offensive, buying time with their lives And yet, with a drunkard for a Captain, an over-ambitious first officer and a crew composed of reservists and the dregs of the service, do they have even the faintest hope of surviving.... And returning to an Earth which may no longer be there?
(C)2014 Christopher G. Nuttall (P)2014 Audible Inc.
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Austin, TX, United States
I'm a retired USAF officer from Texas, and life long fan of the Royal Navy.
I even had the happiness of serving (on land) with the Royal Navy a number of times during my Air Force career while stationed in England.
I even instructed for a month on board 'HMS Dryad', which is of course a land based training school, not a ship at all.
But I was always tickled by the RN practice of calling their land bases 'ships'.I've read all the classic RN 'age of sail' novels.
I was excited when this book showed up on Audible. The good news first:
It's an interesting story with some fun twists.
I grew to care about the characters.
In fact, I knew military officers who had all of the problems that plague the characters in this book.
The well connected up and coming candidate angling to replace the older Captain of the Ark Royal was very realistic.
In the USAF we called that kind of officer a 'fast burner'.
I bet every military has them, including this future RN.
Good officers with drinking problems are very common, Nuttall scored a direct hit with this character.The mid-grade officer whose marriage is threatened by long deployments is very common, and very heartbreaking! I liked the way Nuttall handled his aliens.
Unlike almost every other SciFi space war novel, these aliens don't want to talk to us.
Very probably they can't talk to us, they may not even have the concept of 'talking' as far as the characters and readers know.
For some reason the aliens want to kill us and break our stuff.
What the heck are they after?Sometimes the aliens seem much smarter than us, but then they'll do something that to us seems stupid.
Nuttall's aliens are much less of an actor in a rubber suit than most SciFi aliens.
Are they devilishly clever or what?
I like Nuttall's aliens, they were very interesting.The things the other reviewers complain about are all there.
I got really sick of 'gave them a bloody nose'!
I kept saying 'forget giving them a bloody nose, they are fish! Gut them"!Some of the conversations were pretty disjointed by the inserted mental self-dialogs.
It's tiring working on a ship.
It's been tiring working on a ship since the first caveman hollowed out a log and rowed across a lake!
In Nelson's time ships crews worked four hours on four hours off for years at a time!
And they didn't even have sleep machines!
Enough about being tired.
Man up, space squids!!!!It bothered me that the RN fighter squadrons of the future are commanded by 'Wing Commanders'.
The RN does not have a rank or position of 'Wing Commander'.
The RAF does, and for a while I thought that the Ark Royal's air detachment was in fact from the RAF.
I'm pretty sure that a typical RN fighter squadron is commanded by a person with the rank of 'Commander', or perhaps 'Lt Commander'.
That kind of bothered me.
I was disappointed in the narration.
The RN officers I knew did not grunt like constipated old men, and they never shouted at each other.
I've never sailed with the RN, but I really got the impression that the RN officer corps personifies the very reserved, dignified British gentleman's manner of speech.
RN veterans please correct me if I'm wrong about this.I can say for certain that RN officers are much less demonstrative than USAF officers from Texas!
At least when they are sober.)Britten has dozens and dozens of regional and class accents, and the Brits are very accent conscious.
The narrator had only his own accent, his attempts to replicate other class and regional accents sounded very forced.I came to overlook Mr. Nuttall's and Mr. Lister's little quirks because I wanted to see what was going to happen next!
Isn't that what makes a good story?If you liked 'Battle Star Galactica' and/or 'Master and Commander' you very well may like 'Ark Royal'!EPILOGUE:
I just finished volume two of this series, 'The Nelson Touch'.
I'll review it separately, but you should know that the second volume is better edited, and has a tighter and more clever storyline.
The narrator does a better job as well.
I'm looking forward to the third volume in this series.
