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08年的时候新百伦出的一个金木水火土五行元素系列,当时引起了很大的轰动,没想到NB上海总仓库里面还有十几双这个鞋子,被我弄到了,原价是850的,现在只要288哦,不包邮,很划算了,鞋子成色品相都没有问题,唯一的遗憾就是鞋盒都很破了,追求完美的顾客请不要购买,发货的时候会加个外套盒子,另外希望大家尽量选择顺丰快递,别的快递太暴力了。尺码有40& 40.5& 41.5& 42& 42.5& 43& 44.5& 45库存见淘宝链接 & 旺旺 fantasywenlei
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各种新百伦NB大白菜 英美产NB
旺旺 fantasywenlei
这个真不错 哈哈
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这个真不错 哈哈
各种新百伦NB大白菜 英美产NB
旺旺 fantasywenlei
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各种新百伦NB大白菜 英美产NB
旺旺 fantasywenlei
LZ 怎么不早点发呢
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LZ 怎么不早点发呢
各种新百伦NB大白菜 英美产NB
旺旺 fantasywenlei
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各种新百伦NB大白菜 英美产NB
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白菜 AF1啊 P级 S级
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各种新百伦NB大白菜 英美产NB
旺旺 fantasywenlei
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各种新百伦NB大白菜 英美产NB
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各种新百伦NB大白菜 英美产NB
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各种新百伦NB大白菜 英美产NB
旺旺 fantasywenlei
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各种新百伦NB大白菜 英美产NB
旺旺 fantasywenlei
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各种新百伦NB大白菜 英美产NB
旺旺 fantasywenlei
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各种新百伦NB大白菜 英美产NB
旺旺 fantasywenlei
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各种新百伦NB大白菜 英美产NB
旺旺 fantasywenlei
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各种新百伦NB大白菜 英美产NB
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各种新百伦NB大白菜 英美产NB
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各种新百伦NB大白菜 英美产NB
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Share In this Aug. 3, 2012 photo, the Ugland House, the registered office for thousands of global companies, stands in George Town on Grand Cayman Island. (AP Photo/David McFadden)Along with its sandy beaches and quality snorkeling, the Cayman Islands’ reputation as an offshore tax haven for corporations, banks and hedge funds has become so well-known its financial institutions now are featured in travel brochures as yet another tourist attraction.So as we traveled across the Caribbean this week — including a stretch paralleling the south coast of Cuba past Guantanamo Bay and the Sierra Maestra mountains, where Castro and his revolutionaries once hid out — we made a stop in George Town on Grand Cayman Island. A short walk along the shore took us to 335 South Church Street, a location made famous by Barack Obama a few years ago and more recently, Jack Lew, during his confirmation hearings to become Secretary of the Treasury.There you’ll find Ugland House, a five-story office building that, according to a 2008 report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), houses 18,857 corporations, about half of which have billing addresses back in the States. It’s the business world equivalent of one of those circus cars that’s packed with more clowns than you thought possible.
In 2009, Obama said of Ugland House, “either this is the largest building in the world or the largest tax scam in the world.”In Foreign Policy magazine in January 2012, Joshua Keating
that in reality Ugland is neither but, “… the building makes a mockery of the U.S. tax system.”Keating noted that the Caymans have no direct taxes, it only costs some $600 to set up a company address there – while the company does business around the world — and that
“the Caymans also allow U.S. non-profit entities like pension funds and university endowments to invest in hedge funds without paying the ‘unrelated business income tax,’ which could be as high as 35 percent if those funds were based in the United States.” He also cited “concerns that the complexity and lack of transparency in Cayman Islands transactions can make tax evasion and money laundering easier, though,” he adds, “… the vast majority of Cayman Islands transactions are entirely legal.”
This is what the Internal Revenue Service euphemistically described to the GAO as “the Cayman Islands’ reputation for regulatory sophistication.”Ugland House offers one-stop shopping — it’s also headquarters for the international law firm Maples and Calder, experts at greasing the wheels for corporations wishing to do business via the Caymans. Recently, for example, it was announced that Maples and Calder is serving as Cayman Islands legal advisor to Seven Days Inn, a budget hotel chain in China. In a deal worth an estimated $688 million, Seven Days is being taken private by a consortium, the members of which include the Carlyle Group, the asset management company – third largest private equity firm in the world — whose past advisors and board members have included George H.W. Bush, former Secretary of State James Baker, former Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci and former British Prime Minister John Major. The consortium has lawyers in the Cayman Islands, too.Jack Lew is… so deeply immersed in the old boy nexus of Wall Street and government as to have little comprehension of how, in the midst of a soaring Dow Jones, so many millions struggle to make ends meet.Wheels within wheels. One of the thousands of entities registered at Ugland House is Citigroup Venture Capital International, a private equity fund in which our new Treasury Secretary Jack Lew invested $56,000 while he was an executive at Citigroup. He sold the investment, at a loss, for $54,118 in 2009 when he joined the Obama administration. Asked at his Senate confirmation hearing whether he knew that Citigroup had a presence in the Caymans – 121 subsidiaries, in fact, including the fund in which he had invested — Lew professed, “I do not recall being aware of any particular Citigroup subsidiaries located in the Cayman Islands.”That may seem odd, given that, as Bloomberg News and others , Lew was managing director and chief operating officer of Citi Global Wealth Management, then moved in 2008 to Citi Alternative Investments, “which managed billions of dollars in private-equity and hedge-fund investments” — the kinds of deals that are as common in the Cayman Islands as pi?a coladas.Granted, Lew has said on several occasions that he wasn’t responsible for Citigroup’s investment decisions. And true, $56,000 to many is minuscule compared to the aforementioned $688 million Chinese hotel deal, and may seem even less when stacked up against an estimated up to $11.5 trillion in .
