the boys in my class joked about her andwe laughed a lot

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(新课标)高考英语一轮复习 Module2 No Drugs单元检测
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(新课标)高考英语一轮复习 Module2 No Drugs单元检测
你可能喜欢完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。The fitting-in of Suzy KhanThe first time I saw Suzy Khan, I knew I had to help her. She was really small for her age of 12. The boys in my class often
about her and laughed at her a lot. She would open a book, pretending to read, with tears dropping on the open page.All I knew was that she was an orphan (孤儿), from Africa. She had just been adopted (收养) by a family in town who
that the best way for her to learn American ways of life was to be with American kids. I looked down at this
girl, and promised myself that somehow I would help her.But how I would help her
in with us? There had to be a
.One day, when I went into the classroom, I saw that Suzy had
her geography book to a picture of a train, and in her notebook, she had made a (an)
copy.I was surprised and thought that she could do something in the coming
show. So, I took her to see the art teacher, Miss Park, and showed her what Suzy had
. “Why, it's wonderful,” said Miss Park, who then showed us a poster she had painted
the talent show. “I need more of these, but I just don't have enough
. Could you help me, Suzy?”On the day of the talent show, Suzy's
were everywhere - all over the hall and all over the school, each one different. “And finally,” said Mr. Brown, the schoolmaster, at the end of the show, “we have a (an)
award. I'm sure you've all noticed the wonderful posters.” Everyone nodded. “One of your own students
them.”I could hear everyone whispering (窃窃私语), “Who in our school could draw
well?”Mr. Brown waited a while before saying, “
this student worked so hard on the posters, she deserves (应得) a
, too. Our mystery artist is our new student, Suzy Khan!”Mr. Brown thanked her for all the wonderful posters and gave her a professional artist's set. “Thank you,” she cried.I
, at that time when I was looking at her excited face, she'd probably never
anything in her whole life.Everyone started to
their hands, Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile and the applause (掌声) was deafening (震耳欲聋). I knew then Suzy was going to be all right.【小题1】0 @+ J1 L+ f4 O
