卑鄙的我台词 哈姆雷特台词中英对照照

英文对白英语剧本台词对话在线阅读-卑鄙的我2Despicable Me 2
Despicable Me 2
Three weeks, and we're still no closer to cracking this.
Right, bring him in!
This is the best party ever!
Oh, no! A dragon is approaching!
Fear not, for here come the gallant knights to save us.
No, no, no. What do you mean she's not coming?
I have a backyard full of these little girls
who are counting on a visit from a fairy princess.
Hurts! Stop it!
Listen! I don't want a refund, I want the fairy princess, please!
Please, I'm begging you.
You know what? I hope that you can sleep at night,
you crusher of little girls' dreams!
When's the fairy princess coming?
Any minute now!
Stall them!
Whoa! Whoa, okay! Okay, all right.
That's enough of the magic show.
Wait, did you hear that?
It sounded like the twinkling sounds of magical fairy dust.
It's the fairy princess! She's coming!
- Huh? Oh! - Eh?
It is I, Gruzinkerbell,
the most magical fairy princess of all!
And I am here to wish Princess Agnes
a very happy birthday!
How come you're so fat?
my house is made of candy,
and sometimes I eat instead of facing my problems!
How come you have...
Okay, time for cake.
Thank you, Gruzinkerbell! You're the best fairy princess ever!
You are welcome, little girl!
I know it's really you, Gru. I'm just pretending for the other kids.
Hey there, Gru. Mr. Life of the Party!
Hello, Jillian.
So, I'm gonna go out on a limb here,
- but my friend Natalie is recently single, and... - Oop.
No, no, no, get off the limb right now. No limb.
Come on, she's a riot!
She sings karaoke, she has a lot of free time,
looks aren't that important to her...
No, Jills, that is not happening. Seriously, I'm fine.
Okay, fine, forget Natalie. How about my cousin Linda?
Oh! Oh! I know someone whose husband just died...
I'm sorry, I did not see you there.
Kyle? Kyle?
Kyle, no! Do not do your business on the petunias!
There you go. Those are Fred's, go crazy.
I didn't... What? Yes?
Hi! Agent Lucy Wilde of the AVL.
Oh, whoops!
Sorry, you're gonna have to come with me.
Oh, sorry, I... freeze ray!
You know, you really should announce
your weapons after you fire them, Mr. Gru.
For example...
Lipstick taser!
Oh, it works so good.
Large person.
Oh, sorry.
- Get in there... - Huh?
you big man!
Huh? Ah. Quack, quack!
What? Where?
Whoa, foot is asleep.
Ah, pins and needles!
Good afternoon, Mr. Gru.
I apologize for our methods in getting you here.
I don't. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
I am not gonna lie, I enjoyed that.
Every second of it. Gave me a bit of a buzz, actually.
That's enough, Agent Wilde.
Sorry, sir.
Okay, this is bogus!
I don't know who you people think you are, but...
We are the Anti-Villain League.
An ultra-secret organization dedicated to fighting crime on a global scale.
Rob a bank, we're not interested. Kill someone, not our deal.
But you want to melt the polar ice caps, or vaporize Mount Fuji,
or even steal the Moon...
Then we notice.
First of all, you got no proof that I did that.
Second, after I did do that, I put it back!
We're well aware of that, Mr. Gru.
That's why we brought you here.
I am the League's director, Silas Ramsbottom.
Agent Wilde?
Oh, me now? Ah.
Um, recently, an entire top-secret lab
disappeared from the Arctic Circle.
Yeah, the entire lab, just...
gone. Where did it go?
I don't care.
Hmm. The lab was devoted to experiments
involving PX-41, a transmutation serum.
What is PX-41, you ask? Mmm, it's pretty bad. Look.
Huh, you usually don't see that in bunnies.
As you can see, in the wrong hands, the PX-41 serum
could be the most devastating weapon on Earth.
Fortunately, it has a very distinct chemical footprint.
And using the latest chem-tracking technology,
we found traces of it in the Paradise Mall.