53 of 60 people found this review helpful
ROCKVILLE, MD, United States
Nuttall's Ark Royal begins a story arc set in the 23rd century after development of faster than light drives that allow Earth to populate near space. Quite unexpectedly a previously unknown alien race begins attacking outer settlements. With no means of dialogue, Earth learns that their technology is deficient, but an older warship (Ark Royal) is the only vessel that can put up a fight. While Earth attempts to retool, Ark Royal and her cadre of misfits and forgotten, go above and beyond to take the battle to superior forces.The geopolitical organization of Earth is preserved with each major nation having established
their own planetary colonies. England still has a king as well as a well bred aristocracy. Ark Royal is a starship carrier that has been mothballed and maintained barely functioning with a skeleton ragtag crew including a former alcoholic for a captain. Everyone rises to the occasion through a thrilling series of battles that takes place on both the grand scale and the personal. The sci-fi elements are routine with faster than light drive accomplished by "tram" lines in space that a special engine can access. Space weapons are straightforward and unimaginative.The narration is well done with an excellent range of voices along with a smooth delivery, regardless of action. This is a very enjoyable listen with a classic theme rendered in a futuristic timeframe.
28 of 32 people found this review helpful
SAN JOSE, CA, United States
Ark Royal was an odd listen for me. The story itself is nothing all that original for a sci-fi novel and the characters are rather stereotypical: washed up Captain with a drinking problem, misfit crew of less desirables, ambitious XO that wants the big chair, etc. Nuttall's writing is a little on the dry side and Lister's narration matched it well. So as the hours passed by I was forming a solid "meh" opinion on this one.
Then something subtly changed and I started to care. I found myself rooting for the underdogs and wanting to know what happened next. When things got bleak I found myself pondering how the crew of Ark Royal was going to make it out alive. And frankly, that's why I listen to audiobooks.Ark Royal and her crew are the laughing stocks of the Royal Space Navy. 70 years old and more museum than active carrier, the old lady is parked in orbit around Earth full time. Her systems are out of date and her crew cobbles together whatever leftovers they can to keep her functional. She is also the dumping ground for Royal Navy personnel that have screwed up elsewhere. All of that changes in an instant when an unknown alien race arrives and cuts through the modern ships in the human Space Navies like a hot knife through butter.Ark Royal has two distinct advantages over the modern ships - she is heavily armored and she still uses mass drivers for weapons, both of which turn out to be effective against the alien threat. Now her Captain and crew find a chance to redeem themselves and be more than the dregs of the fleet. None of this is overly original but in the end it was enough to get me interested and I have already started book 2.If you are looking for some standard, solid military sci-fi and are willing to tolerate a little dryness in the story then give Ark Royal a chance - I am glad I did.
3 of 3 people found this review helpful
Kansas City, MO, United States
I love military sci-fi generally so I was excited to come across this series. I really liked the characters to start off with but they didn't evolve into much. Honestly, I didn't realize the genre could be made to be so boring and flat. I can't tell if the story is the problem or the narration, it's likely both contributed to the overall effect. I was able to get through the entire book but I really don't care what happens next.
3 of 3 people found this review helpful
D.C. & St. Croix
In the past I have suggested that
subscriber who listens to more than 50 books per year should be allowed to award a SIXTH STAR just once per year.
Sort of a frequent flyer club for hardcore listeners.
This year would be hard -- I would have to give out two, and they could not be more different books.
Silkworm, a detective novel by J.K. Rowling (writing under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith) and the military sci-fi story Ark Royal by Christopher Nuttall, a Brit living in Malaysia.First, both remind me that these are audiobooks, and that involves either a reading or a performance of the book.
These are performances.
I have told everyone I recommend these books to make sure to listen to them rather than read.
The performances are wonderful.
There are a dozen books I've listened to where the narration makes the book even more......these go on that list.Second, both are excellent writers staying within the bounds of their genre.
Rowling is like a vacuum cleaner -- it is as though she read every single detective procedural from 1920 to present and decided to write the best one of that school.
(One reviewer criticizes her for not using the "Harry Potter" imagination -- but that totally misses the point of what she has done.)
It is not derivative, it is just really proficient.
Similarly, Nuttall writes the quintessential military space opera.
He does not try to go outside of the genre or beyond it.Third, in both cases I feel sad that character development, language and sly intelligence are so sadly missing in many books.
When I read these two, I realize how much you miss that when its not there.
I won't give away either plot -- but I hope you take the time to listen to these as they are fun, interesting, smart and satisfying.Finally, I is only July.