L A.joked* e5 M+ I; M1 `( E1 X B.cared3 e+ a% [8 W/ L; \ C.forgot6 X8 e9 h' I3 U. J4 Y D.worried! W" Z& ]% f7 F. ?) b0 U$ H ' W- N6 X( W3 B3 N8 M7 _( O, K 【小题2】# ]$ ?) R- e
_9 W, \" h A.reported) K! D" ]: C. g" V4 P: L2 R0 V6 V6 ^ B.decided3 c+ D: b! g
@6 M/ B C.complained: d* @) Q3 S: _
T- d: Q3 j4 a D.questioned" h0 g
U- G* B/ T$ W' R3 S$ B. ]1 d % E' M: Y8 d0 Y4 @9 @" R! a 【小题3】1 B' f4 H6 F, M0 Z% U" G, B$ f" R4 W% ?9 I B.proud% Z/ Q1 O, g( W: g0 A C.tiny2 _9 V6 V( U5 A1 H D.popular5 Y/ W) f5 b5 T% ^ , P! U" d! D" O) c9 M; C 【小题4】$ F1 I+ L: N2 Z. G- j9 Y( B A.come" A1 X3 T; J. e B.fall% _+ T! @4 K, W( K& J# T C.fit0 L) f
V' j2 `2 a: K! E D.tie% _) V2 \' M' C( W3 S, L+ Y# Q8 W/ I5 S1 i : B1 \6 N8 W0 [; \2 d 【小题5】
V9 _: Z6 b2 b2 W4 V1 E7 U A.manner5 D) f& i1 `' ^% P1 H B.pattern$ B1 T0 S' [+ J& d0 R8 @1 H C.choice8 I6 L$ g0 M) b# b" d4 K D.way3 \
D1 O( E - K4 F# M3 M8 T- Z/ I7 F* [. D 【小题6】' `! Z( G, P4 g0 @- C A.read6 C+ ^
V& S5 ]' H: f7 _% N B.taken6 J) B+ V+ P6 C! S- M2 T C.opened0 K8 G9 W* I1 O4 X( `% h
@! N D.put8 h% @4 e2 U* g. d" \) f/ K ; V/ Y8 X' E' i+ ]
g 【小题7】/ ?$ E( B& Z4 V& Z
B1 b4 W% I A.free3 Q! c' f0 S
_- Z B.perfect) c& g0 V" C; J, Q% a" V& c) Q; W8 [# H8 a D.extra' @4 c6 L2 C! R4 R4 B" W ( L- a: A4 Z5 J) R7 E- i 【小题8】! U! R* W& D; @! J$ \' K- e1 \/ b. B O, c! W) [, A# a5 i
T* P3 N, f7 S- S4 J
^ C.quiz* ?6 e" e1 C+ c
j2 D/ D D.talent0 @' D" b2 ^' C. A$ R
M/ B8 i ) D4 b7 L, _2 T; M$ d- S9 g 【小题9】5 ^9 H7 e+ a, L; @6 K6 Y A.colored: _5 W# C6 M B.written8 M& I' ], S) W C.carved5 e+ [. I2 [
b) W, O D.drawn: N3 F
C) P0 W- Y8 R ' F/ X" ?) K
^2 H7 X8 a 【小题10】- @6 X1 M3 D8 d' S$ F. M! j1 I& I `' D' \. X( `; B; B1 F B.after( W' B1 K
g2 H% D! j C.for: _. c) O) R; ^# Z! e% R D.around7 W' ?8 U8 P! Y- A! a 1 @, e0 A1 H( J9 H 【小题11】+ R# \+ D3 Z5 E' d A.room1 H9 F+ A0 M( J3 Z% I; G# [$ ^ B. H$ X+ P2 U" e6 E C.paper- i* Y$ h# D& J) L4 \ D.interest- S9 G# M. C+ D0 M) [7 b3 d ) S! P6 R. [% j 【小题12】+ K/ b4 V& Y- L& N7 K A.gifts8 X2 ^9 K1 f" a
g2 C4 [ B.books7 T. ^6 Z1 e6 [7 d C.photos7 e$ ]
]. R6 I, ]: M; i' c6 b5 \ D.posters1 C9 P2 a* ], M; f% B $ T! N" j) h2 D6 G2 _ 【小题13】8 F, M" S0 F0 T* f& X0 O A.special( j3 ]) M& d# [; [, R B.academic9 C+ Q0 S- _/ B" a4 O4 N9 a7 e' ^& H C.national2 f5 f* H+ U, H
a D.royal" V5 Z- G0 G3 G4 ]+ U: @) H9 K3 O 5 Q' L8 V' H0 Y4 U 【小题14】& V+ W$ T" G" a7 S
C7 i A.painted- U- X% f0 [! [
F' U( `% g
@ B.found- U' `. P" L$ R7 d% W C.printed" U) @! ]$ C) ]1 N D.collected4 W8 ]/ O$ I8 [6 H , V6 j7 [% h- @9 O$ _ 【小题15】; ]* _+ B! h2 O8 d, a