Precisely. And we believe that one of these
shop owners is a master criminal.
And that's where you come in.
As an ex-villain, you know how a villain thinks, how a villain acts.
The plan is to set you up undercover
at a shop in the mall, where hopefully we'll be able to...
Okay, I see where this is going,
with all the Mission: Impossible stuff, but no. No!
I'm a father now. And a legitimate businessman.
I am developing a line of delicious jams and jellies.
&Jams and jellies&?
Oh, attitude! That's right!
So, thanks, but no thanks.
And here's a tip. Instead of tasing people and kidnapping them,
maybe you should just give them a call!
Good day, Mr. Sheepsbutt.
Oh, yeah, like that's any better.
Look, I probably shouldn't be saying this,
but your work as a villain was kind of amazing.
So, if you ever wanna get back to doing something awesome,
give us a call.
Hey, I told you guys to get to bed.
Oh, sorry.
So, when you going on your date?
Remember, Miss Jillian said she was arranging a date for you.
Yeah, well, she is a nut job, and I'm not going on any date.
Why not? Are you scared?
Hey, did you guys see the Moon Landing on TV?
Yeah, I can't believe it. It's so cool!
Excuse me? Lisa?
I was talking to Billy the other day.
He is so cute.
Ah. Hey, Lisa, I was wondering if you...
Ew! Gru touched Lisa! Gru touched Lisa!
Lisa's got Gruties!
Scared? Of what? Women? No! That's bonkers!
I just have no interest in going on a date, that's all. Case closed.
I'm not scared. Of women. Or dates.
Let's go to bed.
Good night, Edith.
Good night, Margo. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hold the horses. Who are you texting?
No one. Just my friend Avery.
Avery. Avery? Is that a girl's name or a boy's name?
Does it matter?
No, no, it doesn't matter unless it's a boy!
I know what makes you a boy.
Your bald head.
It's really smooth.
Sometimes I stare at it, and imagine a little chick popping out.
Peep peep peep.
Good night, Agnes.
Never get older.
Okay, okay.
Hey, Tim, nice haircut!
Donnie, hang in there, baby! It's almost Friday.
So, how's today's batch, Dr. Donnie?
I developed a new formula
which allowed me to get every known
kind of berry into one flavor of jelly.
That tastes good!
I love the flavor of that!
It's horrible, isn't it?
Oh, we're making great progress!
Here, try some of this.
Okay, just because everybody hates it, doesn't mean it's not good!
Listen, Gru.
There's something I've been meaning
to talk to you about for some time now.
What? What's wrong?
I miss being evil.
Sinister plots, large-scale crimes, it's what I live for.
I mean, don't you think there's more to our future than jelly?
Well, I'm also considering a line of jams.
Um, the thing is, Gru,
I've had an offer of employment elsewhere.
Dr. Nefario!
Come on, you're kidding, right?
It's a great opportunity for me.
Bigger lab, more evil,
full dental.
Very well.
Let us give you the proper send-off.
The highest honor awarded to Dr. Nefario
for your years of service,
the 21-fart gun salute!
Uh, I counted 22.
Farewell, my friends.
This may take a while.
Go about your business.
I miss you already!
Are you sure we should be doing this?
Yes, it's for his own good.
Okay, we need to choose a picture.
What is that?
Good morning, girls! I have an announcement to make.
Hey, what celebrity do you look like?
Uh, Bruce Willis.
Humpty Dumpty!
Ooh, Gollum!
Okay, what are you doing?
We're signing you up for online dating!
Oh, okay. What? No, no, no.
Oh, come on. It's fun.
And it's time for you to get out there.
No! Stop! No one is ever getting out there! Ever!
Oh! Okay, now for the announcement.
I have accepted a new job.
Whoa! Really?
Yes, I have been recruited by a top-secret agency
to go undercover and save the world!
You're gonna be a spy?
That's right, baby!
Gru's back in the game.
With gadgets and weapons and cool cars. The whole deal.
Are you really gonna save the world?
Yes. Yes, I am.
