雅思4 test 3 雅思听力section4 123 daan

  剑桥IELTS 4 听力答案&TEST 1
  1. shopping / variety of shopping
  2. guided tours
  3. more than 12 / over 12
  4. notice board
  5. 13th February
  6. Tower of London
  7. Bristol
  8. American Museum
  9. student newspaper
  10. Yentob
  11. coal&firewood
  12. local craftsmen
  13. 160
  14. Woodside
  15. Ticket Office
  16. Gift Shop
  17. (main) Workshop
  18. Showroom
  19. Cafe
  20. cottages
  21. A &22. C &23. E& 24. B& 25. G &26. F 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. B
  31. cities / environment
  32. windy
  33. humid
  34. shady / shaded
  35. dangerous
  36. leaves
  37. ground
  38. considerably reduce / decrease / filter
  39. low
  40. space / room
  剑桥IELTS 4 听力答案&TEST 2
  1. C&  2. C  3. B  4. B  5. A
  6. Cathedral
  7. Markets
  8. Gardens
  9. Art Gallery
  10. climb the tower / see the view
  11. C 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. B 19. B& 20. A
  21. collecting data / gathering data / data collection
  22. 1,500
  24. 3,000 & 4,000
  25. B&  26. C
  27. Mehta
  28. Survey / Research
  29. London University / London University Press
  30. 1988
  31. C&  32. A
  33. mass media / media
  34. academic circles / academics / researchers
  35. specialist knowledge / specialized knowledge
  36. unaware
  37. individual customers / individual consumers / individuals
  38. illegal profit / illegal profits
  39. D&  40. E
  剑桥IELTS 4 听力答案TEST 3
  1. 1-1/2 years
  2. Forest / Forrest
  3. Academic
  4. Thursday
  8. deposit
  9. monthly
  10. telephone / phone
  11. C  12. A  13. C  14. B
  15. lighting / lights / light
  16. adult / adults
  17. (at/the) Studio Theatre / Studio Theater
  18. the whole family / all the family / families
  19. (in) City Gardens / the City Gardens / outdoors
  20. young children / younger children / children
  21. A 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. C
  28. B&  29. B  30. B
  31. questionnaire
  32. approximately 2,000 / about 2,000
  33. Education
  34. halls of residence / living quarters
  35. traffic, parking
  36. lecture rooms / lecture halls / lecture theatres / lecture theaters
  37. (choice of / room for) facilities
  38. D, F  39. B 40. A, C
  剑桥IELTS 4 听力答案TEST 4
  1. College Dining Room
  2. office staff
  3. students
  4. 10th December
  5. coffee break / coffee breaks
  7. set of dictionaries / dictionaries / a good dictionary
  8. tapes
  9. photos / photographs
  10. speech
  11. B&  12. A  13. A  14. A  15. B  16. 180
  17. nearest station
  18. local history
  19. 690
  20. walking club / local walking club
  21. 20 balloons
  22. units of measurement / measurements / measurement units
  23. rock salt / salt
  24. crystals
  25. string / pieces of string
  26. (ordinary/white) light
  27. H  28. B  29. E  30. C  31. 795
  32. tail
  33. floor / bed / bottom
  34. sense of smell
  35. A  36. A  37. B  38. B  39. B  40. E
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  Part 3
  Discussion topics:
  Technology and housework
  1。 Q: What kinds of machine are used for housework in modern homes in your country?
  A: The most useful machines in Chinese households are the washing machines。 We don&t wash clothes by hand。 This kind of machine will save us a lot of trouble。 Other machines are the microwave oven and the rice cooker。
  2。 Q: How have these machines benefited people? Are there any negative effects of using them?
  A: People don&t have to wash the clothes by hand。 We just put the dirty clothes into the machine and push the button。 Then everything is done。 And there are no negative effects of using the machine。
  3。 Q: Do you think all new homes will be equipped with household machines in the future? Why?
  A: This is the trend。 I guess every home is going to be equipped with household machines。 Once people move into a new place, they must have the fridge, washing machine and the air-conditioner。 These machines are essential。
  Technology in workplace
  4。 Q: What kinds of equipment do most workers need to use in offices today?
  A: The employees need to use the photocopying machine when they need to copy some documents。 They also use the computers to contact their clients。 They make phone calls as well。
  5。 Q: How have developments in technology affected employment in your country?
  A: I don&t think that technology has affected the employment。 We still need people to operate the machines, but I guess the number of workers is decreasing。 Maybe someday in the future, robots would replace people in work。
  6。 Q: Some people think that technology has brought more stress than benefits to employed people nowadays。 Would you agree or disagree? Why?