c A.very. C
I# Y- D) \- @3 G B.that/ P$ `* U; ?8 c/ W4 g, O: d: L" U C.quite9 Q: N
F; X7 @4 X- I D.too9 [# S; Y6 Q+ D5 `8 R0 D/ W4 U % Z8 b6 f8 D' e2 F* a
^8 P 【小题16】: A! I& O2 j2 C6 M' _1 Z5 R3 F A.If! g- I* P9 b& Z, F" Y9 H/ Y B.Though0 G% f6 G7 `2 I, f, Q C.Unless! S5 ?# i( i+ e, h8 f6 ? D.Since
d4 `% G* \2 f% j6 T) h: C + Z: J! K% O( F 【小题17】9 T$ d1 B0 C9 R5 g. X/ F A.prize- P: f. ]5 P2 h" @7 b2 I B.rank, V6 T( ]1 c
E7 ?7 E" E9 f4 H: f4 [! V; f* a f$ a, U# P8 L 6 B$ W' A( ^) f2 g 【小题18】) b) d. G% d& T' e7 Z A. H* _: S2 ?& f2 I B.realized. W( I" d8 F* N C.remembered% j5 Z9 S$ D+ i1 H D.regretted& i# _7 L8 C, f' _8 ^
M ; R% Q; N6 a7 f* A0 [1 ^
K 【小题19】1 \3 h6 @6 _# `1 B A.offered/ i' Y9 ], a( b: e1 Z
@- F' b2 [ B.valued5 ?" a* K7 V9 [7 b' I* T, H C.owned/ b$ S9 K3 h, E" ^; \+ A/ g D.controlled6 D$ S8 @( ?, B0 K/ \ : J
F2 h& Y7 c4 L7 j 【小题20】; _" H7 c
P1 R# ]1 Q4 j A.clap7 W4 H* X0 K* b( A, X B.wave& O& G4 B! _/ `' d1 \6 P
C C.raise0 i. a0 P! A: I: M0 \ D.shake! i- S: G1 R7 h% J: P( H$ E+ ^: [# ^5 ^1 f. b
跟谁学学生版:genshuixue_student精品好课等你领在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。The fitting-in of Suzy KhanThe first time I saw Suzy Khan, I knew I had to help her. She was really small for her age of 12. The boys in my class often
about her and laughed at her a lot. She would open a book, pretending to read, with tears dropping on the open page.All I knew was that she was an orphan (孤儿), from Africa. She had just been adopted (收养) by a family in town who
that the best way for her to learn American ways of life was to be with American kids. I looked down at this
girl, and promised myself that somehow I would help her.But how I would help her
in with us? There had to be a
.One day, when I went into the classroom, I saw that Suzy had
her geography book to a picture of a train, and in her notebook, she had made a (an)
copy.I was surprised and thought that she could do something in the coming
show. So, I took her to see the art teacher, Miss Park, and showed her what Suzy had
. “Why, it's wonderful,” said Miss Park, who then showed us a poster she had painted
the talent show. “I need more of these, but I just don't have enough
. Could you help me, Suzy?”On the day of the talent show, Suzy's
were everywhere - all over the hall and all over the school, each one different. “And finally,” said Mr. Brown, the schoolmaster, at the end of the show, “we have a (an)