But I feel pretty sure that these won't be topped this year, although there is a second book following Ark Royal.
67 of 85 people found this review helpful
This book has the common issue of authors who can't do simple maths or don't think their readers can do simple maths. If a projectile is fired at a substantial proportion of the speed of light, and has a two and a half hour flight time to its target then the fighters that launch from that target are not going to arrive in a few minutes. There's no coherent fake world under this SciFi and that makes it ArtFi, not SciFi. I don't mind having impossible capabilities, that's why I read SciFi, but it has to be a consistent world or it grates.What is with the sexist garbage? Why are we going on about how pretty the female officers are? Why is the female midshipman called a midshipwoman? Why is she bringing in the coffee and cleaning away the empties? Navies have people for that, they are called stewards, and they don't call the females stewardesses just like they don't have captainesses or leutenantettes. But most especially, even a _female_ junior officer does not do scut work.And so to the story. If you are expecting anything in the way of tactics or realism you need to look somewhere else. The protagonists are stupid and facile. The author appears to think that computing will end at a 1990s level, no expect systems, none of the capabilities we are starting to take for granted in cell phones, and this is set in the future.The reading is pretty good, there's not a huge variation in accents, and the Scottish accent is amusingly bad when you consider the author is from Edinburgh.And by the way Jock (the author is a Scott). It is The Royal Navy... all capitals. It was and will always be the first Royal Navy so that is its proper name, it is not the British Navy. Sometimes you write like a yank, is that deliberate?
6 of 7 people found this review helpful
Upstate, SC, United States
The Book has a "BattleStar Galactica" theme to it, but the story is told from a "British Royal Navy" viewpoint, which I actually liked a lot. We're used to "The USA Leading The Way", and in this tale the British Navy leads the effort using a Mothballed "Space Carrier Fleet" that was thought to be obsolete due to it's thick Metal Armor (Rather than the Newer "Force Armor" used by all of the Earth's Various Countries in their Modern Carriers and War Ships)... Same for the Old Ship's "Obsolete Solid Projectile Weapons".
When the Aliens show up, they are pretty equal to Earth's Forces in Technology, and they are ready to easily defeat the Earth's Newest Technology, but they have NO experience with Ballistic Projectiles, and Thick Steel Armor that doesn't fail when electronic circuits in a ship are fried by Pulse Weapons and/or EMP devices...This story COULD have easily been unbelievable and cheesy, but Mr. Nuttal does an EXCELLENT job keeping the story believable, fresh, and moving along at a good pace. History buffs will enjoy seeing some famous "British Wet Navy Tactics" used for Space Warfare by the Captain of the old Carrier.
I also liked the Dry British Humor, and classic understatements when discussing actions and events.Let me also say that Ralph Lister does an EXCELLENT job Narrating the book... He just NAILS the accents, and droll humor, perfectly! He sounds like he really enjoys reading this book, which always makes a book flow MUCH better overall. I HAD to give Mr. Lister 5 Stars for his Narration!I think I especially like the fact that there are no "Miracles" to save the old Ship.. Just a Captain doing the best he can, with what he's got, and knowing his ship so thoroughly that he can use it's MANY quirks to his advantage when the fighting starts. He depends on his subordinates to do THEIR jobs, and to train the Rookies each time they get new personnel on-board.I'm currently about half way through Book 2, and am enjoying it also!
30 of 38 people found this review helpful
Where does Ark Royal rank among all the audiobooks you’ve listened to so far?
Ark Royal is an interesting twist on the space shoot-em-up genre. Its heroes are an obsolete ship crewed by supposed low achieving personnel.
Who was your favorite character and why?
The ship Ark Royal herself was my favorite character because the key to her success was her age and quality of construction and maintenance.
Was this a book you wanted to listen to all in one sitting?
It could be. There was no hurrying the story, and that was a strength.
Any additional comments?
I plan to listen to the entire series.
