mediawiki 怎么开启 visual editer html5可视化编辑器器

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若您想要試用可视化编辑器而不實際編輯一篇文章,可讓您無拘無束的測試。 在該頁面使用可视化编辑器不須要帳號。
要使用可视化编辑器編輯頁面,請點選該頁面上方的 "编辑" 頁籤。
點選 "编辑源代码" 頁籤將會開啟傳統的 wikitext 原始碼編輯器。
您也可以在各章節點選 "编辑" 連結來開啟可视化编辑器。
當您開始編輯時 VisualEditor 工具列會顯示在畫面上方。 其中包含幾個常件的圖示:
撤销 與 重做 您所做的變更。
標題 下拉式選單:讓您可以變更段落要使用的格式。要變更段落的樣式,請將游標移至段落中並選擇此選單中的其中一個項目 (您並不需要連續選取任何文字)。 章節標題便會使用 "标题" 的格式,而子章節則為 "标题2"、"标题3" 以此類推。 文字的一般格式為 "段落"。
格式: 點選 "A" 開啟選單。 要在任何文字上使用效果您必須先選取文字。
"粗体" 項目 (B) 會將選擇的文字變更為粗體。
"斜体" 項目 (I) 會將選擇的文字變更為斜體。
"上标" 項目 (x2) 會將選擇的文字縮小並置於較週邊文字高的位置。
"下标" 項目 (x2) 會將選擇的文字縮小並置於較週邊文字低的位置。
"删除线" 項目 (S) 會在選擇的文字上劃過一條實線。
"程序代码" 項目 (一組大括號: {}) 會將選擇的文字字型更改為等寬字型,並且與上下文保持間隔 (依比例)。
"下划线" 項目 (U) 會在選擇的文字下方增加一條實線。
"语言" 項目 (Aあ) 可讓您標示選擇文字的語言 (例如:日本) 與文字方向 (例如:由右至左)。
最後一項 (),稱作 "清除样式",會移除所有已選擇文字中每個字元的格式,包括連結。
If you have not selected any text, then when you click the "A" to open the menu, and then select an item, that formatting will apply to the text that you start typing, from wherever your cursor is located.
連結工具: 此鎖鏈是指。點選該按鈕 (通常在選擇完文字之後) 會開啟。
引用 選單: "引用" 選單是用來新增內文引用 (或稱為 "註腳" 或 "參考文獻")。 使用此選單所有專案都有存取 "基本" 參考文獻格式及 "复用" 引用的能力。此選單同樣能讓您快速存取本地的引用樣板,若在您的 wiki 有開啟這些功能。
(在指定 wiki 加入在地引用樣板至 引用 選單的操作說明於 )
引用按钮: If the citoid service is enabled on your wiki, then you will see a "引用" button instead of a 引用 menu.
The citoid service tries to fill out citation templates automatically.
清單 & 縮排: 前面兩個項目可讓您將文字格式變更為 "无序列表" 或 "有序列表"。 後面兩個項目可讓您減少或增加清單項目的縮排層級。
插入: "插入" 選單可能在某些專案會不同。 以下為 所有 可能顯示的選項清單。
"媒体文件" 圖示 (山景圖) 會開啟。
"模板" 圖示 (一塊拼圖) 讓您可。
"注释" 圖示 (對話氣泡) 可讓您插入讀者無法開到的註解,這些註解僅會在編輯模式看到並且會以驚嘆號標示。
The table item allows you to insert a table.
"图库" 圖示 (多張照片) 讓您可以插入圖庫到頁面。
"公式" 圖示 (Σ) 會開啟。
"象形文字" 圖示 (一個符號 - ?) 可讓您進入象形文字插入器。 (請見下方)
"参考文献列表" 圖示 (三本書) 會開啟對話框讓您指定參考文獻要顯示在何處給讀者。 這在每一頁通常只需要做一次。
Special character insertion: The "特殊字符" (Ω) icon on the "插入" menu, when clicked, displays a dialog showing many special characters. By clicking on a specific character, you place it into the text. These special characters include some standard symbols, accents, and mathematical symbols. (此列表也可以本地设计。详情。)
页面选项tool允许您保存页面您的更改。在 页面选项tool 下面是用于调节页面设置的当前选项,如是否重定向、如何索引、及使用“语言”列出语言链接。您还可以点击一次从可视化编辑器切换到经典的wiki文本代码编辑器。
The 切换至源代码编辑 button is next to the 保存页面 button. It allows you to switch to the wikitext editor.
当您完成编辑后,点击工具栏中的蓝色“保存页面”按鈕。如果您没有做出更改,按钮会是灰色也无法被点击。 要取消您所有的编辑更改,关闭您的浏览器窗口即可。
You can also review your changes using the "检查您的更改" button to be sure they will work as intended before saving your changes. This is similar to the "显示更改" button in the wikitext editor.