award. I'm sure you've all noticed the wonderful posters.” Everyone nodded. “One of your own students
them.”I could hear everyone whispering (窃窃私语), “Who in our school could draw
well?”Mr. Brown waited a while before saying, “
this student worked so hard on the posters, she deserves (应得) a
, too. Our mystery artist is our new student, Suzy Khan!”Mr. Brown thanked her for all the wonderful posters and gave her a professional artist's set. “Thank you,” she cried.I
, at that time when I was looking at her excited face, she'd probably never
anything in her whole life.Everyone started to
their hands, Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile and the applause (掌声) was deafening (震耳欲聋). I knew then Suzy was going to be all right.【小题1】0 @+ J1 L+ f4 O
L A.joked* e5 M+ I; M1 `( E1 X B.cared3 e+ a% [8 W/ L; \ C.forgot6 X8 e9 h' I3 U. J4 Y D.worried! W" Z& ]% f7 F. ?) b0 U$ H ' W- N6 X( W3 B3 N8 M7 _( O, K 【小题2】# ]$ ?) R- e
_9 W, \" h A.reported) K! D" ]: C. g" V4 P: L2 R0 V6 V6 ^ B.decided3 c+ D: b! g
@6 M/ B C.complained: d* @) Q3 S: _
T- d: Q3 j4 a D.questioned" h0 g
U- G* B/ T$ W' R3 S$ B. ]1 d % E' M: Y8 d0 Y4 @9 @" R! a 【小题3】1 B' f4 H6 F, M0 Z% U" G, B$ f" R4 W% ?9 I B.proud% Z/ Q1 O, g( W: g0 A C.tiny2 _9 V6 V( U5 A1 H D.popular5 Y/ W) f5 b5 T% ^ , P! U" d! D" O) c9 M; C 【小题4】$ F1 I+ L: N2 Z. G- j9 Y( B A.come" A1 X3 T; J. e B.fall% _+ T! @4 K, W( K& J# T C.fit0 L) f
V' j2 `2 a: K! E D.tie% _) V2 \' M' C( W3 S, L+ Y# Q8 W/ I5 S1 i : B1 \6 N8 W0 [; \2 d 【小题5】
V9 _: Z6 b2 b2 W4 V1 E7 U A.manner5 D) f& i1 `' ^% P1 H B.pattern$ B1 T0 S' [+ J& d0 R8 @1 H C.choice8 I6 L$ g0 M) b# b" d4 K D.way3 \
D1 O( E - K4 F# M3 M8 T- Z/ I7 F* [. D 【小题6】' `! Z( G, P4 g0 @- C A.read6 C+ ^
V& S5 ]' H: f7 _% N B.taken6 J) B+ V+ P6 C! S- M2 T C.opened0 K8 G9 W* I1 O4 X( `% h
@! N D.put8 h% @4 e2 U* g. d" \) f/ K ; V/ Y8 X' E' i+ ]
g 【小题7】/ ?$ E( B& Z4 V& Z
B1 b4 W% I A.free3 Q! c' f0 S
_- Z B.perfect) c& g0 V" C; J, Q% a" V& c) Q; W8 [# H8 a D.extra' @4 c6 L2 C! R4 R4 B" W ( L- a: A4 Z5 J) R7 E- i 【小题8】! U! R* W& D; @! J$ \' K- e1 \/ b. B O, c! W) [, A# a5 i
T* P3 N, f7 S- S4 J
^ C.quiz* ?6 e" e1 C+ c
j2 D/ D D.talent0 @' D" b2 ^' C. A$ R
M/ B8 i ) D4 b7 L, _2 T; M$ d- S9 g 【小题9】5 ^9 H7 e+ a, L; @6 K6 Y A.colored: _5 W# C6 M B.written8 M& I' ], S) W C.carved5 e+ [. I2 [
b) W, O D.drawn: N3 F
C) P0 W- Y8 R ' F/ X" ?) K