But as Iowa Republican Chuck Grassley pointed out to Lew at the Senate confirmation hearings, with his toe dipping into Cayman Islands-based funds, “You invested more money there than the average American makes in a year.”And that’s the problem. Jack Lew is, by all accounts, a decent guy and dedicated public servant, but like so many of our recent treasury secretaries – Robert Rubin, Henry Paulson, Timothy Geithner – so deeply immersed in the old boy nexus of Wall Street and government as to have little comprehension of how, in the midst of a soaring Dow Jones, so many millions struggle to make ends meet. Nor, we fear, much willingness to resist when the next fiscal meltdown hits and the banks once more demand taxpayer billions to be taken off the hook they baited themselves.In the weeks leading up to his swearing-in at Treasury, we learned how New York University, a non-profit, gave Jack Lew more than a million dollars in mortgage loans when he became executive vice president of operations there and a $685,000 severance when he left the university to join Citigroup – all at a time when student tuition fees were going through the roof (and NYU was receiving a kickback: .25 percent of net student loans from the bank it was pushing to students as a “preferred lender” — Citigroup). And we learned that Lew’s multimillion-dollar Citigroup contract included a $944,518 bonus if he moved on to a “full time high level position with the U.S. government or regulatory body.” (Remember, too, that in the years while Lew happened to be there, Citigroup’s stock lost 85 percent of shareholder value as it received $45 billion in taxpayer bailout cash.)Jack Lew and his employers have provided seemingly logical explanations for all of these — Kevin Drum at Mother Jones magazine
that Lew’s Citigroup bonus for moving to a government job, negotiated up front before said job happened, “avoids the problem of voluntarily either paying or not paying a big bonus to someone who will exercise power over it in the future.”So keep your eye on Jack Lew’s stewardship of the nation’s bankbooks. You may know him by the company he keeps. As the poet wrote, no man is an island — Cayman or otherwise. Related Content
TAGS: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Share Please enable JavaScript to view the作者: 编辑:中国商业展示网 来源:中国服装品牌   随着中国电商行业快速成长,阿里巴巴在美国的挂牌上市,开展电商业务便成为所有行业必需要做的事件。而开展电商业务,在国内最具话题的就是服装行业。据报道,当H&M、ZARA、优衣库迅速在国内开店布点时,英国快时尚品牌TOPSHOP和NEW LOOK选择了另一条进入中国的途径,那就是与电商合作开网店。  近期在广州举办的中英贸易论坛上,英国驻华大使馆英国投资贸易总署零售行业主管马龙对外透露了,TOPSHOP和NEW LOOK进军中国市场的计划。TOPSHOP赶在国庆前正式在尚品网上线,其邀请了100多个品牌进入中国市场。随后,NEW LOO K会入驻天猫。而在此之前,英国的零售品牌早就与国内电商有合作,如马莎百货,同时在天猫和京东开店。  马龙表示,“英国品牌选择电商进入中国,是看中了它们的‘大数据’。通过点击率,商家可以收集到很多有用的用户信息,比如买家是广州的,还是长沙的?在哪个地区最受欢迎?购能力如何?通过大数据的收集和分析,就可以知道主要客户的来源地,以此决定实体店的选址,比如广州购买得最多,那么就在广州开店。”  英中贸易协会中国区总裁刘慧明对此也表示,英国的投资者有一个共同的特征,那就是进入中国非常谨慎。“他们要通过一系列市场研究和分析,才会大面积铺开店面。他们觉着自己对这个市场已经了解到一定程度了,才会往下走。”  马龙介绍称,英国政府正在进行推行出口电商化的政策。“英国有20万家的公司还没进入过中国,我们希望通过电商的平台,把英国公司带入中国发展。中国是英国第一大的海外市场,英国政府看好这个庞大的市场。我们跟很多中国的电商保持合作。比如天猫、走秀网、唯品会、尚品、京东等”  刘慧明表示,英国的电商市场,按人均量来讲是,消费量是全球最大的,英国人充分感知到这个市场的潜力,也知道怎么去运作。  另外,国内规模较大、发育较好的电商,其现有资源也被英国零售企业看好。马龙透露,英国一家成功的电商平台,它们在中国有自己的网站,但同时也选择与天猫合作。 “这是因为天猫在中国的市场占有率太大了。为了在中国市场取得成功,英国的电商必须选择以上这种方式进入中国。”  马莎百货亚洲区商业拓展总监FIN OLA LEW IS在当天的论坛会上也表示:“中国市场比较复杂,我们跟天猫合作,可以利用它原有的基础设备框架,我们很多食品的销售都是在天猫完成的。”  楚睿商业机构董事长黄文杰认为,英国零售品牌选择先触网再开实体店的这种方式,其实就是利用大数据做市场调研,理论上行得通,但效果还有待实践检验。他表示,一方面,网店的消费群体不等于全社会的消费群体,所以调查结果未必准确。另一方面,选择的电商平台也要看是否就与其产品定位相吻合,如果做出了错误的选择,也得不到正确的市场反馈。
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