&Bake My Day. &
All right, here is the cupcake recipe I got off the Internet.
And don't go nuts with the sprinkles!
I wasn't expecting that. Or was I?
Ooh. You got... you got a little...
Here, I'll get it.
It's just spreading.
All right, all right. I got it! Stop it!
I'll let you get it.
Yeah, what you just saw there was a little
something new I've been working on.
It's a combination of Jujitsu, Krav Maga, Aztec warfare
and krumping.
Okay, that's weird. Why are you here?
On assignment from Silas. I'm your new partner.
What? No, no &yay&.
Ramsbottom didn't say anything about a partner.
Well, it seems that because of your checkered past,
everyone else refused to work with you.
But not me. I stepped up.
And I'm new, so I kind of have to do what they tell me anyway.
Do you know this guy?
Yes, he's one of my minions.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I should have known.
You are free to go.
Earth to Dave!
You can leave now.
So, what do we got? Who's on the list?
Fire them at me.
First suspect, Hedda Blumentoft,
proprietor of Mum's the Word Floral Shop.
No, not her.
Okay, moving on...
Chuck Kinney, owner of Stuff-A-Bear.
I don't think so.
Buenos d苨, my friends!
I am Eduardo Perez,
owner of Salsay Salsa restaurant, across the mall.
Now open for breakfast. And you are?
Gru. And this is Lucy. And we are closed.
This is just going to take un momento.
I am throwing a big Cinco de Mayo party,
and I am going to need 200 of your best cupcakes
decorated with the Mexican flag.
It looks something like this.
What do you think?
- Ooh. - Oh.
Look away!
You, whoo.
Anyway, I have to go. It's all settled. I'll pick them up next week!
Have a good day. Come by if you get a chance, okay?
And welcome to the mall family.
But it couldn't be.
What? What couldn't be?
That guy looks exactly like a villain named El Macho.
From about 20 years ago.
He was ruthless!
He was dangerous.
And as the name implies, very macho.
He had a reputation for pulling off heists using only his bare hands!
But sadly, like all the greats, El Macho was gone too soon.
He died in the most macho way possible.
Riding a shark
with 250 pounds of dynamite strapped to his chest
into the mouth of an active volcano!
It was glorious.
Yeah, sounds like El Macho's pretty dead.
They never found the body. Oh, no.
All that was ever retrieved was a pile of singed chest hair.
But that face! It has got to be El Macho!
Then what do you say you and I break into his restaurant? Tonight?
Yes, that's good, because I am telling you,
if anybody in this place has the PX-41 serum,
All right, all right, homework done, pajamas on, teeth brushed, time for bed.
What's the big hurry?
I just have a lot of work to do.
Work, what kind of work?
Very important business.
So, hugs, kisses.
Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs blah-blah-blah.
But you said you'd help me practice
my part for the Mother's Day show.
Fine, fine. Let me hear it. Quickly.
She kisses my boo-boos, she braids my hair.
My mother is beyond compare.
We love you, mothers, everywhere.
Wow! That was something else.
I really liked the way you smiled at the end.
Let's try this one more time,
but a teensy bit less like a zombie, okay?
She kisses my boo-boos, she braids my hair...
Perfect! Time to go.
I don't think I should do this.
Well, what do you mean? Why not?
I don't even have a mom.
Well, you don't need one to do the show.
I mean, you did the Veterans Day Pageant
and you haven't been in combat.
This is different.
Okay, well, then maybe you can just use your imagination.
You mean I pretend I have a mom?
Yes, right? You can do that, can't you?
Yeah! I do that all the time.
Thanks, Gru!
All right. Hey, hey, no, no! No.
Hey. Hey, please.
Kevin, Jerry, watch the girls for me, okay?
Dave, Stuart, come this way! With me! Come on!
- Oca! - Oca!
Looka too!
We're stealth ninjas. We make no sound.
Right. Gotcha.
All right, El Macho. You're going down.
- Wait! Wait. - What?
What are you doing?
I'm checking for laser beam alarm triggers.
It's a restaurant!