^2 H7 X8 a 【小题10】- @6 X1 M3 D8 d' S$ F. M! j1 I& I `' D' \. X( `; B; B1 F B.after( W' B1 K
g2 H% D! j C.for: _. c) O) R; ^# Z! e% R D.around7 W' ?8 U8 P! Y- A! a 1 @, e0 A1 H( J9 H 【小题11】+ R# \+ D3 Z5 E' d A.room1 H9 F+ A0 M( J3 Z% I; G# [$ ^ B. H$ X+ P2 U" e6 E C.paper- i* Y$ h# D& J) L4 \ D.interest- S9 G# M. C+ D0 M) [7 b3 d ) S! P6 R. [% j 【小题12】+ K/ b4 V& Y- L& N7 K A.gifts8 X2 ^9 K1 f" a
g2 C4 [ B.books7 T. ^6 Z1 e6 [7 d C.photos7 e$ ]
]. R6 I, ]: M; i' c6 b5 \ D.posters1 C9 P2 a* ], M; f% B $ T! N" j) h2 D6 G2 _ 【小题13】8 F, M" S0 F0 T* f& X0 O A.special( j3 ]) M& d# [; [, R B.academic9 C+ Q0 S- _/ B" a4 O4 N9 a7 e' ^& H C.national2 f5 f* H+ U, H
a D.royal" V5 Z- G0 G3 G4 ]+ U: @) H9 K3 O 5 Q' L8 V' H0 Y4 U 【小题14】& V+ W$ T" G" a7 S
C7 i A.painted- U- X% f0 [! [
F' U( `% g
@ B.found- U' `. P" L$ R7 d% W C.printed" U) @! ]$ C) ]1 N D.collected4 W8 ]/ O$ I8 [6 H , V6 j7 [% h- @9 O$ _ 【小题15】; ]* _+ B! h2 O8 d, a
c A.very. C
I# Y- D) \- @3 G B.that/ P$ `* U; ?8 c/ W4 g, O: d: L" U C.quite9 Q: N
F; X7 @4 X- I D.too9 [# S; Y6 Q+ D5 `8 R0 D/ W4 U % Z8 b6 f8 D' e2 F* a
^8 P 【小题16】: A! I& O2 j2 C6 M' _1 Z5 R3 F A.If! g- I* P9 b& Z, F" Y9 H/ Y B.Though0 G% f6 G7 `2 I, f, Q C.Unless! S5 ?# i( i+ e, h8 f6 ? D.Since
d4 `% G* \2 f% j6 T) h: C + Z: J! K% O( F 【小题17】9 T$ d1 B0 C9 R5 g. X/ F A.prize- P: f. ]5 P2 h" @7 b2 I B.rank, V6 T( ]1 c
E7 ?7 E" E9 f4 H: f4 [! V; f* a f$ a, U# P8 L 6 B$ W' A( ^) f2 g 【小题18】) b) d. G% d& T' e7 Z A. H* _: S2 ?& f2 I B.realized. W( I" d8 F* N C.remembered% j5 Z9 S$ D+ i1 H D.regretted& i# _7 L8 C, f' _8 ^
M ; R% Q; N6 a7 f* A0 [1 ^
K 【小题19】1 \3 h6 @6 _# `1 B A.offered/ i' Y9 ], a( b: e1 Z
@- F' b2 [ B.valued5 ?" a* K7 V9 [7 b' I* T, H C.owned/ b$ S9 K3 h, E" ^; \+ A/ g D.controlled6 D$ S8 @( ?, B0 K/ \ : J
F2 h& Y7 c4 L7 j 【小题20】; _" H7 c
P1 R# ]1 Q4 j A.clap7 W4 H* X0 K* b( A, X B.wave& O& G4 B! _/ `' d1 \6 P
C C.raise0 i. a0 P! A: I: M0 \ D.shake! i- S: G1 R7 h% J: P( H$ E+ ^: [# ^5 ^1 f. b 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。The fitting-in of Suzy KhanThe first time I saw Suzy Khan, I knew I had to help her. She was really small for her age of 12. The boys in my class often
about her and laughed at her a lot. She would open a book, pretending to read, with tears dropping on the open page.All I knew was that she was an orphan (孤儿), from Africa. She had just been adopted (收养) by a family in town who