想添加連結的話,可以按一下工具欄裡的“链接”按鈕(鎖鏈),或者使用快捷鍵Ctrl+K(Mac的話是? Command+K)。
輸入或選取了連結後,按一下? Enter、點擊對話框以外的地方或者按一下關閉圖標(完成)。該連結會出現在可視化編輯器的頁面上,不過要到您儲存頁面時才會一併儲存。
没有标签的外部链接就像这样:。 You can add these by placing your cursor away from any word (e.g., after a space). Open the link tool by clicking on the button or pressing the shortcut keys. 在框内输入链结,并点击“完成”按钮以插入链接。
要修改或移除现有的链接,点击文本当中的链接,然后按下在它附近出现的「链接」按钮。您也可以点击工具栏上同样的按钮或者按下键盘上的Ctrl+K快捷键。 当一个链接被选中时,它显示为蓝色框。
接著,您可以編輯連結的目標,或點選「移除」對話框右上角的圖標(垃圾桶)以完全刪除它。 您也可以在其他的視窗打開連結的目標,只要點擊$linkopen鈕(您也許得先確認外部連結是否有效)。
如果你想退出链接标签 (the text displayed as a link) or continue to write after this link, you can press →:
press it once will escape the link editing dialog and put your cursor at the end of the element linked (blue framed, to edit this element)
press it twice will put the cursor after the element linked, ready to type the rest of your text
To edit the link label of an existing link, click within the link label and type the new one. But if you want to replace the entire label, please note:
If you have selected (highlighted) the entire link label, the link will be deleted by typing any key. You may link it from start.
To keep the link directly, you may click within that link label, use backspace and delete key without pressing it once more than necessary, and a narrow blue link area will remain there. Now you may type in the new label for the kept link.
更多信息请参见 or
您的维基可能使用以下三种脚注系统中的一种: 右边所示的是最简单的一种系统,其中"引用"选单不包括任何引用模板。 如果您的维基使用的是这套系统,那么您所需要了解的关于脚注的资讯在这个页面上。
The second system has the same type of "引用" menu, but with several popular citation templates set up for quick access. If your wiki uses this system, then you will find more details at .
In the third system, you again start by clicking the Cite button. Then a dialog box opens, which includes an automatic citation process using the citoid service. If your wiki uses this system, you will find more details at .
许多维基都使用模板来格式化参考以达到统一的参考格式标准。如果 wiki 上的某个模板尚不支持引用菜单或未包含在常用模板中,当您要在模板编辑器中编辑该目标时会发现它的内容变为蓝色。
If a template was used and you click on the reference information, then the 模板 icon (puzzle piece) will appear with some information. Click on the "edit" button to edit the content of the template in the template mini-editor dialog.
Inside the template mini-editor, you can add or remove types of information or change current content. Only fields (template parameters) that have content will show, initially. To add fields, click on "添加更多信息" at the bottom of the mini-editor.
To re-use an existing reference, place your cursor in the body of the text where you want to add a new reference (number) for that citation. Then click on the "复用" item from the "引用" menu.
(Note: If your wiki has the third footnote system described above, you'll see a "Re-use" tab, in a dialog, instead of a "Re-use" item on the "引用" menu.)
To add a citation using the "引用" menu, place your cursor where you want to add it in the text. Then select the appropriate citation type in the menu.
如果您要在新引用中使用模板,请点击引用编辑器“插入”工具栏菜单中的 模板 图标(拼图)。
If you are using several groups of references, which is relatively rare, you can specify the group in this dialog. Only the references that belong to that group will be displayed on the page at the location where you are placing the group.
如果您的 wiki 支持引用菜单,则这样添加引用很方便。 (添加引用菜单到特定维基的方法已在提供。)
After the image you selected is inserted into the page, another dialog will open. This dialog allows you to add and edit the caption of the image. The caption can contain formatting and links.
You can also set various parameters for the image in the "高级设置" window. These include the alignment, the type, and size of the image.
For an existing image, you can add or edit a caption or other settings by clicking on the image, then clicking on the "媒体文件" icon that appears below the picture.
You can resize an existing image by clicking on it, then moving the resize icon (the two-headed arrow on one or both bottom corners).
You need to describe the image and add categories to it so that other people can find it.
To edit an existing gallery in the visual editor, click that gallery. Then, near the bottom of the gallery, click the gallery icon (a set of photos). This brings up the gallery editor, with the full list of images included in the gallery.
The gallery editor is currently a simple box that allows you to edit existing galleries using wikitext markup. To add a new image to an existing gallery, type the file name, followed by a bar (|) and the caption for that image. You must put each image in the gallery on its own line. 你也可以编辑该列表以移除图片、重排图片或添加图片说明。
When you click the "完成" button, you will exit the gallery editor. You should then see your changes, with the gallery as it will now appear to readers.