  A: I think this is partially correct。 My parents are going to have more stress than I have。 For their generation, they didn&t have the chance to use the technology when they were young。 They are not good at handling these machines。 Another problem is that their English level is not high, and they don&t understand the English instructions。
  Part 3
  Discussion topics:
  Technology and housework
  1。 Q: What kinds of machines are used for housework in modem homes in your country?
  A: In England we use many different types of machines for doing the housework。 The most commonly used are, the washing machine to clean the clothes, the tumble dryer to dry the clothes, the dishwasher to wash the plates and cups and the vacuum cleaner to clean the carpet。
  2。 Q: How have these machines benefited people? Are there any negative effects of using them?
  A: I think these machines have benefited people because it enables the housework to be completed quicker and therefore gives us more time to relax。 The negative side of these machines is that they are expensive so not everybody can afford them。
  3。 Q: Do you think all new homes will be equipped with household machines in the fixture? Why?
  A: Yes, I think all homes will because the machines are efficient and make life so much easier!
  Technology in the work place
  4。 Q: What kinds of equipment do most workers need to use in offices today?
  A: They use computers and communicate via email。 It is also a very handy way to source information as the whole internet is at our fingertips。
  Or A: In offices today workers use many different types of technology。 The main types include the computer, the photocopier, the telephone and the fax machine。
  5。 Q: How have developments in technology affected employment in your country?
  A: It has created a lot of jobs because there is a big demand for the technology that China supplies。 New technology has enabled companies to do business with other companies all over the world and at a faster speed but the negative side of this new technology is that sometimes these machines have been used to take the job of a real person。
  6。 Q: Some people think that technology has brought more stress than benefits to employed people nowadays。 Would you agree or disagree? Why?
  A: I agree that the development of technology has brought more stress than benefits for a number of reasons。 As a result of increased pressure to complete work at a faster rate people are taking their work home with them, therefore, having less free time to relax and spend with their family。 They are becoming 24 hours a day on call and reachable by the office at anytime。
  Or A: Increased developments in technology have also meant that human interaction is becoming less and instead of communicating with a person we are left listening to a prerecorded message。 This can become quite frustrating especially if you are time restricted and have a specific query that needs answering。
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京公网安备82号剑桥雅思6阅读解析-Test1_英语考试_外语学习_教育专区。READING READING PASSAGE ...『解析』 8 题号 14 关键词 in the future 原文定位 I 段首句 答案:I ... 剑桥雅思6阅读解析-Test4_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。READING READING PASSAGE ...参考译文 题解 答案 然而,对于在小学受过教育的母亲,其婴儿的死亡率明显更低... 剑桥雅思6阅读解析-Test3_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。READING PASSAGE 1 文章...12 earnings,disclosed 题解 答案 原文中 remuneration 替换题干中 earnings,... 剑桥雅思6阅读解析-Test2_英语考试_外语学习_教育专区。READING PASSAGE 1 文章...,如 果能够理解这一点,也就不难判断段落首句中的表语从句才是主要阅读内容。... 剑桥雅思真题6 test1 (+答案+范文)_英语考试_外语学习_教育专区 暂无评价|0人阅读|0次下载|举报文档 剑桥雅思真题6 test1 (+答案+范文)_英语考试_外语学习_... 剑桥雅思 6 第一套阅读真题原文+解析 READING PASSAGE 2 You should spend...“现代货物装卸方法的影 响”,可以判断出答案应该是一个比较抽 象的概括性名词...
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摘要: 剑桥雅思9阅读答案解析Test3Passage2整体分析:体裁-说明文;题材-能源与科技;主题-潮汐能;
Question 13&17:C、E、A、C
Question 18&22:A、D、E、F、J
体 &&&裁& 说明文
题 &&&材& 能源与科技
主 &&&题& 潮汐能
段落概括 &引言&&&&& 概述潮汐能对于英国的影响和重要性
&&&&&& A段&&&&& 潮汐能相对于其他能源的优点以及将给英国带来的利益
&&&&&& B段&&&&& 潮汐能的潜力
&&&&&& C段&&&&& 有关潮汐能科技的开发
&&&&&& D段&&&&& 海洋涡轮叶片的描述及优点
&&&&&& E段&&&&&& 海洋涡轮的潜力和即将给英国带来的利益
&&&&&& F段&&&&&& 目前存在的有关海洋涡轮的技术难点
turbine n,涡轮
current n.(水,气,电)流
constant adj.恒定的,经常的
renewable adj.可再生的
emission n.排放
tidal adj.潮汐的
predictable adj.可预测的
self-sufficient adj.自给自足的
drastically adv.彻底地;激烈地
nuclear power plant 核电站
competitive adj.有竞争力的
ailing adj.状况不佳的,面临困难的
undercut v.廉价出售
sustainable adj.可持续的
venture n.企业;风险;冒险
saline adj.盐的,含有盐分的
subsidiary n.子公司
indented adj.锯齿状的
install v.安装
hostile adj.敌对的,怀有敌意的
marine adj.海洋的
potential adj.有潜力的
diameter n.直径
creature n.生物
objection n.反对
maintenance n.维护,保持
vibration n.震动
submerge v.淹没,浸入
float v.漂浮
slight adj.轻微的
debris n.碎片,残骸
robust adj.稳健的,强壮的
Questions 14-17
location, first test site
C段第二句The first station is expected to be installed off Lynmouth in Devon shortly to test the technology in a venture jointly funded by the department of Trade and Industry and the European Union.