that the best way for her to learn American ways of life was to be with American kids. I looked down at this
girl, and promised myself that somehow I would help her.But how I would help her
in with us? There had to be a
.One day, when I went into the classroom, I saw that Suzy had
her geography book to a picture of a train, and in her notebook, she had made a (an)
copy.I was surprised and thought that she could do something in the coming
show. So, I took her to see the art teacher, Miss Park, and showed her what Suzy had
. “Why, it's wonderful,” said Miss Park, who then showed us a poster she had painted
the talent show. “I need more of these, but I just don't have enough
. Could you help me, Suzy?”On the day of the talent show, Suzy's
were everywhere - all over the hall and all over the school, each one different. “And finally,” said Mr. Brown, the schoolmaster, at the end of the show, “we have a (an)
award. I'm sure you've all noticed the wonderful posters.” Everyone nodded. “One of your own students
them.”I could hear everyone whispering (窃窃私语), “Who in our school could draw
well?”Mr. Brown waited a while before saying, “
this student worked so hard on the posters, she deserves (应得) a
, too. Our mystery artist is our new student, Suzy Khan!”Mr. Brown thanked her for all the wonderful posters and gave her a professional artist's set. “Thank you,” she cried.I
, at that time when I was looking at her excited face, she'd probably never
anything in her whole life.Everyone started to
their hands, Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile and the applause (掌声) was deafening (震耳欲聋). I knew then Suzy was going to be all right.【小题1】0 @+ J1 L+ f4 O
L A.joked* e5 M+ I; M1 `( E1 X B.cared3 e+ a% [8 W/ L; \ C.forgot6 X8 e9 h' I3 U. J4 Y D.worried! W" Z& ]% f7 F. ?) b0 U$ H ' W- N6 X( W3 B3 N8 M7 _( O, K 【小题2】# ]$ ?) R- e
_9 W, \" h A.reported) K! D" ]: C. g" V4 P: L2 R0 V6 V6 ^ B.decided3 c+ D: b! g
@6 M/ B C.complained: d* @) Q3 S: _
T- d: Q3 j4 a D.questioned" h0 g
U- G* B/ T$ W' R3 S$ B. ]1 d % E' M: Y8 d0 Y4 @9 @" R! a 【小题3】1 B' f4 H6 F, M0 Z% U" G, B$ f" R4 W% ?9 I B.proud% Z/ Q1 O, g( W: g0 A C.tiny2 _9 V6 V( U5 A1 H D.popular5 Y/ W) f5 b5 T% ^ , P! U" d! D" O) c9 M; C 【小题4】$ F1 I+ L: N2 Z. G- j9 Y( B A.come" A1 X3 T; J. e B.fall% _+ T! @4 K, W( K& J# T C.fit0 L) f
V' j2 `2 a: K! E D.tie% _) V2 \' M' C( W3 S, L+ Y# Q8 W/ I5 S1 i : B1 \6 N8 W0 [; \2 d 【小题5】