阅读时看不到有些模板。 在可视化编辑器中,隐藏的模板显示为拼图图标。
当您添加新的模板或打开一个现有的模板时,可视化编辑器打开"嵌入" 对话。你所看到的取决于是否可视化编辑器知道模板的额外信息,称为。
The template shown here has no TemplateData set up for it. The dialog shows a link to documentation for the template. You can read the documentation to figure out if the template has any parameters (fields), and what goes in each field. Use numbers as the name for each nameless parameter. The first un-named parameter is named 1, the second is named 2, and so forth.
If a template has been updated to contain
information, then the dialog will show a list of individual (named) parameters.
For an existing template, you can edit the parameters shown in the dialog, and you can add parameters by clicking "添加更多信息", at the very bottom of the dialog.
当该模板需要 来使用时,在模板名之前添加subst:(留意需要加上半角冒号)。
添加subst:后,模板名自动匹配查找会失效。请在完成自动匹配查找到模板名后再添加 subst:。
You can use the visual editor to create lists, or to change the format of an existing list. There are two types of lists: unordered (bullet) and ordered (numbered).
To start a new list, just click on one of the two menu items shown here. Or, if you already have typed the list (on separate lines), select (highlight) the list you have typed, then click on one of the menu items.
Shown here are examples of the two types of lists: unordered (bullet) and ordered (numbered).
If you want to change the indentation level of part of an existing list, select the part of the list that you want to change.
Then use the menu, or press the Tab key. (The Tab key i use the shift key plus the Tab key to decrease indentation)
Here is the result of increased indentation.
You can even mix ordered (numbered) and unordered (bullet) lists, if the list items have different indentations.
You can even import a table by dragging a comma-separated value (.csv) file from your computer into the main editing window.
When you click on "Table", in the "插入" menu, the visual editor inserts a blank four-by-four table.
Now the "Table" menu is available. From that menu, you can add a caption to the top of the table.
To select a cell, click it once.
To edit the contents of the cell (for example, to add content or to correct a spelling error), double click in the cell. Or you can select the cell and then press Return.
To end your editing of a cell, just click elsewhere.
You can merge cells: Select them, then from the Table menu, click on "Merge cells".
If you merge cells, only the text any text in the other cells is deleted when you merge the cells. If you decide that you wanted some or all of the text that was deleted, use the Undo button, move or copy the text you want, then merge the cells again.
You can also split cells that were previously merged. All the content that was in the merged cell will remain in the first cell when you do the split. You can then cut and paste text to other cells, if you want.
You also have the option of setting or changing the general (default) sorting key, which determines where the page appears when listed with other pages in the same category.
For example, the default sorting key for the article "George Washington" is "Washington, George". In the category "Presidents of the United States", the article is listed under the letter "W", not the letter "G".
To add a category for a page, type the name of the category into the field "添加分类". As you type, the visual editor will search for possible matching, existing categories. You can either select an existing category, or you can add a category that doesn't yet have its own category page. (Until that category page is created, your new category will show as a red link after you save all your editing changes.)
To remove an existing category, click on it and click on the "移除" icon (trash can) in the dialog that opens.
Clicking on a category also allows you to specify a sorting key for that specific category. Such a sorting key overrides the default sorting key.
You can make a page a redirect to another page by checking the "重定向该页面至" checkbox, and then typing the name of the page to which you want to send the reader who tries to go to the page that you're editing.
At the bottom is the option to prevent page renames from updating this redirect. This is very rarely used.
要添加新的数学公式, 请将光标放在要插入的目标位置,在工具栏的“插入”下拉菜单中点击“公式”图标 ("Σ")。
在打开的窗口中您可以输入 LaTeX 语法的数学公式。当您输入公式时,可视化编辑器会实时更新显示您做出的修改。当公式正确后,请单击“完成”按钮。
To edit an existing mathematical formula on the page, click on it and then click on the "Σ" icon that appears. This will open up the formula window, where you make changes.
Mathematical formulae can be placed inline or centered as a block.
In most cases, the existing items can be edited, but new ones cannot be inserted in the visual editor.
Until they are fully supported, you can copy an existing one from another page, or edit the source wikitext directly.
To switch from the visual editor to the wikitext editor, click the [[ ]] button on the far right of the toolbar.
If you've done any editing, you'll be asked whether you want to keep your changes. Normally you'll click on "Keep changes".
You'll see a diff. (If you clicked on "Discard changes", you'll just see wikitext, ready to edit with the wikitext editor.)
You can also switch from the wikitext editor to the visual editor. To do that, click the pencil icon on the far right of the toolbar.
After you click the pencil icon, if you've done any editing you'll be asked whether you want to keep your changes. If you click "Keep changes", you'll go to the visual editor. If you click "Discard changes", you'll be asked to confirm that is what you want to do (click on "Leave Page" to confirm) before the visual editor will start.


更多关于 json可视化编辑器 的文章


