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Best bad family photo ever as mother accidentally launches her terrified baby thru the air is captured on film | Daily Mail Online
Best bad family photo ever? Mother accidentally launches her terrified baby through the air in hilarious picture that has gone viral
The photo was taken as the family vacationed in California in AugustIt has since tallied more than two million views on RedditThe hilarious photo 'can sum up parenthood pretty succinctly,' the boy's father joked
05:55 BST, 21 September 2013
05:57 BST, 21 September 2013
'It can sum up parenthood pretty succinctly.'That's how 32-year-old Steve Cramer described a family photo that shows his wife, Elizabeth, launch the couple's 6-month-old son into the air as she attempts to swing him around for the photo.The family's Christmas-card-gone-wrong has gone viral on the Internet since it was taken in late August in San Clemente, California, while the young family was on vacation with other family members.'In my family we have about 18 of us, and a lot of kids,' Cramer,of Castle Rock, Coloroado, . 'We started out
taking the large photo getting everyone to smile. But as you can
imagine, getting all those kids to sit and smile doesn't go so well.
Oops! Elizabeth Cramer accidentally launched her 6-month-old baby during a photo shoot in California last month
Better: This shot - before the boys got cranky - turned out a little bit better
we finished with that, my 4-year-old was done. He had had enough. But
my wife and I were all on the beach in the coordinating outfits and we
really wanted to get one good picture to show off our happy family, but
it wasn't going so hot.'Cramer explains that to get the children to calm down, they try and distract the boy with some fun, candid shots.
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And that's when things went horribly wrong.'We swung them around a couple times, but the final time I heard my wife just go, ''Ahhhh!'' so I turn around and I see my son just gracefully and peacefully doing this full layout back flip, landing flat on his back in the sand,' Cramer explained. 'We were just shocked.'
The couple says the baby cried for about two minutes but eventually got over it and was fine
Cramer says the boy, Edison, cried for about two minutes but quickly got over it.'He sniffled a little bit,' said Cramer. 'But my dad is a pediatrician and looked him over and said, ''Oh, he's fine.'"Once the family realized the baby was fine, they looked at the photos the photographer had taken and realized they had Internet gold - the image has already tallied more than 2 million views since being posted on Reddit.'We looked and we got this incredible photo. It's hilarious,' Cramer said. 'Everything could have gone wrong, but it ended as best as possible. Every time I look at the picture, though, my palms still get a little sweaty.'
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EDITOR'S SIX OF THE BESTRecently, a series of bracelets have gone viral on Weibo. On these specially made bracelets are 题文Recently, a series of bracelets have gone viral on Weibo. On these specially made bracelets are the words “Cell Phone Ninja.” The bracelets are actually part of an experiment carried out by Chongqing Three Gorges University that challenges students not to use cell phones in class for 21 days. The experiment started on April 12. Each student who volunteered to participate received a bracelet. Before the first class and after the last class of each day, students were instructed to upload a photo of their bracelet to the school’s public Wechat account if they did not use their cell phones. Over 800 students signed up for the experiment and 400 were selected to participate. After seven days, only 103 students remained. The experiment was set for 21 days because of a claim in psychology that 21 days is the length of time required to form any habit. According to the teachers monitoring the activity, there were no rewards or punishments in the experiment. It depended on students themselves to make the decision. Teachers hope students can form better study habits through activities like this one. What should the student do in the experiment?A.The student should receive a bracelet.B.The student should upload the bracelet’s picture during their class.C.The student should upload the bracelet’s picture before and after their class.D.The student should open an account in the school’s public Wechat.How many students survived the experiment after a week?A.800.B.400.C.203.D.103.Why did the experiment last for 21 days?A.Because the 21st day is a special day in psychology.B.Because the organizers only have 21 days free.C.Because it is believed that it takes 21 days to develop a habit.D.Because 21 days are needed to form any hobby.According to the teachers monitoring the activity, through such activities ________.A.students must form a better study habitB.students could benefit from the activityC.students should depend on themselves to make a choiceD.few students attended it because there were no rewards or punishments学年广东省汕头市高二下学期期末教学质量监测英语试卷(带解析) 答案解析相关试题}


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