V9 _: Z6 b2 b2 W4 V1 E7 U A.manner5 D) f& i1 `' ^% P1 H B.pattern$ B1 T0 S' [+ J& d0 R8 @1 H C.choice8 I6 L$ g0 M) b# b" d4 K D.way3 \
D1 O( E - K4 F# M3 M8 T- Z/ I7 F* [. D 【小题6】' `! Z( G, P4 g0 @- C A.read6 C+ ^
V& S5 ]' H: f7 _% N B.taken6 J) B+ V+ P6 C! S- M2 T C.opened0 K8 G9 W* I1 O4 X( `% h
@! N D.put8 h% @4 e2 U* g. d" \) f/ K ; V/ Y8 X' E' i+ ]
g 【小题7】/ ?$ E( B& Z4 V& Z
B1 b4 W% I A.free3 Q! c' f0 S
_- Z B.perfect) c& g0 V" C; J, Q% a" V& c) Q; W8 [# H8 a D.extra' @4 c6 L2 C! R4 R4 B" W ( L- a: A4 Z5 J) R7 E- i 【小题8】! U! R* W& D; @! J$ \' K- e1 \/ b. B O, c! W) [, A# a5 i
T* P3 N, f7 S- S4 J
^ C.quiz* ?6 e" e1 C+ c
j2 D/ D D.talent0 @' D" b2 ^' C. A$ R
M/ B8 i ) D4 b7 L, _2 T; M$ d- S9 g 【小题9】5 ^9 H7 e+ a, L; @6 K6 Y A.colored: _5 W# C6 M B.written8 M& I' ], S) W C.carved5 e+ [. I2 [
b) W, O D.drawn: N3 F
C) P0 W- Y8 R ' F/ X" ?) K
^2 H7 X8 a 【小题10】- @6 X1 M3 D8 d' S$ F. M! j1 I& I `' D' \. X( `; B; B1 F B.after( W' B1 K
g2 H% D! j C.for: _. c) O) R; ^# Z! e% R D.around7 W' ?8 U8 P! Y- A! a 1 @, e0 A1 H( J9 H 【小题11】+ R# \+ D3 Z5 E' d A.room1 H9 F+ A0 M( J3 Z% I; G# [$ ^ B.time; H$ X+ P2 U" e6 E C.paper- i* Y$ h# D& J) L4 \ D.interest- S9 G# M. C+ D0 M) [7 b3 d ) S! P6 R. [% j 【小题12】+ K/ b4 V& Y- L& N7 K A.gifts8 X2 ^9 K1 f" a
g2 C4 [ B.books7 T. ^6 Z1 e6 [7 d C.photos7 e$ ]
]. R6 I, ]: M; i' c6 b5 \ D.posters1 C9 P2 a* ], M; f% B $ T! N" j) h2 D6 G2 _ 【小题13】8 F, M" S0 F0 T* f& X0 O A.special( j3 ]) M& d# [; [, R B.academic9 C+ Q0 S- _/ B" a4 O4 N9 a7 e' ^& H C.national2 f5 f* H+ U, H
a D.royal" V5 Z- G0 G3 G4 ]+ U: @) H9 K3 O 5 Q' L8 V' H0 Y4 U 【小题14】& V+ W$ T" G" a7 S
C7 i A.painted- U- X% f0 [! [
F' U( `% g
@ B.found- U' `. P" L$ R7 d% W C.printed" U) @! ]$ C) ]1 N D.collected4 W8 ]/ O$ I8 [6 H , V6 j7 [% h- @9 O$ _ 【小题15】; ]* _+ B! h2 O8 d, a
c A.very. C
I# Y- D) \- @3 G B.that/ P$ `* U; ?8 c/ W4 g, O: d: L" U C.quite9 Q: N
F; X7 @4 X- I D.too9 [# S; Y6 Q+ D5 `8 R0 D/ W4 U % Z8 b6 f8 D' e2 F* a
^8 P 【小题16】: A! I& O2 j2 C6 M' _1 Z5 R3 F A.If! g- I* P9 b& Z, F" Y9 H/ Y B.Though0 G% f6 G7 `2 I, f, Q C.Unless! S5 ?# i( i+ e, h8 f6 ? D.Since
d4 `% G* \2 f% j6 T) h: C + Z: J! K% O( F 【小题17】9 T$ d1 B0 C9 R5 g. X/ F A.prize- P: f. ]5 P2 h" @7 b2 I B.rank, V6 T( ]1 c
E7 ?7 E" E9 f4 H: f4 [! V; f* a f$ a, U# P8 L 6 B$ W' A( ^) f2 g 【小题18】) b) d. G% d& T' e7 Z A.replied; H* _: S2 ?& f2 I B.realized. W( I" d8 F* N C.remembered% j5 Z9 S$ D+ i1 H D.regretted& i# _7 L8 C, f' _8 ^
M ; R% Q; N6 a7 f* A0 [1 ^