12 of 15 people found this review helpful
The characters were just deeper than one dimensional. They seem to have popped into existence the moment before the story began with the barest of backstories. Backstories designed to make them fit into whatever plot direction wanted to fit them into. The predictably gruff but brilliant captain has a drinking problem and must battle the demon while fighting the aliens. The aristocratic XO enters existence wanting to be captain but is oh so professional about it. Etc, etc, ad nauseam. The feel is more of a set of plot elements in the form of tin soldiers more than a creation of living beings in a real existence for the reader to love or hate, and ultimately, relate to. That's forgivable. Hey, we aren't looking at a masterpiece classic here. But couldn't any decent writer fill an entire series exploring the idea of an alien invasion? Apparently, the author seems to be doing just that. So why do we have to go into explicit detail about *exactly* how the male/female fighter pilots are sleeping together? If we made a movie of this novel, you'd have to cut massive sections out just for the hope of an R rating. Romance? Even forbidden romance? Sure, I get that can spice up a novel. Bring it to life a little. But gratuitous sex scenes you can see coming as soon as two 2D characters first meet? Even if you like that sort of thing, at least it could be done well.All negative aside, the author dutifully includes a couple somewhat interesting scifi concepts (gravitational trams between points in space) and brings an authentic naval military feel to the writing and tactical battle scenes. Just enough that I listened to the end hoping it would at some point redeem itself. Sadly, it did not, and I ended the novel with the impression of the Ark Royal universe being a hollow, dented, blow molded plastic copy of Battlestar Galactial trying to insist that it was something else.The audio reading done by Ralph Lister, overall, was very listenable, but also fails to make the five stars. I can't say if it's a technical mic issue or a vocal cadence, but the last syllable of nearly each paragraph is cut off exactly the way an iPhone will do when it's fading the audio out when you get a call. So not only do you miss some things, but I found myself jumping to switch gears frequently at first, then as I got used to it, surprised a couple times when calls actually did come. Minor point. Really the audio performance is quite good, and Ralph Lister's voice seems to fit the intended feel of the story.
43 of 56 people found this review helpful
United States
I am a sucker for space operas. And Ark Royals story line is ok... it pulled me from start to finish. What is not well done here is the writing itself. Nuttall has a deceiving style. When you first encounter his writing, you think he's going to be an ok author. But his style hits one note and it quickly gets old. I felt several times like someone was reading from a journal found on a dead soldier. Interesting, but it isn't Hemingway.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful
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Most Recent
United Kingdom
"A reasanbly good yarn, not very well read"
Any additional comments?
When you read the publishers blurb, you might be forgiven for thinking that this looks like a cross between Battlestar Gallactica and David Feintuch's "Seafort" space navy saga (Midshipman's Hope, etc). Having finished the book, you might well, as I did, still think the same.The story is not bad, but, for me, there is not nearly enough world-building. It is set in a future earth where individual countries are building national space navies, colonizing planets and fighting interstellar wars against other countries. How we get from where we are now to that stage is not well explained.Also not well enough explained is the central opening plot theme, where humanity’s navies suddenly decide move away from heavily-armoured naval space ships and certain types of weapons. I was still wondering why at the end of the story. Battlestar Gallactica handled that better.I am afraid that the narration is poor. Ralph Lister has a tendency to read the prose in bursts, with his … pauses often not tieing … in with the natural … flow of the sentence.As for dialogue, I sort of got the feeling that he has never actually heard two people having a normal conversation. Most of his characters address each other as if they were sergeant-majors on a parade ground, which is a little off putting. He does try to do different voices for different characters, but as they all bellow urgently at each other 90% of the time – even during the romantic bits – they do tend to start blending together indistinguishably.It’s not horrid to listen to, but it shatters the illusion in a somewhat annoying way – especially when you start listening out for it.I am going to listen to the next one in this series, but I have to say that, based on this performance, seeing Ralph Lister’s name as narrator in the future is likely to make me pass over books that I might otherwise have tried.