one site, back into Britain
E段Dr Bahaj has done most work on the Alderney site, where there are powerful currents. The single undersea turbine farm would produce far more power than needed... and be re-imported into Britain via the cable under the Channel.
one site的具体名字就是此段中提到的Alderney site,而re-imported表示再重新进口回英国,也就是题目中提到的back into Britain。
previous attempt by Britain, alternative source of energy
A段最后一句Unlike wind power, which Britain originally developed and then abandoned for 20 years ... undersea turbines could become a big export earner to island nations such as Japan and New Zealand.
由此句可知,英国曾经试图发展风能但最终还是放弃了,也就是对应了英国曾经做过previous attempt,而那个alternative source of energy就是风能。
applying technology, another industry
C段第四句The technology for dealing with the hostile saline environment i under the sea has been developed in the North Sea oil industry and much is already known about turbine blade design, because of wind power and ship propellers.
题目中的another industry就是文章中的oil industry,而applying technology被转换为the technology ... has been developed in & oil industry。
Questions 18-22
reliable, than wind power
A段第一句 ... unlike wind, the tides are predictable and the power input is constant.
cut down, air pollution
A段第二句The technology raises the prospect of Britain becoming self-sufficient in renewable energy and drastically reducing its carbon dioxide emissions.
reducing和D选项中的cut down为同义替换,而carbon dioxide emissions为二氧化碳的排放,也就是对于空气的污染。
closure of many existing power stations
A段第三句If tide, wind and wave power are all developed, Britain would be able to close gas, coal and nuclear power plants and export renewable power to other parts of Europe.
closure为close的名词形式,而gas, coal and nuclear power plants都是现有的旧能源发电站,也就是existing power stations。
increasing national income
A段最后一句 ... Britain ... undersea turbines could become a big export earner to island nations such as Japan and New Zealand.
export earner意为&可赢取出口利润&,与选项中increasing national income&能够增加国家收入&意思相同。
best, in the vicinity of coastlines
C段最后一句The best sites are between islands or around heavily indented coasts where there are strong tidal currents.
Questions 23-26
tower, for, seaweed, blades
D段最后一句The towers will stick out of the water and be lit, to warn shipping, and also be designed to be lifted out of the water for maintenance and to clean seaweed from the blades.
sea life, not in danger, blades
D段第四句Fish and other creatures are thought unlikely to be at risk from the relatively slow-turning blades.
fish and other creatures就是sea life, unlikely to be at risk替换了not in danger。通过题目判断此空格应填形容词,与blades为直接的修饰关系。
slow (turning)
air bubbles, behind, is known as
F段第一句One technical difficulty is cavitation, where low pressure behind a turning blade causes air bubbles.
由air bubbles锁定这句话,而介词behind可以直接暗示25题的答案。而26题要填写的是整个事件的总称,也就是原文中由where引导的定语从句的先行词。
low pressure;cavitation
1.& Operating on the same principle as wind turbines, the power in sea turbines comes from tidal currents which turn blades similar to ships' propellers, but, unlike wind, the tides are predictable and the power input is constant.
解析:此句的主干是the power comes from tidal currents,其中operating on the same principle as wind turbines用于修饰主语the power,是主语所发出的动作,在句中作伴随状语。而which turn blades similar to ships' propellers是定语从句,修饰tidal currents。
2. Dr Bahaj has done most work on the Alderney site, where there are powerful currents. The single undersea turbine farm would produce far more power than needed for the Channel Islands and most would be fed into the French Grid and be re-imported into Britain via the cable under the Channel.
解析:第一句中的where引导的从句为定语从句,先行词是Alderney site。第二句中的needed for the Channel Islands是一个省略的定语从句,省略了引导词和动词that is;而此句中的两个被动语态be fed into和be re-imported into是由主语发出的两个动作,其中主语most是代词,表示&大部分&,相当于most power。


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