K 【小题19】1 \3 h6 @6 _# `1 B A.offered/ i' Y9 ], a( b: e1 Z
@- F' b2 [ B.valued5 ?" a* K7 V9 [7 b' I* T, H C.owned/ b$ S9 K3 h, E" ^; \+ A/ g D.controlled6 D$ S8 @( ?, B0 K/ \ : J
F2 h& Y7 c4 L7 j 【小题20】; _" H7 c
P1 R# ]1 Q4 j A.clap7 W4 H* X0 K* b( A, X B.wave& O& G4 B! _/ `' d1 \6 P
C C.raise0 i. a0 P! A: I: M0 \ D.shake! i- S: G1 R7 h% J: P( H$ j ; E+ ^: [# ^5 ^1 f. b 科目:难易度:最佳答案【小题1】A【小题2】B【小题3】C【小题4】C【小题5】D【小题6】C【小题7】B【小题8】D【小题9】D【小题10】C【小题11】B【小题12】D【小题13】A【小题14】A【小题15】B【小题16】D【小题17】A【小题18】B【小题19】C【小题20】A解析试题分析:本文向读者讲述了来自非洲的孤儿Suzy很难融入到班级里 ,一个偶然的机会,我发现她很有绘画才能,美术老师让她为学校的才能秀画海报。校长给她颁发了特别讲,我知道她很快就可以融入到这个社会了。【小题1】A考察动词词义辨析及语境串联。A开玩笑,作弄;B关心;C培训;D担心;因为她的个子很小班级里的男生经常作弄她来娱乐他们自己。可知她并没有很好的融入美国社会。故A正确。【小题2】B考察动词词义辨析及上下文串联。A报道;B决定;C抱怨;D询问;我只知道她是一个来自非洲的孤儿,被一个城里的家庭收养,这家人决定了解美国生活方式最好的方法就是和美国孩子在一起,所以就送她来学校里了。根据句意可知ACD三项与上下文语境不相符。【小题3】C考察形容词辨析和上下文串联。A富有的;B自豪的;C个子小的;D受欢迎的;根据文章第2句She was really small for her age of 12可知她的个子比较矮小。我 看着这个矮小的女生,决定要帮助她【小题4】C考察固定搭配。Fit in融入,融合;我想帮助她,但是我怎么才能够帮助他融入到我们之中呢?,故选C项。【小题5】D考察名词词义辨析及语境理解。A方式;B式样;C选择;D方法;虽然我暂时还没有想起来,但是一定是有方法能够让她融入到班级里的。故D正确。【小题6】C考察动词词义辨析及上下文串联。A阅读;B带走;C打开;D放置;有一天我进入教室的时候,她已经打开了地理书到一张火车的图片,在她的笔记本上,她画了一个完美的复制品。故C正确。【小题7】B考察形容词辨析及上下文串联。A自由的;B完美的;C最终的;D额外的;根据下文可知她美术非常好,所以她可以画出几乎一样的完美的图片来。故B正确。【小题8】D考察名词词义辨析及考察上下文串联。B 交谈;C小测试;D才干,才能;根据45空后the talent show的我认为他可以为即将到来的才能秀做些事情。故D正确。【小题9】D考察动词词义辨析及上下文串联。A涂颜色;B写;C雕刻;D画;根据42空可知她画了一个很漂亮的火车,和书里的几乎一样。我把她所画的东西给了美术老师看。故D正确。【小题10】C考察介词辨析。A在…地方;B在…之后;C为…;D在…附近;美术老师给我们看了一张她为才能秀所画的海报。然后请Suzy帮她多画一些。故C正确。【小题11】B考察名词词义辨析。A房间;B时间;C纸张;D兴趣;美术老师告诉Suzy,她需要这些海报,可是她没有足够的时间,所以请Suzy帮忙多画一些。故B正确。【小题12】D考察名词辨析及上下文串联。A礼物;B书本;C照片;D海报;在才能秀之前的一天,Suzy所画的海报到处都是,而且每一张都各不相同。充分说明她在美术方面很有才干。故D正确。【小题13】A考察形容词词义辨析及上下文串联。A特别的;B学术的;C国家的;D皇室的;在才能秀的最后,校长说:我们有一个很特别的奖,大家一定注意到这些很棒的海报了。这是给Suzy的特别奖。故A正确【小题14】A考察动词词义辨析及上下文理解。A画;B发现;C印刷;D收集;校长告诉大家:这是我们自己的一位同学画的。海报是Suzy画的,所以A正确。【小题15】B考察副词辨析。A非常;B那么(so);C相当地;D太…;本句中的that等于so。孩子们都想知道是谁画的那么好。故B正确。【小题16】D考察连词辨析。A如果;B尽管;C除非,如果…不;D既然;因为;句意:因为这我同学在海报上是如此努力,她应该得到这个奖。根据句意可知上下文是因果关系,故D正确。【小题17】A连词名词辨析及上下文串联。A奖;B排名;军衔;C休息;D地方;根据48空后award可知这是校长给Suzy的奖。故A正确。【小题18】B考察动词词义辨析及上下文串联。A回复;B意识到;C记得;D遗憾,后悔;在那时我看着她兴奋的笑脸,我意识到也许在她的生命中她从来都没有拥有这样的奖吧!【小题19】C考察动词词义辨析。A提供;B珍惜,重视;C拥有;D控制;我意识到也许在她的生命里 ,她从来都没有拥有这样的奖吧!,故选C项。【小题20】A考察动词词义辨析及语境串联。A拍手;B挥动;C提高,抚养;D摇晃;每个人都开始拍手,Suzy对着大家害羞地笑着。我知道她的一切都会好起来的,故选A项。考点:故事类短文。知识点:&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题


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