You never know what kind of booby traps
this guy could have set. Huh? Come on.
There are no booby traps.
Ha! Booby!
Oh. There's a chicken.
Are you lost, little guy?
You must be lost.
Ha! Some guard dog.
Get it off of me! Get it off of me!
I got you!
What is wrong with that chicken?
Hey, that pollo is loco.
Okay, let's go.
Are you getting anything?
No, not yet.
But, hey, maybe you can find something with these X-ray goggles.
How are they working? Tell me! Tell me!
What's wrong? Is something wrong?
That's an image I'll never get out of my brain. Blech!
I knew it!
The serum is in here!
Ooh, then let's get it.
This is going to be good!
Somebody's going to die tonight.
What did they do to you? Pollito? Can you hear me?
Who would do this to such a sweet little chicken?
What? Who's there?
You coming out? Or am I gonna go in?
Gru, call one of your munchkins!
We've been spotted! Come get us!
Hmm, subtle.
Over here! Over here!
Hold tight!
I have you now!
Yay! Ice cream!
All right, there he is.
Suspect number eight, Floyd Eaglesan.
See if you can get closer. Go, go.
All right.
What the...
Oh, no. That's not good.
Hey, uh, what?
Oh, girls! What are you doing here?
Well, we thought we'd come visit you at work.
So, you're saving the world in a garbage can?
Hey! There you are.
Oh. Who's this?
Lucy, these are my girls, Margo, Edith and Agnes.
Girls, Lucy. Lucy, girls.
- Hello. - Hi.
Are you single?
Oh! Goodness.
Oh, hey! I have an idea. Since Lucy and I have lots of work to do,
- why don't you girls go and explore the mall? - Bye!
Here is some money, go buy some useless mall junk.
Some headbands and...
Are you gonna marry Lucy?
Are you out of your gourd? No! She just works with me.
Plus, you love her.
You love her! You love her! You really, really love her!
And you're gonna get married!
Okay, stop. This is a song of lies.
And I will be the flower girl!
I don't even like her. Now, go have fun!
Almost forgot. Hugs!
Good luck saving the world. Bye.
Kids, right? They're funny.
Those girls totally adore you.
I bet you're a fun dad.
I am pretty fun.
Is that stealing?
Not if my wish was that I would get a lot of free coins.
Cool glasses.
I'm Antonio.
I'm Margo.
I was just going to get a cookie. Care to join me?
I'm Margo.
Um, I'll catch up with you guys later.
Can I be the first to say, &Ew!&
We gotta go tell Gru!
All right, I'm going in.
If it picks up any traces of the serum, the sensor in your belt buckle
will make a sound like this...
Mee-maw! Mee-maw!
- Mee-maw! Mee-maw! - Okay!
I get it. I get it.
Welcome to Eagle Hair Club.
It's about time you showed up,
You know my name?
When someone moves into the mall who is folically-challenged,
I make it my business to know all about them.
You are bald, and that is bad.
There you go, my sweet.
I'm getting nothing so far.
I think you need to move around.
Wow, this looks interesting. What is it?
I take it you're an art lover?
Yeah, not so much.
Oh, how about this impressive trinket?
I'd hardly call it a trinket, Mr. Gru.
- Nothing. - The International...
Yeah, I don't care.
Mee-maw! Mee-maw!
Hold on, I'm picking up something. Behind that wall!
Ah, and what do we have here?
These are my trial wigs. You should take one.
No, thanks. So, what's on the other side of the wall?
Here you are! Look at me! Focus!
I promise that this wig will transform you from ugly
to irresistible.
Margo has a boyfriend!
And they're going on a date!
Date? Boyfriend?
There she goes!
Oh, you're so funny.
- Look, they're in love. - Oh, no, no, no.
Do not say that. No, no, no.
And my dream is to one day play video games for a living.
You're so complicated.
What is going on here?
Oh, Gru, se llama Antonio. Me llamo Margo.
Me llama-lama ding-dong. Who cares? Let's go.
Kids eat free on Tuesdays.
That's awesome!