12 of 12 people found this review helpful
Huddersfield, UK
I'm actually enjoying the story, and I will probably get the sequels. It's quite enjoyable in itself.The problems are:- Ralph Lister's narration is absolutely fine - when he's reading the descriptive text. However, when he starts acting as the characters it all goes wrong. and he .. talks .. like .. this. He annunciates every word precisely, rather than as people actually talk. It's strange because he reads the rest of the book absolutely fine.- I've been spoiled by Jack Campbell's Lost Fleet books. In those, he shows us the vastness of space, and the problems that combat in that environment would have. In Ark Royal, it's a bit more Star Wars-y, and space is very small. So, their ship jumps into a star system, and they get immediate communication from the planets asking who they are. Then, a bit later, an enemy ship arrives from a different direction, and a few minutes later they're in combat. Either they've discovered a way to have FTL travel, sensors and communication within a star system, or space has shrunk a bit.- Also, there's a few scientific impossibilities (ignoring the normal Sci-fi ones, like FTL travel, etc) - eg the ship was 'orbiting a beacon' - that just can't work, unless the beacon is HUGE.Apart from those little annoyances, it's not that bad a book. It could do with a bit of editing, and the voice acting is annoying, but, to me, the story's good enough to override that.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful
LondonUnited Kingdom
"Strange, not unsatisfactory but not great"
Strange, seems like a rewrite of a 40's war novel, or something earlier, hornblower even- names like Gladys and Rose, Ted, all so knowingly dated, brought forward to a Sci fi setting that just isn't that well thought out and isn't well written. Frightening old fashioned characterisations that fail to engage and are repetitive and one dimensional.
There is something here, it could work but you end up feeling that it's a wasted opportunity.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful
Thesam PTY
"Needs work, but worth a listen"
This book is in dire need of a re-write. The story itself is fine and suitably entertaining, but by the time you've reached the end you be about ready to stop "playing doggo", "stagger out of formation" and "be given a bloody nose". So many phrases are repeated excessively, and concepts are laboured to the point that it feels like padding that it detracts from an otherwise engaging tale of nautical derring do. There aren't enough characters, and those who are present are caricatures rather than well rounded people, but it doesn't matter.Ralph Lister's performance often sounds like he's drunk.These negatives notwithstanding, I'd recommend the book for those looking for some boys own adventure in space with a nod toward Battlestar Galactica.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful
"Average story - very poor reading performance"
I was excited by the idea of this story, but the implementation is fairly poor. It can't make up its mind if it is a first-contact mystery, a space-opera, or a character-development drama. As a result we have cookie-cutter characters spending paragraphs speculating about the nature and intention of vague aliens in between unexciting battles. The central story - an aged carrier called into service as humanity's last hope - is sabotaged by two plot devices that bring it about. For no particularly good reason an advanced alien species has never developed projectile weapons, and for no particularly good reason humanity has only installed them on their oldest starships, despite projectiles being far more capable than the "modern" weapons either side has equipped themselves with. The narration is well below typical Audible standard. The speaker uses a newsreader cadence, pausing at inappropriate times and misplacing emphasis. Whenever a character is speaking he uses a new emphasis that makes them sound alike and constantly angry, regardless of the situation.
2 of 2 people found this review helpful
"Thoroughly enjoyable"
Would you recommend this audiobook to a friend? If so, why?
What did you like best about this story?
The attention to detail based on the Royal Navy made it very credible and aided the visualisation.
What about Ralph Lister’s performance did you like?
His voice is expressive and his intonation makes following multiple characters easy.
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Norfolk, United Kingdom
"Enjoyable space adventure"
Despite a curiously old-fashioned feel, both to the story and the narration, I enjoyed this. There is a little bit of the cardboard cut outs about the characters, and it felt as though the author was at a bit of a loss as to how to progress some scenes, but overall, it flowed quite nicely. I enjoyed it enough to want to know what happens in the next book.The narration was a bit wooden, but I've heard worse. It wasn't bad enough to spoil the book.
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
"First audio book"
I don't have much time to read anymore so thought I'd try this while driving, works well through Bluetooth to the radio.Enjoyed the story although it is a little strange getting used to listening rather than reading.Still a little unsure of narrators putting a spin on their voice to sound like a member of the opposite sex but that apart it was enjoyable!!
0 of 0 people found this review helpful
"enjoyable but some needless romance in there."
The narrator was superb! but wish there would have been extra narrator for female characters.
0 of 0 people found this review helpful
"Loved it! Except when female characters were read"
Brilliant Sci-Fi story, at times gripping. Reader great except made female characters weak, tad sexist?
0 of 0 people found this review helpful
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