- So good to see you again, mi compadre! - Ha! Yeah.
Oh, I see you have already met my father.
What? Father?
Si. Look at this crazy small world we live in, eh?
Come, sit, let me get you something.
- Oh, look at you. - Heh?
He likes me.
Oh, oh! I'm sorry. Pollito is usually very friendly.
He had a rough night.
Well, we really should be going. Girls, come on.
That is a pity.
Young love is beautiful, no?
You know, they're not in love. They hardly know each other.
You are right, Cabeza de huevo.
They must get to know each other better!
Antonio, why don't you invite your girlfriend and her family
to our Cinco de Mayo party?
I'm sorry, El Macho?
Hadn't we eliminated him as a suspect
after the whole salsa incident?
Yes, but there has been a new development,
and I'm telling you, this is the guy.
You need to arrest him immediately.
And his deviously charming son!
I'm pretty sure that the son is involved, too.
The son, also! You got to get the son!
I think that the son is the mastermind!
There's a look, there's a devilish look
in his eyes, and I don't like it!
Yes, but I don't really see any evidence.
Evidence, schmevidence. I go with my gut,
and my gut tells me that this guy is El Macho.
Lock him up, lock up the son.
Don't forget about the son. The kid gives me the creeps!
Oh, dear, dear, dear.
But, on the less crazy side of things,
Gru discovered traces of the serum at Eagle Hair Club!
Hmm, interesting.
Yeah! And you know who made that happen? Huh?
This guy. Nailed it. Amazing, right?
No, I mean, sure. But it's not him, it is El Macho!
Mr. Gru, please!
No! It is him, and I will prove it!
Gru, come on!
He really thinks it's El Macho.
Can you tell?
Give me that!
Kevin, the Wi-Fi's out!
Hey, Lance, where the heck is Kevin?
All right, we need to revisit the number of vacation days you guys get.
I can't find anybody anymore.
Gru, it's Jillian!
I've got good news!
I have my friend Shannon here with me.
I was thinking you two could get some grub.
You know, tear it up, see what happens!
La, la, la, la, la, la, la...
Agnes! Agnes, tell Jillian I'm not here.
Gru's not here.
Are you sure?
Yes, he just told me!
I mean, no, he didn't just tell me.
Agnes, where is Gru?
He's putting on lipstick!
He's swatting at flies!
He's chopping his head off!
He's pooping?
I know you're in there, Gru!
There's no way you're getting out of this!
I have to tell you, I was so nervous about tonight.
I mean there's just so many phonies out there!
Yes, I hear you.
Oh, so, do you work out?
I mean, obviously, you don't, but would you consider it?
Huh? Physical fitness is very important to Shannon.
As you can tell, right? Huh?
I can tell.
We are in the restaurant, you know.
- Hi. - Takeout for Lucy?
Sure, just a sec.
Your accent is so exotic.
Ah. Well, thank you very much.
I know someone who can fix that for you.
And you'll be talking normal in no time!
Whoo. Is it hot in here?
How's the food?
Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Are you wearing a wig?
Ah! I don't think so.
I knew it.
You're a phony. I hate phonies!
Oh, what? No. These locks are all mine.
No, they're not!
You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna rip that thing off your head,
and show everyone what a bald-headed phony you are.
I don't think so, Miss Lady.
Hello? Are you...
Hello, Lucy. How are you doing?
Wow, looks like your date's out for the count.
It's like she's been shot with a mild moose tranquilizer.
Yeah, I'm winking because that's what actually happened.
Scusi, what's happening here? She no like?
Oh, she's just, uh...
Shall we take her home?
Well, I think you did it. You just officially had the worst date ever.
Huh, tell me about it.
Don't worry. It can only get better from here, right?
But if it doesn't, you can always borrow my dart gun.
I've had to use it on one or two dates myself.
Yeah, you know, as far as dates go,
I think I'm good with just the one.
Well, good night, partner.
This was fun.
Yes. Surprisingly, it was.
Oh, and, uh, just between you and me?
You look much better bald.
See you tomorrow.
Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!
So, I take it the date went well?
No, it was horrible.
Mr. Ramsbottom?
Oh, hello.
What are you doing here?
- We got him. - Got who?
Floyd Eaglesan!
Our agents located a secret room in his shop last night
and discovered this.
It's empty, but we found traces of the PX-41 serum in it.
He's our man.
So, somehow, in spite of your incompetence, we solved this one.
I was framed!
You won't get away with this!
Get your mitts off of me! I am a legitimate businessman.
Ah. All right. So what now?
Well, now you're free to go back to your business.
Mmm. Jams and jellies.
And it looks like Agent Wilde will be
transferring to our Australian branch.
But thank you for everything.
And by everything, of course I mean nothing.
Toodle pip and cheerio, Mr. Gru.
- Hey, there. - Hey.
So, we got him.
Yay. That's great.
And now you're going to Australia?
Well, it's not definite yet. I'm still figuring it out.
I've already been working on my accent.
Wallaby. Didgeridoo.
Hugh Jackman.
So, um... pretty excited.
Well, good luck.
Thanks. You, too.
Oh! Here. I wanted to give you this.
Your lipstick taser?
Yeah, it's just a memento.
Just, you know, from the first time we met.
Oh. Thank you, Lucy.
Agent Wilde.
Well, it looks like they need you, so...
Yeah, I better go.
I brought you an umbrella.
Ah, thank you.
What are you doing out here?
Remember when you said that I liked Lucy?
Well, it turns out,
you're right.
Yes, but...
Well, she's moving away.
I'm never going to see her again.
Is there anything I could do to help?
Aw, I don't... I don't think so, sweetheart.
Well, is there anything you could do?
Hello, Lucy. This is Gru.
I know up to this point our relationship
has been strictly professional,
and you're leaving for Australia and all, but...
Okay, here is the question.
Would you like to...
to go out on a date?
Okay, that's not helping.
All right, here we go. For real this time.
I can do this.
Agh! I hate you!
- Kevin? - Mmm?
- Kampai! - Kampai!
Huh? Kampai!
Cinco de May-ya-yo! Cinco de May-ya-yo!
This place is awesome!
Okay. Let's party, huh?
But first, let's go over the rules.
Because what is fun without the rules?
Agnes, easy on the churros.
- Edith, try not to kill anyone. - Hai!
Hello, Mr. Gru.
There must be the standard 6 feet of space between you and boys.
Especially this boy.
Ah, you are a funny man.
There are no rules, se?or. It's Cinco de Mayo.
Come on! They're starting the dance!
So glad you could make it, mi compadre.
Hey, what's wrong?
Oh, nothing. Nothing is wrong.
I'm just chilling with the guac, from my chip hat.
Gru, please. I know that look all too well.
It is the look of a broken heart.
How did you know?
Believe me, my friend, I too have spent many nights
trying to drown my sorrows in guacamole.
- You? - Yes.
But we are survivors.
There's much more to us than meets the eye.
Enjoy the party.
Would you like some peanuts or pretzels?
That's a good joke.
I just did a boom boom.
I really need you to make a choice, hon.
I choose Gru.
I choose Gru!
Thank you, Gru stewardess!
You're welcome!
You have not lost your touch, my friend.
Ah-ha! I knew it!
You are El Macho!
That's right!
Nobody believed me!
Ho-ho! But I knew you weren't dead!
Of course not. I merely faked my death.
But now, it's time for me
to make a spectacular return to evil.
Doctor, I think it's time we showed Gru what we're up to here.
Dr. Nefario?
Nice to see you, Gru.
So, this is your new job opportunity?
Absolutely. You're gonna like this.
I had to borrow some of your minions, but it was for a worthy cause.
Oh! Kevin!
No, he's not Kevin anymore.
Now he is an indestructible, mindless killing machine!
Just watch this.
And here's the best part!
I got an army of them!
Look, look, look!
Soon I will unleash them on the world,
and if anyone, anyone tries to stop them...
Their city gets eaten!
We can do it together.
I have admired your work for years, amigo.
Stealing the Moon! Are you kidding?
We would be unstoppable!
Men like you, men like me.
We should be ruling the world!
So, are you in?
Uh, yeah, probably.
I mean, yes, yes! Of course, yes.
I just have a lot going on right now.
I just need to get some things off my plate
before we start taking over the world, that's all.
- Excuse me? - No, forget it.
One hundred percent! I am in!
I think... Do you hear that? I do.
That's Agnes calling me from on the surface.
Totally in!
You know what?
I am not so convinced that he is in.
Edith, Agnes, come on! Ooh!
Oops, sorry.
We need to go home now. Where is Margo?
But I didn't get a turn!
Come on. We're leaving...
Hey, what's wrong?
I hate boys.
Yes. They stink.
Uh, sorry. Honey, we got to go.
Oops! Sorry.
Hey! Pollito, what's the matter?
Oh, hey, Eduardo!
Lucia, I apologize.
Pollito, he's usually not like this.
The same thing happened the other day with Gru, and...
Oh, well, speaking of Gru, um, have you seen him? I really need to talk to him.
Yes. I think he's somewhere around here.
You two are close, no?
Oh, I don't know.
I mean, &close,& I wouldn't say we were close.
Why, did he say we were close? Did he say that?
It's more what he didn't say.
For instance, he never mentioned
that you were both working for the Anti-Villain League!
You're coming with me.
So, Eduardo's actually El Macho?
No, it is not cool!
Plus, I pretty much knew it was him all along,
so if anyone's cool, it's me!
Well, Dr. Nefario.
El Macho's onto you. He knows you're working for the AVL.
And he's got your partner.
That's impossible. She's on her way to Australia!
Sorry, gotta go!
He's got Lucy?
Not for long.
Come on, we're getting her out of there.
What was that?
I don't see anything.
My unicorn!
Agnes, no!
Come on! Hurry!
What's the matter?
Dr. Nefario! You're back!
In the flesh.
Behold, the antidote.
Come on. Let's finally put this horrible jelly to some good use.
Hey, guys, come on! Stay focused here.
Curses! Foiled again!
These guys captured me!
Up that tree!
Hurry! Hurry!
Hello, Gru!
Hey hey! Nice work, Dr. Nefario!
I put an antidote in the jelly.
I mean, I'm happy to create an evil army to destroy the world,
but nobody messes with my family.
Thank you, Doctor.
Now, let's go get the...
You brought the girls?
Was that wrong?
What's happening to my minions?
You guys, take care of the rest of the minions.
I'm going to find Lucy.
Eat jelly, you purple freaks!
It's over, El Macho.
Now, where is Lucy?
Let me show you.
Oh, hey, Gru!
Turns out you were right about the whole El Macho thing, huh?
One push of this button, and I send that rocket
straight into the same volcano where I faked my death.
Only this time, it's for real.
We could have ruled the world together, Gru!
you're gonna die.
Mmm, lipstick taser!
Aw, he copied me.
I am not afraid of your jelly guns.
Oh, this ain't a jelly gun, sunshine.
Don't worry about me, Gru, I'll be fine.
I have survived lots worse than this.
Okay, that's not entirely true.
I'm actually kind of freaking out up here!
Don't worry, I will get you out of this.
I really hate that chicken.
Is there a red one? It's usually the red one!
Gru, anytime now!
Listen, Lucy, we may not get out of this alive,
so I need to ask you a question.
Uh, better make it quick.
If I had asked you out on a date, what would you have said?
Are you kidding me?
Lucy, where are you?
Sorry! I guess you need your arms to tread water, huh?
They'll be back.
Can I be the first to say, &Ew!&
Excuse me.
Um, hi, excuse me.
Hi, everybody. I'd like to make some toast.
She, um...
She kisses my boo-boos, she braids my hair.
We love you, mothers, everywhere.
And my new mom, Lucy, is beyond compare.
To the bride and Gru!
Woo-hoo! I'm so happy!
Hey, Bob! Stuart!}


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